Years go by in the blink of an eye!

Luoqi Immortal City floats in the sky above the boundless land. Immortal birds fly in the depths of the clouds. Immortals in golden armor are guarding all directions. Immortals come in and out of the Immortal City from time to time. There is purple energy coming from the east, making the fairy city even more ethereal.

"Finally reached safely..."

At the end of the void, a ray of light passed through layers of fairy clouds. It was Ye Yun who had rushed all the way from the Flame Mountains. Seeing Luoqi Immortal City in front of him, the sword hanging in his heart finally disappeared.

"Isn't this the man from the mansion who ordered us to pay attention?"

"Send someone to inform Yingfu!"

The Immortal City Guard seemed to recognize something when he saw Ye Yun, and respectfully welcomed Ye Yun into the city.

Before Ye Yun reached Ying's mansion, Ying Qu and Zhou Qing brought dozens of servants and flew from the depths of the city. When seeing Ye Yun, Ying Qu was very happy: "Brother Ye, you Finally came back!"

Ye Yun immediately clasped his fists and said, "Eldest Young Master, Brother Zhou!"

All the people landed immediately, and the immortals from all over the world came out curiously to watch the excitement. Zhou Qing stepped in front of Ye Yun, looked around, and asked, "Brother Ye, we have been waiting for you here for hundreds of years, so we knew that you and Brother Kui must be together." Will come back, why, you didn't come back with Brother Kui?"

"Brother Kui has fallen!" Ye Yun shook his head, Ying Qu and Zhou Qing were stunned and sighed at the same time.


Ying Qu was disappointed for a while, and immediately flew towards Ying Mansion with Ye Yun. Ye Yun felt that the treatment was completely different from the first time he entered the fairy city. It seemed that it was very convenient to have a certain force as a backer.

Win House!

"Brother Ye, this other courtyard will be your courtyard from now on. This time, my father will give you a big reward, one middle-grade magic essence pill, one billion middle-grade fairy stones, ten third-grade fairy artifacts, and one fourth-grade fairy artifact." ...and countless treasures!"

In a small courtyard with rockery, large lawn and spacious courtyard, Ying Quzheng led Ye Yun to introduce them one by one, and then took out a very important storage ring and handed it to Ye Yun.

"Thank you Palace Master!"

Ye Yun was quite surprised to get so many benefits all at once. One billion mid-grade immortal stones is enough to buy a cave. With a cave, you can set up camp anywhere in the fairy world. Taste of Immortals.

Fourth-rank fairy artifacts are considered rare items in the second-tier fairy world. Generally, great immortals use second- and third-rank fairy artifacts. Only those who surpass fourth-rank fairy artifacts are eligible to own them.

Excluding the immortal weapon, it is the middle-grade magic essence pill, which is quite useful to Ye Yun. The medicinal properties of the middle-grade and low-grade magic essence pills are more than ten times different. It just so happens that Ye Yun intends to break through the ladder. Undoubtedly, it is timely assistance.

For such a difficult task, in exchange for such a reward, plus being the guest of Ying Mansion from now on, it is a dream for any immortal.

Ying Qu was careful and thoughtful, arranged everything, and before leaving, he confessed: "Brother Ye, you should practice hard, and if you need anything, just ask me. By the way, brother, if you don't want to think about it, come with me to escort the young lady to the palace." Triple Immortal Realm!"

Ye Yun was stunned: "Three layers of fairyland, I wish for it, everyone wants to see the triple fairyland, I will not let go of this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity!"

Ying Qu said: "Originally, the quotas were determined only through the ring competition, but you and Brother Zhou shed blood and sweat this time, and I strongly recommended them in front of my father, so I asked for two quotas!"

"Thank you son, I will seize the opportunity next time!"

Ye Yungong sent Ying Qu away from the courtyard, and an unexpected smile appeared on his face: "Three layers of fairyland... simply follow the winner to marry a daughter this time, and step into the triple fairyland. Fortunately, it will take decades before I can practice in the Nine Dragon Ring and strive for a breakthrough High-level Xuxian!"

Entering the pavilion, with a thought, the entire courtyard will be sealed, and any movement or action will be sensed by Ye Yun.

"Kowloon Ring!"

A phantom of a nine-dragon appeared in the palm, and the entire pavilion was sealed layer by layer. In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun turned into a stream of light, sucked into the ring, and the courtyard of the pavilion was sleeping in the seal.

In an instant, the flowing light turned into mysterious light, and a world with infinite divinity appeared in front of Ye Yun. Below it was a huge ancient altar left by Shenluo. The sacred stone, the bones of divine beasts, and countless gems all revealed infinite divinity and were colorful. , One breath is what ordinary people absorb for ten years.


The moment in Ye Yun's body came from the time law of the fairy world, and was suppressed one by one under the space time law of Kowloon. From this moment, Ye Yun has been practicing inside for 1000 years, and the outside world has only been one year.

"Infinite divinity, what a pity, what a pity, this ancient altar, the divinity is too strong, with my current cultivation base, to absorb these divinities, it is undoubtedly an ant move, unless I reach the realm of the Great Emperor, I can absorb the divinity normally sex!"

Falling into the altar, release the Buddha and fall into the ocean of divinity. Such abundant energy is thousands of times that of the fairy world, and it is the most mysterious divinity, which is similar to the energy at the bottom of hell.

"Finally I can calm down and practice hard, Taiyi Divine Stove!"

Under Ye Yun's call, a cauldron of Taiyi divine furnace was slowly released from the void, floating on the altar, and the divine furnace was activated to start burning blazingly, absorbing the energy of the altar.

The altar is made by Shenluo using the gods of the infinite gods. With Ye Yun's current weak cultivation, it is difficult to absorb it by himself. He can only use the Taiyi God Furnace to refine it. You can absorb energy from it.

Such a stalwart altar, even the great emperor may not be able to freely absorb and refine it, unless it is an immortal god, it is possible to freely absorb it.

Ye Yun sat quietly cross-legged next to the Taiyi Divine Stove, the Taiyi Divine Stove slowly absorbed the energy of the altar, and Ye Yun absorbed the infinite Taiyi Chaos True Qi inside the Taiyi Sacred Furnace, and was blessed by the altar energy, the Taiyi Chaos True Qi The divinity contained in it becomes more and more vast, and it automatically forms a divine talisman and integrates it into the true energy.

The altar, Taiyi sacred stove, and Ye Yun form a cycle, and they remain in the Jiulong space like this. Time becomes meaningless. A random thought can be decades.

"Chi Chi~!"

Fang Buddha has been sleeping for countless centuries, and fierce qi rushed out from Ye Yun's body, turned into breaking flames, and began to burn violently, and the breaking furnace gradually formed along with the flames.

"Void Immortal Fifth Rank!"

Slowly opened the eyes, the pupils of the eyes unexpectedly spurted out infinite divinity, Fangfo Ye Yun is a god.

After absorbing the divinity, the essence, blood, cells, and bones in Ye Yun's body all contained a strong mysterious divinity, and even the infinite divinity burst out from the destructive flames.


With one punch, the divinity erupted, and with a bang, it hit the stove, and with just one punch, the broken stove was broken. At this moment, Ye Yun felt his body was burning, being burned by the divinity.


The divinity is rubbing and boiling, Ye Yun's meridians and bones are breaking, which makes Ye Yun almost stop breaking through, because the fifth level of Xuxian shouldn't have such a terrible broken body.

Feeling that the body was being broken again and again, Ye Yun couldn't stop it at this time: "It seems that the flesh body has absorbed too much divinity at once, and the body has been transformed by the divinity!"

Such a ferocious physical body shattering will only appear in the great catastrophe of crossing the realm, such as the promotion of the virtual immortal to the real immortal, and the promotion of the real immortal to the immortal king.

"Fortunately, the physical body is strong enough, and there are Taiyi Divine Light and Infinity Sun Moon God Thunder restraint in the body, otherwise, it would be difficult to reshape the physical body after it is broken... I don't know how many years it will take to reshape after this shattering!"

At this moment, Ye Yun couldn't control the shattering of his body under the divinity, or just shattering, like a long stream flowing slowly. One must know that Ye Yun's mortal body is infinitely large, how many years it would take to shatter, and then reorganize , It's really long, who let the divine nature transform the physical body this time, not the ordinary immortal nature.

Ye Yun couldn't control this kind of brokenness, he could only allow it to be broken, let the divinity transform the body, and then shifted his sight to the many mysterious divine scripts in the altar.

Divine language is a wonderful civilization that is higher than mortals and immortals. Mortals and immortals cannot recognize it, only immortal gods can. However, Ye Yun can clearly see each character. Inheritance of traces, with the will of Shinra, can see through any divine script and spell.

"Impossible, these divine texts are actually all the methods of the divine realm that Shenluo has mastered all his life. From qigong to spells, from seals to incantations, from refining weapons to formations, there are actually many methods of refining gods..."

Ye Yun was really taken aback. All the divine scriptures and mantras turned out to be God Realm exercises, covering everything, covering all aspects, like an encyclopedia, and there are mysterious introductions to many substances in the God Realm .

It turns out that there are many god-level qigong, and gods also have realms.

There are gods, holy gods, god emperors, god kings, and supreme gods, and the five realms are not divided into steps like immortals and mortals, but are based on the lower, middle, and upper. For example, gods are divided into lower gods and middle gods. , the upper part of the gods, and the artifacts are also distinguished in this way.

God-level qigong seems to be different with the realm of gods.

God-level qigong is also classified according to the levels of heavenly gods, holy gods, god emperors, god kings, and supreme gods. Ordinary god qigong and holy god qigong are very common in the god world, but god emperor qigong and god king qigong are hard to find in thousands of miles. The Divine King Qigong is almost a peerless technique in the God Realm, and the Supreme God is the legendary technique that no one has ever seen.

"It's a pity that I haven't mastered all the qigong of Taiyi Shenguangdao and Wuji Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder, so I can't tell what level of qigong it is, otherwise I can judge what god Shenluo is. In comparison, Jingshifan **** should be a god-level qigong among the heavenly gods and the holy gods!"

Ye Yun has seen too much from countless divine texts, and suddenly understands the God Realm. Not only that, Fangfo already has a general grasp of chaos, and has a feeling of standing on the top of the world and overlooking the sky.

At this time, Ye Yun could finally know the purpose of cultivation, or what is the end point, that is the Supreme God!

The Supreme God, according to what Ye Yun learned from the divine text, has never appeared in the history of the Great God Realm, but the Supreme God is the existence that opened up chaos and created all things in the universe, that is to say, if you reach the Supreme God, you can You can create the universe, the mortal world, the fairy world, or even the god world.

The universe was created by the Supreme God!

Ye Yun suddenly had a feeling that Fang Buddha's supreme god is real. He is in a certain time-space of fairy world, god's world, hell time-space, or mortal world. The supreme god is everywhere, created the world, but No one has seen God Most High.

Heavenly God, Holy God, God Emperor, God King, and the Supreme God are the five great realms. For Ye Yun, the Great Emperor is already out of reach, and the gods are even more remote.

"Now that I have mastered thousands of god-level exercises, I can transform all kinds of qigong again..."

Now in Ye Yun's mind, there are countless god-level qigongs, which are all qigongs that Shenluo has mastered all his life. According to Ye Yun's approximate calculation, there are at least [-] kinds of qigongs, and there are still many incomplete god-level qigongs. Inside, it can be seen that the God Realm is a vast and boundless world.

One hundred thousand god-level qigong, how shocking the world, Ye Yun found that most of the exercises are far superior and sacred than Jingshifan***, Jingshifan**** seems to be just sesame mung beans.

"Originally, I wanted to return to the Immortal Realm of the First Layer, kill the Fan family, and seize the Jingshi Fan***, but now I don't need it anymore. A set of low-level god-level qigong is still incomplete and worthless!"

Ye Yun continued to wander in the qigong world of the [-] gods, and found that most of them were god emperor exercises, and only a small part of god kings, because god emperors and god kings have three realms, lower, middle, and upper, so these Qigong is also divided into lower, middle and upper parts.

"Oh my God, there are still Supreme Divine Qigong... It's just that they are all sealed by Shenluo. It seems that if you don't reach a certain level, or have something, you can't open these Supreme Divine Qigong!"

"Could it be that there are many Supreme Gods..."

I was shocked to see several sets of unbelievable Supreme God Qigong. The Supreme God is a legend, but now there are Supreme God exercises, which can prove the existence of the Supreme God. At present, there is only one explanation. The height of the existence of the Supreme God is God The king can't touch it.

"Whether Shenluo is a god emperor or a god king, he actually has a hundred thousand god-level qigong..."

Ye Yun was full of doubts, but he was sure that Shen Luo might be a god emperor or a god king. Only in this way could he possess one hundred thousand qigong and the supreme god qigong.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for a god of heaven and a holy god to have the Supreme God Qigong.

"What does the God Realm really look like? I don't rely on me to create illusions like this. The God Realm must be an unimaginable world..."

Ye Yun still couldn't finish reading all the divine texts, he only read one-tenth of them, and many of the divine texts couldn't be explained. Once he mastered all the divine texts, Ye Yun would have a real partial understanding of the God Realm.

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