The silver moon is like a hook, and the stars are shining.

In Chiyun City in the middle of the night, there are lights and festoons, all the shops are closing their doors, the flow of people on the street is gradually thinning out, but murderous intentions are hidden in the joyous atmosphere.

clap clap!

Under the silent moonlit night, outside Ye Mansion, Ye Wentian descended from the sky, opened his arms, like a giant spider web, and rushed towards the spies of the Qin family densely spread around, beheading them one by one, so invincible, Ye Man led several people to collect the corpses, hide them Enter the mansion.

At this moment, Chiyun City seemed to be sleeping like a Buddha, and the gate of Ye Mansion slowly opened. Ye Yuan led the people of Ye Family out of Ye Mansion one after another quietly. There were nearly a hundred of them. The Black Banner Army has been firmly controlled by Ye Yuan, no matter how pressed by Ye Zhen and others, Ye Yuan did not hand over the Black Banner Army.

Hundreds of black flag troops fought against the Ye family, led by Ye Man and Ye Wentian, and rushed towards the city gate. People found signs of surging in the street from time to time, but there was no movement, so as not to be killed. The soldiers of the Shaoyan family patrolling the city were beheaded one by one by the Black Banner Army.

However, many of the common people went out, including many from the Qin family. Thinking about such a big movement, how could it be possible to hide it.

"Now it's as long as you can hide it, Dad, no matter what happens, you have to take the people out of the city gate. I have arranged everything. After you leave the city, go straight to Rakshasa City, and I will catch up."

At the very front, Ye Yun and Ye Yuan were together, after discussing with them, Ye Yun began to slow down his pace, and gradually stayed behind the team.

"Where did the thief come from, disarm and surrender!"

At a three-way intersection, the members of the Ye family had just appeared, but countless soldiers rushed from both sides. The leader was a general, who was also a meat fairy, unleashing tyrannical force.

"Thunder Heart Palm!"

Without saying a word, Ye Wentian saw that the city gate was in front of him. He released his true energy, and a stream of electric current densely covered his body, and shot towards the street in an instant.

"Ten heavy meat immortals, back off!"

As soon as the general saw Ye Wentian's terrifying power, he immediately saw that Ye Wentian was a tenth-level powerhouse, and he was definitely not an opponent. Tenth level, he could destroy thousands of troops.

Chi Chi Chi!

The current of true energy pressed down on the soldiers like a giant palm, and suddenly it became a cemetery, hell, corpses piled up like a mountain, and Ye Wentian waved the corpses, clearing one path, leading the Ye family to move on, while the other soldier Immediately following the chase, the two sides fought fiercely.

"Old man, go break the city gate first!"

Ye Wentian saw the huge city gate thousands of meters away, rushing towards the city gate like a comet flying into the sky, leaving several members of the Ye family behind.

There are already heavy guards in front of the city gate, and above the city gate, bows and arrows are opened, and various firearms are aimed at the wide street, ready to fire at any time.


The general who defended the city gave an order to fire at the Ye family, but when the thunder and lightning fell from the sky, several people were killed and countless firearms were destroyed.

"Ten heavy, ten heavy!"

Seeing Ye Wentian coming from the sky, the general guarding the city was terrified, but he still ordered to fire on Ye Wentian. For a while, a huge fireball rushed towards Ye Wentian.


Facing the meteor swarm of fireballs rushing towards him, Ye Wentian also showed a dignified face. As a monk, the opponent had already prepared powerful firearms, so he did not dare to be careless, and the number was so heavy, it seemed that he had already prepared.

Boom boom boom!

A dense explosion of sparks erupted around Ye Wentian, causing Ye Wentian's aura to recede and almost burst. Ye Wentian was extremely furious and wished to strangle them all.

"Great Elder, take this sword!"

Ye Yun broke through the air, took out a sword, which was one of the repair tools obtained from the two killers of Tiandimen, directly obliterated the seal in it, and threw it to Ye Wentian.

"Low-level repair tool!"

Ye Wentian was overjoyed, he really didn't expect it to be a repair tool, he received it in the palm of his hand, and immediately had the aura of dominating the world, and immediately dripped blood to refine it.

"Overlord Fist!"

A huge fist print flew out from Ye Yun's hands, and directly blasted towards the city wall. Immediately, the entire city wall was blown up, and thousands of soldiers died in the explosion.

"Go to hell for this old man!" Ye Wentian refined the sword, and slashed out with one sword, which shook the earth. Countless fireballs exploded in mid-air, and the sword energy reached the sky, killing a large number of soldiers on the city wall. Unstoppable, invincible, killing the defenders retreating steadily.

"Kill, don't let the Ye family live!"

Suddenly, soldiers and strong men from the Qin family came in dense numbers to cooperate with the Yan family. Among them were the eighth and ninth level meat immortals, and many soldiers of the Black Banner Army died in their hands.

"Get out of town!"

Seeing that the pursuers were getting bigger and stronger, and the strength of the people was getting stronger and stronger, Ye Yuan shouted, and everyone in the Ye family followed Ye Wentian's pace and rushed out of Scarlet Cloud City.


A gigantic overlord tripod fell from the sky and exploded in the camp of the joint army of the Qin family and the Yan family, killing countless meat immortals and soldiers, almost all of them perished, scaring the chasing soldiers from chasing the Ye family's team.

"What a powerful force!"

After thousands of people died, another group of strong men came, and the leader turned out to be Shizhong Meat Immortal, and he was also an important person from the Qin family and Ye family, either an elder or a guest.

Ye Yun descended from the sky and landed slowly, with his hands behind his back: "Whoever takes a step forward will be killed without mercy!"

"He...he is that good-for-nothing young master of the Ye family, a former genius, Ye Yun!"

In the two teams, some young heroes recognized Ye Yun, and they were extremely shocked, because the method just now had surpassed their cognition.


Several elders looked dignified. They had heard and seen Ye Yun before, but now Ye Yun was completely different. They took a closer look and realized that it was Ye Yun. Everyone sighed. The former genius, now It's back again, and it's still so fierce.

Whoosh whoosh!

Dozens of Meat Immortals and a few elders from the Earth Fairyland appeared, followed by nearly ten thousand soldiers, gathered together, the scene was grand, like ten thousand horses galloping.

The leaders are two old men, one of them is red-haired, obviously an ancestor of the Yan family, and the other is gray-haired, imposing, and also an ancestor-level powerhouse.

"That's right, that's right. These people are more than half the strength of the Yan family and the Qin family. Today, you should die here." Ye Yun quietly injected a force into the golden token of Tengfeng. He was giving the seven Tiandimen killers Give the order to do it, and as expected, a solemn voice resounded from the sky.

"There is no hope for life, no way to die, no shadow to come, no trace to go."

The killing sound of Tiandimen resounded in the night sky immediately, and then, seven figures flew out from all directions, and began to kill with iron blood.

"It's the Tiandimen Killer!"

The two families present panicked. The Heaven and Earth Gate is a colossal monster, and every one of them is a strong person in the Earth Wonderland. The Earth Wonderland is an existence that they cannot reach.

"Why? Why would Tiandimen attack us? Didn't the patriarch agree with Tiandimen to help my Qin family unify Chiyun City this time?"

The white-haired fairyland old man was extremely fearful for a moment. Although he was also in the fairyland, the Heaven and Earth Gate was too loud, and he was terrified from the bottom of his heart.

The seven killers, regardless of who they were, despised the living beings, and killed them with one hand. The corpses were everywhere, and no one could stop them.

"Heaven and Earth Gate actually attacked us, hmph, it doesn't matter so much, what is the Heaven and Earth Gate, today we will tear our face apart, why should my Qin family be afraid, come on!"

Although the white-haired old man was afraid, but now is not the time to think about it, he can't just wait for others to take the head, and immediately ordered to surround and kill the seven killers together with the Yan family.


After destroying half of the city gate, Ye Yun sat on the rocks, and a large number of Yan family and Qin family chased them out, but they all died in Ye Yun's hands.

Ye Yun took care of it himself, now he has nothing to worry about, he kills anyone he sees, and he doesn't have to think about his family.

On the main street, the patriarchs of the two Earth Fairylands, together with other strong meat immortals, confronted an assassin one by one. It was getting harder and harder, stuck in the mud, but couldn't leave without orders.

"Heaven and Earth Gate, death is death. It's okay to die in their hands now. Once I cultivate the Earth Immortal and wipe out the Heaven and Earth Gate in the future, your death will be even uglier."

Seeing that the seven killers were in trouble, Ye Yun had a calm expression on his face. He looks like Ye Yun now, not Teng Feng. it's him.

Seeing the Tiandimen, the Yan family, and the Qin family's dogs biting dogs, Ye Yun felt very relieved.

"Senior, why don't you help me?"

A Heaven and Earth Sect killer is surrounded by nearly a hundred people, and his opponents are also strong in the Immortal Realm. If these hundred people are all meat immortals, he can easily deal with them, but now that he has the same level in charge, he dare not be careless. He can only wait for Teng Feng to appear .

And the hope they put on, Fuji Feng, will never appear.

Their end, only a dead end.

"Heaven and earth gate kills son, how dare you attack my Qin family!"

An earth-shattering whistling sound sounded like thunder, everyone looked behind, Qin Yunlong led more than twenty Xuanwumen disciples galloping here, half of these Xuanwumen disciples were from the Earth Fairyland, and almost most of them were from the Qin family , and the rest are all from Qin Yunlong's same sect.


The killer of Tiandimen saw so many earth immortals appearing, and all of them were disciples of Xuanwumen. Originally, Tiandimen and Xuanwumen had a long history of grudges, but now the enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other. The only way out is a bloody battle.

Qin Yunlong pointed at the killer of Tiandimen, and raised his arms and shouted: "Brothers, Tiandimen has always been the enemy of our sect. Why don't we kill them together, and return to the sect to get credit for it, kill!"


Tiandimen killer was besieged and killed by twice as many enemies for a while, and he was naturally invincible at the same level. Gradually, some people were exhausted and died at the hands of Xuanwumen disciples.

"Senior won't come, withdraw!"

There were four people left, Wuming was among them, the other three nodded to each other, and fled in all directions with serious injuries, but Wuming remained motionless, raised a blood sword, and was surrounded by a sea of ​​people, but he He didn't intend to leave at all, and he didn't have a trace of fear. He fixed his gaze on the disciple of Xuanwu Sect, and his eyes were burning with hatred.

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