The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 550 Glazed Immortal Realm

Flying in the air all the way, Ying Qu and others were behind the Xia Yuan Dynasty team. The dynasty guards were very powerful, and their cultivation reached the sixth or even seventh rank of the Great Immortal. Even the two personal guards next to Xia Yunting were giants of the eighth rank of the Great Immortal.

For example, the eighth-level giant of the Great Immortal is almost a superpower in the third-level fairy world, suppressing countless big seventh-level, sixth-level or even real immortals and virtual immortals. Even if they reach the fourth-level immortal world, they can be regarded as a master.

The fourth level of immortality can be regarded as a dividing line of the ninth level of immortality. The fourth level of immortality is the place where the giants of the eighth to tenth level of the great immortal rule, and beyond the fifth level of immortality, it is the world of immortal kings.

It seems that everything in the triple fairy world grows in the void. The rivers float in the air, criss-crossing the spirit forest, like silver ribbons, and the forest sea composed of floating spirit trees stretches in the sky. Various giant birds nest on it, and there are also demon snakes dormant in it. In the forest, these celestial spirit birds must be preyed on.

These giant birds, demonic snakes, and fairy beasts are all very large, some even as long as hundreds of miles. If they are entrenched in the void, they will be thought to be a mountain range. Of course, not all huge creatures are ferocious, and some are gentle. Behemoths play around on the ground or in the void forests and mountains.

"The Triple Immortal Realm is really a fantasy world. There are spiritual things that the lower-level fairy worlds dream of everywhere. It is a pity that the immortals from the lower realms cannot come to the Triple Immortal Realm. Even if they reach here, it is difficult to move an inch. They have long been eaten by these monsters and fairy beasts, or killed by poison die!"

Seeing the unbelievable environment of the triple fairy world, Ye Yun has a feeling to stay in these forests, build a thatched hut, and end his life happily.

"Immortal Domain!!!"

Suddenly, everyone including Ying Qu was deeply shocked by a huge blue bubble-like space in front of them, which made Ye Yun feel that even the Taiyi plane was not as huge as the bubble space in front of him.

Then everyone accelerated towards the face bubble, and the world of the bubble became wider and wider. After flying for nearly a year, everyone saw that there was a vast fairyland inside the bubble, with various buildings, streets, cities, mountains, plateaus, Lakes, oceans, and stars are all in it.

The bubble world is an inner fairyland of the triple fairyland. All matter is floating in the sky, and the mysterious light channels lead to different cities, containing hundreds of millions of formations.

"Could it be that this is a fairyland!?"

Ye Yun was shocked in his heart. He has never seen such a vast and unimaginable fairyland in the fairyland for a hundred years. He once knew from Xin Wanling that there is a fairyland in the Gaozhong fairyland. A fairyland is simply a small fairyland. Now he looks majestic Only then did Ye Yun know what a fairyland is.

This fairyland is almost vaster than a thousand Luoqi fairy cities put together, and all the cities and buildings in the fairyland are floating in the sky.

"Stop, this is the Glazed Light Immortal Territory, you are not allowed to enter at will!"

Cranes suddenly flew out of the boundless barrier of the Immortal Realm, and great immortal warriors stood majesticly on top of the cranes. These warriors were all of the seventh rank of great immortals, and there were thousands of them.

"Bold, don't you know me?"

A soldier driving a crane blocked the team's way, and was about to ask questions, when suddenly the colorful curtain was lifted by Qicai Luan, and Xia Yunting came out like a king, sweeping thousands of soldiers with his hands behind his back.

"Greetings to Lord Hou, send an order to open the gate of the fairyland and let Lord Xia Yunting enter!"

All the soldiers bowed respectfully to Xia Yunting, and a general uttered a long roar towards Xianyu.


The enchantment of Misty Immortal Realm gave off a slight vibration, and immediately a celestial-shaped mysterious light flashed past everyone's eyes, and a majestic golden fairy realm gate slowly appeared in the enchantment.

"Tomorrow all of you will go to the Marquis's residence to receive the rewards, let's go!"

Xia Yunting waved his hand, turned around and entered Luanjia, the guards opened the way to guard both sides, and walked towards the gate of the fairyland with great momentum.

"Congratulations to Lord Marquis!"

All the warriors from the Immortal Realm lined up to see each other off.

"I didn't expect Xia Yunting to have such a status in this Glazed Light Immortal Realm, otherwise, if ordinary people want to enter the Immortal Realm, I'm afraid they will have to go through layers of inspections!"

Seeing the imposing manner like the return of the emperor at this time, everyone respected Xia Yunting infinitely, and respected and feared the soldiers around him. The energy of the triple fairy realm is twice as high as the energy, surging in the glazed fairyland.

As soon as he stepped into the Glazed Light Immortal Realm, Ye Yun was shocked not only by the energy, but also by the majestic buildings of the Immortal City and Immortal Pool, all of which were built in the void, and below the Immortal Domain, there were all colorful formations. Many heavenly prisons hold a large number of immortals, and the soldiers guarding the immortals are dressed in different clothes.

The cities in the Immortal Realm are neatly planned, each city is separated by a certain distance, and there are soldiers in different costumes patrolling, driving cranes, flying horses, giant birds or fairy beasts, and these soldiers are dressed in different ways, and are made by different forces. Control, the rest of the world is the world of spiritual trees, or waterfalls and galaxies.

"Xianyu, if you can be a servant here, you are also a master. It's a pity that Ying Mansion doesn't even want to own a piece of land here. How can you and I stay here? You haven't seen Lord Hou, and you haven't been with him at all. If Young Master Ying talks, he doesn’t pay attention to the winner, you and I are not even considered as people from Yingfu!”

"You and I have never entered the fairyland in our life..."

At the back of the team, the winners, a dozen great immortals, were envious of the vast fairyland, discussing in private.

"these people……"

Hearing everyone's words, Ye Yun felt that it was boring. Cultivation is not for material things. If it is material things, it is not as simple as being an ordinary person. Everyone has their own aspirations, and their needs are naturally different.

"I didn't expect the fairyland to be so boundless. I don't know how many fairy cities there are. Entering the Hou's mansion, it must be inconvenient to get in and out. I won't be able to leave the Liuguang fairyland for a while. I can only leave the Liuguang fairyland with him after I win Qu Xiajie. area!"

Ye Yun analyzed carefully, seeing that the Immortal Realm is so strictly guarded, there are soldiers guarding everywhere, and they have to be checked layer by layer when entering and leaving the Immortal City, not to mention leaving the Immortal Realm, and now they can't leave alone, they can only follow the victory. Qu entered the Hou's mansion, and will wait for him to leave in the future.

It is not easy to enter the Glazed Light Immortal Realm, and it is even more difficult to leave the Immortal Realm. However, for Ye Yun, this is the most appropriate right now. Otherwise, with his cultivation base, it would be too difficult and dangerous to gain a foothold in the unfamiliar Third Level Immortal Realm. Although there are imaginary immortals, real immortals, and great immortals in the triple immortal world, there are high-ranking immortals all over the place. With Ye Yunxiu as his base, if he meets a high-ranking immortal, he can only run for his life.

Compared with the dangers that are difficult to grasp, it is better to temporarily lie dormant in the Hou Mansion. The stronger the strength, the more self-protection means.

"Master Hou!!!"

Everyone flew in the Glazed Light Immortal Territory for a few more days, and finally approached a huge fairy city densely packed with palaces, surrounded by more than a dozen fairy cities. Tens of thousands of soldiers flew from Xiancheng.

Xia Yunting led Miss Winner out, and said to all the soldiers, "Guaranteed to return home!"

"Master Hou, go back to the mansion!"

Countless armored soldiers began to escort Xia Yunting, and flew towards a fairy city on the right side of the central fairy city. More and more princes, ministers, civil and military officials came to greet him.

"It seems that these dozen or so fairy cities are the Xia Yuan Dynasty!" Ye Yun swept across the fairy cities in front of him, and was shocked by the resplendent royal aura of the fairy cities.

"I didn't expect that all the civil and military officials of the Xia Yuan Dynasty were all immortals. The civil officials were at the lower ranks of the Great Immortals, while the military officers and generals were at the sixth to eighth ranks of the Great Immortals..."

Passing by the hundreds of officials on both sides, Ye Yun felt the aura of a high-ranking immortal, which shocked the body and mind, and any one of them was an existence that Ye Yun could not compete with.

The scale of the Xia Yuan Dynasty really shocked Ye Yun. A dynasty has such a scale, and this Glazed Light Immortal Territory is even more incredible. What a great immortal giant can sit on one side of the Immortal Territory, and how vast the triple immortal world is, like the Xia Yuan Dynasty There are such existences, but I don't know how many existences there are.

It is really not an easy task to get a foothold in the triple fairyland, Ye Yun now deeply understands why Ying Mutian has to go to great lengths to get his daughter into the triple fairyland.

"Xin Wanling told me last time that it seems that Xumi Cave accepts disciples only a few decades later. Now, if you do the calculations, it should be within the past ten years... I almost forgot about this matter, and it seems that I can't do it." If you stay in the Hou Mansion, you must find a way to leave Glazed Light Immortal Territory and go to Sumeru Cave, even if you force your way, you have to give it a try!"

Unintentionally, an uneasy thought came to mind.

After thinking about it carefully, I realized that it was the time limit for accepting apprentices in Xumi Cave. When we first entered the Second Immortal Realm together in Xin Wanling, there was only a few decades and less than a hundred years. There is not much time left, and there is no time for Ye Yun to stay in the Hou Mansion to recharge his energy and strengthen his cultivation.

At this moment, the soldiers opened the way, and the team marched into the fairy city. This fairy city had a separate defensive barrier, which was closely guarded by the high-level soldiers of the Xia Yuan Dynasty. The fairy city was full of majesty, and the mansions seemed to be carved with jade. It is crystal clear, and the people of the dynasty live and work in peace and contentment, and these people are actually aborigines who grew up in the triple fairy world. Although they are cultivated in virtual immortals and real immortals, they have a high status here.

Soon a golden palace surrounded by more than a dozen palaces stood in the center of the fairy city, and people from all over the world knelt on the streets to welcome Xia Yunting.


At the moment of arriving at the palace, a group of maids were supporting a noble woman in a golden gown and a colorful crown, and she hurried towards Xia Yunting.

"Ying'er, this is not a place to talk, let's talk about it after returning to the palace!"

Xia Yunting put his arms around the woman's slender waist and entered the palace under the respectful escort of the crowd.


"Young Master Ying, Lord Hou has ordered you to live in this palace, and you usually go out for a walk. Now Lord Hou is going to the dynasty to preside over the meeting!"

One of the countless palaces in the Hou Mansion, Xia Gonggong led Ying Qu, Ye Yun and more than a dozen masters to this palace. In addition to the main hall, there are many side halls on the four sides of the palace. Small wing.

When they came to the palace, everyone was very satisfied. Every brick and tile in the palace was made of materials from the fairy world. Ying Qu asked, "Eunuch Xia, when can I go into the mansion to see my little sister?"

Eunuch Xia said politely: "For the time being, no one is allowed to enter the mansion without the order of the Marquis. The young lady is preparing for the wedding. A hundred years later, it will be the wedding day. Not only will all the princes and nobles of the Xia Yuan Dynasty be entertained, but also many empires in the fairyland will be entertained." , Many families came to watch the ceremony, there must be no mistakes, please forgive me!"

"So that's how it is..." Ying Qu was startled, originally there was a hint of complaint in his pupils, but after hearing Eunuch Xia's words, he disappeared immediately.

"My lord, here is a map coordinates about the Triple Immortal Realm, especially the internal layout of the Glazed Immortal Realm. This is what I ordered from the old slave to give it to you. It is said that I want you to know about the Glazed Immortal Realm, and save it for the big wedding. After bringing it back to the lower realm, the young master will definitely arrange for the young master and his family to enter the dynasty!"

"Thank you, Eunuch!"

Ying Qu took a jade slip from Eunuch Xia, and sent Eunuch Xia respectfully away.

"Everyone, this is the badge of the Marquis Mansion, one piece per person. It will be much more convenient to walk in the dynasty in the future, but please don't provoke disputes!"

Ying Qu took out more than a dozen tokens from the storage ring, handed them to everyone one by one, and said: "Everyone, this is not Ying Mansion, please don't cause trouble, everyone can go out and buy some fairy artifacts or special materials , the elixirs and spiritual objects are more abundant than the lower realm, and the price is not expensive!"

"Everyone has worked hard along the way, so let's have a good rest!" After explaining, Ying Qu followed a group of maidservants into the main hall, while the rest dispersed and chose to rest in the side room.

"With this token, it is much more convenient to enter and leave the Xia Yuan Dynasty. It is really hard to find nowhere to get it. I was thinking about how to leave the Glazed Light Immortal Territory. With this token, I can easily travel in the Immortal Domain." Let’s go, let’s learn about the Immortal World and Sumeru Cave by the way!”

Ye Yun was secretly happy to get the token, and did not leave immediately, but entered the wing room to perform the Spirit Gathering Formation, and then entered the Nine Dragon Space to practice hard.

Try to use the limited time to practice in the Nine Dragons space to gain more energy. Ever since he possessed the body of a demigod, Ye Yun's energy has not yet reached a full state.

Before obtaining the divine fragments, the energy of Ye Yun's physical body was endless. Not only was it at its peak at any time, but a large amount of energy was sealed in his body. Only by brewing energy can we reach fullness or even peak.

Fortunately, the energy of the third-level fairyland is dozens of times thicker than that of the second-level fairyland. When it is absorbed, it can absorb a large amount of fairyland energy and double the speed of practice. Coupled with the Nine Dragons Space, it is not very difficult for Ye Yun to practice, even if he is a demigod. , and with infinite energy and no time limit with the Kowloon space, everything will be broken.

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