Ye Yun felt his hairs trembling when he heard the scheming of the witch. The witch is really scary: "The witch of the demon tribe...she really has a heart of poisonous scorpion!"

"Oh, my monster race is a thorn in your human race's eyes and a thorn in your flesh. You treat us as rivals, how can we treat you as friends, boy, you are just like a fairy. I don't know how many times I slept, and then I ate their flesh and drank their blood , take their physical essence!"

The demon girl's ten fingers began to grow sharp nails, and her eye sockets also turned demon red.

"I didn't expect to fall into such a desperate situation..."

Seeing the demon girl constantly showing her real body, Ye Yun knew that the demon girl would definitely kill him. Ever since entering the virtual prison spirit realm, Ye Yun thought that there was no danger, because Xumi Cave had a rule that no harm should be done to enter the virtual prison spirit realm to obtain gold. The fairy of the sword, but now, the witch is using others to kill people.

How could Ye Yun survive in front of a tenth-rank powerhouse like a demon girl?

Everything was disrupted by the demon girl. In Ye Yun's heart, he was not worried at all, but he never expected that he would be in danger of life and death.


The evil monk was completely controlled by the witch, his eyes were dull, his eyes were blind, his body moved, his golden fingers condensed, and he pointed at Ye Yun's head.



Ye Yun stood still, watching the evil monk's terrifying attack. Although he was a demigod, if he was hit, his body would not be completely petrified, but he had no way to resist and was completely controlled by the witch.

At such a moment of life and death, I saw Ye Yun's body suddenly spewing out one after another Taiyi-mixed true energy, especially the holy gun of light, like a light of holy light, with a flick of a flash, the petrified golden substance on the surface all burst into crackling explosions , turned into fragments, and Ye Yun shot at the evil monk who came to kill him.


This time, the Holy Spear of Light collided head-on with the golden finger of the evil monk, like a needle tip against a wheat awning, the strongest attack collided together, and a deafening sound burst out, and Ye Yun was directly blown away, like a cannonball, Flying thousands of meters away, you will almost lose sight of it.


With a movement of the witch's mind, the controlling evil disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in another void in the forest sea. Ye Yun had just turned over in embarrassment, covered in golden aura, and was still contending with the power left by the evil monk.

The demon girl was startled secretly, seeing Ye Yun standing in the void, she was taken aback: "My boy, I really didn't realize that you can escape from the control of the majestic evil monk, even the tenth-rank power of the great immortal Impossible, let me see it!"

"This witch..."

Ye Yun now feels that his physical body is being impacted by the powerful force of the evil monk, rather than his true energy. Under the vibration of the divine power, his physical body cannot condense his true energy. Fortunately, Ye Yun is a demigod, and he has long surpassed the Great Immortal. It's because the realm is too low. If he didn't have the body of a demigod, Ye Yun might die from serious injuries, or be torn to pieces by the evil monk on the spot.

If you don't kill the demon girl, Ye Yun will have to face two powerful enemies, as long as you can kill one of them, Ye Yun will escape.

In the Void Prison Spiritual Realm, the weak big formation space, Ye Yun can't escape from the chasing and killing of the demon girl. Ye Yun can escape, and he can leave the Void Prison Spirit Realm at any time, but once he leaves, it means that Ye Yun has failed to capture the golden sword. Mi Dongtian made it impossible, only to entangle with both parties, and looked for an opportunity to hide it completely.

In front of the two great immortals, it is impossible to run away naked, and the great immortal's induction is also extraordinary. For Ye Yun at this moment, he can only get entangled with the two great immortals, and then find a chance to escape.

"If you can escape once, I'll see if you can escape the second or third...kill!" The witch urged her true energy, and the evil monk rushed towards Ye Yun and killed him.

"Boy, you belong to my mother!"

The demon girl also flashed in place, opened her hands, and the nails suddenly shot out, growing more than a meter long, extremely sharp, releasing infinite fairy nature, the demon girl directly grabbed Ye Yun's space, whether it was a person or a space, Everything will be torn to pieces by the witch.


Ye Yun didn't want to wait for death. The two superpowers joined forces to attack. Ye Yun had no choice but to dodge, not to fight recklessly. So at the moment when the evil monk and the witch attacked almost at the same time, he urged Daqian Shentu to flee to the depths of the virtual prison. go.


But in Ye Yun's original space, he was smashed to pieces by the demon girl and the evil monk at the same time. The demon girl's long hair danced high, and if the devil shot evil eyes, it would urge the evil monk to chase and kill him in an instant.


Two masters of the tenth rank of the Great Immortal chased Ye Yun in the void of the Prison Spiritual Realm in the blink of an eye, leaving a long broken void mark, and the evil monk pointed at Ye Yun directly!


Almost at the same time, a figure of nothingness flashed out from behind the two of them, holding the Promise Sun Excalibur in his hand, and slashed at the evil monk and the demon girl with one piece in the air.


The evil monk was simply killing Ye Yun in front of him. He didn't notice Ye Yun flashing behind him. Ye Yun is confident that he can pierce the evil monk's heart with a single sword, and he must pay attention to it if he does not die.

It's a pity that the evil monk just left a shocking bloodstain after being chopped down by the Wuji God's Sun Sword so alive, and the Wuji God's Sun Sword took advantage of the opportunity to slash through the demon girl.

"Clang clang block~"

The demon girl is not an evil monk, the evil monk is controlled by her, loses her mind and has no emotions, she is just a puppet, but the demon woman responds in time, turns around and dances her arms, her ten fingers are sharp and her nails are sharp, just blocking the Wuji God Sun Sword.

As expected of the tenth rank of the Great Immortal, the body parts are so hard, with only the nails, they can actually contend head-on with the Wuji God Sun Sword, and they are not at all in the upper hand, but extremely strong!

"Boy, you are so ruthless. Even us masters who are great immortals have been attacked by you. If you wait for your realm to improve, I will die in your hands!"

"A group of flowers dancing wildly!"

The demon girl counterattacked fiercely. The Great Immortal has rich experience in fighting at the tenth level. She didn't give Ye Yun a chance to escape at all. She knew that after Ye Yun attacked, she would use the same method to escape again, so the fingernails of the five fingers of her right hand wrapped around Wuji God like a rope. The Sun Sword was entangled with Ye Yun, and immediately swung his left hand, the five nails turned into sharp swords, stabbing at Ye Yun against the trend.

"Demon girl, grandpa's Wujishen Sun Sword is given to you!"

I saw that Ye Yun's reaction was not slow, as nimble as a spirit monkey, leaping backwards in mid-air, taking advantage of the situation to fly out of the witch's attack range, then turned around and fled away.


Although the demon girl's attack methods were completely useless at this moment, but the evil monk turned around quickly, like a golden light chasing and killing Ye Yun.


The Wuji God Sun Sword that was entangled by the witch turned into a bubble in an instant, shattered in the witch's five fingernails, and all the aura rushed towards Ye Yun. She was shocked: "What kind of true energy is this? At first, it was able to be resolved under the control of monk king qigong, but now it breaks through my control and goes directly, unable to suppress it. Does this kid have any extraordinary qigong?"

Thinking of the demon girl, she continued to chase without hesitation.

"Puffy ~"

At this moment, in the depths of a hazy plateau, among the mountains, the evil monk is fighting Ye Yun in the void. Ye Yun wants to escape, but he cannot get rid of the evil monk's entanglement, and the qigong of the evil monk is very terrifying. Be careful, you will be seriously injured, or directly petrified, and you will only end up dead.

Ye Yun didn't dare to run away casually, he had to guard against the evil monk's powerful methods, so he didn't escape very far, and started fighting with the evil monk again.

Fortunately, the evil monk has no self-awareness now, he is just a puppet, and his reaction and attack methods are no better than before. Ye Yun is gradually handling it more easily, and he has fought countless times with the demon girl and the evil monk, which also makes Ye Yun's combat experience constantly improved. Supernatural powers can be used smoothly.

"No, the demon girl is chasing after her again!"

In just three breaths, the demon girl turned into a bright red light, coming from behind through the air, and there was a chug sound in the void, as if it was about to explode.

"Monk King, don't let him escape like this, release the domain, and completely suppress him!" As soon as the demon girl appeared, she activated a thought and gave orders to the evil monk.

"Not good..." Ye Yun's face immediately changed when he heard the domain, you must know that the tenth-level domain of the Great Immortal is as powerful as the four-cornered immortal banner.

"Golden Zen Dharma Realm!"

Naturally, the evil monk suddenly spewed out a thick and powerful qi when Ye Yun fled away, sweeping across hundreds of miles of space, and Ye Yun immediately appeared in the golden kingdom. inside the device.

"There's no way to escape, let's deal with them first. Anyway, my energy is endless, and the domain can't stop my actions. If there is really no chance...then activate the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township to kill the two of them completely." kill!"

Ye Yun resolutely suppressed the Daqian Shentu. Instead of escaping from the domain, it is better to disturb the demon girl and make her think that she has nowhere to escape.

Fighting against the two powerhouses, except for Ye Yun using the Daqian Shentu to cooperate with his body skills, all the rest of the confrontation was based on his own strength, and did not rely on a magic weapon. Ye Yun had already regarded the Void Prison Spiritual Realm as a testing ground. Let's see if I can seize the three golden swords with my own strength. Looking at it now, it is really impossible.

Once it comes to an end, Ye Yun will use energy that does not belong to him, the Burial Bow, or the Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell, or the energy ball in his body that is comparable to a fairy king, whatever it is, can fight against it. The two masters, especially the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell, once activated, are enough to kill the two masters instantly.

The energy ball is also Ye Yun's life-saving method. Once activated, it will be the power of the Immortal King. It is more than enough to kill the tenth-level Immortal. Even against the Immortal King, Ye Yun is also sure.

"Boy, are you desperate this time?"

The demon girl appeared behind Ye Yun in an instant, and the evil monk had already controlled the domain, so he could trap Ye Yun here and let the demon girl kill him without any action.

Looking at the triumphant demon girl, Ye Yun pretended to be panicked: "Vampire, you dare to violate the rules of Xumi Cave, I have a backer outside, and I am a spiritual practitioner, if you dare to attack me, you will definitely be tortured for the rest of your life! "

"Law enforcer? Oh, I'm so scared!"

The demon girl actually put on a coquettish look, her eyes are not enough but she is still sinister: "What about the spiritual man? To tell you the truth, my mother killed so many people just to get out of this virtual prison. Once I become a blood sacrificial Yuan Duoming Dafa, you can seize the disciples of Sumeru Cave and escape!"

"Blood Sacrifice against the Origin and Killing Dafa?"

Hearing it all of a sudden, Ye Yun knew that this evil way of qigong was very important. It seemed to be a blood-refining exercise. This kind of exercise is relatively evil. You need to prepare a lot of blood-refining energy in advance. Once activated, you can snatch the strong The door of life, seize the house and rebuild it.

"Just keep fooling her!"

Ye Yun is not a vegetarian, since he heard the big secret of the demon girl, he can definitely make meritorious service for Sumeru Cave. Even if he didn't seize the golden sword, he would surely become a disciple if he made meritorious deeds, but Ye Yun would not ask others for mercy, and still In vain: "The spiritual man behind me is a third-tier master of the Immortal King. My soul is in his hands. Once you kill me, he will sense you. Demon girl, even if you have great abilities, you can still fight against me." Immortal king powerhouse?"

"The third rank of Immortal King?"

The witch was stunned for a moment.

"I just want to see if the witch is afraid, how can I escape from the hands of the two?"

But Ye Yun was secretly happy, and immediately thought of a way to escape. As long as he can have ten breaths, Ye Yun can completely hide in the virtual prison spirit realm, not to mention the tenth rank of the Great Immortal, even the Immortal King. The king's cling was too tight, Ye Yun couldn't get rid of his breath at all, unless he left this ghost realm.


Suddenly, a golden dharma seal shot out from behind Ye Yun with the wave of the evil monk's hands, and hit Ye Yun's back with a vicious shattering force, causing the corner of Ye Yun's mouth to bleed instantly, and his body lost consciousness at this moment. Partially reacted.

"Haha, boy, how can I be fooled by you, how can there be a third-level immortal king in the fourth-level fairyland? According to the rules of Xumi Cave, the third-level immortal kings are all in the fifth-level and sixth-level fairyland!"

The witch's eyes flashed with a terrifying demonic light, the evil monk immediately stopped, and the witch Sen stared at Ye Yun coldly: "It's no use trying to buy time!"

"This demon girl... is really scheming enough, she didn't even deceive her, and she let down her vigilance because of this, and was plotted by her..."

All of a sudden, Ye Yun felt that he was being calculated by someone. How could he bear such a big loss, since any method would not work against the witch, only to fight.

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