The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 568: Golden Armor Indestructible Puppet Technique

"Energy Body~"

Following the refining of the demon girl with the God Wheel of Chaos Purification, Ye Yun immediately blew out a burst of true energy, turning it into an energy body with the same appearance, and letting the energy body sit in the domain, even if there is Xumi Cave Heaven visiting in the big formation of the Void Prison Spiritual Realm, it is still possible Ye Yun's secret will not be discovered, because Ye Yun wants to enter the Nine Dragons Dimension to practice.

It took 30 years to get the golden sword, and it took Ye Yun less than a year to get the two golden swords. 30 years is too long for Ye Yun, and the demon girl hides a lot of secrets. Ye Yun decided to refine it in the Kowloon space to provide strength , and then come out to grab the third golden sword, and it will be safe and secure, so you don't have to be hunted down by masters.

Motivated by thoughts, Ye Yun and Hunxu Jingshi Shenlun disappeared into the Nine Dragon Ring at the same time.

The Kowloon space is filled with vitality from the God Realm. The vitality is full of divinity, possessing the original mystery of the universe. Ye Yun sits on the altar and begins to absorb the divinity. The Taiyi Divine Furnace is still absorbing itself day and night The energy was transformed into Taiyi Chaos True Qi, and the God Wheel of Chaos Purification was right in front of Ye Yun.


The God Wheel of Hunxu Jingshi rotated faster, and rubbed against the power of the space altar, releasing thousands of swords.

Ye Yun sat guarding the emptiness and absorbed the energy of the altar. After a few years, Ye Yun saw the demon girl being refined into two beams of light by the God Wheel of Purifying the World, and the demon girl's real body was also revealed. It really was a snow-white demon fox , It's a pity that there is no life essence, and those pupils seem to be able to release a breathtaking demon light.

With a flick of the fingers, the witch turned into ashes, and then sucked two streams of light in front of her face. In the light on the left was the seeds made of all the energy of the tenth level of the witch, which was immediately integrated into the huge energy ball in the body by Ye Yun, and then looked at the remaining The next ray of light.

The inside of Guangyao is full of blood. It turned out to be a blood altar with a diameter of about one foot. It seems that it has not been condensed. There are blood plates floating in the blood altar, like blood babies absorbing blood nutrients. Conscious, it seems that after waking up, he will turn into a supreme demon.

"The demon girl really didn't lie... The Blood Sacrifice against the Origin and Killing Dafa is indeed an evil art of blood refining. It is really evil. It kills so many immortals, uses the immortal life energy to brew these blood babies, and then devours the blood babies. With the power of infant terror, if you seize a living person, you can reincarnate and rebuild, which is much better than taking any pill!"

Looking at the evil blood baby in the blood altar, it was creepy, and even felt that the blood baby would rush out of the blood altar at any time, enter the body, seize the heart, and devour the body.

"It's a pity that this blood sacrifice method is not a demon clan technique, but a demonic technique. If it is practiced by a demonic master like Chi Yun, the effect will be even more amazing. Demon girl, demon woman, you made my wedding dress for nothing. There are about a dozen infants. After I devour them, the pure energy of life will increase to an astonishing level. Even if there is no obvious breakthrough in the realm, it will have inestimable effects on the physical body. Maybe it can even reach the ninth level of Xuxian peak!"

"All refined ~"

Ye Yun actually jumped into the blood altar directly, using his body to directly absorb all the blood essence, as well as the blood baby: "Blood babies are not easy, the blood of the demon girl has been raised for so long, it must be powerful, devouring is too expensive, it is better to refine the blood babies , the power of this blood altar is enough for me to absorb a lot of energy!"


At this moment, it seemed that Ye Yun jumped into the blood altar, waking up these terrifying blood babies. A total of eighteen blood babies suddenly stood up from the blood altar, all of them were covered in red blood, their pupils glowed with blood, and they stretched out their hands. Chao Yeyun began to pounce.

"Eight Desolation Yin Thunder Palm!"

The eighteen blood babies were condensed by the witch who killed countless great immortals, and took the life essence of eighteen of them, and made offerings. The power is comparable to that of the ninth or even tenth rank of the great immortals. Once gathered together, That is a formidable opponent like a witch.

It's a pity that the blood baby has no consciousness, only the need for strength and fresh blood, and the attack is also very simple, that is, to tear up the human body with both hands, absorb all the fresh blood, and eat all the flesh and blood.

Grasping with his left hand, Ye Yun condensed the Eight Desolation Yin Thunder Palm, facing the blood baby, he slashed out with one palm, and the power of thunder like a divine moon hit the blood baby immediately, as if it had a suction force, knocking the eighteen blood babies The baby was instantly calmed down.

You must know that the demon girl was hit by Ye Yun's Dark Sun and Moon Thunder Control Art before, and her whole body was covered with scars. These are not as strong as the demon girl, and they don't have any thoughts. They are just puppets with energy. Just right to restrain the energy of the blood baby.

"Let me first see if there is a way to cultivate life essence or blood refinement among the [-] god-level qigong!"

Just in case, Ye Yun shot out another wave of infinite sun and moon god thunders, forming a sky thunder formation, and calmed down the eighteen blood babies, and then began to sit quietly, forgetting everything, in the world of one hundred thousand god-level qigong. Wandering inside, looking for the skills needed.

One hundred thousand god-level qigong, Shenwen has the power of gods, Ye Yun is just an imaginary fairy, in front of gods, he is equal to a mortal, if you want to read all one hundred thousand god-level qigong, it is impossible without a hundred years or a thousand years, or even 1 years. Ten thousand years is impossible.

The eighteen blood babies were obediently suppressed by the Heavenly Thunder Formation. Although they wanted to resist, they were suppressed by the Heavenly Thunder Formation. They could only watch Ye Yun sitting cross-legged all the time.

Slowly, time is unpredictable like the sky, the earth, and the sea of ​​clouds. The Kowloon space has not changed at all, and a full 3000 years have passed by in this immersion.

In 3000, only three years have passed outside!

"Gold Armor Immortal Puppet Art!"

Slowly spit out seven words from Ye Yun's mouth, and Ye Yun immediately started to perform, revealing the vicissitudes of life: "I have seen less than ten thousand god-level qigong in thousands of years, and I happen to have one god-level qigong, which can hold ten thousand gods. Eight blood babies, cultivated into eighteen golden-armored puppets!"

I saw Ye Yun began to make ancient seals with both hands, and the infinite divinity was condensed in the seals. The speed of Ye Yun's seal formation was a hundred times slower than normal, because this is the cultivation of god-level qigong, and it is necessary to control the divinity. The seal cannot be activated at any time as usual.

Swish ~!

As Ye Yun continued to make seals, the surrounding divinity surged faster and faster, and Ye Yun seemed to have forgotten everything, sitting quietly and kept forming seals, and decades passed in an instant, Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and between his hands Pieces of ancient and sacred golden nails filled the room.

"come over!"

Ye Yun grabbed a blood baby with his big hand, and saw Ye Yun obediently fell in front of Ye Yun, entangled by the sky thunder, staring at Ye Yun fiercely, as if he wanted to swallow Ye Yun in one bite.


As soon as the hands were closed, the blood baby was immediately surrounded by countless golden armor pieces. Putting Buddha's blood baby was like a magnet, and the golden armor piece was sucked and pasted around the body fiercely. The baby is no longer blood red, but a puppet in golden armor, but its pupils are still fierce.

The Golden Armor Immortal Puppet Art has not been completed, it is only condensed to form the Immortal Golden Armor, and the consciousness of the blood baby has to be killed, cultivated into a puppet, and completely integrated with the Immortal Golden Armor.

Ye Yun closed his eyes slightly again, and made a series of dharma seals. Countless divinity poured into the blood baby, and he saw that the golden armor on the blood baby came alive and could automatically absorb the divine energy.

These indestructible golden armors are not simple, they are all formations composed of wonderful magic seals, they look like a small piece, but they can absorb infinite energy, when a large amount of golden armor is formed, the blood baby can automatically absorb energy, not only self-strengthening, but also Ye Yun You can also absorb energy directly from them, killing two birds with one stone, which is wonderful.

The indestructible golden armor has too many functions, and its defense is astonishing. Ordinary immortal artifacts cannot destroy the golden armor at all. The golden armor is formed by the condensation of god-level qigong seals. With the addition of divine power, it took Ye Yun 3000 years to cultivate. Among them, the hardness is It's unimaginable, at least comparable to the hardness of a Seventh Grade Immortal Artifact.

Hundreds of years passed, and 1000 years later, Ye Yun finally refined the golden-armored puppet. With a big hand, the golden-armored puppet opened its eyes. There was nothing but holiness, not a trace of evil, and it was indestructible from head to toe. Wrapped in gold armor, each piece of gold armor is composed of mysterious spirit patterns, and the energy is connected.

"Such a golden-armored puppet is comparable to a high-ranking great immortal. Once trained into eighteen golden-armored puppets, it will be comparable to the eighth- and ninth-level powerhouses of eighteen great immortals!"

Ye Yun laughed heartily. The blood baby was originally transformed by the tenth-level energy of the Great Immortal and absorbed infinite blood energy. Now, under Ye Yun's practice of the Golden Armor Immortal Puppet Art, it has become a golden armored puppet wearing a god-level armor. The strength surpasses the great immortal, comparable to the immortal king. Although the attack power cannot reach the perfection of the tenth-level true immortal, but if the eighteen puppets are urged together, there is a chance to kill the ninth-level and tenth-level powerhouses of the true immortal.

"Concise golden armor!"

It took 4000 years to successfully refine one golden-armored puppet. With experience, the remaining seventeen Ye Yuns can be cultivated within 1 years. In this way, when the eighteen golden-armored puppets are finished training, they will use 14 years, less than half of the 30-year deadline stipulated by Sumeru Cave.

More than ten years, enough for Ye Yun to grab a golden sword, and with eighteen golden-armored puppets, Ye Yun's strength has greatly increased, and he can use it as a weapon at any time without any fear. No need to use the Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell, Saber Slave, Burial Sky Bow, or even the terrifying energy ball in his body anymore, Ye Yun can fight the Great Immortal head-on.

Ye Yun immediately began to practice the golden armor indestructible puppet technique, calmed down, and the seal formation speed was doubled compared to before, countless golden armor breaths began to flow out, densely packed, forming a mysterious sea of ​​golden armor, and the seventeen blood babies were captured by the sky thunder. Suppressed, after flying into the golden armor ocean.

Slowly, he saw that the golden armor began to fall on the blood baby, and time was running out so quickly. Ye Yun didn't have to worry about time at all, he had the Nine Dragons space, and he could practice unscrupulously.

The time is completely calculated in years. After a hundred years, a blood baby will be completely covered by the golden armor. After another hundred years, the blood baby will become a golden armored puppet. In less than 1 years, all seventeen blood babies will become golden armor puppets. A puppet, with Ye Yun finally releasing a powerful primordial spirit, covering the eighteen blood babies.


The eighteen blood babies absorbed Ye Yun's thoughts, and they were like guards, protecting Ye Yun's sides. The golden armor on their bodies seemed ordinary, but it contained wonderful formations, but it didn't have much divinity, but If all the energy of the fairy world contains divinity, I am afraid that once Ye Yun releases the eighteen golden armors, others will immediately snatch them away.

Although it has no divinity, even if it is refined with the energy of the fairy world, it is enough to fight against any great fairy.

"Eighteen golden-armored puppets, self-cultivation!"

Ye Yun thought about it, the eighteen golden armors are like sword slaves, releasing the golden armors in the void, absorbing the energy of the fairy world controlled by Ye Yun.

"The energy of this blood altar is not much different from that of the blood baby. It is the life energy of countless strong men who were killed by the demon girl. Absorb it!"

Opening the body directly, the fine hairs and pores instantly began to absorb the essence and blood of the blood jar. Ye Yun's body was like a sponge, constantly sucking the blood into the body, the scene was terrifying.

After absorbing it for several years, Ye Yun absorbed all the essence and blood of the blood altar into his body, as well as other energies. In Ye Yun's physical body, after absorbing the tenth-order energy comparable to that of a great immortal, the bone marrow, meridians, and cells began to transform crazily. Impurities overflowed again, and within Ye Yun's body, the aura of a great immortal was completely released, not a virtual immortal.

Before reaching the Great Immortal, he already has the aura of a Great Immortal. I am afraid that Ye Yun is the only one in the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm. Wherever he goes, even the Immortal Emperor will think that Ye Yun is a Great Immortal, not a Void Immortal.

It will take hundreds of years for Ye Yun to completely refine this energy. Whoever made his physical body is the body of a demigod, endless, it takes a while for Ye Yun to see through the physical body. The physical body is so huge, the energy required is naturally amazing , It is even more difficult to refine all the energy in such a vast body.

Fortunately, Ye Yun didn't have many things, but he had too much time.

At this time, there are countless meridians in the body, like running dragons, the energy is crazily vertical and horizontal, and Taiyi's chaotic true energy cooperates with life energy to accelerate the fusion of these amazing immortal energies.

Hundreds of years later, Ye Yun's aura suddenly disappeared, and his whole body had reached the level of a great immortal, with an astonishing aura, he immediately sucked the eighteen golden-armored puppets into his body, and left the Nine Dragons space.


Appearing in the realm, with a flip of the palm, the energy body and the Shenluo realm are sucked into the palm of the palm, and the evil world of the virtual prison and spirit realm appears in front of your eyes.

"Huangxu Jingshi Shenlun, capture the breath of the evil monk for me..."

Stimulated by the mind, a small chaotic and world-cleaning god wheel appeared in the primordial spirit world of the mind, and it tightened a zhenqi of the evil monk, and began to work!

"Evil monk, evil monk, you want to kill me, but I will not let you go. You were seriously injured by the thunder I cast, and the demon girl took a lot of energy from you. After more than ten years, you must not have recovered. It is killing you." Your chance!"

Ye Yun has never been merciful to the enemy, and the evil monk is a powerful master. In addition, Ye Yun has now practiced for 1 years, his strength has greatly increased, and he has cultivated eighteen golden armor puppets. Ye Yun wants to use the evil monk to practice.

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