Entering the depths of Pangji Xiongyuan, it feels like the plateau has infiltrated into the sea of ​​clouds. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as being invisible. The mist is rolling, and it seems that there are giant beasts hiding in it to absorb it.

About a few hours, a snake-shaped moat appeared in the vast Pangji Xiongyuan. The moat twisted and twisted, like a white giant snake swimming without end, and there was thick fog in it.

"Why is this mist so dense that it almost condenses into water... Could there be a problem!?"

Ye Yun felt that the sea of ​​fog was extraordinary as if he was flying down the mist stream of the sky moat. He stopped moving at first, unlike ordinary fog floating with the wind, and looking closely, the fog is full of sand particles and water vapor. As long as they touch together, one Grains of mist and water will merge into a large water curtain, which will immediately fall to the bottom of the bottomless valley.

Ye Yun didn't dare to be careless, and was extremely cautious. The horror of the fairyland is not judged by common sense at all. When he stepped into the fairyland, Ye Yun was attacked by insects that seemed to be weak. Therefore, the fog in Tianzhu Wujian must also have unique abilities.

With caution, Ye Yun began to fly into the depths of the mist stream in Tianchao. As soon as he flew down a hundred meters, Ye Yun's speed slowed down, and his true energy was frozen by the mist, and he would also absorb the energy emitted by Ye Yun. As a result, Ye Yun lost his initiative and was wrapped in mist.

"Want to devour my Taiyi Chaos Qi?"

Ye Yun sneered disdainfully, he did not expect that the mist in Tianzhu is so weird, it looks like ordinary mist, but it can freeze true energy, and it seems that it can absorb true energy. That must be a dead end.

Looking at this fog stream in the sky, it is at least hundreds of millions of miles long, and it is bottomless. No one knows what lies below, and the strange fog goes deep into the ocean. Once an immortal falls into it, it will definitely be swallowed up and die. The key fog Water devours true qi unconsciously, unlike some fierce things that swallow true qi like ferocious beasts.

If you don't pay attention a little bit, the immortal enters the depths of the mist in the sky, and the whole body's true energy will be controlled by the mist. It will not be discovered until the true energy is exhausted. Unfortunately, it is too late. Fortunately, what Ye Yun cultivated is Taiyi's chaotic true energy. Overriding any true qi, as long as there is any energy contact, Ye Yun will find it immediately.

"All go away!"

Sure enough, it was discovered that Wushui couldn't swallow Taiyi's chaotic true energy in the end, and could only freeze a trace of true energy at most. However, under Ye Yun's urging of the true energy, all the frozen true energy instantly came to life, and instead absorbed the energy of Wushui , into the same breath, this is the power of Taiyi's chaotic true energy.

Then Ye Yun cast Taiyi Divine Light, just touched the mist water, gave the mist water to the essence, and then cast Wuji Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder, the result was still the same, destroying the mist water.

"Fortunately, the true qi in my body is unique in the world. How can it be swallowed by other energies? This mist will not be able to use an axe in front of me, but there is indeed a deceit in this mist stream..."

Ye Yun's eyes froze: "Taiyi's chaotic qi can feel any zhenqi, but he can't feel the energy contained in the mist. Only by using the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification can we distinguish the main body of the energy in the fog stream of Tianchao." ?”


A ray of true energy flashed across the void, Ye Yun absorbed the energy from all directions, grasped it with both hands, a faint light of the chakra of chaotic world purification began to absorb the energy of the mist in the sky, and the result was that particles of mist condensed and entered the chaotic world. In the God Wheel of the Void and Pure World.

"This is... demonic energy!?"

Seeing the golden mist mixed in the God Wheel of Purifying the World, even in a normal state, after persisting for about two seconds, a strange dark red light appeared, Ye Yun suddenly sighed: "What a strange fog in the sky , The monster energy is completely integrated into the mist, it seems to be the ordinary energy of the fairy world, no wonder it freezes the true energy and absorbs the true energy!"

The aura dissipated, the chakra of chaotic and pure world disappeared, and Ye Yun did not fight against the mist and mist in the sky. At this time, the mist began to enter Ye Yun's body again, and it wanted to pour into the interior to swallow the true energy. Naturally, the mist could not swallow it Taiyi has chaotic true qi, but it can slowly freeze the meridians and true qi inside the body.

"I don't know if this was done on purpose by someone, or if it was formed naturally... No, it must not be formed naturally. Although there is no formation in this moat, there is an original aura dormant. This kind of supernatural power is simply not the means of a great immortal. , Could it be that there are immortal king-level demon immortals here in the misty ravine of Tianchao!"

"In this way, it is normal for more than a dozen high-ranking disciples of Xumi Cave to disappear here. However, when encountering such a strong Immortal King, even Immortal King Yaoli and Qiu Xunyan are impossible to resist at the first level!"

Ye Yun gradually went deeper into the mist stream of the sky moat, descending further and further, countless ancient plants and spiritual objects grew on both sides of the cliff like fossils, and I don't know whether it was the strange mist or itself, these substances were all motionless and extremely hard.

The bottomless mist ravine in Tianchao, it took Ye Yun a long time to be careful, before he vaguely felt the smell of the earth. Just as he was approaching the bottom of the mist ravine in Tianchao, strange old trees appeared in front of Ye Yun. , because these ancient trees are actually absorbing the mist.

You must know that the mist in Tianzhu Wujian is absorbing external energy and freezing any true energy, and these strange ancient trees absorb the energy of mist, isn't it the source of all circulation.

If you take a closer look, the leaves of these ancient trees are diamond-shaped, about the size of an ordinary palm. The trunk and the entire tree shape are intertwined with each other. The branches and even the trunk of each ancient tree are intertwined, like two snakes entangled and adsorbed. , that is, the roots of the trees are intertwined with each other.

"All the substances in the Tianzhu Fog Stream are frozen, and there is nothing to survive. Only this snake-shaped ancient tree is full of vitality. It doesn't feel strange..."

Ye Yun approached the ancient tree and continued to observe. When he found nothing, he suddenly discovered that when the leaves of the ancient tree were absorbing the mist, an energy brilliance of an equal energy seed was condensed from the mist. After the brilliance was absorbed by the ancient tree, , the ancient tree seemed to be resurrected, squirmed a few times, and then stood still again.

"What kind of strange tree is this? It seems to have a wonderful and inseparable relationship with Tianzhu Wujian!"

For a while, Ye Yun wanted to cut off the ancient tree and continue to study, but he remembered that there were hidden dangers everywhere in the fairy world, and this thought disappeared, so he continued to fly towards the bottom of the misty ravine in Tianchao, and gradually entered the ancient tree. In the world, some ancient trees are as high as hundreds of feet, full of vitality.

The ancient trees are entangled with each other, it seems that each ancient tree can provide nutrients to each other, or share nutrients, and it is similar to Ye Yun's expectation. The entire Tianzhu Wujian has only one kind of creature, the ancient tree, and there is no other existence. All plants, substances They were all frozen. Although they were not petrified, they were frozen by the mist energy and suppressed the energy. In this way, these ancient trees absorbed all the energy of Tianchao Wujian.

"There is nothing strange at the bottom of Tianchao Wujian, and there is no aura of Xumi Dongtian disciples at all, but there is nothing wrong with the chakra of chaotic world purification. Those disciples should disappear in this Tianchao Wujian, or they have to enter the deep place Look for it, but there is indeed a strangeness in this Tianmo Wujian!"

Coming to the bottom of Tianzhu Fog Stream, I saw ancient rocks and soil, a large number of fairyland plants, but unfortunately they were all frozen by the energy of mist water, only the old trees were alive, and no clues could be found. Go to the center, hoping to find a trace.

The more he entered the center of Tianzhu Fog Stream, Ye Yun saw more and more ancient trees. Tianzhu Fog Stream is simply a sacred place for ancient trees to grow, and no other creatures can be tolerated. Moreover, Tianzhu Fog Stream is so thick that he can't see his fingers, and he can hardly breathe. Frozen by the mist, if it wasn't for Ye Yun's chaotic Qi, he might have been frozen just like those plants.

"It seems that there is a big old tree..."

After some flying, Ye Yun suddenly saw an ancient tree standing in the center of the mist world. Although he couldn't see its shape clearly, the shadow of the tree shone in the mist.

"An ancient tree actually has fruit!!!"

Ye Yun slowed down, and was about to take a good look at the progress, but saw countless spiritual fruits on a hundred-foot-old tree next to him, which shocked Ye Yun.

The spiritual fruit is not as big as a fist, it seems immature, blue-white, transparent as jade, and it is also self-absorbing energy in the mist. There are too many spiritual fruits, as if the sky is full of stars, and each spiritual fruit releases infinite spiritual energy In fact, Ye Yun didn't see the spiritual fruit before, but was attracted by the spiritual energy, and only then did he see that the ancient tree was brewing so many fruits.

But there are some doubts, why the ancient trees outside Tianzhu Wujian did not grow a spiritual fruit, but the ancient trees approaching the center can grow such dense fruits, which is really puzzling. Generally speaking, fruit trees grow fruit It's normal now, but these ancient tree spirit fruits only exist in the central ancient trees.

"These spiritual fruits...the spiritual energy is so strong, could it be a kind of treasure?"

Suddenly, a flash of shock flashed in Ye Yun's mind. Tianzhu Wujian is a mediocre place, but it can attract more than a dozen senior disciples of Xumi Dongtian to come here, and it is very likely that they came here for these spiritual fruits.

As soon as Ye Yun has the courage, if the spirit fruit is really a treasure, Ye Yun will not let it go in vain. This will be of great help to him breaking through the tenth level of virtual immortality and stepping into the real fairyland. If the effect of the spirit fruit is amazing, maybe he can absorb these spirit fruits , Ye Yun will directly break through the tenth step and step into the real fairy, then he can confront any great fairy head-on, even the fairy king can't hurt Ye Yun at will.


With a wave of his hand, a spiritual fruit was easily held by Ye Yun, and he immediately felt countless spiritual energy emanating from the spiritual fruit, but Ye Yun secretly felt that the spiritual energy in the spiritual fruit contained a faint demonic energy, This is not a spirit fruit, but a mutated demon fruit.

"It's really weird. There is also a monster in the mist, and this spiritual fruit is the same. Are these ancient trees also all demon trees!?"

At this moment, Ye Yun stared at the spiritual fruit, but thoughts flashed through his mind, which made him extremely horrified. If this is true, Tianzhu Wujian is the dojo of ancient trees!


While Ye Yun was meditating, the spiritual fruit in his hand suddenly deformed, the spiritual fruit broke open, and a young leaf grew out, which looked like a poisonous snake, and before Ye Yun could sense it, the young leaf stuck to Ye Yun's palm, Ye Yun immediately felt that the scene in front of him was distorted.

All the mist turned into demonic energy, and the ancient trees became immobile giant snakes, and the spiritual fruit turned into the eyes of giant snakes, turning into flames.

"Don't eat me!!!"

Ye Yun's body trembled. At this time, he was trapped in a terrifying distorted world. Giant snakes appeared. Ye Yun's eyes were terrified and trembling. However, although Ye Yun was shocked, there was still a quiet light deep in the pupils.


Following Ye Yun's scream, those giant snakes suddenly shot at Ye Yun, before Ye Yun could react, the giant snake instantly turned into roots in the void, instantly entangled Ye Yun, absorbed and pierced into the skin, Ye Yun felt that his true energy was being controlled by a wave of monster energy, and his whole body was also being controlled by roots.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun had hallucinations, as if roots were entangled with him, or as if snakes were wrapped around his body, Fang Buddha was looking for a breakthrough to enter Ye Yun's body.

"Thinking to confuse me with illusion!!!"

Ye Yun seemed to be wrapped in dumplings by the demon tree, but he was sneering in his heart. He had already felt that he was controlled by the mist water when he entered the mist stream of Tianzhu, and the mist water energy deliberately controlled Ye Yun's true energy, making Ye Yun's brain Chaos, the thoughts fluctuate with the energy of the mist, which is equal to being controlled by the mist.

Now the ancient trees are changing, and the distorted scenes are all illusions. The giant snakes, demon snakes, and spiritual fruits are all illusions. Everything is just to confuse and control Ye Yun.

Ye Yun possesses infinite divinity, one hundred thousand god-level qigong, how could it be controlled by ordinary energy? Ye Yun knew it a long time ago, so he let nature take its course and deliberately fell into a trap. He knew that the Tianzhu Wujian was definitely not an ordinary place when he learned that Xumi Cave disciple disappeared in Tianzhu Wujian.

Now everything has changed, as expected by Ye Yun.

"These roots actually want to absorb my energy. Well, my body has countless seas of energy, which seal countless normal energies in the fairy world. I seal the real power and let you absorb it. Let's see what you can do!"

Ye Yun immediately sealed his real strength and hid a sea of ​​qi, which was the energy of the fairy world. Sure enough, countless roots began to absorb the energy of Ye Yun's qi sea. Although the speed was not fast, the roots completely controlled Ye Yun, and Ye Yun could not escape. Sooner or later, he will be sucked clean and die.

Become a mummy!

"Could it be that this is the truth about Tianzhu Wujian?"

After a while, Ye Yun was always entangled by the roots, watching the roots absorb the energy in his body, could it be that the disciples of Sumeru Cave Heaven were all absorbed in this way, and eventually became mummies.

If this is the truth of Tianzhu Wujian, Ye Yun will get rid of the control of the demon tree, and then enter the center to see the last secret of Tianzhu Wujian.

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