"Last time, Lingxu Pavilion gave Ye Yun a high-level mission. He is a virtual immortal, and he just entered the sect. He was supposed to accept a general mission..."

The cave is empty, Ye Yun has not yet appeared, and the two great immortals are transmitting sound to each other.

"You don't know about this. Immortal King Yaoli is amazing. Immortal king, he is about to step into the five-level fairy world. When Ye Yun entered the sect and confronted her head-on, it was like beating Yaoli in front of all his disciples. Immortal King Li slapped him, the last task in Tianzhu Fog Stream was actually Immortal King Yaoli deliberately targeting Ye Yun!"

Another psychic replied: "I don't know, the high-level task, even Gao Xianyao went to Tianzhu Wujian to perform the task, but he couldn't come back. Although it was an advanced task, the difficulty reached the secret level, and Ye Yun, a virtual fairy, was able to complete the task. This secret mission 'Star Falling Field' may be related to Immortal King Yaoli!"

"I heard that Immortal King Yaoli and Immortal Ancestor Suwen have always been at odds. Immortal Ancestor Suwen has reached the third level of Immortal King and can enter the sixth-layer fairy world, but he has never stepped into the high-level fairy world. I don't know why. Forget it, this The reason is that you and I don’t know about it, this secret mission, it’s obvious that someone secretly notified the Conference Pavilion to target Ye Yun!”

"You and I watched it again this time!"

The two psychics laughed secretly, pretending that they had nothing to do with themselves. Disciples like them who became psychics would remain psychics for the rest of their lives. If they went to the fifth-layer fairy world, they would also be psychics, which is equivalent to A spiritual person is an iron rice bowl, eats the food of the country, and doesn't have to worry about any problems.

These spiritual law practitioners don't need to go out to practice, let alone perform tasks. They pass orders all day long, put their attitude high, inspect disciples from time to time, sort out the law, and live a carefree life.

As psychics, they have nothing to do all day long, and they just like to watch the excitement.

"You two brothers, you came from afar, Ye Yun didn't take good care of you, please forgive me!"

Immediately, from the depths of the cave, a gust of wind flashed out, with a dazzling brilliance, Ye Yun's figure suddenly appeared, he came from the void with his fists clasped.

The two psychics also clasped their fists together and said, "Junior Brother Ye, you are too polite, we are here to convey the mission and decree of the Lingxu Pavilion!"

"Mission? Not long ago, I carried out the mission of Tianzhu Wujian. I completed the mission. According to the law, I should still have decades of practice time. Why did it come so suddenly?" Ye Yun asked suspiciously.

A psychic with long hair and a sky-blue Taoist robe smiled, his eyes flickering with luster: "We don't know the details. If you want to know the reason, you should go to the cabinet to find the elders of the council. After all, every task is a task. The chairman of the conference will decide, especially for secret-level missions!"

Ye Yun had infinite doubts in his heart. When he heard the word "secret level", he felt apprehensive. This is a thousand times more difficult than high-level tasks: "Secret level tasks? Can't be mistaken, I'm a ghost, so I only stepped into it." After decades of kung fu in the sect, how could it carry out secret-level missions? I’m not a high-ranking disciple of the Great Immortal?!”

"It must be that Junior Brother Ye completed the Tiancha Wujian mission very well last time. The chairman of the meeting and the high-level members of the cabinet must pay special attention to you, Junior Brother!"

The psychic man waved his hand and grabbed it, a mysterious light flashed in his palm, and there was a decree in it, which was sealed densely and released the breath of the fairy king. The Great Immortal Realm was even more difficult to shake. Even, he said with a smile: "As disciples, neither you nor I have any power to resist. We can either implement it or give up. I don't know whether Junior Brother Ye will accept it or give up?"

"Give up? I heard that the task assigned by Lord Lingxu, once you give up, the Lingxu Pavilion will not issue any more tasks in the future, or give out tasks that cannot be completed. That's right!"

Ye Yun immediately waved his arms, spread out his palms, a mysterious suction force entangled the dharma decree in mid-air, and it fell into his hand with a sudden burst of immortal king's will.

"Then I'll be waiting in the Lingxu Pavilion to welcome my junior brother back in triumph!"

The two spiritual practitioners stopped talking and turned around to leave.

"Secret level mission, magnetic silver star sand..."

Unleashing powerful mana and suppressing the aura of the decree, Ye Yun already felt the difficulty of this mission from the aura. After breaking the seal, countless ideas were transmitted, and the specific mission of the secret level undoubtedly appeared in his mind.

"In the Plain of Starfall, there are countless meteorites descending from the sky. Countless meteorites form a lost land, and produce a material that can be used to refine high-level immortal artifacts, magnetic silver star sand..."

After some interpretation, Ye Yun has a clear control over the original task of Starfall, and it turns out that he is going to Starfall Field to find the special magnetic silver star sand.

Ye Yun has naturally seen magnetic silver star sand from ancient books. This kind of silver sand is very special. It is an indispensable material for refining some high-level immortal weapons. It is a treasure in the nine heavens of the fairy world. The treasures sought by the order, such as the Sumeru Cave, have been collecting floating silver sand.

Inside Sumeru Cave, there is also the existence of cultivating weapon refiners. Some disciples are born with a self-understanding that surpasses ordinary people. When they come to Sumeru Cave, their strength is not strong, and their talents are not amazing. A master craftsman can bring great wealth and status to Sumeru Cave.

"Magnetic silver star sand can be collected at will, but the plain of starfall..."

Ye Yun immediately stretched out his hand, and an ancient book appeared in the palm of his hand. With a few swipes, his thoughts swept across the ancient book. After about ten breaths, the ancient book disappeared. The original!"

You don't know if you don't look at it, it really makes Ye Yun's heart skip a beat!

The Land of Starfall is in the south of the Deep South Ocean in the Fourfold Immortal Realm, a frozen lost world. Many epochs ago, an extraterrestrial movement brought a large number of extraterrestrial falls to the frozen world. The meteorite melted the frozen world, and the power of the meteorite was extremely terrifying. It can actively absorb living objects.

If a small grass exists in the Plain of Starfall, countless meteorite particles will actively adsorb on the grass, and eventually absorb the energy of the grass, petrify the grass, and become a part of the meteorite. However, there are no living things in the Plain of Starfall. Because all living things cannot survive, life has long been extinct.

But there are immortal cultivators in the land of falling stars!

Where life is extinct, there are immortal cultivators. Those immortal cultivators must not be ordinary practitioners. They can resist the energy of meteorites. There is no return, although no one knows the reason, but it can be imagined that all the immortals who entered the Starfall Field were either killed by the energy absorbed by the meteorite, or beheaded by the immortal cultivators inside!

The Plain of Starfall is in the fourth-level fairyland, which is a forbidden place. Even the powerful immortal kings of the fifth-level fairyland and sixth-level fairyland cannot step into the Starfall Plain. It is a forbidden area of ​​life. No matter how powerful you are, once you enter, There is only one dead end.

"Damn it, I didn't expect Lingxu Pavilion to send me this impossible task..."

Ye Yun cursed fiercely, the difficulty of secret level missions has exceeded his imagination, and the Plain of Starfall is simply a place where immortals cannot set foot.


Ye Yun suddenly looked into the void, and shot out a colorful butterfly!


The colorful butterfly is a summoning talisman. Released by Ye Yun, the power of the summoning talisman is released, forming a channel of thought with Suwen Xianzu, passing through countless formations and caves, and the projection of Suwen Xianzu appears in the summoning talisman. Sitting cross-legged in the black void, practicing meditation.

Su Wen Xianzu slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Yun: "What's wrong?"

Ye Yun asked politely: "Immortal Ancestor, just now Lingxu Pavilion gave me the secret mission of finding the magnetic silver star sand in the plain of starfall. I'm not worried about the mission. Disciple to perform the same task? Has anyone completed it?"

"The Land of Falling Stars? Lingxu Pavilion actually gave you this impossible task?"

Su Wen Xianzu was also stunned, and she seemed to be shocked: "It's too much, it must be the lackey of the Shi family who wants to deal with you, but don't worry, there are many disciples who have carried out this task before, almost most of them did not Those who came back alive and completed the task are very few, and these disciples who completed the task did not actually go to the Plain of Starfall, but bought a large amount of magnetic silver star sand from vendors with countless fairy stones!"

"To complete the task like this!" Ye Yun was very astonished. He never thought that the task could be completed with money. There are really policies and countermeasures.

Suwen Xianzu didn't pay attention to Ye Yun, but was shocked in silence, and immediately decided: "Magnetic silver star sand is very rare in the fairy world, I don't think you need to complete the task, use all my savings to buy some magnetic silver star Sha, just complete the task!"

"Xianzu, I don't think things are that simple. Since they assigned this task, they would think that I would use the method of buying magnetic silver star sand to deal with them! Besides, how can I feel at ease with the life savings of Xianzu? !"

"You are also right. The people behind Lingxu Pavilion, thinking that it will be difficult for you with this method, will naturally be prepared. Maybe they will wait for you to buy the magnetic silver star sand, and then use the method they have prepared long ago to go Deal with you!"

"So I still have to go to the Plain of Starfall. If I can get the Magnetosilver Star Sand in the Plain of Starfall, that would be even better. If I can't get it, then I have some understanding of the Magnetosilver Star Sand. I will go there later. Get some magnetic silver star sand, and I have the confidence to argue when faced with Lingxuge's questioning!"

"Since you think so, go there. If you can't get the magnetic silver star sand, please contact me. I will rush to buy the magnetic silver star sand with you!"

Suwen Xianzu's projection floated in the void, extremely worried, and the worry between his brows has not dissipated.

"Okay! Immortal Lao is distracted!"

Stimulating the mind, the Summoning Talisman turned into a ball of light and entered the palm, Suwen Xianzu's projection disappeared naturally, Ye Yun adjusted his breathing, and he didn't have any confidence in the original mission of Starfall.

The Land of Falling Stars is a restricted area of ​​life, even the Immortal King would have difficulty in controlling it, and Ye Yun is only a virtual Immortal, this task is simply difficult for Ye Yun to complete, the reason why Ye Yun wants to try it is because In his hands, he holds Taiyi Chaos True Qi, Taiyi Divine Light Dao, Infinity Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder, and 33 Heavenly Vine and other peerless magic weapons or qigong.

If Ye Yun were an ordinary immortal, the only way to go to the Land of Falling Stars would be death!

"The energy of the Star Falling Plain should have the terrifying ability to absorb any energy, and my Taiyi Chaos True Qi can also absorb any energy... I will try it out, who is more powerful!"

Ye Yun immediately entered the cave to prepare, and then flew out of the cave, bid farewell to Suwen Xianzu, and left the Sumeru Immortal Realm through a series of mysterious light passages.

At the moment when Ye Yun left the enchantment of Sumeru Immortal Domain, two figures appeared in the void enchantment, one was the Immortal King Yaoli, and the other was a figure with a bumpy figure, a charming aura, and more A young woman with a coquettish aura, this woman is dressed in a blue feather robe, so full that she can't suppress it.

Immortal King Yaoli said politely: "Senior Sister, he is Ye Yun!"

"It seems that I don't have much ability, but I have practiced an extremely powerful qigong, which seals my own sea of ​​qi and meridians, so that outsiders can't see through it!"

That kind of coquettish woman, her pupils release boundless temptation, and there is a trace of demon light: "Yao Li, Yao Li, my master wants you to deal with such a disciple of Xuxian, you are helpless!"

"Senior sister, please rest assured that he will not complete the original task of Starfall this time, and I have ways to deal with him. Once he returns to the sect, I will use the law to deal with him in public and abolish his cultivation. Even if you ask Xianzu that bitch, you can't save him!"

Immortal King Yaoli was very uncomfortable when she was told by the alluring woman, and almost burst into anger, but she was obviously a lot shorter in front of the alluring woman, so she was very polite and flattering.

The woman shook her head and said: "You still want to be the son's concubine, it's really delusional, but your master and I are as close as sisters, you secretly asked me to help you, so naturally I will get rid of this kid for you, and let you be in the house of the son and your master." In front of you, make a show of yourself, I know you are having a hard time, after I kill this kid, I will take you to the fifth layer of immortal world, and ask you what you mean, once you agree, you can become your concubine!"

"Yaoli begged her senior sister to help her, Yaoli will never forget it!" The Immortal King Yaoli, a psychic and an immortal king, did not hesitate to kneel down for the woman.

"You and I are both from the same sect, and you have to serve the same man, it's too strange!"

The woman hurriedly lifted Immortal King Yaoli and enthusiastically helped her tidy her hair, but Immortal King Yaoli had a trace of resentment in his eyes: "Senior Sister, with your cultivation level, even a hundred ordinary sluts are no match for you, why don't you kill them?" lost her?"

"That slut, pretending to be noble, really has a trick, and the young master has been obsessed with her all the time. If it weren't for the young master, I would have killed her long ago. If there is anything wrong with her now, you and I will have a dead end. I advise you , don’t deal with Suwen Immortal Ancestor for the time being, after the young master accepts her, I will let the other sisters deal with her, it’s a piece of cake!”

The woman grinned grimly.

"Damn bitch..."

Immortal King Yaoli's eyes were full of anger, and resentment was burning in his pupils: "Senior sister, let's go back first, this kid will definitely not be able to complete the task!"

Just like that, the two supreme immortal kings, the disciples who had the highest status in Sumeru Cave, disappeared in the powerful enchantment of Sumeru Immortal Domain.

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