The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 591 The Secret of Starfall Field

"Dijun, quickly think of a way!!!"

Under the suppression of Tiantong Hongyin's world god bell, in the mysterious sky thunder net, the eyes of the black-clothed man jumped, and cold sweat broke out. When his body touched the sky thunder net, black smoke rose, and there were bursts of severe pain. Unable to resist the thunder net, the Moyiren could only beg for the projection of the will of the star capital emperor who was about to break the thunder net.

"Boy, why are you in such a hurry, what kind of existence is this emperor, can this little thunder method trap me?"

The emperor of Xingdu didn't seem to pay attention to the sky thunder net at all, and kept condensing the seal, while the Xingdu killing order in the hands of the man in black trembled more and more, Fangfo had a terrifying force, and it was about to explode!

"Emperor Xingdu, do you think I can let you activate the token seal?"

Suddenly, an icy voice rang from the world god bell in Tiantong Hongyin Town.

"Who are you? How dare you fight with me?"

The emperor of the star capital looked together, and shot out a ling light, sweeping to the four directions: "I think you are an ignorant person, my emperor of the star capital is the original owner of the original starfall, and the great leader is the supreme master of the immortal emperor!" !"

"A master of the Immortal Emperor? Don't fool me. Even if you are a master of the Immortal Emperor, I can't leave the Field of Starfall. Am I still afraid that you won't succeed?"

"Dark Sun Moon Yu Lei Jue, get me the Xingdu Chasing Order!"

While speaking, a sense of emptiness erupted, and I saw that the thunder net began to transform, and a big hand of thunder light was grabbed from the net. The man in black was scared out of his wits, unable to react, looking at the thunder light The big hand, from his hand, followed the killing order.

Xingdu Emperor's will was startled suddenly, seeing Lei Guang's big hand grabbing Xingdu's killing order by surprise, his face turned green with anger, and he hurriedly spewed out a strong burst of true energy, killing Lei Guang's big hand, and said fiercely: "Boy, You can actually see through the seal of this seat, leave it for me!"

Immediately came Ye Yun's sneering voice: "Emperor Xingdu, wake up, with your cultivation level, you can see a demigod weapon, then you know that you have nowhere to escape under my suppression!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

Regardless of other things, the emperor of Xingdu still wants to intercept Lei Guang's big hand, as if Xingdu's killing order is the source of all his power. Now he is red-eyed, and his momentum suddenly spurts, sweeping through Lei Guang's net, and shaking the world god of Tiantong Hongyin Town bell.


Just beside the Lei Guang Net, under the terrifying power of the Star Capital Emperor, Ye Yun appeared with the vibration of the Tiantong Hongyin Town God Bell, trembling in embarrassment, spurting out a stream of golden blood.

Staring at Ye Yun in disbelief, Emperor Xingdu looked at Ye Yun's uncontrollable aura, and murmured, "Well, he's actually a boy from the imaginary fairyland!!!?"

"I'm here to help you!"

Seeing that Ye Yun was injured and the Star Capital Emperor was about to intercept Lei Guang's hand, Wanhai turned into a silver light, Xuanmiao appeared next to Ye Yun, and with a wave of his sleeves, a fairy king-level force was instantly caught in Lei Guang's net.

Ye Yun immediately mobilized his primordial spirit to control the Dark Sun Moon Thunderbolt Jue, and cooperated with Wan Hai. Under the pressure of the Dark Sun Moon Yulei Jue, he was ahead of the power of the Xingdu Emperor, and took the Xingdu Chasing and Killing Order viciously. , and was tightly held by Ye Yun.

In an instant, countless thunder and fire entangled Xingdu's killing order, burning the power of Xingdu's emperor in an instant.


The projection of the will of the Star Capital Emperor suppressed by Tiantong Hongyin's world god bell suddenly shook, and his power was weakened by half, but he was not reconciled at all, and even created a seal of nothingness, his body released a faint divinity, And the Star City Hunting Order in Ye Yun's hand also overflowed with mysterious divinity.

Seeing this, Ye Yun was horrified: "God-level power!"

The emperor of Xingdu stabilized his momentum and looked at Ye Yun in astonishment: "I didn't expect that you, a virtual fairy, would have such insight and recognize that this seat is practicing supreme god-level qigong. Hurry up and present my token, This seat can consider accepting you as an apprentice!"

"Don't let your guard down, Emperor Xingdu, you think that you are an invincible existence in the Plain of Starfall, and no one can stop you in the ocean of tears. I will help you and kill the will of Emperor Xingdu! "

Seeing Ye Yun's shocked expression, Wan Hai thought that Ye Yun couldn't suppress his divinity, so he stretched out his hands and put them on the back of Ye Yun's hands. A wave of weak divinity was released from Wanhai's palm, and in coordination with his true energy, he began to suppress the divinity in the Xingdu Chasing and Killing Order.

"You bitch, dare to unleash your divinity against me??" The emperor of Xingdu suddenly became angry, like an angry lion, wishing to eat Wanhai.

"So you are also a cultivator?"

Ye Yun never expected that in the Ocean of Tears, he would see two figures with divinity at once. Having divinity means that they are the most mysterious cultivators in the legend.

In the Ninth Heaven of Immortal Realm, the God Cultivators are the most powerful existences in the Immortal Realm, like the Super Emperors in the Immortal Realm, almost all of them are God Cultivators. Originally, only high-level God Cultivators can appear in the Immortal Realm, but they appear in the Fourth Layer Immortal Realm. How can Ye Yun not be shocked.

Wan Hai looked at Ye Yun, still expressionless, but within his silver pupils, there was a faint light of divinity, and he admitted without any concealment: "I am indeed a cultivator, and so is the Emperor of the Star Capital. You and I will work together to use this Only a semi-divine weapon can suppress the will of the emperor of the star capital, he is the great emperor of the fairy world, and the projection of this will also possesses the sixth-level strength of the fairy king!"

"With your cultivation base, can you suppress me? Wanhai, it's a pity that your deity is not here. If the deity is here, I really can't deal with you!"

Star Capital Emperor smiled proudly.

"What? You are a clone!?"

Ye Yun was even more shocked, he regarded Wanhai as a monster, and with his current strength, he couldn't see through that Wanhai was a clone, which really puzzled him.

A doppelgänger possesses the second-level strength of the Immortal King, so the deity must be around the third-level.

In an instant, Ye Yun was infinitely curious about Wanhai's identity, he was also curious about the Emperor of the Star Capital, and he was very curious about the vast ocean of tears and the unseen land of starfall.

In an ocean of tears, two god cultivators appeared unexpectedly, which is really enough to shock the quadruple fairy world!

"Emperor Xingdu, don't be arrogant, do you think that if you can hurt me, I can't suppress you?"

Ye Yun grinned mysteriously and ferociously, like a hunter looking at the Emperor of the Star Capital, and then at Wanhai: "I see that you have consumed a lot of true energy, it depends on how I suppress the will of the Emperor of the Star Capital!"

"The Divine Wheel of Confusion and Purification!"

At this moment, Ye Yun used a powerful god-level method inherited from Shenluo, the chaotic chakra of purifying the world.

"This is... divinity!!!" Following the unleashing of the chakra of chaotic world purification, Wan Hai's face, which had been as cold as ice, finally showed a hint of shock.

The emperor of Xingdu changed his face now, and he was no longer invincible: "Impossible, you are also a cultivator of gods, and, you little Xuxian, you are actually casting god-level spells, even the emperor of the fairy world is not easy to cast them. Kid, who are you?"

"Emperor Xingdu, since you seriously injured me, you did not hesitate to show your god-level qigong. You peeped into my secrets, so let your will power be used as compensation!"


The God Wheel of Hunxu Jingshi turned suddenly, covering the emperor of Xingdu. At first, the emperor of Xingdu was able to resist, but under the power of the God Wheel of Hunxu Jingshi, he was as dumb as a wooden chicken after only three breaths. The man in black had long been refined into an energy ball, which was fused into the energy of the emperor of the star capital.

After a few more breaths, the will clone with the strength of the sixth level of the fairy world was condensed into a single energy.


Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell and Hunxu Jingshi Divine Wheel disappeared in an instant. Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed it, and the energy of the Star Capital Emperor appeared in the palm of his hand. He greedily smiled: "The power of the sixth-level Immortal King is not bad!"

Now, once fused with the huge energy ball in his body, Ye Yun will have the power of an Immortal King beyond the first rank, reaching between the second and third ranks. Such an energy ball, once Ye Yun explodes, can be used to deal with it. Behead any immortal king-level master.

Wanhai was shocked by this scene of wonderful god-level techniques, fixed his eyes on the eyeball-sized energy seeds and sighed: "You, what kind of god-level qigong is this?"

"I accidentally obtained a god-level qigong in a historic site! And there is also a divine power seed. After melting, I can practice god-level spells in the imaginary fairyland!"

Faced with Wan Hai's question, Ye Yun couldn't answer truthfully. Now Wan Hai learned of the secret of his cultivation of god-level qigong. This was something Ye Yun couldn't tolerate. Telling the other party too much would inevitably lead to trouble.

The so-called painting the skin of a tiger is difficult to paint the bones, knowing the face but not the heart.

"You have a semi-divine weapon, and such an extraordinary god-level spell... It seems that you are not an ordinary human being!" Wan Hai said indifferently.

Ye Yun's face was impassive at the moment, and he smiled and looked at Wanhai: "You are not an ordinary sea monster, I see that there is not a trace of monster in your body, but the aura in your body is pure, you must not Kraken!"

"Boy, I can't spare you, just wait to be hunted down by me, the Ocean of Tears is the place where you will die!"

Suddenly, from the void deep in the Ocean of Tears, came the evil and resentful voice of the Emperor of the Star Capital, flying in the void like a ghost.

"The Plain of Starfall?"

Ye Yun turned around and looked at the source of the sound, at the end of the endless ocean: "The land of starfall is a restricted area of ​​life in the eyes of immortals. It turns out that it is the existence of the Emperor of the Star Capital, and his power..."


Suddenly, he spread his palms in front of Wanhai, and the Xingdu Chasing Order appeared, releasing divine energy from it, which was very weak, less than one ten-thousandth of the divine energy in Ye Yun's body, and in the inner energy, there was even a grain of sand general energy exists.

"It turns out that the energy of the Starfall Field contains this kind of energy like the grains of star meteorite sand. Once the human body absorbs it, it can block the meridians, cause the body to petrify, and eventually become a grain of sand in the Starfall Field!" Ye Yun's face turned pale. Yi Lin, finally saw the secret of Starfall Land from the Xingdu Chasing Order.

"You're half right!"

Wan Hai suddenly said, "The Land of Starfall was originally just an island continent. A long time ago, a group of meteorites suddenly fell, and the first emperor of the star capital was practicing in it, and was suppressed by the meteorite. The other immortals died. Du Dijun unexpectedly survived, he discovered a set of god-level qigong from the meteorite, and thus he cultivated like a great emperor in the fairy world, not to mention the existence of invincible existence in the eighth and ninth levels of immortality, not to mention the fourth level of immortality!"

"God-level qigong that emerged from the meteorite?"

Ye Yun found it inconceivable. It was incredible that the god-level qigong appeared in this way. It fell together with the meteorite. Couldn't it be the energy of the starfall field, which does not belong to the quadruple fairy world.

"It seems that God is deliberately playing with the emperor of the star capital. Every generation of emperors in the star capital of the starfall plain cannot get out of the starfall plain, because the energy of the god-level qigong he cultivated is integrated with the entire starfall plain. The weather technique has become a prison to imprison the Emperor of the Star Capital, and the Emperor of the Star Capital has been staying in the Starfall Field ever since!"

Wan Hai said quietly: "However, he is also considered a genius. He created a magic weapon such as the Star City Chasing Token, which cannot come by itself. He can also collect any treasure he wants from all over the fairy world and provide him with cultivation!"

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