Following Blackbeard's order, one by one the pirate leaders flew out like ferocious beasts, casting out their seals one after another. Countless vicious pirates flew out from the pirate ships in all directions. Tens of thousands of pirates were all vicious gods who killed without batting an eye and had countless lives on their hands. Get up and fight towards the Great Zhou Taiji Formation.

"All the artillery, let me bombard the big formation, attack from inside and outside, hmph, the rest, follow me to kill, if you encounter a sea monster, you can also kill it, haha!"

At this moment, Blackbeard showed the ferocious and wolf-like side of the pirates. He waved the command flag, and dozens of pirate ships fired in an instant, like raindrops falling on the Great Zhou Taiji Formation.

If you look at it from the void now, countless sea monsters are constantly attacking around the Great Zhou Taiji Formation, some even stand on top of the Great Formation, and bite the Great Formation with their mouths open, and some monsters are shaken and rolled down from the Great Formation, immediately Some monsters climbed up, and it is estimated that there are thousands of sea monsters in all directions.

The pirates also took the opportunity to follow the leaders of the Immortal Kings to attack the Great Zhou Taiji Formation. The shells fired from all sides landed steadily on the Great Formation, killing and injuring countless sea monsters. The scene was in chaos!


Inside the big formation, a sea-monster of the sixth rank of the Great Immortal moved slowly. He somehow got into the big formation, dizzy, followed by several sea-monsters one after another, using their nose and eyes to constantly sniff out human breath, but their eyes were chaotic. , but before smelling anything, it was enveloped by a silver light.


A huge elephant's head was cut off by the silver light, and blood spurted out. Before the headless corpse fell, Wanhai grabbed it with five fingers, and the sea water in all directions condensed into a cage, dragging the corpse of the monster into the center of the formation.

"Good time, we have to be careful, the pirates have launched an attack, these people are very insidious, they will do everything they can, we still need to be on guard!"

Ye Yun's phantom flashed out from the dark place, and the palm of his hand directly sucked away the body of the sea monster, and then returned to the formation, followed by a deep voice.

"Come in, one will die!!!"

Wanhai is also like a Shura, although he has no murderous aura, but with a burst of cold breath, his eyes fall on the several sea monsters pouring in, and his five fingers point again, several huge sea tornadoes entangle the sea monsters like vines, immediately Kill it.

"One move kills the sea monsters of the seventh, eighth, and ninth ranks of the Great Immortal. Wanhai's strength is really strong. The Immortal King is the Immortal King. Her avatar is so powerful. I don't know what realm it is!"

In the center of the big formation, countless chaotic and world-cleaning god wheels are in motion, covering the corpses of sea monsters. Not only does Ye Yun sacrifice the Shenluo domain, but the Taiyi divine furnace is also burning, absorbing the energy of the sea monsters and the ocean of tears , he discovered that the Ocean of Tears was countless times more powerful than the Fourfold Immortal Realm due to the coming of the divine shell.

The Taiyi God Furnace is constantly burning, just like a wild animal that never knows hunger and keeps devouring energy, so the Taiyi God Furnace has sealed the terrible Taiyi Chaotic True Qi.

"Energy Seed!"

Following the disappearance of a chaotic chaotic chakra, a sea monster turned into bones, scattered on the ground with a crash, and flew out of it a dazzling sea monster seed full of sacred aura, which was caught by Ye Yun in the palm of his hand.

The surface of the energy seed has a sacred luster, but there is also a trace of monster energy in it. Ye Yun can't completely refine the monster energy in such a short time, but if he swallows his body, he will soon be swallowed by Taiyi's chaotic true energy.

"The energy of the seventh-order sea monster seeds of the Great Immortal is comparable to that of the eighth-level human Great Immortal, especially the life essence..." Seeing the blood of the sea monster flowing in the energy seeds, Ye Yun burst into laughter, the blood of the sea monster is very important to the immortal It's useless, but to him, it's energy that is more precious than true qi.

Continually devouring the essence of life, Ye Yun's physical body will become stronger and stronger, and then he will reach the real demigod body, surpassing the highest immortal emperor in the fairy world.

And as Ye Yun's cultivation continues to improve and become stronger, he can refine the sea monster with the God Wheel of Chaos Void and Purify the World, and can refine all the blood, life force, physical strength, and monster power into energy seeds, and the sea monster will have teeth left. White skeleton, not even flesh and blood left.

This is the wonderful power of Ye Yun's magic chakra of purifying the world now!

Click, click!

Next, one after another chaotic chakra disappeared, and the skeletons of sea monsters were scattered. The energy seeds kept flying towards Ye Yun, and Ye Yun integrated all the energy seeds into the huge energy ball in his body. Yun wanted to raise the power of the energy ball to the peak of the second-order Immortal King or the third-order Immortal King.

At that time, he will be more confident in dealing with the Emperor of the Star Capital!

After successfully sealing the Emperor of the Star City, Ye Yun will be able to obtain his storage ring and get the magnetic silver star sand, so as to complete the task, and then return to the sect, waiting for the end of the Yaoli Immortal King. If Xuedian wants to win him over, he will definitely Dealing with Immortal King Yaoli, but he doesn't take these things to heart.

The nine-day competition to win the bid and kill the prison is what he wants most now.

The Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest is a big stage for geniuses to become famous, compete and shock the fairy world. Ye Yun wants to take care of his family and friends in the lower world, establish the Holy Dragon Party, etc., so he must have the highest status in Sumeru Cave and exist like an emperor. At that time, he will be able to flex his muscles, unlike now in Sumeru Cave, shrinking back like a coward, that kind of him is not the real him.

It's not so easy to become famous in the fairy world. Let's look at the current secret-level mission, Starfall Field, which is so difficult and terrifying. To participate in the Nine-Day Winning Prison Competition, you have to complete a forbidden world-level task. World-level tasks are tasks that can only be completed by immortal kings, and they must be extremely difficult. Only by completing forbidden world-level tasks can you represent Xumi Dongtian to participate in the Nine Heavens Prison Killing Contest, and the characters participating in the Prison Killing Contest are all super geniuses from the sect of the fairy world .

A series of difficulties are in front of him. It is so difficult to become a person who attracts the attention of the fairy world. It can be said that life and death are impermanent and dangerous.

"Huh? It's actually poisonous gas, it must be the method used by the sea monster!!"

When Ye Yun was fully storing his strength, the formation suddenly transformed, a big hand grabbed wisps of black gas, and came to Ye Yun from the formation, it was a strong poisonous gas.

Ye Yun was calm and composed, any poisonous gas would have no effect on him, Taiyi chaotic true energy could suppress any poisonous gas, but he showed a worried look and looked at the formation: "Wanhai, this poisonous gas seems to be a combination of sea monster and deep sea poison Cheng, can you suppress it?"

"Poisonous gas is indeed a bit extraordinary, but you and I are both cultivators. Divine power can seal poisonous gas, imprison the body, and prevent poisonous gas from entering the body. These mere pirates, how could they know that you and I are cultivators! I killed hundreds of sea monsters to Are you not enough?"

Wan Hai's breathless voice came from the formation.

"Then kill the chickens and take the eggs, slaughter as many as possible, and no amount of corpses is enough for me. It would be best if you can kill all the sea monsters and pirates, but my Great Zhou Taiji Formation is a fusion of infinite formations, and there are even Some god-level formations are mysterious in them, how can they be broken by sea monsters and pirates? When the time comes, they will naturally activate the Xingdu Chasing Order and use the Xingdu Emperor to deal with the big formation. Good time!"

Ye Yun's face was full of laughter, now that he has integrated so much energy, his confidence in dealing with the Emperor of the Star Capital is constantly rising: "Now the sea monsters, pirates, and even the Emperor of the Star Capital don't know about you and me in the big formation. You and I are struggling to support, but we are all fierce and fierce!"

"Well, anyway, in the Ocean of Tears, my energy is inexhaustible, so do as you please!" Wan Hai had no objection.

"No matter how powerful the Emperor of the Star City is, it is impossible to have the power of the ninth and tenth ranks of the Immortal King. It is a pity that the sword slave cannot use it. If he injects all the energy into the sword slave, the sword slave may reach the high level of the fairy king. It should not be difficult to deal with the Star Capital Emperor. , but once the sword slave is activated, I believe that the powerhouse of the Tiangong Temple will immediately discover the breath of the sword slave, and send countless masters to chase after him.

Continue to sit cross-legged, mobilize the true energy, cast the chakra of chaotic world purification, and think carefully in your heart: "It's a pity, a pity, the emperor of Xingdu is an immortal emperor, an immortal's a pity that he can't be killed, otherwise If I absorb the energy of the Emperor of the Star Capital, I'm afraid I will be promoted to the Great Immortal Realm!"

Thinking of this, Ye Yun felt emotional for a while, the emperor of Xingdu simply had every meal, but it is a pity that the emperor of Xingdu is an immortal emperor, and he cannot be killed at all. It is already possible to break the laws of the quadruple fairy world, and to integrate the laws of the quadruple fairy world is equivalent to possessing the origin of the quadruple fairy world.

It is impossible to cut off the source, unless Ye Yun reaches the realm of Immortal King, then killing the Emperor of the Star Capital will no longer be a dream.

We can only seal the emperor of Xingdu in the divine shell, and wait for Ye Yun to step into the fairy king one day, and then he can refine the emperor of Xingdu alive!

Thinking about the star capital emperor as a huge hidden power, the blood boils just thinking about it.

I'm afraid that in the entire fairy world, only Ye Yun dares to have this heaven-defying idea, to refine the immortal emperor!

"Finally broke the formation method, entered the formation, and captured the two of them alive!"

At this moment, in the Tai Chi formation of the Great Zhou, in the past few days, the blood outside has stained the deep sea red, and there are a large number of sea monsters, and a dozen pirates have finally spent their efforts to find the weakness of the great formation, continue to break through, and finally find a hole .

Of course, the weakness and loopholes in the formation were intentional!

"Release poisonous gas!!!"

More than a dozen pirates took out conch shells one by one, and began to spit out bursts of black gas into the formation, and then placed talismans at the rupture of the formation, as if other pirates could sense it, and entered the formation along the rupture. Array.

"You group of ants, your methods are really insidious and despicable. If it weren't for your uncle, I am a cultivator, and I would really fall under such despicable methods!"

The pirates had just released the poisonous gas, and were about to follow the poisonous gas and rush into the formation, but a black shadow flickered like a ghost in the illusion of the formation.

"Impossible, even the Immortal King will be subdued by the poisonous gas. Didn't the leader say that this man is not an Immortal King-level master?" The pirate was stunned.

"Is that the black beard you mentioned? He has a good cultivation, the peak of the first rank of the Great Immortal, if he enters the big formation, he will only be killed on the spot, so you go to hell first! Dark Sun Moon Thunderbolt Art!"

In an instant, following the icy piercing sound, all the pirates saw that they were trapped in the Lightning World.

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