The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 604 The Mysterious Crystal Shell

"It's almost my bottom line, you should act quickly, after the Star Capital Emperor sees it, he will definitely believe that you and I have reached the point where the sea is dry and the well is cracked!"

Ye Yun is not in the mood to be distracted now, the terrifying power from the third-level Immortal King of the Star Capital Emperor really makes him uncomfortable. He can kill the first-level Immortal King, and he can also fight against the second-level Immortal King, but he can never fight against the third-level Immortal King.

If Ye Yun didn't use the energy ball or other external force with the next punch from Emperor Xingdu, then with his own ability, he could only end up being destroyed.


Wan Hai saw the timing, moved his body, and appeared in front of Ye Yun. Seeing that the Xingdu Emperor's fist was still erupting, he flipped his hands, and waves of sea-blue mysterious light rose against the sky and merged into the Great Zhou Taiji Formation!

"This kid has some tricks. It's not easy to catch one-fifth of my strength... It's a pity that the momentum of his formation is weakening!"

Above the sea area, the Star Capital Emperor sat leisurely on the throne, watching the Great Zhou Taiji Formation, being constantly wrapped and swallowed by the light of lime starlight, a little smile appeared on his face.

The Great Zhou Tai Chi Formation was constantly retreating under his strange force, and its aura continued to disappear. The lime-gray power gradually became stronger, as if it was about to turn the Great Zhou Tai Chi Formation into a mass of lime.

The emperor of Xingdu is too confident in his own strength. He doesn't believe that in the quadruple fairy world, ordinary fairy kings can compete with him. Moreover, he has not displayed his real power until now!


Just as the power of lime was overwhelmingly devouring the Great Zhou Taiji Formation, an ocean-like holy light, like the rising sun, like the sun in the dark night, suddenly erupted.

All of a sudden, layers of gray star power began to confront Ocean Mysterious Light, and the two forces were on par. It seemed that Ocean Mysterious Light and a strange magic weapon breath were about to tear through the power of Lime.

"Wanhai... ah, what kind of existence are you? Born in the fetish, I must grasp your will, seize the will, refine the fetish, and then I will be reborn in the fetish!"

"If you want to compete with me, Wanhai, it's impossible for you to use your avatar, unless your real body, but your real body is imprisoned by the gods..."

The star capital emperor's eyes were full of evil light, like a hungry beast, he stood up immediately, extremely majestic, and punched out again, a huge fist mark, shot out immediately.

"Since Wanhai shows up, there's no need for me to continue playing. This time, both of you will be sealed in it. It's good to wait, not bad!"

The momentum of the fist print is more than several times stronger than the previous fist print. It is not at the third level of the Immortal King, and it is impossible for the fourth level of the Immortal King. The direction of the shot is broken.

The shattering of the fairyland space is equal to the shattering of the law, which requires power beyond the fairyland.

This is the strength that a star capital emperor should have.

It turned out that Emperor Xingdu had been waiting for Wanhai to make a move, so he dealt with Ye Yun in order to draw Wanhai out and completely suppress Wanhai's power.

He calculated Ye Yun and Wanhai like this, but he didn't know that he had already fallen into Ye Yun's plan and became a pawn.

"That's all right now, the Emperor of the Star City is really here to target you. This punch is comparable to the fifth level of the Immortal King, and it is close to the strongest power projected by his will. It's time for us to escape!"

Within the big formation, Ye Yun had been paying attention to every move of the emperor of the star capital, and when he saw the fist that destroyed everything, he cast the Great Thousand Gods Diagram, abandoned the Great Zhou Taiji Formation, pulled Wanhai for a flash, and disappeared up.


Almost at the same moment, the second punch of the emperor of Xingdu came swiftly and violently, and without any effort, he smashed the Great Zhou Taiji Formation into pieces like stones, and the Quartet Sea Territory also began to shatter. Countless sea monsters, no matter whether they were at the level of the Great Immortal or the Immortal King, all died under the punch of the Emperor of the Star Capital.


At the moment of shattering, the Emperor of the Star City came in a flash, pushed out with both hands, and the aura directly shattered any matter, and the large formation suddenly disappeared, but there was nothing in it, not a single person.

"Damn can escape from this king's power?"

The emperor of Xingdu was extremely shocked. He thought that the first punch had already imprisoned the formation, but now, there was no one in sight. Of course the emperor of Xingdu was angry, but he immediately showed a sinister smile, and his eyes shot at In the deep sea, two true energy trails appeared in the void, extending towards the deep sea.

"Haha, grabbing Wanhai, maybe it's not easy to refine her will. She chose to escape, but she couldn't leave the Ocean of Tears, and her ideals were exhausted. She had to flee to the place of the gods, which is where her real body is. That's great. Now, I can finally find the traces of entering her lair, now, where else can you escape, I want you to go to heaven!!!"

The star capital emperor's eyes began to search, and immediately withdrew the divine light, which sealed the breath of Ye Yun and Wanhai. Then he turned around and saw countless sea monsters and pirates rushing towards him. He suddenly raised the corners of his mouth: "The gods can't To be known by a third party, you trash, you can't do anything, but let me spend a lot of energy to create tokens, and let me disappear all of them!"

Chu Chu Chu!

Streams of starry light, following the power of the Emperor of the Star Capital to break the laws of the fairy world, swept across the sea area for thousands of miles. In the blink of an eye, the sea area was calm and the sea became a piece of lime-gray material. The existence of each has become a lime statue.

What is eternal and immortal exists in the Ocean of Tears.

Everything is extinct, desolate, and life is extinct. This is probably the truth of the Starfall Plain. There is no trace of life, only silently drifting with the tide.

"A bunch of trash..."

Killing countless powerful beings in an instant, the emperor of Xingdu turned around without blinking his eyes, looked into the depths of the ocean of tears, and said with a sneer, "God, here I come!!!"


With a thought, the Emperor of the Star Capital suddenly sank into the deep sea!


"The Emperor of the Star Capital is really cruel and ruthless. He will kill a donkey without a fight. He will not spare even a pirate or a sea monster. I can't imagine exterminating the ten directions. If you fall into his hands..."

In the deep sea, at least under the [-]-meter deep sea, Ye Yun and Wanhai are in a blue bubble, constantly flying towards the black blue deep sea, Ye Yun's eyebrows release golden rays of light, and they are casting the chaotic world purification god wheel and see what's happening on the sea.

"With you here, how could I fall into his hands?" Wan Hai suddenly glanced at him, and quickly hid his complicated expression.

"Don't put all your hope in my hands. It should be on the god shell, the power of the god shell, that can finally seal the emperor of the star capital. This person has grasped the breath we left on purpose, and he will come after him. I believe that once he If the avatar of his will can't fight against the fetish, the real body will not come, and you can see what he thinks from the fact that he wiped out everyone outside!"

The two continued to fly towards the deep sea, and the light in the deep sea became increasingly dim.

"Ahead is the torrent of the deep sea tornado, and my dojo is hidden in it. Without my breath, no one can find the dojo in it!"

After a few breaths, a boiling deep-sea world appeared on the deeper seabed. Tornadoes were twisted and entwined, like a chaotic net, and powerful enough to destroy the fairy king.

"A good place, really a good place. Under the deep sea, there is such a natural defense formed by the sea tornado, just like the plane storm in the underworld..."

Seeing the chaotic and huge boiling deep sea world, Ye Yun was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help thinking that when he entered the depths of the Taiyi plane to win over the Wusheng Mountain Tianzun Wusheng, the world he saw was similar to the plane world.


Wanhai cast a magic seal, and a sea tornado suddenly extended from the boiling world, like a passage, Wanhai and Ye Yun immediately entered the tornado, and suddenly there was a dark blue in front of them, swaying and swaying, as if entering the belly of a viper Here, keep crawling.

The tornado is constantly swinging in the boiling deep sea world, and when it goes deep, Ye Yun will see countless sea tornado worlds, even if the second level of the Immortal King is trapped in it, he will not be able to get out, and will be smashed to pieces by the power of the deep sea tornado.


With just a flash of mysterious light, the two of them appeared a crystal world with a strong immemorial atmosphere. Ye Yun kept his eyes open, and unexpectedly saw a huge divine shell with a broken hole floating in the depths of the world, which was firmly held by countless crystal substances. The package is suspended in the void.

"A fetish, a natural born fetish!!!"

From the crystal-wrapped divine shell, divine light shone, and with Ye Yun's highest divinity, he could feel the aura of the same source of divinity. The sexual aura is exactly the same, because they both come from the mysterious God Realm.

"These crystal substances were transformed by the power of the meteor that fell from the God Realm back then. They are very strong and are also God Realm substances. Unfortunately, they cannot be absorbed. They have been entrenched for too long, forming a natural deep-sea world here. You and I are both god cultivators. , Entering here will not be oppressed, and ordinary immortals will be imprisoned here forever!"

Wan Hai controlled the blue light and flew towards the divine shell with Ye Yun.

"That's true. The divinity is above the laws of the fairy world. It's difficult for the immortals to walk here. No wonder the sea monsters can't deal with you!"

In an instant, Ye Yun understood more things. Wanhai is hidden here. Unless it is a cultivator, no immortal can enter here, and there is a sea tornado deep sea protection outside. Ordinary fairy kings cannot step into the tornado. deep sea.

"The breath of the gods..."

Before coming to the divine shell wrapped in crystal, Ye Yun suddenly felt like entering the world of miracles, putting himself in the time and space of the mysterious God Realm, facing the divine shell, he had an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

"In your body, there is such a pure power of the gods... not to be squeezed out by my god shell domain?"

Wan Hai was surprised to find that Ye Yun approached the shell so naturally, and the powerful defense on the outer layer of the shell did not stop Ye Yun. She couldn't believe her eyes: "No, the will of the god of hell on your body, It will definitely reject the pure divine power of the divine shell, but it doesn't reject you, could it be that your other door god-level qigong is also an inheritance of will?"

"You're right again. Indeed, the two god-level qigongs I practice are both inherited from the will of the two gods. Otherwise, how could I have such a heaven-defying means!"

Ye Yun admitted frankly.

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