The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 606 The Emperor of the Star Capital Arrives

"Hurry up and unravel the secrets of the divine shell and the divine text. I have already sensed that a powerful idea is approaching the deep sea of ​​the tornado. It must be the Emperor of the Star Capital who has found it!"

Seeing Ye Yun's dreamlike appearance, Wan Hai's cheeks flushed, and her brows tightened, but a deep worry brought her back to normal, and she said in a cold and bone-chilling manner.

"So many sea monsters and pirates have been silenced by him, and they must have come here. At first, I didn't see the god's shell, and I was a little worried, but now I won't!"

Ye Yun came back to his senses, but his mind couldn't get rid of Wan Hai's amazing beauty, every frown and smile was hidden in his heart, the primordial mind suddenly condensed, the inner space of the transparent divine shell disappeared in an instant, and the divine shell and the densely packed divine script seals appeared impressively It was intercepted in front of him, and Wanhai was sealed within it.


As Ye Yun's primordial spirit condensed, his thoughts began to sweep through countless divine script seals, and a large number of divine scripts began to recover with the thoughts and Ye Yun's own powerful divine power. The divine texts suddenly and methodically formed a series of ancient divine seals.

"Because of the destruction of the divine shell, many divine scripts have disappeared, and the remaining divine scripts are indeed incomplete..."

After sorting for a while, the divine texts finally calmed down, but many of them were empty, because the seal was damaged due to the broken shell of the divine body, and a large number of divine texts disappeared.

"Did you see clearly?"

A phantom of will gushes out from the crack of the divine shell, and under the protection of the powerful power of the divine shell, it slowly struggles out. It is Wan Hai's will. Wen wall, but the shell is still indestructible.

"Wanwan, wait a moment, these divine texts are ancient and powerful, and they need to be understood one by one. I will understand them and translate them into fairy world characters at the same time!"

Seeing Wanhai's urgency, Ye Yun immediately started to act, his pupils shot out a powerful divine light, which fell on a piece of divine script, and in Ye Yun's body, an even stronger divinity burst forth instantly.

"The great ocean...the god of the sea!"

"Inherit the great will... Sea God Clan, holy saintess..."

"The heart of the ocean, the sacred weapon of the sea, breaks the law and descends to the mortal world..."

In the divine script controlled by Shenguang, fairy characters gradually appeared one by one, but they were all messed up. Even if Ye Yun recombined, only part of the divine script that appeared due to the damage of the seal could be deciphered. When I saw the words that were translated with great difficulty, my face was full of excitement.

This is the first time she can figure out the origin of the god shell and her.


Ye Yun, who was using his divinity and divine light to decipher the divine script, could no longer hold on, hitting his mind, deciphering the divine script took too much mental power, he was forced to lose his momentum, and stepped back a few steps.

"As expected of a divine script, it's difficult to control. Back in the Nine Dragons space, with the help of the ring power, I was able to easily decipher the countless divine scripts in the altar and part of the divine script of the [-] god-level qigong..."

At this moment, Ye Yun only felt that the divinity in his body was rapidly dissipating, and he couldn't concentrate his mental power. He felt faint and drowsy, and the rest of the divinity in his body immediately began to function. , the whole talent gradually returns to nature.

If it is an ordinary super emperor, after deciphering the divine text, at least hundreds of millions of years of practice will be reduced!

Wanhai is like a roll of deep sea water, wrapping around Ye Yun, a large amount of divinity from the divine shell poured into Ye Yun's body, while Wanhai stood aside, smiling at Ye Yun: "You have done incredible things, I can translate the divine text, combined with part of my memory, I already know my identity. I am not a mutated sea monster at all, but a great sea god from the God Realm. My arrival is probably due to some kind of heaven and earth movement , and my memory seal still cannot be fully recovered!"

"It's a pity that I still can't decipher the existence of the divine shell. Many of the divine scripts, large arrays, and some ancient symbols can't be deciphered at all with my current cultivation level!"

After being instilled with divinity by Wanhai, Ye Yun immediately returned to normal, his aura greatly increased, and he looked at the densely packed world of divine texts, disappointed and helpless, and said: "I can't decipher them all until I reach the Immortal Emperor Realm, but in the dark, I I feel that this divine shell seems to be a magic weapon, and there is a mysterious divine power inside the divine shell, could it be the "heart of the ocean" mentioned in the divine text?"

"This is the heart of the ocean!"

In an instant, Wanhai closed her eyes, and a turquoise, sparkling blue light overflowed from her chest, like the brilliance of sea water. Wanhai gradually opened her eyes: "It is indeed an extraordinary treasure. Merging with the divine shell, the reason why I am imprisoned in the divine shell is because of the heart of the ocean, because the power of the divine shell merges with the heart of the ocean, completely imprisoning me in it, if the heart of the ocean can be removed from the divine shell, Then I can break free from the shackles of the divine shell!"

"Heart of the Ocean... This is not a divine weapon, but a very natural essence, invisible and tangible, just like the essence of a world!"

Ye Yun was deeply attracted by the heart of the ocean, and he couldn't see through it. The most miraculous power from nature shone in it, and countless laws crisscrossed it. Ye Yun couldn't comprehend these laws at all, but he felt that it was very similar to the essence of the mainland and the essence of the planet. Matter exists.

"I have penetrated the heart of the ocean and the shell of God for countless years, only to realize that only by removing the heart of the ocean out of the shell and finding another lodging place, can I come out, and the heart of the ocean needs infinite divine support before it can be lodged. In the fairy world, apart from the divine shell, is there any place full of infinite divinity?"

In Wanhai's silver pupils, there was a faint helplessness.

"That's not necessarily the case. This problem will be solved after you and I seal the Emperor of the Star Capital. I will now comprehend the mysteries in the divine shell and try to control the divine seal!"

Ye Yun immediately sat cross-legged in front of the divine shell, released his thoughts again, and merged into the world of the divine script seal, countless divine scripts and divinities began to fly before his eyes, endlessly.

Before Wanhai disappeared before the shell, he recalled the inner world of the shell with his mind.

"No wonder, no wonder, Wanhai himself is hiding in the deep sea of ​​this tornado, no wonder I have been unable to sense her breath for so many years!"

In front of the chaotic tornado world in the deep sea, a ghostly black shadow flew from above the deep sea. It was the projection of the will of the emperor of the star capital. He controlled two rays of light, greedily falling in front of the tornado world.


In the inner world of the deep-sea tornado, as the tornadoes crazily swept and shuttled, they made the sound of water movement continuously, which made people's scalp tingle.


Projected by the will of the Emperor of the Star City, with the high-level power of the Immortal King, he despises the power of the deep-sea tornado, like a giant rampaging, killing the tornado in the deep sea.

Chu Chu Chu!

When Xingdu Dijun entered the tornado deep sea, he collided with tornadoes one after another. The tornado rolled like a tornado, with amazing power, and began to rub and collide with Xingdu Dijun's aura. Like a flea, it was hit by a tornado and swayed from side to side, unable to gain a foothold in the deep sea tornado.

"I didn't expect this deep-sea tornado area to be so powerful..."

The emperor of Xingdu was shaken by tornadoes so that he could not gain a foothold, his aura was constantly being worn down and devoured, and his aura was weakening, but his domineering aura was still strong, worthy of being an immortal emperor-level giant.

Even though he is a giant, he appears small under the natural energy of heaven and earth. Even if he is the great emperor of the fairy world, possessing the high-level strength of the fairy king, he cannot compete with the natural energy in the mere quadruple fairy world. Next, facing the dense tornado deep sea, the star Du Dijun's will was shining brightly, but it became more and more dim. He had no choice but to fly out of the tornado deep sea in embarrassment.

Any individual life and matter are just a speck of dust in the fairy world, so how can they compete with the matrix energy of the fairy world.

"It seems that this tornado deep sea is controlled by the power of the god, and it has become extremely vast..."

Leaving the inner world of the deep-sea tornado, Emperor Xingdu floated in the deep sea, and his momentum began to recover. He frowned and darkened his eyes: "The ocean of tears is boundless and deep sea, I have sensed it, only this deep sea... indeed It is here that I, the emperor of the star capital, have been trapped for so many years, and I finally have a chance to escape from the shackles of the Star Falling Plain, my deity, come down!"

Whoa whoa whoa!

Projected by the will of the Emperor of the Star City, he sacrificed a token, splitting into eighteen rays of light, and the eighteen rays of light continued to rotate, presenting a mysterious teleportation formation in the deep sea.


In the depths of the teleportation array, starlight flickered one after another, while the projection of the Star Capital Emperor's will was constantly weakening, and a deep star light gradually appeared in the depths of the teleportation array, and there was a figure in it, with the momentum of sweeping everything, constantly accelerating and flying.

The figure changed from a small spot of light to an invincible giant. It was the Star Capital Emperor himself in a black robe. He had a tuft of beard, his whole face was black and gray, and his figure was thin, but he didn't have much demeanor of a king. A sinister smile appeared on his face.


With a slamming sound, the Star Capital Emperor finally flew out of the teleportation array, facing the projection of his will, waved his hand and sucked it, and swallowed the projection of will into the body of the deity.

"Leaving the land of falling stars actually cost me more than half of my strength. From the cultivation base of the immortal emperor, I only have the strength of the eighth-level immortal king... the eighth-level immortal king, plus my body of the immortal emperor, is equivalent to an invincible existence in this four-level fairy world , and the body of the Immortal Emperor, even the Immortal King, cannot be destroyed!"

The emperor of Xingdu smiled confidently, he is too familiar with the laws of the fairy world, and because his real body is the body of an immortal emperor, which is comparable to the hardness of an eighth to tenth-level fairy weapon, even if he is standing up and being attacked by the fairy king, he will not be hurt. any problem.

This is the scary thing about the Immortal Emperor.

"A mere fourth-order natural material energy, get out of the way!"

The emperor of Xingdu couldn't wait, in order to seize the fetish, in order to escape the confinement of the Star Falling Plain, he directly stepped into the deep-sea world of tornado, only to see a tornado hit him fiercely, and he was killed without even touching his body. The momentum was shattered, and the Emperor of the Star Capital flew into the depths with disdain.

Boom boom boom!

A tornado, as long as it touches the aura of the emperor of the star capital, it will be broken directly. It is not like the projection of the will of the emperor of the star capital before, and it is difficult to move an inch in the deep sea tornado world. Now, no tornado can stop the emperor of the star capital.

The power that came to the body of the immortal emperor, with absolute power, oppressed the laws of the four layers of the immortal world, and shattered any material power. This is the real king's means of the emperor of the star capital.

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