The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 608 Immortal Emperor's Power

Exerting the high-level power of the Immortal King, seriously injured Ye Yun, and imprisoned the Wanhai clone puppet who possessed the fourth-level Immortal King with the force of thunder. Why don't you bow your head and come here by yourself? This seat might spare your dog's life!"

"Things have progressed to this point, there is no choice but to continue. Once the time is right, it will be the time to seal the Emperor of the Star Capital!"

Ye Yun's whole body was torn apart, in severe pain, his true qi collapsed, and he could not even stand up. Fortunately, a large amount of power was sealed in his body, which activated the domain Taiyi divine furnace, and the mighty Taiyi chaotic true qi gushed out and swept his whole body.

He stared coldly at the Emperor of the Star Capital. This person's strength was truly terrifying. With just one move, he could imprison the puppet of the Wanhai clone who possessed the fourth-level cultivation of the Immortal King. With the outbreak of real strength, Ye Yun may be instantly killed by the star capital emperor in the next second.

There is no other way, if you want to complete the secret-level mission of Starfall Field and get the Magnetic Silver Star Sand, you must seal the Emperor of the Star Capital. If you let him return to the Starfall Field, Ye Yun will have to seize the Magnetic Silver Star Sand again. Idiots talk about dreams, it's out of reach, once the task cannot be completed, a large number of psychics in the Lingxu Pavilion who belong to the Shi family will try their best to torture Ye Yun, and even kill him.

Not only Shijia, Xuedian is like a wolf like a tiger. Xuedian seems to want to win over Ye Yun, but no one knows its real purpose. Ye Yun only has to complete the mission to solve the killing situation, let alone Thinking about taking refuge in Immortal Ancestor Suwen, using his seniority and strength in the quadruple fairy world to protect himself.

He is not such a person!

Now it's about the key to Ye Yun's foothold in Xumi Cave, and now at the critical moment of life and death, that is to seal the star capital emperor, any crisis will naturally be resolved.

"Boy, I'm good at talking and talking. Since you are obsessed with your obsession, then I will send you to hell. You are a poor ant. Killing you is nothing more than a finger!"

Suddenly, the emperor of Xingdu showed his moody, murderous expression again, and a high-level aura of a majestic fairy king, which became infinitely powerful with the flick of his finger.


All of a sudden, Ye Yun's mind suddenly flashed a glimmer of destiny. Originally, he was about to undo the power of the seal ball and fight against the emperor of the star capital in the strongest state, but the chakra of chaotic and pure world suddenly moved, as if in the dark Warn him, can't help but let him slow down, and think carefully: "The emperor of Xingdu is too powerful, the immortal emperor... It is rumored that the immortal emperor's physical body cannot be killed. Back then, Chi Yun's physical body could turn into a pool of blood and swallow any immortal. And the Emperor of the Star City is considered a high-level Immortal King now, once the power of an Immortal Emperor erupts, no matter how powerful I am, it is impossible for me to possess the strength of an Immortal Emperor, so naturally I cannot kill him!"

After thinking about it for a moment, Ye Yun became extremely cautious. He knew very well that his opponent this time was the most powerful enemy since he cultivated, the Immortal Emperor. With his imaginary Immortal, he could not challenge the Immortal Emperor at all, even if there was an immortal in his body. Wang's second-order energy ball, but he himself has not broken through the realm of the fairy king. Even if he explodes the second-order energy ball of the fairy king, he will not be able to achieve the expected high-level strength of the fairy king.

Therefore, he has to step by step.

When he was with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, Ye Yun saw the power of Chiyun Demon Venerable. He is also an immortal emperor, and his strength is not as good as that of an immortal, so he can turn into an infinite pool of blood and devour any powerful enemy. The emperor is now a high-level power of the fairy king. Once it breaks out, wouldn't he have the skills of the fairy emperor?

In the imaginary fairyland, if any energy explodes, fighting against the Immortal Emperor is just hitting an egg against a rock, and using ants to kill an elephant, which is too unrealistic.

Ye Yun had to change his strategy in order to win in the end. Any plan would change as the situation changed.

"The Burial Bow..."

Flipping his hands and grabbing it, he moved his mind, and the ninth-grade magic weapon, the Burial Sky Bow, appeared in Ye Yun's hand again, and a wave of magic energy was released from the dense magic pattern.

The emperor of Xingdu was about to make a move, but when he saw the Burying Sky Bow, his face sank: "The magical artifact? It is of good quality, and it is the supreme treasure in the Jiuzhong Immortal Realm. No wonder you came all the way. You can fight against this seat many times, kill Siren, destroy pirates, so you are relying on this magical artifact!"

"Emperor Xingdu, if you want to kill me, then you and I will die. With this fairy weapon, even if you can't kill me, it can still make you lose your skin. If you want to seize the divine object, I also want to seize the divine object... A divine thing that can be lived in, who wouldn't want to have it!"

Ye Yun's eyes moved, and he began to think of ways to confuse the Star Capital Emperor.

"A mere imaginary fairyland, even if you can fuse the fairy weapon, you can still fight against me? How can you figure out the means of this seat, boy, die to me!"

As expected, the Emperor of the Star Capital was moody, and when his aura changed, his whole body would pass through the crystal space like a comet. Any power in the crystal space would be shattered layer by layer, collapsed in a large area, and directly bombarded Ye Yun.

"The strongest blow!!!"

Ye Yun seemed to have nowhere to escape, and he was sure to die, so all the energy hidden in his body, and even a part of the power of the energy ball exploded, fully possessed the aura of a first-order fairy king. All the power was blessed on the Burial Bow, condensed Take out a holy spear of light, and pull the sky-burial bow in an instant!


The Bright Holy Spear already possesses Ye Yun's strongest power, plus the power of the Burying Sky Bow itself, plus Ye Yun's urging to release the first-order energy of the Immortal King.

The three kinds of energies are fully blessed at this moment on the holy lance of light. The holy lance of light is like an emperor's weapon in the magic way. , charged head-on with the Emperor of the Star Capital.

Such a powerful blow came from the most powerful state of Ye Yun when he came to the Immortal Realm. He entered the Tiangong Temple in the First Layer Immortal Realm, beheaded Jing Mie, and he did not use such a powerful state. Ye Yun's whole body strength, as well as the power of a fairy king from an energy ball.

Ye Yun asked himself, the Holy Lightning Spear is enough to sweep the giants of the first and second ranks of Immortal Kings, even the third and fourth ranks of Immortal Kings might be hurt.

However, how can someone who can stand up to the fourth-level powerhouse of the Immortal King be able to fight against the high-level strength of the Xingdu Emperor and Immortal King, not to mention that the Xingdu Emperor himself is still an Immortal Emperor.

Ye Yun's limit is against the Emperor of the Star Capital. In fact, Ye Yun already knew the result!


In the center of the shattered and turbulent crystal deep-sea world, the emperor of the star capital, like the ruler of evil, grabbed the holy spear of light with the strength of the fairy king, and slapped it heavily with his palm. The high-level aura of the emperor of Xingdu is like a nine-day waterfall falling straight to the ground.

The Holy Spear of Light was subjected to this incomparably tyrannical force, and in an instant, it was bombarded to pieces, shining in all directions, and the power of the emperor of the star capital exploded like a domain, and even with the power of the domain, all the shattered space power was ruthlessly swept away. , Shocked, countless shattered space forces, like meteorite fragments after the explosion, rolled and swept towards Ye Yun.

Ye Yun is like a pebble in the desert at this time, facing the storm, the only thing he can do is to be destroyed.

"I'm not strong enough...I'm too small. The big stage of the fairy world is vast and boundless. Even though I, Ye Yun, have extraordinary talents and hide my secrets, but facing superpowers like Tiangong Temple and Xingdu Emperor, my Ye Yun It's just a stinky rock...!"

Standing in front of the shattered space power, Ye Yun seemed to be facing the flood and sea tide, Ye Yun trembled physically and mentally. Or, it is impossible to resist the power of the emperor of the star capital.

It was only in a flash that Ye Yun saw the true face of the Immortal World. The reason why the Immortal World is such a big stage is because of the existence of such terrifying characters as Star Capital Dijun!

"The Picture of the Great Thousand Gods..."

Just when countless space fragments were about to overwhelm Ye Yun, Ye Yun secretly cast the Great Thousand God Map, and cast the chaotic chakra in his body: "The soul is boundless..."

At this moment, Ye Yun displayed a more advanced Taoist method, using the God Wheel of Chaos Void Purification to create any energy body and absorb any energy. With the Daqian Shentu, it swallowed the power of the crystal space, In an instant, when the space shattering power came, Ye Yun merged into the crystal space like a cloud of smoke.


Following Ye Yun's display of supernatural powers, under the terrifying power of the Emperor of the Star Capital, the shattered space power, like a roiling sea tide, swept across the space where Ye Yun was. The material is gone.

Not to mention, a virtual fairy, even a fairy weapon, will be shattered!

"It's too cheap for you, kid..."

The broken space gradually calmed down, and the law of the fairy world healed the broken space. The emperor of Xingdu came from a distance, and in one step, he came to the place where Ye Yun disappeared. , very satisfied with the income storage ring, Sensen smiled and said: "Ants are ants, life has no glory, and if you go against me, this is the end!"


The emperor of the star capital waved his hand, and his anger had not yet dissipated. He turned around and looked at the divine shell wrapped in crystal light, with layers of divine brilliance, making the emperor of the star capital, a giant who has survived for so many years, drooling: "The gods! Oh god, you belong to my star capital emperor!"

With a bang, the Emperor of the Star Capital appeared outside the crystal halo. His face darkened, and he was shocked by the power of the crystal halo to step back a few steps. The high-level aura of the Immortal King disappeared due to the power of the crystal halo.

"No wonder I can't track down the location of Wanhai Daoist Temple. It seems that the crystal power that protects the gods is more terrifying and powerful than the meteorite outside the original starfall!"

The emperor of the star capital tried to break into the crystal space again with great strength, but the result was the same. He was shocked by the crystal halo and retreated, and his blood rose.

A tycoon of the immortal emperor in the immortal world is actually hindered by the low-level quadruple immortal world. What kind of power can stop the immortal emperor's steps.

"Sure enough, it's mysterious, the stronger and more extraordinary it is, it's even more unpredictable than the god-level qigong I cultivated. It's a pity, Wanhai, you think that I can't do anything about you, and I can't break into your dojo, you are wrong Now, your avatar is imprisoned by this seat, as long as this seat refines your avatar, you can control your power, enter the dojo, and seize the fetish!"

He failed several times, but a bottomless smirk appeared on the face of Emperor Xingdu.

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