The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 615 Nine Dragon Rings and the Heart of the Ocean

Ye Yun didn't even dare to imagine how much property he had accumulated for a majestic immortal emperor.

Ye Yun just scanned it with Yuanshen, and saw that the storage rings were densely packed with all kinds of fairy world treasures, from fairy stones to various rare gems, as well as countless spiritual objects, hundreds of thousands of fairy artifacts, from the first rank to the tenth rank There are all kinds of fairy artifacts, and there are countless fairy-level qigong, which is simply a big treasure house.

Those fairy-level qigong are neatly arranged in the space. It can be seen that the emperor of the star capital still prefers to organize. There are even some ancient tribes or ancient families that disappeared in the fairyland. These tribes and families are in the ancient fairyland. The Hao family, that is the ancient fairy world, there are very few sects, it is an era when families and tribes dominate.

There are countless eras in the fairy world, and a different fairy world will be born in each era.

Many ancient existences have disappeared in the long history of changes in the fairy world, like the giant race, either fallen, or hidden in a low-level or high-level plane in the Great Thousand World.

The civilizations and relics left behind are scattered in various spaces, such as the Linglong Clan, and the Linglong Saint Elixir is the most precious medicine passed down from the ancient Linglong Clan.

I don't know how many ancient civilizations are buried in the depths of the universe.

"Magnetic silver star sand... the total amount is tens of billions of tons, and a hundred catties of magnetic silver star sand is in the fairy world. It is a supreme treasure. It is a treasure that the fairy king dreams of. Rare goods are good to live in. In the future, I can use the magnetic silver star sand to win over and make friends with many important people, such as Xuedian and Shijia. I am not willing to confront them head-on, but I can win over important people to be the protectors of me or the Holy Dragon Party !"

Immediately in the storage ring space, Ye Yun's eyes fell on the eye-catching world full of silver sand floating in the sky. The color of these silver sands is rather dim, which is slightly different from the god-level true energy cultivated by the emperor of the star capital, and the quality of the magnetic silver star sand is too high. If it is too advanced, it seems that it is all formed by the fusion of the strange meteorite power of Starfall Field.

"The secret-level task assigned by Lingxu Pavilion has finally been completed. I want to see how the Shi family can make things difficult for me again. I don't know whether Jinling Fairy and Wu Ji, the two immortal kings in Xuedian, use the powerful network of Xuedian , Get rid of Immortal King Yaoli!"

"If they don't do anything, I will find a way to kill the Immortal King Yaoli. With my current cultivation in the real fairyland, it is already easy to kill the first-level powerhouse of the Immortal King, but it is not easy for the second-level powerhouse of the Immortal King. ..."

Sweeping through the world of magnetic silver star sand, Ye Yun activated his mind, his primordial spirit turned into divine light, and left the storage ring. This storage ring is much larger than the big Luo ring of the Da Luo Xianmen in Ye Yun's hand .

"How is it? Do you have the magnetic silver star sand you want?"

Wan Hai stayed by Ye Yun's side without moving a moment, gentle and obedient, although his breath was like ice, but his brows were filled with expectations for Ye Yun, like a fiery flame wrapped in an iceberg.

Ye Yun waved his sleeves, and the storage ring entered into the big Luo ring, and the big Luo ring was also quietly hidden: "Yes, many, many, it will allow me to complete the task, and it will also help me develop in the fairy world in the future. With many functions, the magnetic silver star sand is rare in the fairy world. Many fairy kings and immortal emperors want to refine their natal magic weapons or elixir, and they all need magnetic silver star sand. With magnetic silver star sand, it is equivalent to holding these The strong will go with their nose!"

"So that's it!" Wanhai has never left the Ocean of Tears, and is still very unfamiliar with the fairy world. Although she knows more about the god world than ordinary immortals, she doesn't know the basics of the fairy world. Silver pupil luster.

"The emperor of Xingdu is sealed here, and I have the magnetic silver star sand. Next... Wanwan, I will find a way for you to get out of trouble and not be shackled by this fetish!"

Ye Yun's eyes lit up, and he looked at Wanhai.

"I thought you forgot..."

Wan Hai was very embarrassed, and her cheeks were flushed. Originally, she wanted to ask Ye Yun if he could help her solve the fetish matter. Who would have thought that Ye Yun always took things to heart, which made her feel a warm current in her heart.

"This matter must be based on the conditions of sealing the emperor of the star capital. I have thought about it before... I already have a solution. The Heart of the Ocean, this artifact is very mysterious, and it is a kind of natural origin. As well as your strength, it is simply impossible to control this level, a magic weapon that surpasses immortals!"

Ye Yun continued, his face became more and more serious: "The heart of the ocean resides in the shell of the gods and gods, because the three of you create a balance. You are born of the gods and are inseparable, and the heart of the ocean is inseparable." The heart merges with you again, the key is the two gods, the heart of the ocean and the shell of the gods produce a kind of divine repulsion, sandwiching you in the middle, and being rejected by the two gods, you can't leave the shell, you have to remove the heart of the ocean , don’t let it reside in the divine shell!”

"You have also mentioned this issue before. The Heart of the Ocean is indeed mysterious. Although I am fused with it, I can't exert its power at all, let alone control the power of the God Shell. If I don't have the Heart of the Ocean, I can leave the God Shell. After all, the God Shell The shell is one with me, and the heart of the ocean is only fused by me!"

"The divine shell is a fetish from the God Realm. There are endless pure divinity in the God Realm. This is why the Heart of the Ocean resides in it. If you want to remove the Heart of the Ocean, you must find a shell with pure divinity. Otherwise, it will not be able to provide the heart of the ocean with enough divinity, then it will be impossible to suppress the heart of the ocean, let alone remove the heart of the ocean from the shell!"

After a few breaths, Wanhai's expression was cold, and she spoke again and again in an urgent tone, which showed how much she wanted to leave the fetish and go to the outside world to see.

"Didn't I say that there is a way? Don't worry too much, I have eight levels of confidence!"

Seeing Wan Hai's worried expression, Ye Yun felt reluctant to let go, and suddenly appeared in his mind, the scene where he fell asleep after being attacked by the great sword of the emperor's will, and Wan Hai exerted the purest power to heal his wounds, Wanhai at that time was full of sincere worries and desires.

It was a voice from the heart, which showed that Wanhai was worried about his safety from the bottom of his heart.

"Nine Dragons God Ring!"

Suddenly mobilizing his thoughts, he raised his chest, a beam of divine light slowly burst out from the heart of his chest, and around the divine light, there were actually nine divine dragon auras circling.

"God, artifact..."

All of a sudden, Wanhai's body shook, and her body breath was slightly dispersed by the light of the nine dragons. Her eyes were shining, and she stared at the ancient god ring that appeared from the light of the nine dragons in amazement.

"What an artifact...!"

With infinite amazement, Wanhai, the light of the Nine Dragon God Ring, began to repel her, but in the dark, another wave of holy light with Wanhai's breath was released, which shocked Wanhai: "The breath is so ancient and pure. , I feel that there is inexhaustible and continuous divinity in it, as well as the light of Nine Dragons...Could it be that this artifact is the supreme treasure of the Dragon Clan? In my memory, it seems that the Sea God Clan also has the Sea Dragon Clan, so I feel Soul, do not reject the Holy Light of Nine Dragons emanating from this ring!"

"The breath of the sea dragon clan?" For a moment, Ye Yun was also confused. The Nine Dragon God Ring is something worn by Shenluo. If the god ring is related to the sea dragon clan, maybe he can find out the secrets related to Shenluo.

"In my memory, the Sea God Clan is a huge God Clan in the God Realm, with countless powerful beings, and the Sea Dragon Clan belongs to the most powerful existence of our Sea God Clan. The Sea Dragon Clan is a branch of the Dragon Clan. The gods coexist, even more mysterious than the sea gods. From this artifact, I feel the same breath as the god shell. Yes, it must be the breath of the sea dragons. Although it is very subtle, I belong to the gods. It will never be wrong, but this kind of breath is too illusory and very ancient. I am afraid that only the ancient powers of the Sea God Clan and the Dragon Clan can know its existence. I feel that this Nine Dragon God Ring is definitely a moving god. The existence of the world!"

"And on the statue of the gods and gods that appeared between your eyebrows, I also felt a faint and familiar breath, which is exactly the breath of the sea dragon clan. The gods you have inherited must be closely related to the dragon clan. It's a pity that the gods Only the will is passed on to you, it must be a very ancient god, and it has fallen..."

Wanhai murmured with extremely excited eyes, and when she said the last sentence, she showed a very regretful and deeply painful expression.

"It was really decided by God, let me meet you. The Heart of the Ocean is the treasure of the Sea God Clan, and it is also the treasure of the Sea Dragon Clan. There is a breath of the Dragon Clan in it, which happens to have the same existence as the breath of this artifact. I I know you, do you want to collect the heart of the ocean into the god ring, and use the power of the ring to support and suppress the heart of the ocean?" Wan Hai was suddenly startled, his eyes sparkled, and he was eagerly waiting for Ye Yun's answer.

"I didn't expect the Nine Dragons ring to be related to the Dragon Clan either...God's will, it really is God's will, it seems that when I met you, God arranged for me to unlock the secrets of the gods, come on, Heart of the Ocean!"

Ye Yun also sighed again and again, it was just a single mission, but the Star Capital Emperor, Haixin Immortal Pond, ancient gods, Sea God Clan, etc. were involved, it was incredible, the secret was really mysterious.

Heavenly secrets, that is, destiny, fate, only the most powerful gods, with the supreme and indestructible will, can calculate and control it.


The heart of the ocean appeared in the palm of Wanhai's palm when he grasped it. It was a round, sea-blue transparent and chaotic crystal substance that existed between the virtual and the real. It seemed like a bubble, but it released an extremely powerful aura. .

"Let's go in together!"

Ye Yun immediately released his will, activated the Nine Dragons ring, a wave of Nine Dragons' holy light enveloped the two of them, and instantly touched the Heart of the Ocean. Next, Ye Yun led Wanhai into the Nine Dragons Dimension.

The nine-hole ring is one of Ye Yun's greatest secrets, being able to bring Wanhai into it and hide his heart from Wanhai means that Ye Yun treats Wanhai like a close relative.

"What a pure world of divinity, such an ancient aura. Sure enough, I feel an aura that is even older than the shell of the gods. It's unbelievable. With such an ancient divinity, the god who inherits you is such an ancient ancient god!"

Entering the world of Kowloon, the vast and boundless sacred golden world immediately appeared, but Ye Yun could not break into those worlds, and only the space where the altar was located could be controlled by Ye Yun. Shocked by Wan Hai, the two fell into up the altar.

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