When Ye Yun returned to the dojo, he began to arrange other things, especially Wanhai. This time he went to the Almighty Sect to carry out the world-forbidden mission. Take them all out, create a space in the dojo, and seal it.

The Nine Dragons Ring, Ye Yun's mind and spirit are united, and it is impossible for others to take it away. Instead of carrying out tasks with him, it is better to put it in the dojo and let Wanhai practice, because the heart of the ocean must reside in it, which is why Ye Yun took the Nine Dragons Ring. The reason.

Now, for Ye Yun, the Nine Dragon Ring is only used for cultivation, and it is impossible to practice in it when performing missions, but it is not practical for Wanhai to practice in it.

At this moment, a big event happened in the fairy world!

"Wanted List?"

Ye Yun suddenly felt a ubiquitous power, spreading in the four layers of fairyland, like natural power penetrating into every corner, and, an object in his body also found a corresponding weak breath.

Not only Ye Yun sensed the strange changes in the world at this moment, but countless Xumi Cave Celestial King powerhouses released their wills one after another, staring at this sudden change in the world.

This stalwart power actually has the same aura as the most wanted list of Tiangong Temple, and the most wanted list is responding, which shows that the outstanding energy of heaven and earth has a lot to do with Tiangong Temple.

"The power of this magic seal is amazing. It can release such a vast power in the fairy world, everywhere. It seems that the creator, or the energy itself, is a high-level powerhouse of the immortal emperor, who is many times stronger than the star capital emperor. !"

At this moment, Wan Hai also felt such a sudden change, and came to Ye Yun's side, staring at the sky energy floating like a reflection, he couldn't help but marvel.

The Immortal Emperor, the supreme giant in the Immortal Realm, the Star Capital Emperor is only a low-level emperor, but his strength is terrifying, and the high-level Immortal King Wanhai is no match for him.

"Tiangong Temple... is really powerful. I have been in the fairyland for a while, but I didn't pay attention to the Tiangong Temple. Seeing such a scene, it seems that the Tiangong Temple is indeed powerful and can cover the vast fairyland!"

In an instant, Ye Yun felt that the Tiangong Temple was even deeper and bottomless. With such a heaven-defying covering method, would those who offend the Tiangong Temple still have a way out?

This is not only a powerful supernatural power, but also a fusion of the original source of the fairy world. Only by using the source can the power of the Tiangong Temple cover most of the fairy world. Any super first-class sect cannot be compared.

Ye Yun suddenly felt that he was too insignificant, the Heavenly Palace and Temple's supreme eyes could make him have nowhere to hide.

"Hurry up and look at the wanted list!"

Suddenly, a circular dot-like ripple appeared in the space, and the misty shadow of Suwen Xianzu appeared from it, and there were two people beside him, the Xuanhan Holy Master and the Glazed Light Domain Master.

Without hesitation, Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed it, and the Most Wanted List of Tiangong Temple flew out from the storage ring and landed in his palm. At this moment, the Most Wanted List was buzzing and trembling. , responding to each other, Ye Yun didn't suppress it, if he did suppress it, maybe it would cause the backlash of the French and Indian forces, and be discovered by the powerful will of the Tiangong Temple, and then he would die without a place to bury him.


When the most-wanted list was opened, Ye Yun saw that the name of 'Keeho', who was in the second place in the top ten of the most-wanted list, that is, under No.1 'Sword', was shining with golden light. Yun's No.10 'No Name' has no changes, the only one is No.2.

Ye Yun was full of doubts, and didn't understand why there was such a change: "How could this happen? Qi Huo, who can be hunted down by the Temple of Heaven, must be an existence like the emperor of the fairy world, not under the strength of the sword, is it?"

"Ye Yun, you guessed right. This Qihuo has been captured and suppressed by the Tiangong Temple. I heard that it happened just a few days ago. In order to show the power of Tiangong, the law enforcer of the fairy world, the Tiangong Temple announced to all the immortals in the fairy world. , which is to warn everyone that the Temple of Heaven must not be desecrated!"

The three phantoms, the Glazed Light Territory Lord said cautiously.

"Sure enough, he was arrested! Tiangong Temple...Tiangong Temple!" Ye Yun immediately injected a burst of true energy, hitting Qihuo's position, and sure enough, some authentic texts emerged, and Ye Yun was also surging!

In this world, some people are born extraordinary.

Qihuo is such a person. He was originally born in the fairy world. When he was born, he was struck by a purple light from outside the sky, and he possessed supernatural power. Cultivated to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, openly confronted the Temple of Heaven, destroyed countless sects, and was called a demon.

For hundreds of millions of years, Keeho has killed countless powerful people in the fairy world, as well as law enforcement officers in the Tiangong Temple.

"I probably know something!"

The Holy Master Xuanhan of the Sanqing Immortal Sect said: "The high-level officials of our sect knew before that in the unbounded land of the fairy world, the Tiangong Temple used some means to track down the whereabouts of a branch of the 'Ni Tianting'. Using several immortal emperors to besiege, Qihuo was among them, fighting for thousands of years, only recently broke through the barrier, seriously injured Qihuo, and was captured, this is a major event that shocked the entire fairy world recently!"

For major events, ordinary disciples like Ye Yun are not qualified to know about them.

How many immortal emperors?Ye Yun was stunned, the Temple of Heaven is indeed powerful, and the Immortal Emperor is too terrifying, an existence that ordinary people can't kill, Ye Yun frowned: "What is Heaven Against Heaven?"

"It is the anti-Tiangong Temple forces established by those who have opposed the Tiangong Temple, especially the most wanted list. The leader of the Nitianting is Jian, and Keeho is the core figure!" Xuan Xuan Holy Master Han said with great respect and admiration.

"Wanted person? Sword, Keehaw, criminal? Temple of Heaven? Heaven-defying court, what a heaven-defying court!" Ye Yun deeply engraved Ni Tianting in his heart, especially Keehaw, the strong man who dared to fight against Tiangong Temple.

Ye Yun's eyes slowly fell on the portrait of Kee Ho, a middle-aged man with a shaggy beard, disheveled hair, a muscular figure, a vicissitudes of life smile always on the corner of his mouth, and eyes as deep as the sky.

This man is the strong man against Tiangong Temple.

"You have to be careful everywhere, as you are, if you are really exposed in Xumi Dongtian, even the emperor Xumi Dongtian may not be able to protect you in the end!" The Lord of the Glazed Light Territory expressed his worry.

"I know!"

Ye Yun was so suppressed that he couldn't catch his breath. Even a great master like Qihuo was caught by Tiangong Temple, how could he turn the world upside down?Before, I was fortunate to think that I could use Xumi Cave to deal with Tiangong Temple or protect myself, just like when I was in the Taiyi plane, I wanted to enter Shenzhou Xianyuan and use Shenzhou Xianyuan Yuangui to deal with Ditian.

However, the Tiangong Temple is not the Shenzhou Immortal Courtyard, the Immortal World is not the Taiyi Plane, and Di Tian is not a law enforcement officer. This made Ye Yun deeply feel that he must be careful at every step in the Immortal World.

"I'm afraid that Qihuo will be arrested this time, and the Tiangong Temple will come for a big cleaning. I don't know how many immortals who defy the heavens will die in the hands of law enforcement. You should practice hard and prepare to perform forbidden world-level missions. Join forces with the third sister and beat the crowd!"

Suwen Immortal Ancestor and Glazed Light Territory Master looked at each other, then looked at Ye Yun and said.

But Ye Yun didn't speak, Suwen Immortal Ancestor, Xuanhan Holy Master, and Glazed Light Territory Master all knew that Ye Yun was in a serious state of mind, so they nodded towards Wanhai, and the three of them dispersed out of thin air.

Wan Hai watched the three of them leave, and immediately said to Ye Yun: "With our strength, we are still no match for the Immortal Emperor. What the three sisters said makes sense. You must have a solution in your mind, right?"

"The best way is to hibernate and wait, practice hard, and wait until you reach the cultivation base of the immortal emperor before you can compete with the Tiangong Temple. What is it, it's a pity that a strong man was arrested like this, I don't know if the strong man who defied the heavens will go to rescue him!"

Ye Yun suddenly felt that the weight of the stone of the Tiangong Temple increased ten thousand times, and it was pressing on his heart. His heart almost stopped beating and he couldn't breathe.

Many plans were disrupted as a result.

Ye Yun felt that thinking too much would only increase the pressure. The heaven-defying forces are definitely not weaker than Xumidongtian. Even such a powerful force cannot fight against the Tiangong Temple. What can Ye Yun do? Thinking too much will not help , strength is the last word, and only by improving strength can one gain a foothold in the fairy world.

"Junior Brother Ye? Are you here?"

After about half a day of silence, a lazy voice gradually came from outside the ashram, in the vast void of Xumi Cave. The power of this sound actually broke through a large number of formations and directly entered the ashram.

"He is Pang Xuan, Wanwan, you can practice quietly in the Nine Dragon Ring, and the Immortal Ancestor will always pay attention to you, I am going!"

When Ye Yun moved, he disappeared!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun appeared in the vast void of Sumeru Immortal Territory. The surrounding mountains and rivers were floating in the air. The method is indeed powerful, and the speed is astonishing.

"Late stage of the first level of the Immortal King? He is indeed a genius, honored as a genius, and naturally has the powerful strength to leapfrog against the second level of the Immortal King..." Ye Yun raised his eyebrows coldly, and finally began to get in touch with the real person in Xumi Cave.

All the cabinet elders and spiritual masters are old and have lost their Dao heart. Only the younger generation will be the future influential figures in the fairy world.

Obviously, Ye Yun is, and so is Pang Xuan on the other side.

Within three breaths, a young man in blue robe appeared in Ye Yun's sight, it was Pang Xuan.

Pang Xuan seems to be in his early twenties, and Ye Yun's age seems to be about the same age, and the blue robe is different from the ordinary Taoist robes of Sumeru Cave. Xuan was not tall, slightly thin, with his hands on his back, and came with a breezy smile.

"Senior Brother Pang!" Ye Yun saluted politely.

"Junior Brother Ye, don't be fooled. I really didn't expect to be teamed up with Brother Ye on this mission. God's will, God's will is unpredictable. Since it is God's will, I must cooperate with Brother Ye and unite sincerely to complete the forbidden world-level mission. The gate of the nine heavens!" Pang Xuan said without hesitation.

Ye Yun stepped forward to greet them, and the two met in the void: "I also hope to cooperate well, you and I can only complete the task together, and Brother Pang's cultivation level is advanced, I feel inferior, this time I have to rely more on Brother Pang!"

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