The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 647 Promoted to the 7th Rank of True Immortal

At this moment, as the breaking furnace was broken, Ye Yun felt that an invisible shackle that wrapped around his body was finally taken off, and a qualitative transformation began.

From the very beginning, Ye Yun made up his mind to accept the baptism of the Almighty Sect with his real body, and risked unimaginable risks, Ye Yun finally ushered in the transformation he dreamed of.

Energy brings the strength you desire in your dreams!

But it also brings unpredictable dangers, especially the will of the immortals. Fortunately, Ye Yun has figured this out early and has prepared for it. It will be wiped out, because he has the Shinra statue.

Even if he dies, his soul will always be protected by the Shinra statue, and he can be reincarnated and rebuilt, or his soul can be directly fused with the hell clone.

Immortality, this is Ye Yun's biggest risk chip.

Clap clap ~!

"Wonderful, wonderful..." Ye Yun felt that his body was about to disappear, and exploded countless times. The rebirth, creation, and new power brought by the breakthrough were like floods sweeping every corner of the body, even the heart was no exception. The heart exploded , and rebirth, what kind of concept is this.

The whole body exploded and then reorganized. This kind of transformation was only seen when Ye Yun was promoted from a mortal to an immortal. At this moment, it also means that Ye Yun has achieved a real real immortal body from the virtual immortal to the real immortal.


Ye Yun felt that blood essence, cells, bones, meridians, and the inside of the physical body were all bursting with vitality, while looking outside, any true qi, laws, mysteries, and seals were full of elemental mysteries, so they were naturally alive. Rather, it really exists in sight.

Truth forms a dense spider web, the world is a big web, and the big web is the law. When you touch the truth, you are one step closer to the law.

What makes Ye Yun feel excited is naturally power. After breaking through the sixth level of true immortality, Ye Yun's physical body is ten times larger than before, and the fusion power is even more terrifying. The previous level of baptism power can no longer satisfy the physical body. Supernatural powers, constantly absorbing energy from the other goddesses.

When the energy surged, Ye Yun saw that the bones were all golden, just like the blood, all the impurities were swept away as they broke through the sixth level of true immortality and turned into stains. Ye Yun had never felt such a pure body before, holy, The sacred taste, and the divinity reflect each other.

"The golden core has doubled in size..."

As a monk, Jindan is the most important life energy besides the heart.

Ye Yun released his primordial spirit and saw that the sacred golden elixir in his dantian was hidden in the center of countless substances, and the outer surface was covered with layers of divine laws, which derived laws. These laws were still beyond Ye Yun's research, and the golden elixir was very strong. , not weaker than a fifth-grade fairy weapon, the golden core world is an energy world composed of Taiyi's chaotic true energy and divinity, and there are many subtle energies in it, which Ye Yun finds inconceivable.

Because the golden elixir is the bridge between heaven and earth and the body, and the golden elixir is the end of the practice. In the future, the golden elixir will undergo unimaginable changes.

So far, Ye Yun has never exploded the energy of the golden core. Even if he is facing the emperor of the star capital and is on the verge of death, Ye Yun has not exploded the golden core. Once the golden core explodes, he will not be able to continue his cultivation. It must also erupt, this is Ye Yun's last energy protection.

The Primordial Spirit Ocean was also promoted to the sixth level, boiled up, and expanded without limit, while the Shenluo God Statue was like a cosmic giant, stepping on the heaven and earth, dominating all things, and guarding the Primordial Spirit Ocean.

"The energy comes really fast, try to break through the seventh level of true immortality by the end of the second wave of baptism..."

Ye Yun immediately calmed down instantly, swept his soul, and found that the second wave of baptism was about to end, and the power of the baptism also reached the second wave of climax, rolling in continuously, and finally there was a wave of will attacks from the immortals.

"Huh? Some of these celestial girls are born with good physiques. I didn't expect that the amount of energy needed is much larger than the first wave of baptism!"

At this moment, because Ye Yun absorbed too much baptism power, the phantom from the high-level fairy world finally spoke, like a statue without emotion.

"If there are some special constitutions among them, they can be sent to a higher level fairy world, baptized, and cultivate high-quality celestial daughters. It's not bad to exchange or trade them!"

Someone is talking again!

"Buying and selling celestial maidens? It turns out that these celestial maidens are not only used as training for the strong inside the Almighty Cult, but also dedicated to the Almighty Cult Lord, and can also be bought and sold!"

Ye Yun felt a chill in his heart when he heard this, it is indeed a cult, it has vigorously cultivated the goddesses, they can also be used as commodities and traded, and these goddesses have become puppets, it doesn't matter whether they die or not, a cult, what a cult , the cult and the sword sect are both big forces in the fairy world.


The second wave of baptism, as the high-level immortals accepted it first, the mighty energy, containing the will of the immortals, came towards Ye Yun again fiercely.

However, as Ye Yun's realm continued to rise, especially the promotion to the sixth rank of True Immortal, Primordial Spirit Haiyang has long been completely different from before. He is confident that he can use the God Wheel of Chaos and Purify the World without using a statue to transfer the will of the immortals. After all, the will of the immortals has not changed from the beginning to the end, but Ye Yun's strength has skyrocketed under constant baptism.


The mighty energy, accompanied by the will of the immortals, rushed into Ye Yun's body forcefully, and the will of the immortals directly attacked the Yuanshen Ocean. As soon as it poured in, a huge divine furnace descended from the Yuanshen Ocean, extinguishing the will of the immortals. Swallowed and wrapped in it, the voices of countless fairy kings are praying.

"It's better to use the last strength first to break through the seventh rank of true immortal, and then increase the strength by one more point, and then devour the will of the immortals!"

Ye Yun has a clear mind and clear thinking. After imprisoning the will of the immortals with the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification, he immediately inhales the second wave of final energy into his body, and quietly absorbs the energy in the bodies of the rest of the goddesses. In this way, Ye Yun Like a balloon, the energy starts to expand.

"Let it burn!"

Promoted to the sixth rank of True Immortal, the transformation of the body is doubled, and the power of baptism still fills up Ye Yun, which is unbelievable, but Ye Yun absorbed the energy of the rest of the goddesses, otherwise, the second wave of energy would not be enough Let Ye Yun be promoted to the seventh rank of True Immortal, and immediately stop suppressing energy.


With the release of energy, the meridians, bones, cells, and blood essence are burning. These flames are exactly the flames of catastrophe. They are released from a little matter in the body, and in the blink of an eye, you can see raging flames, forming the flames of catastrophe, whistling. With Ye Yun as the center, it forms a furnace for breaking catastrophe.

The stove is stronger, like the belly of a giant beast, sucking Ye Yun into it and digesting it.

"True immortal sixth rank, break!"

At the moment when the breaking furnace was formed, Ye Yun couldn't let it continue to strengthen, concentrate the energy, and hit the furnace wall majesticly.


With the violent explosion, the breaking furnace shattered and shattered. Ye Yun felt that the shackles he had just broken through were opened again, and the body that had just broken through had another wonderful change. However, after reaching the seventh level, there was no real fairy The sixth level feels so fierce and violent.

But changes can still be seen.

Ye Yun inhaled the furnace fragments in one breath, and then began to ignore the physical body, let the power that reached the seventh level of true immortals automatically sweep over the physical body and transform the physical body, and Ye Yun's strength was much stronger, when the ocean of soul was surging, It is necessary to use the God Wheel of Chaos and Purify the World to refine the will of the immortals.

Thoughts began to activate the chakra of chaotic world purification, and Taiyi's chaotic true energy was continuously injected into the chakra of chaotic world purification. At first, it was difficult for the chakra of chaotic world purification to rotate, but after Ye Yun's repeated breakthroughs and transformations, it turned smoothly Spinning faster and faster, strands of divine power, including countless magical spells, descended on the will of the immortals.

The wills of the immortals were still struggling at first, but with the divine power released by the chaotic and pure world god wheel, and under the countless seals, they disintegrated one after another. Ye Yun seemed to see that the moment all the wills of the immortal kings disappeared, the leader of the Almighty Sect, the huge The figure flashed out.

The figure of the Almighty Cult Master is the existence of all the beliefs of the Immortal Kings. Even if the will disappears, deep in their will, they are also the Almighty Cult Master. The Almighty Cult Master is almost unshakable. It is as deep as a cancer, entrenched in the primordial spirit of countless Almighty Cult masters. among.


The leader of the Almighty Sect appeared, and it was incredible that he didn't move at all, and he wanted to condense the will of the fairy king to disappear. Ye Yun immediately activated the power of the chakra of chaotic world purification, and a divine hand slapped on the leader of the Almighty Sect, giving him a ruthless blow , the body was smashed into pieces, and the refined will of the immortals was swallowed by Ye Yun's primordial spirit ocean.

"Almighty Hierarch... what an Almighty Hierarch, if I don't have the Daqian Shentu, the key is that I don't have the chakra of chaotic world and the gods with infinite divinity, a few great god-level qigong, not to mention destroying you, it is impossible to suppress the will of the immortals , in the whole world, I am the only one who can steal the baptism power of the Almighty Cult like this!"

At this moment, Ye Yun was very happy to shatter the phantom of the Almighty Sect Leader's will. fear.

"Strength, this is the feeling of power. I am at the second level of True Immortal, and I can kill the first level of the Immortal King. Now that I have broken through the seventh level of True Immortal, the first level of the Immortal King can be instantly killed, and the second level of the Immortal King can also be killed instantly. kill……"

As Yuanshen Haiyang devoured the will of all the immortals and had to overthrow the world, Ye Yun felt his own power, reaching the point where he was terrified.

It is enough to kill the third rank of the Immortal King and fight against the third rank, but against the fourth rank, Ye Yun is not sure, because each realm of the Immortal King has a huge difference, but Ye Yun is confident that he will not be embarrassed and seriously injured when facing the fourth rank of the Immortal King. .

Immortal kings of the second, third, and fourth ranks are all supreme powerhouses in the fifth-layer fairy world. Ye Yun has reached this level. It can be said that in the fourth-layer fairy world, Ye Yun has no enemies. Even if the Almighty Teacher These phantoms from the high-level immortal world powerhouses are also the fourth-rank immortal kings, but they are not Ye Yun's opponents.

Because what descended was their phantom, which was only a part of their real power. Ye Yun could even be upright now and seize the energy of the steeple. However, he still had some scruples. Once the Almighty Cult was disturbed, it would definitely have a great impact on taking back the cabinet order , he didn't want to cause the mission to fail because of recklessness.

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