The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 657 Attractive Rewards

In the depths of the world of Kowloon space, above the altar, Ye Yun and Wan Hai were practicing floating in the air, and a large amount of divinity poured in from the altar, stretching endlessly, like purple air, and the Taiyi divine furnace was burning, absorbing With infinite divinity.

"What the hell is this meteorite egg? It can even absorb divinity. At the beginning, every emperor of Starfall Land spared no effort to seal this thing with divine power, but now even the seal with divine power can't completely suppress it!"

There is no time law in the Kowloon space, 1000 years in the inner world, only one year has passed in the outer world, therefore, it is Ye Yun who practiced Taiyi Divine Light Dao, Infinity Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder, Dark Sun Moon Thunder Control Jue, Golden Armored Immortal Puppet The best opportunity for the technique, the four great qigongs, none of them can be comprehended in a year or a hundred years, if outside, 1000 years is too long, but in the Kowloon space, Ye Yun can practice god-level qigong with peace of mind.

Thousands of years have passed like this, when Ye Yun stopped cultivating the Eighteenth Golden Armored Puppet, a divine aura suddenly appeared on his hand, and inside it was the strange stone egg obtained from the Star Capital Emperor.

Because Ye Yun suddenly felt a trace of divinity stirring in the domain, so with a thought, he grabbed it, and it turned out to be a stone egg of the seal, devouring the seal of divinity.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun broke out in a cold sweat. It was still a hundred years ago. At the beginning, in the storage ring of the emperor of Xingdu, he accidentally unsealed the seal, allowing the meteorite egg to absorb energy. Now, the meteorite egg can actually devour God. The sexual seal is incredible. If this goes on, the divine seal will not be able to suppress it at all.

This means that one day, the meteorite egg will erupt and show its true appearance. What makes Ye Yun break out in a cold sweat is that the stone egg will not be able to be suppressed at that time. Wouldn't it be able to absorb endless power, almost turning a Sumeru The fairyland can be destroyed, and it is not known what level it exists.

Horror, even Ye Yun felt terror.

If the meteorite egg is really so high that even its divinity cannot be suppressed, then in the whole world, only Taiyi's chaotic true energy can suppress it, but Ye Yun is so small, and when it grows stronger, it will be difficult for Ye Yun to seal it.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, the Emperor of the Star Capital probably doesn't know what this thing is from. When I reach the level of being able to kill the Emperor of the Star Capital, I will completely seize the memory of the Emperor of the Star Capital and study this thing! Seal!"

Ye Yun can't let the meteorite egg continue to secretly devour the power of divinity, otherwise, if it bursts out, wouldn't it instantly absorb all the Shenluo domain, and the divinity can't be suppressed, then Taiyi's chaotic true energy, so, Following Ye Yun's seal, streams of chaotic qi began to envelop the meteorite egg.

After some condensing and sealing, the meteorite egg was finally sealed honestly. Fortunately, it was discovered early, but it was discovered too late. The meteorite egg will bring Ye Yun great trouble.

"Sword slave, watch your stuff carefully!"

With a flick of a finger, the seal halo was thrown into the depths of the field, where the sword slave was practicing, numbly guarding the seal, and began to practice himself.

"It seems that there will be news in this period of time for the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Competition. After the competition, I will go to the next stage of the Immortal and Mortal Realms with Wanling. The development of the Holy Dragon Party still requires confidantes, and the resources cannot be taken for nothing. Get out, some members of the Holy Dragon Party only joined the party with the mentality of finding a place to stay!"

Ye Yun deeply understands that the situation is becoming more and more severe for him, he has the confidence to step into the high and heavy immortal level step by step, stand in the center of the big stage, and confront countless powerful people. Only when family members and friends are at ease in stability can they flex their muscles.

Otherwise, if you are afraid of wolves and tigers, you will become a tortoise, shrinking your head and feet.

Ye Yun continued to practice, waiting for the voice of summoning!


On this day, the sky of Sumeru Immortal Territory was even bluer. Billions of disciples rushed back from all directions in the Immortal Realm and gathered in Lingxu Pavilion in all directions, because the nine-day competition to win the bid and kill the prison once every 5000 years was about to begin.

They are here to witness the demeanor of a genius disciple.

It was the first time that more than 100 third-tier Immortal Kings, such as Guixu Daoist and Hongye, gathered together in such a situation. Most of the spirit practitioners from Lingxu Pavilion rushed back, and Qiu Xunyan was among them.


Suddenly, the boundless enchantment of forbidden magic in Sumeru Immortal Territory flickered slightly, and countless disciples, ordinary disciples, senior disciples, core disciples, genius disciples, and spiritual masters all looked at the void.

Daoist Guixu waved his hand and shouted to the tens of thousands of magicians behind him: "Open the barrier and welcome the light of the nine heavens!"


Tens of thousands of psychic practitioners are all strong from the first to second ranks of Immortal Kings, while the giants of the third tier did not move. Suddenly, a transparent halo appeared in the enchantment above the rock, and an ancient gate formed a mysterious light, which came from the void.

This gate is as high as [-] zhang, and it is densely formed by countless authentic texts, and high-level talismans are inlaid in it. Such power is like the law of the fairy world. If an attack is launched on the Sumeru Immortal Domain, it may be able to destroy the Sumeru Immortal Domain in one fell swoop.

"Welcome Senior Brother Upper Realm!"

As the gate descended from the transparent barrier of Sumeru Immortal Territory, Guixu Daoist suddenly led hundreds of third-tier Immortal Kings and bowed to the void behind him.


The passage came down from the void, and there were dozens of strong men whose cultivation had reached the fourth level of the Immortal King.


Almost at the same time, from the four sides of Sumeru Immortal Territory, with two figures as the camp, seven auras flew in succession, and each aura stood on two strong men, who were the fourteen geniuses who passed the assessment of the forbidden world level task.

"Here you are, that is Senior Sister Yaoxi and Senior Sister Li Yunyun!"

"That's Senior Brother Lin Yan, and it's the first time I've seen him in real life. I heard that not long ago, he suppressed a big demon and made great contributions to the sect!"

Following the arrival of the fourteen strong men, the billion disciples all cast their gazes enviously and jealously, focusing on everyone.

The proud son of heaven, respected by countless people.

"Yaoxi, Li Yunyun, Lin Yan, Xu Yichen, Pang Xuan, Ye Yun, Yan Qing, Peng Susu, Zhang Tianyu, Li Haoxiang, Yu Bei, Liu Yangyi, Mei Tingting, Wang Dong, you represent the sect and participate in the competition this time." , we, the spiritual cabinet elders from the five-fold fairy world, hope you will stand out in the competition!"

"At the same time, we also bring the Gaozhong sect to reward those who performed well this time after the match!"

Phantom, a strong man from the high-level fairy world, unfolded the parchment, and said in front of all the disciples: "This time, the sects of the four high-level fairy worlds are holding the nine-day competition to win the bid and kill the prison. Sect, I hope you all get off to a good start and perform well in the competition. For this reason, after discussions with the Lingxu Pavilion of Yizhong sect, those who can successfully win the bid will directly step into the sixth-level fairy world and receive empowerment rewards. If there are disciples who can become Winning No.1 in the Quadruple Immortal Realm Contest, for the sect to show off the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm, and will become the direct disciple of Emperor Xumi Dongtian!"

"Personal disciple!!!"

In an instant, no matter it was the fourteen figures present, or the Lingxu Pavilion, or the experts from the high-level fairy world, or ordinary disciples, they were all shocked beyond belief.

A direct disciple is the Nine Heavens of Immortal Realm, among all the disciples of the sect, he has the highest status and the highest status, because a direct disciple is a disciple personally accepted by the master of the sect.

In Xumi Dongtian, which of the direct disciples is not aloof, the creator of the Snow Palace, Ling Xiangxue, the genius of the Shi family, Shi Xingzun, why are the three peerless geniuses of Xumi Dongtian, because they are the direct disciples of the Great Emperor Xumi Dongtian The emperor himself taught the supreme supernatural powers.

If he can become a direct disciple, he will naturally ascend to the sky in one step and directly step into the Nine Layers of Immortal Realm.

Such an incredible thing, even daydreams, would never be dreamed of.

"Personal disciple, personal disciple..."

Who would not be moved by the thirteen proud sons of heaven? These four words were so powerful that they had to be shocked unbelievably. Immediately, the halos above their heads magnified without limit at this moment.

However, while everyone was happy, they all knew that to become the No.1 in the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest, they simply didn't believe it, and it was impossible. In the history of Sumeru Cave, there was only one person who was able to win the No.1 in the contest. It was the Emperor Xumi Dongtian himself. For the rest of the years, Xumi Dongtian did not produce a winner in many competitions.

What kind of genius and strength is it to become the number one in the Immortal World Competition? Since the history of the Immortal World, those who can become the number one, who will not be famous in the Immortal World in the future, such as Xu Mi Dongtian, she won No.1 After that, under her leadership, Xumi Dongtian was cultivated into a superpower in the fairy world.

"Personal disciple... There are so many personal disciples, but who here has hope? I'm not even sure. There must be someone who can defeat someone like Dou Qi, a genius like Dou Qi!"

Ye Yun was not elated because he knew that Sumeru Cave was not a giant among the superpowers in the fairy world. There were many sects above Sumeru Cave. The disciples of these sects were all amazing. It's impossible for them.

However, the rewards delivered by Sumeru Cave this time are really rich and attractive. I don't know how many disciples at the scene regretted not signing up for the Forbidden World Mission.

Ye Yun sneered coldly: "Hmph, what about the first name, I don't even need to think about these false ones, it is still in the gate of the nine heavens, it is practical to seize a large number of virtual yuan fruits and treasures, let them fight for the first name, I just want To be the disciple who wins the most bids in Sumeru Cave Heaven is not bad!"

"Of course, among the 14 of you, there will inevitably be a winner. For this disciple, the Zongmen senior officials have also decided to give a rich reward. This disciple will have a chance to meet the Emperor Dongtian, and he will be able to step into the Seventh Layer of Immortal Realm to practice and get Empowerment, as well as various rewards, if you perform outstandingly in the Seventh Layer Immortal Realm in the future, you will still become the emperor's direct disciple!"

Among the tall and powerful immortals, there was another voice of nothingness.

"Okay, the light of the Nine Heavens has descended on hundreds of thousands of sects big and small in the fairy world, Junior Brother Guixu, you lead them to the Nine Heavens Gate!"

Gao Zhong, the immortal powerhouse, confessed his last words and disappeared into the tunnel.

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