In the valley, the poisonous gas roared, and the clouds billowed and boiled. At this moment, almost a large amount of devilish gas rushed towards Ye Yun.

"Haha, what kind of you king's poisonous gas, in front of me, is like a child playing house. This kind of energy is not even comparable to one-tenth of the energy of hell. Others can't refine it, so they can't be avoided, but for me, it It is the best time to absorb energy!"

It turned out that Ye Yun was releasing too chaotic true energy, unfolding his body, allowing the poisonous gas to pour directly into his body, the poisonous gas was mixed with more ferocious magic energy talismans, the magic energy is the essence of magic power, these masters of Yanshan Demon Sect , not willing to release the devilish energy, but released the poisonous energy, which happened to be absorbed by Ye Yun.

All were absorbed by Taiyi Chaos True Qi and became part of it.

For ordinary immortals, once their true qi is contaminated with poisonous or devilish qi, they will be assimilated. If their strength and energy are not strong enough, their bodies will be completely broken and they will perish.

Poisonous gas, demonic energy, and true energy are both special powers. They are both gases, and they have the same origin. Just like fresh water and sea water, they can be fused and separated, while poisonous gas and devilish energy can swallow true energy and transform it. If it is poisonous gas or magic gas, it is equal to the fusion of sea water with fresh water, it is still sea water, and the fusion of fresh water with sea water is no longer fresh water.

It is this special subtle relationship that makes it very easy to fuse poisonous and devilish qi with true qi. This is why orthodox monks are afraid of evil spirits.

Even masters of the Six Paths Sacred Mountains, such as the Master of the Glazed Light Domain and Bai Wei, are also masters of the evil way of fear.

"Shuang, it's a pity that the poisonous gas is too rare. The Yanshan Demon Sect is really not simple. Combining the demonic gas with the poisonous gas makes the power more complicated. Once the immortal gets on it, it can't be peeled off at all. Only with the help of a master can we get it out of the real gas." , to strip this special poisonous gas completely, if it is not clean at all, it will have an unimaginable hindrance to the practice!"

Absorbing the poisonous gas recklessly, but Ye Yun didn't want to be noticed by the fifteen masters of Yanshan Demon Sect. The poisonous gas disappeared too much, and they would naturally notice it. This made Ye Yun's heart itch.

"Just after entering the Gate of Nine Heavens, I encountered such forces as Yanshan Demon Sect. In the next two years, I don't know how many masters and forces I will meet..."

On this big stage, Ye Yun felt like he was flying.

The Nine-Day Winning the Prison Contest is a big melting pot, and only after a lot of tempering can a peerless king be created.

About eight days later, under the poisonous gas barrier, the poisonous gas billowed, any corner, any substance was contaminated with terrible poisonous gas, if it was an ordinary true immortal, if he touched it, he would be attacked by the poisonous gas.


Finally, a hole suddenly appeared in the poisonous gas barrier, and fifteen tall shadows descended slowly from the hole. They were not prepared at all. They were too confident about King You's poisonous gas. After eight days of poisoning, let alone human beings, they were immortal weapons , I am afraid they will also be contaminated with poisonous gas.

"The fruit of emptiness is gone!"

"It seems that this group of people still has some tricks. They were able to suppress the ghost of the dead and seize the fruit of the virtual essence. It's a pity that they didn't forget the fruit of the virtual essence before they died!"

The masters of the Yanshan Demon Sect came one by one, riding poisonous gas. The black robes automatically exploded without wind. Almost all 15 of them were green youths, only a few were middle-aged, and their cultivation was almost at the fairy king level. There is a young man in the center, but it is a great fairyland.

Under everyone's disdainful gazes, Ye Yun, Liu Guangyu, Bai Wei, Xin Wanling, and Pang Xu stood motionless, lifeless, like a piece of wood, wrapped in terrible poison gas all over their bodies.

"You King's poisonous gas was refined by our Emperor Yan Shan himself. These people are only the first rank of Immortal Kings, and the energy of their true energy has not reached the level that can resist poisonous gas at all!"

"Of course, brothers, these people have taken the fruit of Xuyuan, we will first refine them into puppets of King You, and then search for the fruit of Xuyuan!"

A middle-aged man in black robe suggested: "Our goal this time is the fruit of the virtual yuan. It is meaningless for us to win the championship. We have to contribute the fruit of the virtual yuan to promote the super emperor to Gaozhong's immortal world. If we can After completing this task, we can become the direct disciples of that mighty patriarch!"

"Okay, the 15 of us used to be independent and did not communicate with each other. Since we all know this task, we will join hands to seize the fruit of the virtual yuan. After all, geniuses trained by super-class forces like the Six Paths Sacred Mountain, Shengtianmen, and Ziwei Xianzong , and cannot be ignored!"

"Yes, and there are also masters in the cult. I heard that among the cults, the peerless masters of the younger generation in the quadruple fairy world, the Almighty Sect Dou Qi also participated in this competition. The cult is not weaker than our demonic way, and the terrifying powerhouse like Dou Qi , I am afraid there are not many!"

"A character like Dou Qi comes from the Dou family. We are no match for him at all. Among us, there is only Brother Wudu who can compete with Dou Qi!"

"Everyone started to seize the refining poisonous gas puppets and the fruits of virtual essence. There is not much time. Our goal is to collect one hundred fruits of virtual essence in this competition!"

Several of them discussed it with great interest, but at the end of the conversation, they were scolded by the only young man who was not in the Immortal King Realm among the crowd.

The young man is really domineering, he doesn't give face to other fairy kings at all.

"chi chi chi..."

At the moment when the fifteen masters of Yanshan Demon Sect were about to make a move, without even using their true energy to protect the body, the nine people who looked like dead people suddenly shot an attack from the body of no one. It was either a magic weapon or a magic weapon. Divine power Xuanguang.

It came too fast, too sudden, too unexpected, almost before the fifteen masters were prepared, they were attacked by terrorists close at hand, cutting off their bodies, beheading their heads, or blasting through their chests, destroying their arms one by one!

For a time, blood stained the sky!

"No, this group of people turned out to be pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. How could they have the talent to fight against the poisonous gas of King You!"

"Control the poison gas barrier and completely seal them!"

In an instant, eight of the fifteen great geniuses fell, and the remaining seven masters dodged quickly, and were not affected by the attack, or were partially attacked, but they were all fine, regardless of the eight fallen fellows, this The seven reacted very quickly and flew towards the barrier opening.

"Six Paths Killing Without Sad Hands!"

At the moment when the seven people flew up, suddenly a beautiful figure flashed out, and the sword of lightning and flint slashed at the sky above the seven people. A emptiness and desolation momentum stopped the seven people heavily, and each body was shocked violently.

"Damn it, one of the secrets of the Six Paths Sacred Mountain!"

The seven people were intercepted, and looking at Qian Ying who made the attack, it was Bai Wei.

"Fairy Bai Wei...It turned out to be you. It's such a narrow road, I didn't expect to meet you here!!!" Among the seven people, most of them seemed to know Bai Wei, and they were so angry that they gritted their teeth, but it was impossible for Bai Wei to be their opponent .

"Whoosh whoosh~"

The other eight figures suddenly flashed beside Bai Wei, they were Ye Yun, Liu Guangyu, Xin Wanling, Pang Xu and other eight people.

"You think you are our opponent!"

It seems that half of Yan Shan Mozong's masters are dead and they are in a weak position, but among them, which imposing young man suddenly lifted the top of his robe, revealing a handsome but expressionless face.

"Non-poisonous Demon Lord!!!" Bai Wei, Glazed Light Territory Master, and even Pang Xuan shouted in shock as the youth's face appeared in an instant.

The young expert 'Non-Poison Demon Lord' hid his hands in his robe, and smiled numbly: "I didn't expect that there are quite a few people who know me!"

Pang Xuan's face was as frosty, and he was full of fear: "Who doesn't know you, the peerless genius who emerged recently from the Yanshan Demon Sect is one of the few influential figures in the Demon Dao, how many masters of the righteous way died in your hands, and it is rumored that You used to be a powerful apprentice in the demonic way, with a person like you, it's hard not to know!"

The way of magic is intricate, any strong person can go to other forces to choose disciples!

"Even a little person like you knows me, heh, I really don't know whether to be happy or weep..."

The non-poisonous devil said mechanically, without a trace of anger: "You group of people have methods, boy, you can't, could it be Bai Wei or this junior sister's ability?"

Unexpectedly, Pang Xuan, who was a peerless genius in Xumi Cave, was just a small person in the eyes of the non-poisonous devil, and he was not polite at all.

"You..." Pang Xuan was about to make a move.

"Brother Pang, don't be angry!"

Ye Yun stepped out and stopped Pang Xuan, who couldn't stand it. Pang Xuan quickly calmed down. Indeed, with his strength, he was not a genius opponent like Wudu Demon Lord, who was famous in the fourth-layer fairy world. He had to admit that Yes, some people are just so talented that they have no choice but to admit it or not.

Bai Wei said coldly: "What? Lord Wudu, although you are powerful, but with nine of us, we have to deal with seven of you. Are you sure that you will win all?"

"Fairy Baiwei, are you threatening me? Could it be that I can't suppress even you?"

The Poisonless Demon Lord suddenly shrugged his shoulders and sighed again and again, but there was a smile in his eyes: "It's ridiculous, I have always admired Fairy Baiwei for a long time, but this fairy, if you two don't mind, just let me know." Leave me, enter Yanshan Demon Sect, don't be inferior to others in the Sacred Mountain of the Six Paths, follow me, you will become the women of the peerless powerhouse in the future!"

"You are such a monster, you can't speak obscenities!" The Glazed Light Territory Lord did not expect that such a majestic genius could say such shameless words.


However, Bai Wei, who was more unbearable than the Glazed Light Domain Master, flew out suddenly and shot a silver sword light at the non-poisonous Demon Lord, which was extremely sharp.


The non-poisonous devil moved on the spot, and everyone didn't seem to see how he moved, so they directly grabbed the silver sword energy and broke through the silver sword energy.

"Yes, yes, Fairy Baiwei, your strength is a genius among geniuses in the Sacred Mountain of the Six Paths, but unfortunately, I, the Poisonous Demon Lord, is an invincible powerhouse even in the Fifth Layer Immortal Realm. In front of me, you still have to practice ten thousand Year!"

Easily breaking through Fairy Baiwei's sharp and fast silver sword energy, the non-poisonous demon stood in the void, as if admiring a perfect spiritual object, his eyes were both admiring and profane.

"So strong... Poisonless Demon Monarch, I didn't expect to be a master of the younger generation, why is this person so ridiculously strong..."

The Lord of the Glazed Light, Xin Wanling and the other four geniuses of Leiyin Mountain, and Pang Xuan were all stunned. Fairy Bai Wei was as strong as them, and it was hard to say that they were evenly divided. Such a powerful, sudden sword was easily given away by the non-poisonous demon king. Resolving, it was so easy that with just one movement, Fairy Bai Wei seemed to be compared.

Everyone, physically and mentally stiffened.

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