The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 666 The Devourer of Primordial Mist

"Brother Ye, do you have contacts with Daluo Xianmen?"

In the dark world of ruins shrouded in haze and sand, Ye Yun and his party of nine are carefully passing through the restricted areas of the storm. At any time, they can see the corpses of fallen geniuses, swaying like leaves in the eye of the wind, revealing infinite desolation and weeping. .

While avoiding the storm, Pang Xuan asked the question that was hidden in his mind just now.

Ye Yun looked at Pang Xuan, and the others were also staring at him. Ye Yun smiled wryly and said: "At the beginning, my younger brother ascended from the mortal world, and wanted to find a powerful sect. When I was in the mortal world, I accidentally got the token of the Great Luo Immortal Sect. So I thought about entering the Great Luo Immortal Gate, but I didn’t know... the world is unpredictable, the plan can’t keep up with the changes, and after many difficulties, I finally joined the Sumeru Cave!”

"It seems it's God's will. If brother Ye didn't join Sumeru Cave, how could you and I have such a chance, haha!" Pang Xuan patted Ye Yun on the shoulder with a smile.

Ye Yun just smiled and said nothing, the world is always impermanent and the way of heaven is unpredictable.

In this way, everyone continued to go deep into the depths of the hazy world with a relaxed attitude, and the storms they encountered became bigger and bigger, and a large number of geniuses from the sect kept attracting attention.

"Let's go, let's go, the Devourer of Primordial Mist has appeared, don't take the risk of snatching the ancient magic weapon and the fruit of emptiness!"


This place seems to be a sea world of storms, dense space storms, forming the eye of the storm, extending from the depths of the ruins, rootless and uncertain, disappearing at any time, and ending at any time. It is the storm world of shattered matter flying out.

Flee in terror!

And in the storm world with broken matter, everyone saw that various corpses, or living immortals, and many fruits of phantom origin flashed from time to time, and everyone was tempted to see that there were so many fruits of phantom essence, Isn't the improvement of cultivation base a sudden increase?

"The Devourer of Primordial Mist?"

At this moment, Fairy Baiwei suddenly condensed black ice on her face. Everyone felt her change of momentum and looked at her one after another. It seemed that she knew the hidden truth. Fairy Baiwei explained: "Hongmeng is a special era in ancient times. The fairyland at that time , a piece of nothingness, from the beginning of the primordial to the later stage, it is not suitable for immortals to practice. At that time, it can be said that the age of immortals is at the end of the law, but there is a life form in it, but it is suitable for that kind of emptiness. The devourer, it is incredible, this A life form that only exists in ancient books will appear at the Gate of Nine Heavens!"

Pang Xuan nodded, and was sincerely impressed by Fairy Baiwei's knowledge: "It turns out that there is such a great background. The Gate of Nine Heavens is also an ancient fairy weapon. Maybe it was an ancient power who used the Gate of Nine Heavens to suppress the Devourer of the Primordial Mist. Think about it, everyone. The human bull-headed giant is also an ancient strongman, how incredible it is, it shows that any ancient thing in the Nine Heavens Gate can appear at any time!"

"In my opinion, the Devourer of Primordial Mist will definitely be able to fight against the space storm in some aspects. The group of people just took advantage of the chaos to seize the fruit of the void. We can also see!" Xin Wanling also said. up.

"Well, it's rare to miss such an opportunity. Everyone, don't many people rush over? Not only are there fruits of emptiness, but there are also many ancient treasures. Let's go!"

Ye Yun felt that what Xin Wanling said was reasonable, and he had long thought that he could go for it. So many immortals seized the opportunity, and with the strength of the nine of them, it was naturally a good opportunity to seize the treasure.

In this way, the nine people all decided to fly to the storm together, and everyone knew that Ye Yun was super powerful, so they were assured that they would not be afraid anymore.

"Chi Chi...Boom!"

In the crazy and distorted storm, a huge human body covered with long black beard, only eyes and nose, but no mouth and ears, was walking in the storm, devouring corpses, or It was a fruit of virtual origin, and beside the storm, there were a large number of immortals using their supernatural powers to grab the fruits of virtual origin. However, with a slight wave of his hand, the strange man released a space storm and blasted a group of immortals away.

This is simply a monster. Not only can it fight against the air storm, but it can also knock out a piece of Immortal King's first-order genius with a random flick of his hand.

"Be careful!!!"

Dozens of immortals were blown away by the monster, some were able to stabilize, and some flew towards a huge storm. If they fell into it, there would be only a dead end. Fortunately, a big hand suddenly swept over from the direction of the storm, knocking out several immortals. Intercepted from the void.

The person who made the move was Ye Yun, and the rest of the people also rushed over.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xumi Dongtian, for your rescue, I am very grateful!"

A few immortals recovered from death, clasped their fists and saluted Ye Yun, and Ye Yun was wearing the Sumeru Cave Heaven Taoist robe. These people are first-rate, second-rate, and even third-rate sect disciples. That was admiration.

"Sure enough, they are the Devourers of Primordial Mist. They are exactly the same as the rumors. I heard that they are in the process of evolution and have devoured a strange fruit, which prevents them from fully evolving into humans, and they have this strange appearance!" The eight people also came to the side in an instant. , everyone was attracted by the terrifying monster in the storm, Fairy Bai Wei glanced at it, and immediately sighed softly.

The Glazed Light Territory Lord exclaimed: "As expected of an ancient creature, it actually suppressed the storm that could tear apart the Immortal King. That storm couldn't even cause a single wound on its body. It's amazing!"

Pang Xuan's eyes fell into the void, amidst the shattered material storm, and he waved his hand: "Look, there are a lot of virtual yuan fruits and a lot of treasures inside, it seems that they are all the treasures left by those genius disciples or ancient immortals. !"

Sure enough, everyone followed Pang Xuan's finger and looked at the sky above the storm. They felt that the sky in the storm was full of garbage, all kinds of broken substances, magic weapons, gems, energy treasures, strange spiritual objects, and at most corpses, all mixed together. Together, with the continuous rotation of the storm, they were reduced to dust under the force of the storm.

These substances will one day be completely turned into dust by the storm. In the center of all kinds of substances, the fruits of phantom are also rotating, and the devourer of primordial essence is grabbing these fruits of phantom. Tens of thousands of immortals are using all kinds of supernatural powers to seize the fruits or treasures of virtual essence.

"There are so many corpses, no fewer than hundreds of thousands... It's a pity that the golden core and energy have been eroded by the space storm, leaving only a pair of skins. Otherwise, if I collect so many corpses, wouldn't it be possible to refine one comparable to A high-level Immortal King, or even an Immortal Emperor-level energy ball?"

Looking at the countless corpses, Ye Yun was both shocked and pitiful. Too many people died inside the Nine Heavens Gate. Many corpses had extraordinary origins, so they must not be the corpses of participating immortals.

"Everyone, don't divide too much. If anyone has the space to use the magic weapon, everyone should simply activate the magic weapon and work together to absorb the fruit of the virtual element!"

Ye Yun swept towards the crowd intentionally or unintentionally, of course he had something to say, because he knew that Pang Xuan had a black and yellow gourd in his hand, a very wonderful magic weapon of space, if activated, he would be able to seize many treasures.

He wants to see if Pang Xuan is willing to take it out. Of course, it is also a test of what Pang Xuan is thinking in times of crisis.

Sure enough, when Ye Yun finished speaking, Pang Xuan resolutely grasped it under the eyes of everyone, and the black and yellow gourd appeared miraculously.

"Huangtian Xuanji Gourd!!!" Fairy Bai Wei let out a cry of astonishment when she saw the gourd.

"This is the Huangtian Xuanji gourd!?"

The Lord of the Glazed Light Domain took a step forward, looking at the Xuanhuang gourd in surprise and surprise, and exclaiming again and again: "It is rumored that in ancient times there was a kind of spiritual creature called the Huangtian Xuan gourd. On a tree vine, there were full of Tianxuan gourds. Every gourd, They are the best raw materials for creating space magic weapons, I never thought that such a legendary thing actually exists!"

"Yellow Sky Profound Gourd? It's really wonderful and rare, but compared to the 33 Sky Vine, it's not enough!" Ye Yun was also secretly surprised, sure enough, Pang Xuan's space magic weapon has a lot of origins.

In an instant, Ye Yun regarded Pang Xuan as a friend!

Amid the amazement of everyone, Pang Xuan was rather proud: "To tell you the truth, I, Patriarch Pang Xuan, traveled in the Immortal Realm and got two gourds in a collapsed ancient emperor's ruins, which were later refined into the Huangtian Xuanji gourd. , the one in my hand is a small gourd, and the family also has a big gourd!"

Fairy Bai Wei tightly clenched her fists: "Great, the Huangtian Xuanji gourd originally grew in the chaos of space, and it's not difficult to fight against space storms. Everyone will use all their strength to seize the treasure!"

Swish Swish Swish~!

Each one began to inject a stream of true energy, which was condensed by Pang Xuan, urging the Huangtian Xuanji gourd to move, the gourd began to tremble, and a burst of emptiness was released from it, and then a burst of mysterious light was sprayed out towards the space storm.

Sure enough, a space storm that can tear apart any material, but cannot tear apart the same space power. The space power ejected from the Huangtian Xuanji Gourd is rolling and tumbling, like a long dragon, extending to the void in the center of the storm. Like an ancient monster, it begins to absorb One piece of magic weapon, one fruit of phantom.

"Oh my god, that's... the Huangtian Xuanji Gourd!!!"

"It's a pity that Xumi Cave and Six Paths Sacred Mountain are masters. That's Fairy Baiwei, but the most outstanding fairy genius of Six Paths Sacred Mountain. Don't think about Huang Tianxuanji, Xumi Cave and Six Paths Sacred Mountain are not you. People like me can fight against it!"

In all directions of the storm circle, a large number of immortals were shocked by the sudden appearance of the space dragon, their eyes widened, and they looked at Huang Tianxuanji gourd with envy and hatred.

Treasures, real treasures!

These geniuses have developed a desire to snatch, but when they saw the Sumeru Cave and the Six Paths Sacred Mountain, each master, they immediately lost their greed.

"That's right, that's right, I've harvested more than a dozen Void Essence fruits... and hundreds of celestial artifacts, all kinds of treasures!" Pang Xuan grasped the Huangtian Xuanji Gourd, almost dancing with excitement.


Just when Pang Xuan was triumphant, the Devourer of Primordial Mist suddenly stopped grabbing the fruit of Xuyuan, and stared at Pang Xuan and the others gloomily, as if saying angrily, the fruit of Xuyuan is mine, come to my territory , You dare to snatch Lao Tzu's treasures, you group of ants, I will destroy you.

"You should hurry up and seize the fruit of the void, if you can, grab it. I can only resist the Devourer of Primordial Mist with no more than five moves!"

Seeing the Devourer of Primordial Mist showing its power and coming to kill everyone, the surrounding immortals all ran for their lives, but Ye Yun came to the front of the storm and told everyone that he would immediately fight the Devourer of Primordial Mist, which is ten times stronger than the non-poisonous Demon Lord, fight!

Now it is a second is a second!

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