Shengwu Peak, Xuanwumen blatantly set up Douwu Mountain for its disciples. There is a huge Shengwutai on the top of the mountain. It is rumored that it is an ancestor of Xuanwumen. , These are the traces left by the previous battles.

Shengwutai is a place where generations of peerless Tianjiao disciples are famous in the world, and it is also a place where generations of peerless geniuses fall.

There have been great achievements, and there have been failures.

"This time, I bet that Mei Yingxue wins."

"Then I'll bet on Liu Yu'er. She's from the Liu family. What's the Mei family? She hasn't even been a disciple of the Holy Court, and the Liu family has two disciples of the Holy Court. You will lose this time."

On the audience stands on both sides, thousands of disciples came to watch again, most of them were disciples from the outer court, a few were registered disciples, and there were very few disciples from the inner court.

Almost every day on the Shengwutai, there are Xuanwumen disciples fighting martial arts, from outer court disciples to outstanding disciples, all kinds of disciples, but it is rare for a disciple of the Holy Court to meet a disciple of the Holy Court, or even a thousand years to meet the disciples of the Holy Court. It will attract all Xuanwumen disciples to watch the battle.

In ordinary martial arts, there are as many as tens of thousands of people, and as few as hundreds of people. Today, there are several fights. Now two beautiful shadows fly up to the holy martial arts platform. Wearing a dark blue robe, he is a disciple of the outer court.

There is no distinction between men and women in fighting martial arts, regardless of age, as long as they accept fighting martial arts, anyone can come up.

The female disciple on the left, probably in her early twenties, was born with a natural beauty, watery and delicate, beautiful and moving, she raised her hand with murderous eyes: "Liu Yu'er, today you and I must have someone to lie down."

"Hmph, Mei Yingxue, so what if I teach a few watchdogs of the Mei family a lesson. My Liu family is no match for your Mei family. Today, I will teach you a good servant."

The girl on the right who is less than twenty years old, with a faint smile, is charming and charming, with a compelling aura, and looks like a fairy, slim and graceful.

"Yu'er, teach the Mei family a good lesson and uplift my Liu family's majesty." Behind Liu Yu'er are hundreds of disciples of the Liu family, and they are here to show off.

"We can't lose either, so teach Liu Yu'er well at home, bullying the strong and the weak."

On Mei Yingxue's side, the disciples of the Mei family also cheered bravely. The cheers from the two sides of the disciples shook the heavens and the earth, and they were even more excited than the two martial arts girls on the stage.

"A bunch of trash, Earth Immortal Yizhong also came to the stage to fight martial arts."

A group of powerful men and horses flew down from Shengwu Peak. The leader was Yang Xingyuan, and there were several strong men who were also disciples of the inner court. Promoted to Distinguished Disciple.

"Huh? That kid hasn't come yet."

Yang Feihu came out, and Shen Guang swept away, a little disappointed, but the murderous intent on his face continued to grow.

"Did you see that people from the Yang family have come, but Jing Wuming hasn't been seen yet. He won't be too scared to come, right?"

"No, according to the rules of the sect, since you have accepted the fight, you must participate, otherwise, you will be expelled from the sect, unless the other party also agrees, but this has never happened in thousands of years."

On the side of Shengwutai, hundreds of Jing family disciples were discussing in private.

"I didn't expect the Xuanchen Mountain Range to be so huge. We have been flying for so long, but we haven't reached Shengwu Peak yet."

In the forest sea, two figures flew rustlingly across the forest, setting off countless fallen leaves and flying down, flying out of the forest, Ye Yun and Yue Li appeared in the sunlight.

Yue Li pointed to the huge sacred mountain shining with white jade light in front of him and said, "Brother, that is Shengwu Peak."

"Then let's go up!" Ye Yun used his speed and flew up along the forest sea. Yue Li followed closely, but his speed was obviously much slower.


There was a wave of air from Shengwutai, and Mei Yingxue from the Mei family was slapped on the shoulder by Liu Yuer from the Liu family.

"Mei Yingxue, now I'm giving you the last chance. If you surrender, I'll spare you. If you don't surrender, then I can only take your head."

Liu Yu'er walked up to Mei Yingxue slowly, holding a green sword in her hand, and with a flick of her wrist, the blade of the sword immediately pressed against Mei Yingxue's neck, with a murderous look on her face.

"I...I admit defeat!"

Facing Liu Yuer's powerful murderous intent and cold eyes, Mei Yingxue felt the breath of failure and death. If she refused to give in, she would end up like a corpse. Thinking of the hardships of cultivation and her family, Mei Yingxue had to bow her head and admit defeat.

"You are smart, let me forgive you once today, don't be arrogant and overconfident in the future, this time you met me, if it was someone else, I would kill you with a sword, in the Xuanwumen, there are countless masters, and everyone has the means " Liu Yu'er loosened her eyebrows, retracted her sword, and after saying a few words, she returned to the auditorium to congratulate her disciples.

"Jing Wuming..."

Suddenly, from the jubilant Shengwu Peak, there was a shocking roar from Yang Feihu. On the scene, countless first-level disciples of the Earth Immortal were dizzy and blinded by the shock, and the entire Shengwu Platform fell silent instantly. If anyone dared to speak out, even the disciples of the inner court would not dare to be arrogant, because the opponent was the Yang family, who possessed the super strength supported by the disciples of the Holy Court.

"Who's dog didn't lock it properly, barked everywhere, and bit someone carefully."

Shengwu Peak was like a quiet night, silent and silent, but then, a light and sarcastic voice came from the side of the mountain, Ye Yun and Yue Li slowly appeared under the gaze of countless pairs of curious eyes, Ye Yun Flying directly to Shengwutai, Yue Li stood in the audience and waited quietly.

"No life, come on."

Jing Wuhui led a group of powerful inner court disciples to appear one after another, and many of them were famous figures from the Xuanwu Sect.

"Did you see that the Jing family and the Yang family are actually fighting. It's a good show, so I'm ready to place a bet."

On the audience stage of the two parties, countless disciples started a new round of gambling, and many people continued to join. After all, both sides are super families with disciples of the Holy Court.

Ye Yun nodded slightly towards Jing Wuhui, then his eyes fell on Yang Feihu who couldn't wait to make a move, and the corners of his mouth curled up indifferently: "Yang Feihu, if you insist on courting death today, I will help you!"

"Humph, a mere meat fairy ant dares to shout at the formal disciples. On behalf of all the formal disciples of Xuanwumen, I will teach you a good lesson and take your head." Yang Feihu is still domineering, even in front of thousands of disciples, he is also strong , As expected of the Yang family.

"Oh my god, that Jing Wuming is the Eightfold Meat Immortal, have you seen that?"

"A rookie who has just become a disciple of the outer court dares to take on the martial arts of the third-tier Earth Immortal powerhouse. I can't dream, right? If I want to bet on the Yang family, the Jing family will lose."

"Me too……"

"I bet the Jing family wins!"

Several people put Qi Condensation Pill, Demon Crystal Core and other items on Yang Feihu. In their opinion, the dignified Earth Immortal will definitely defeat the Meat Immortal, and he is also a third-tier Earth Immortal who wants to be promoted to the disciple of the inner court.

However, when the situation was one-sided, Yue Li pressed on Ye Yun. Afterwards, several people from the Jing family also gathered around, and they took out their treasures to press Ye Yun.

Shengwutai has not yet fought, but the flames of war have already ignited in the audience.

The members of the Yang family looked aloof and had no suspense. They believed from the bottom of their hearts that Ye Yun, a meat fairy, would be beheaded by Yang Feihu, just like the sun rising from the east forever.

At the forefront of the Yang family's camp, Yang Xingyuan spied on with many strong men, then smiled at Jing Wuhui with disdain: "Jing Wuhui, do you dare to bet with me?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of, just bet." Jing Wuhui glanced at Ye Yun and nodded in agreement.

Yang Xingyuan flicked his left hand, and several magic weapons of different shapes appeared. With his light wave, the magic weapons flew into the sky above the Shengwu Platform, and remained suspended: "I use ten low-level repair tools, and I will naturally bet on the flying arc. body."

"Okay." Jing Wuhui did not hesitate, and immediately took out ten low-level magic weapons from the storage ring and shot them into the sky. As soon as these ten magic weapons came out, Jing Wuhui had a solemn expression on his face. These ten magic weapons were not A small sum.

"Flying Arc, ten moves, kill Jing Wuming within ten moves, and dedicate his head to me." Yang Xingyuan sat firmly on the stage and said domineeringly.

"Ten tricks? It seems that Jing Wuming is not as weak as imagined. He is an eighth-level flesh immortal. Even if he is a first-level earth immortal, he can do it with one move. It's worth seeing!"

At this time, many outer court and inner court disciples became interested.

"Death to me!"

The central flying arc suddenly flew up, spread his hands, and grabbed in the air, streams of true energy flowed directly towards Ye Yun like huge spider webs.

Under the strong current, Ye Yun is like a weak ant, it will be swallowed at any time, and he has no power to resist.

"That's the method, hmph, Overlord Fist."

Facing the powerful attack, Ye Yun smiled confidently, raised his right hand, and grabbed at the electric current. Streams of blood-red true energy formed a huge fist, spread five fingers in the void, and grabbed at the electric current.

Crackling, the current infuriating energy was caught and pulled by the five fingers, and it exploded immediately, while the huge five fingers continued to grab it in an arc towards the center.

"Genius, peerless genius!"

At the moment when Five Fingers cracked the terrorist attack of the central flying arc, Shengwu Peak boiled, and everyone was incredulous and shocked. They actually saw a weak man with eight layers of meat immortals, with surging true energy and amazing supernatural powers. It is difficult for a high-ranking immortal to instantly resolve an attack, even at the same level.

No matter who it is, they all regard Ye Yun as a monster. Those who have already bet on Yang Feihu almost regret it. No one expected such a shocking change.

"Brother Wuhui, your younger brother is a genius, I'm afraid there are not many such geniuses in Xuanwumen, right?"

In the Jing family's camp, a sixth-level Earth Immortal expert said to Jing Wuhui.

Jing Wuhui had no words, he was more shocked than anyone else in his heart, he watched Jing Wuming grow up, Jing Wuming is not a genius at all, just better than the average person, but I haven't seen him for a few years, Jing Wuhui can see It turned out that Jing Wuming had an adventure abroad, and it was a great adventure. Moreover, Jing Wuhui also felt that his half-brother seemed to have changed a lot, which made him feel indescribable.

"Just now you took the initiative to attack, this time it's my turn!"

Just when Yang Feihu was shocked and prepared for the next round of attack, he suddenly saw Ye Yun appearing, holding a huge cauldron high in his hands, blood red, brewing terrifying power.

"This time..."

The members of the Yang family were speechless, and the situation changed in the blink of an eye. They really couldn't believe that Yang Feihu, who was a third-level earth immortal, was actually given the upper hand by a weak eighth-level flesh immortal.

"Catch Luo Sword!"

As a last resort, Yang Feihu actually summoned a dark yellow long sword. His aura continued to increase, and his true energy was condensed. He wanted to unleash the strongest blow.

At the same time, the Bawangding tripod soared into the sky, Yang Feihu slashed up with his sword, the Bawangdingding was shocked, and a crack was split open, and Yang Feihu was also sweating profusely, and was forced to step back a few steps by the Bawangdingding. A peerless long sword struck up.


The moment the long sword split Bawangding, a strange afterimage appeared behind Yang Feihu, raised his palm, and with one slap, Yang Feihu's head fell.

"Qin Luo Sword, almost a mid-level cultivator, not bad, and your storage ring will be mine from now on, and of course, your physical body!"

On the ashes-like and silent Shengwutai, under a pair of shocking eyes, Ye Yun actually snatched everything from Yang Feihu, not even letting the corpse go, just like a bandit robbing, not letting go of anything.

"Three moves... That Jing Wuming from the Jing family only had three moves, and he beheaded the third-level Earth Immortal powerhouse, and he flew in the air."

"He's still at the eighth level of the Meat Immortal, and he leapfrogged several ranks, and he still crossed the realm. The Meat Immortal Slash is a fairyland powerhouse, a genius, a peerless genius!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

"Yang Xingyuan, I'll take it without hesitation, more!" Jing Wuhui stood up, and Ling Tian grabbed the Void but a magic weapon in his bag, smiling from ear to ear.

"Jing Wuming... I want you to die! Go!" Yang Xingyuan's eyes were bloodshot, and he led everyone in the Yang family away in ashes.

"Just now, nearly two-thirds of the unbeaten blood body was activated, and the speed of the body was increased to kill Yang Feihu. If I hadn't been under the watchful eyes of everyone, I would have killed him instantly with a sneak attack with the snake spirit flying armor. .”

Regardless of thousands of eyes, Ye Yun flew to Yue Li's side at an extraordinary speed, and the two disappeared together.

Jing Wuhui swaggered and led the members of the Jing family to leave in front of thousands of disciples. This time, the members of the Jing family won a lot of property, and they also gained fame and fortune, making a fortune.

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