The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 687 The Celestial Tribulation Vision in the Ancient Immortal World

The Dark Sun Moon Yu Lei Jue is indeed a god-level supernatural power that requires strong willpower to display. After several times of fighting against the sky, Ye Yun's Yuanshen Haiyang has long been sluggish, and now swallowing a fruit of Xuyuan, it feels like falling in nine days Countless willpower poured directly into the Yuanshen Ocean.

At the same time, he swallowed an energy ball, and his body instantly returned to a normal state. It was comparable to the third-order energy ball of an immortal king, and it had filled Ye Yun's body densely.

At this moment, in the eighth heavenly calamity, the flames of the true text gradually weakened, but above the sky and heavenly calamity, suddenly the calamity was churning, and Ye Yun saw another incredible scene.

The ancient law bull-headed giant stood up unexpectedly, and the horn in his hand disappeared. Its eyes released blood-red mysterious light, bursting out ancient immortal energy like burning gas flames.

"The ninth and tenth heavenly seems more perverted, but any kind of catastrophe, even if it is the ancient law of heavenly tribulation, what can it do?"

Seeing the bull-headed giant move, Ye Yun's heart tightened, but he has the means to win, and when the catastrophe comes, he will use his strength to fight until there is nowhere to hide.

The last two catastrophes must be extraordinary.


The bull-headed giant stood up, with a height of ten feet, and its ancient body shocked the sky. It directly stretched out its giant hand, facing the churning power of heaven, and grabbed it suddenly, nine strands of power of heaven burned in its palm, like a puppet, directly Facing the bottom where Ye Yun was, he slapped it hard.


The nine heavenly tribulation forces of the giant palm swept across the void, and even set the void on fire.

"The Ninth Heavenly Tribulation, you actually want to attack me directly... Hmph, Eight Desolation Yin Thunder Palm!"

Ye Yun immediately activated the God Thunder of the Infinity and Eight Desolations Sun and Moon, and cast Taiyi's chaotic true energy in it. With a push of his left hand, thunder burst out suddenly, forming a huge cloudy moon thunder light giant palm.

This giant thunder-light giant palm is terrifying to the limit, and it suppresses the strange and corrosive power of the calamity rain and calamity fire outside the defense, and it turns into a cloud of smoke. Ye Yun flies directly into the void, pressing on the bull-headed giant With the power of the nine heavenly tribulations in his palm, he swung his left arm frontally, and the thunder light covered the sky.


The giant thunder palm and the bull-headed giant's giant palm collided fiercely in mid-air. It was indeed the power of a giant beast. The pure force sent Ye Yun flying like a cannonball. The nine heavenly tribulation forces in the palm began to contend.

"Hmm... actually the ninth level of catastrophe consumes an average amount of energy..."

Almost falling into the surface of the extinct volcanoes, Ye Yun stabilized his figure, feeling that his body was so hard, especially his left arm, that he was about to lose feeling. The giant beast's palm was so overwhelming that its physical body was powerless to control it.

"It's such a terrifying ancient law... When I fought with Dou Qi, even if he used the God of War Transformation, I didn't feel this way... If it wasn't for the power of the energy ball, the palm of the giant beast alone could have seriously injured me in an instant!"

Ye Yun condensed the last energy, flew into the void, and saw the nine heavenly tribulation forces, suppressing the Eight Desolation Yin Thunder Palm, if he broke through, Ye Yun's palm just now would have been in vain, so he used the Dark Sun and Moon Thunder Control Art, With the addition of a large amount of energy, strands of thunder nets cooperate with the power of the Eight Desolation Yin Thunder Palms to fight against the Nine Heavenly Tribulations.

Now it's a double confrontation of strength and will, Ye Yun can't take a step back, otherwise he will be obliterated by the Heavenly Tribulation, especially the tauren, the ancient law of the Heavenly Tribulation.

"The Burial Bow..."

Ye Yun flipped his hand and grabbed it, finally, facing the last catastrophe, he wanted to use the magic weapon!

The Burial Bow, the Ninth Grade Immortal Artifact of the Devil Dao, is a treasure in the Nine Layers of Immortal Realm. Now that Ye Yun's cultivation base is constantly improving, the power it displays is ten thousand times stronger than that in the ordinary world.

Ye Yun is not a fool, he now has to fight against the two laws of Heavenly Tribulation, especially the bull-headed giant that was killed halfway, which makes the Great Immortal Tribulation comparable to the Immortal Emperor's Great Tribulation of ordinary immortals. The energy in the body almost exhausted the energy ball, so he sacrificed the burial bow to deal with the last catastrophe.

Tian Jie is perverted, Ye Yun is even more perverted than Tian Jie.


Before the ninth level of catastrophe disappeared, the bull-headed giant moved again, opened its mouth wide, swallowed all the power of the catastrophe, and then turned around to look down at the earth.

Ye Yun immediately activated the dharma seal, condensed a series of bright holy spears, and then activated the burial bow, fused the original power of the magic weapon into the bright holy spear, his eyes froze: "Could it be... the tenth heavenly tribulation?"


When Ye Yun was puzzled and shocked, the tenth catastrophe appeared, and the bull-headed giant opened its mouth wide, spraying out all the cataclysm it had swallowed, and sprayed it down to Ye Yun, and saw a golden streak penetrating the sky The power of Heavenly Tribulation, rolling and rolling, was directly sprayed towards Ye Yun by the tauren.

The power of the golden catastrophe is like a meteorite falling straight towards Ye Yun and falling into the sky.


Ye Yun took a step, the space vibrated, he raised the Sky Burial Bow high, grabbed a Holy Spear of Light with his right hand, and moved the Sky Burial Bow towards the golden power of Heavenly Tribulation, and opened the bow to shoot an arrow.


The Bright Holy Lance fused almost all the energy in the Burial Bow and Ye Yun's body, and shot towards the golden Heavenly Tribulation power against the sky. The golden Heavenly Tribulation seemed to be like a demon, and the Bright Holy Lance was the god who slaughtered demons. When they collided, there was a bang, and the Holy Spear of Light directly pierced the golden power of Heavenly Tribulation, and then continued to shoot towards the tauren.


The tauren has no breath of life, but the law has already been contained in the catastrophe. Any action, attack, and method are all in accordance with the laws created by the powerful in the ancient heaven. The person sprayed out the second golden catastrophe.


This time, the golden power sprayed out by the tauren collided with the Holy Spear of Light that had lost part of the brilliance, smashing the Holy Spear of Light to pieces inch by inch.

However, another holy spear of light shot through the void.


The tauren spewed out the third golden power of the heavenly tribulation. With its huge body, it was the king who held the sky above the sky, and the power spewed out made the void of the four-fold fairy world shatter. Jie powerful.

For a moment, the void was shattered and criss-crossed like this, the mysterious power of Tian Jie and Ye Yun was churning in the void, Ye Yun shot out a series of bright holy spears, shaking the void, and the tauren spewed out golden Tian Jie power one after another.

"I didn't expect that the energy ball and all my true qi... would be consumed in the Great Immortal Tribulation... This last Heavenly Tribulation contains all my power, break it!"

Finally, after fighting nine times, Ye Yun condensed all the strength in his body, condensed a holy spear of light, activated the Burial Sky Bow, and shot it into the void with a whistling sound.

The tauren also opened its mouth wide in an instant, spewing out the last power of the tenth catastrophe, and saw this golden catastrophe, which seemed to be the concentration of all the catastrophes. As the tauren spewed out, the space was shattering, and the golden catastrophe seemed to be concentrated. With this destructive momentum, it descended towards Ye Yun rollingly.


The Holy Spear of Light and the Golden Heavenly Tribulation, the last forces of Ye Yun and the Tauren finally collided in the void. Ye Yun closed his eyes when they collided. The power covered the void, devouring any power in the sky.


After about ten breaths, Ye Yun felt that the power of the catastrophe was getting farther and farther away, and a void, deep, and aura emanated from the sky. Ye Yun immediately sensed this power in his body, sucked it into his body, and began to violently Explosion, bones, tendons, cells, and blood exploded inch by inch.


When Ye Yun succeeded in crossing the catastrophe and absorbing the power after the catastrophe came, suddenly from the explosion void that has not yet disappeared, an ancient auspicious light descended.

"The vision of the heavenly tribulation? The Great Immortal Tribulation really has the vision of the heavenly catastrophe, but the vision is actually an ancient breath... It seems that the vision does come from the ancient heaven!!!"

Ye Yun looked intently, and in the ancient auspicious light, he saw a glow pouring out of the palm of the tauren. The ancient glow, which contained ancient scriptures, was like a heavy snow falling all over the sky, and the tauren released this ancient vision Afterwards, the body completely dissipated in the void of Heavenly Tribulation.

It seems that it has never appeared, and there is no longer any ancient aura in the sky.

"The law of the ancient catastrophe came and went quickly, and I can't figure it out, but the power of vision from the ancient fairy world will definitely allow me to absorb a lot of energy, here it comes!"

The ancient glow all over the sky, holy and white-gold, began to descend slowly with Ye Yun as the center. When it touched Ye Yun's skin, it really melted like snowflakes and entered the skin.

"I didn't expect the power of the ancients to be so pure and ancient, it is far from being comparable to the energy of the fairy world today, and it contains a lot of authentic talismans, brewing ancient mysterious laws, this vision of the ancient glow... It's a pity that I don't know it, But it is definitely not simple, absorbing so much ancient rays of light, it seems that it is not a problem to reach the first-order plump state of the Great Immortal Realm!"

Ye Yun was secretly happy, who would have thought that the tauren, the law of the ancient catastrophe, would suddenly appear, and the energy in his body would be exhausted, and even an energy ball would be completely exhausted. , not only can restore Ye Yun's lost strength, but also reach the full state of the Great Wonderland.

One must know that Ye Yun's physical body must be ten times stronger than that of the real fairyland when he breaks through the great fairyland, so the energy needed is naturally ten times that of the real fairyland. It's not that the power consumed by the catastrophe is replenished.

"These ancient rays are much purer than the energy of the fairy world. If I am not a cultivator, I can become a powerful person in the fairy world by simply practicing this ancient glow!"

When a large amount of ancient rays poured into the body, Ye Yun felt that it was extraordinary, no matter what aspect, it almost surpassed the power of the fairy world, this is a rare opportunity.

Ye Yun speeded up the absorption of the ancient Xiaguang's power, while his physical body was still exploding, from head to toe, it never stopped. It was a huge transformation from the real fairyland to the great fairyland, and the change of the physical body must be earth-shaking. The body after the explosion began to rapidly reorganize.

And the power of the sky and the sky, with the arrival of the ancient sun, began to recede slowly, the dark red clouds, the fire, the thunder, the rain, and the wind all disappeared at the end of the sky, and the nature began to show, but the earth-shattering just now The destruction caused by the catastrophe is shocking.

I saw a group of extinct volcanoes on the ground, almost all of which were shortened by more than half, and the surface of the ground dropped several feet, revealing earthquake cracks, and almost all felt the hot magma seeping out of the cracks.

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