The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 697 The War Between the Ao Family, the Fan Family and the Xin Family

It is not easy for Ye Yun and Xiao Qian to go from the fourth level of the immortal world to the third level and the second level to reach the first level of the immortal world. After all, the energy required to directly cross the third level of the immortal world is also very amazing. Not much, but more energy.

"I never thought it would be so easy to travel through the fairyland... Sister Wan, go to the First Level Immortal Realm. I must take you to the Aotian Immortal Realm to have a good taste. Naturally, going to the Chongxian Realm also has the benefits of going down to the Chongxian Realm. Speaking of which, I also have For hundreds of years, I haven't returned to the Aotian Immortal Realm!"

Time and space are distorted, a force of time and space firmly travels through time and space, and firmly protects Ye Yun, Wan Hai, and Xin Wanling. Ye Yun continuously releases energy, urging Xiaoqian to travel, while Xin Wanling and Wan Hai are whispering sweet words , the two talked and laughed, they didn't care about Ye Yun's feelings.

Hundreds of years are nothing to immortals. Hundreds of years ago, Xin Wanling was just a low-level great immortal. Hundreds of years later, she became an immortal king. In the first-tier to third-tier immortal worlds, there are almost no immortal kings. For Xiazhong Immortal Realm, Xin Wanling is already a legendary existence.

"Okay, I promise him, I will go to the lower realm to see!"

Wanhai giggled happily, it was not at all the cold Wanhai in the Ocean of Tears, where the world only had killing and fleeing.

"Double Immortal World..."

After half a day's work, Ye Yun has mobilized a lot of energy, blessed Xiaoqian's body, and traveled through the fourth level of immortality to the fourth level of immortality, and now he is traveling from the second level of immortality to the first level of immortality.

As long as this layer of time and space is one layer of fairyland.

"I really hope to see Tianzun Martial Sage, Kunhuan Sanren, Jiyuan Daoist, Huangyan Dharma King, Shengtian Princess, Ximen Potian six people..." Traveling through the chaotic time and space of the second level and the first level of immortality, it is necessary to enter the energy layer of the first level of immortality. Yun's heart became more and more excited, and it was difficult to calm down.

Cultivation is a road of no return, and one never knows where the end is!

Abandoning relatives, friends, and hometown, cultivating immortals is to start from a mortal step by step, against the stars, against the sky, to gain eternal life, and become an immortal god. For this reason, there are only enemies in the world of practice, and few friends. Family affection, for Ye Yun In terms of people, Tianzun Wusheng, Kunhuan Sanren, Jiyuan Zhenren, Huangyan Dharma King, Shengtian Princess, Ximen Potian six people are equivalent to relatives.

In particular, Ximen Potian paid a lot for the Taiyi plane, sitting in the underground palace and refining elixirs, which became almost the most powerful means of the Taiyi Empire at that time. For Ximen Potian, Ye Yun did not use any seizing, Coercive means, this is a kind of trust between the strong.

There is also Princess Shengtian. At the beginning, the Shengtian Dynasty was the overlord of the Shengtian Starfield, but when Ye Yun moved the Taiyi Week into the Starfield and established the Taiyi Starfield, Princess Shengtian did not have any complaints. Instead, she cooperated with Ye Yun. Compared with Tianzun Martial Saint, Kunhuan Sanren, Jiyuan Daoist, and Huangyan Dharma King, the relationship between Princess Shengtian and Ximen Potian is closer to Ye Yun.


After finally passing through the energy storm, the three of them stepped into the first level of the energy layer of the fairy world, and saw the vast star field come into view. Surprise appeared on the faces of Ye Yun and Xin Wanling. At a very high speed, he leaped into the depths of the starry sky and flew towards a star field.

This star field is the Aotian Immortal Realm in the First Layer Immortal Realm.

Ye Yun and Xin Wanling couldn't be more familiar with the familiar atmosphere. After experiencing the Nine-Day Winning Prison Contest and gaining the power rewarded by the ancient heaven, their cultivation bases have risen even higher. Therefore, when they came to the first level of the fairyland, their willpower can radiate almost A small piece of star field.

Very appalling!

Naturally, it also has a lot to do with the difference in laws and energy between the lower world and the higher world. In the higher world, flying is oppressed by the energy of the heavens and the earth, but in the lower world, with strong strength, balance, transcending laws, and unconstrained, Feel free to vertically and horizontally between energy and law.

Whoosh whoosh!

The three masters crossed the starry sky directly, and the power of the starry sky turned out to be so fragile that they couldn't oppress the Immortal King. It was impossible to cross the starry sky above the quadruple fairy world.

I saw that the three masters almost formed a ball of fire, and entered the Aotian Immortal Realm with a splash.

finally come back!


Xin Wanling took a deep breath, looked at the densely packed starry sky of Aotian Immortal Realm, many fairy sails were quietly flying in the interstellar space, and the familiar scene suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.


In the blink of an eye, Xin Wanling brought Ye Yun and Wanhai to fly into one of the planets floating in the middle layer of the star field, practiced shuttle, and finally entered the planet.

"what happened?"

Xin Wanling and the two of them had just entered the planet, and when they came to a city, they found that the city was about to become ruins, and the flames of war were burning and spreading. The city was almost turned into ruins under the hands of immortals. What to look for in the fire.

A large amount of corpse odor permeates from the burning heat.

"Could it be that the Ao family and the Fan family joined forces to deal with my Xin family!?"

The intelligent Xin Wanling, looking at the desolation in her eyes, immediately understood. As she stepped into the high-level fairyland, she became a blockbuster at the Aojia party, and her status was comparable to that of the Aojia and Fanjia. To be promoted to Gaozhong Immortal Realm and become an elite disciple, it can be said that the Xin family has already surpassed the two major families.

As a result, the conflict became more and more acute, and when it had to break out, one of them would dominate and naturally become the ruler of the Aotian Immortal Realm. This was a result that no force wanted to see.

This level, Xin Wanling quickly thought of it!

"who are you!!?"

At this moment, from the side of the ruined city, a layer of restriction suddenly rose. The aura of Ye Yun and the three of them had already touched the restriction. The inner immortals sensed that hundreds of people flew out immediately, all of them murderous, holding various immortals. device.

In particular, the leader is a middle-aged man with a heavy body and an imposing manner. He is as thick as a beast, and he has practiced a very powerful qigong. Moreover, this person has a rare aura of a great immortal in the immortal world!


The middle-aged man flew out from the flames of war, and before he could see who was coming, the immortals around him, most of whom were real immortals, launched an attack directly, shooting out flying sword talismans, with sparks of explosive light, and endless anger !


As soon as the all-over attack was launched, Xin Wanling waved his hand, and a faint mysterious light instantly suppressed the attack. The explosion was not released, and disappeared without a trace like an autumn wind!

"Miss! It's Miss!!!"

This move was so incredible that hundreds of immortals felt as if their lives were coming to an end. However, the middle-aged man in the lead seemed to be very familiar with Xin Wanling's aura, and immediately waved his hand and roared. After hearing this, hundreds of immortals Immediately surged up.

The middle-aged man even released the dazzling aura of a great fairy, and appeared in front of Xin Wanling in a flash across the sky. With tears in his eyes, he knelt down towards Xin Wanling and shouted excitedly: "Miss, you are finally back. Huben thought it would be hard to see you again !"

The middle-aged man was none other than Huben, the most powerful house guest by Xin Wanling's side back then.

"Miss, it's true that Miss is back!" The hundreds of immortals behind, when they saw Xin Wanling, they all knelt down excitedly, with tears and snot in their noses.

With a wave of Xin Wanling's hand, Huben and hundreds of people stood up abruptly and swept over. Almost everyone was injured. Although they were not serious, it could be seen that after going through a series of difficult fights, Xin Wanling asked coldly: "Hu Ben, tell me what happened!"


Hu Ben's eyebrows instantly released a strong murderous intent: "Not long ago, the Ao family and the Fan family joined forces, and in the name of a party, they suddenly united with various forces and attacked my family. We were unprepared and suffered heavy casualties. Even the master was seriously injured. The inner masters were killed and wounded, and then the two major forces led a large number of joint forces to slaughter our Xin family's territory, and this city has just been destroyed!"

Xin Wanling's eyes were very calm, and he asked lightly: "Dad was seriously injured? Huben, when you came to the triple fairy world, I didn't give you a lot of fairy artifacts and pills, how could you lose so badly!"

"Actually, our current strength is capable of confronting the Ao family and the Fan family, but it's a pity...!"

Speaking of this, Huben couldn't hide his anger: "The Supreme Immortal Sect has intervened, and Ao Yi from the Ao family has brought many experts from the Supreme Immortal Sect. We are not opponents at all. If it weren't for the elixir and magic weapon that Miss gave back then, we would have lost money." Even worse!"

"Ao's him again?" Xin Wanling naturally remembered who Ao Yi was. When he went to the Linglong ruins, he secretly took action to snatch the magic weapon of Ao Yi and Li Yuan. She herself got the ancient magic weapon from the Linglong clan, the gravity ring.

How could she forget all this!

"What a good Aoyi... Is the Supreme Immortal Sect comparable in strength to my Leiyin Mountain? This time the Supreme Immortal Sect is the same as the Luoxian Sect. None of the five disciples who participated in the Nine Heavens Winning Prison Competition came back alive. Compete with me, Lei Yinshan, well, this time I want to let the Taishang Xianmen know how the word "death" is written!"

Xin Wanling's aura was overwhelming, it was too powerful, Hu Ben and hundreds of people couldn't resist at all, feeling that Xin Wanling's will was enough to kill them instantly, Xin Wanling looked at Hubei again: "Go tell my father, just say I'm back, Then call all those immortals from the lower realms that I told you to come over!"

"Yes! I know!" Hu Ben knew what Xin Wanling meant when he saw Ye Yun, so he turned around and flew away with a few immortals.

"Everyone evacuates from the city!"

Xin Wanling came to the void and yelled domineeringly at the city. In an instant, thousands of immortals flew out and came to the back of Xin Wanling obediently. I saw Xin Wanling flicking his fingers lightly at the burning city, a burst of mysterious light The power is directly covered, and the burning flames of war are immediately extinguished.


Then thousands of immortals saw an unbelievable scene. Covered by the power of mysterious light, the ruined fairy pond was suddenly crushed into sand grains by the terrifying force. Before the shocking scene was over, Xin Wanling grabbed with five fingers again. A large number of gems and fairy stones merged into the dust.

Chu Chu Chu!

Like bamboo shoots after the rain, the city walls and the main body of the palace suddenly emerged like bamboo shoots, and the earth was rumbling and shaking!


Seeing this scene, the immortals of the Xin family couldn't believe it at all. This kind of supernatural power is no longer the means of a true immortal or a great immortal, unless it is the legendary immortal king!

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