The Xuanzhong Mountains, as the name suggests, are composed of many overlapping peaks, forming a vast and boundless heaven and earth mountain range.

This kind of primitive mountain range, which has been brewing for thousands of years, contains all kinds of strange treasures of heaven and earth, and naturally there are countless monsters and monsters.

At the beginning of chaos, the most primitive creatures are not human beings, but demon spirits and beasts. In the eyes of monsters and giant beasts, they are the masters of heaven and earth, and they are the ones who can inherit the inheritance of the gods. Creatures such as these are weak in shape and insignificant in strength, and should always surrender under their feet.

Among the mountains, various canyons and caves can be seen everywhere, and there are also huge tiankengs. At first glance, the tiankengs are like whirlpools in the ocean, calm and perilous.

"Damn it, there are dozens of virtuous fruits in this tiankeng, but they are guarded by various giant beasts, how many brothers have been killed..."

"We are not in a hurry. There are a lot of people here for Baishanguo this time. Various small sects and casual practitioners are gathered here. Let's wait for a while."

In the forest around a huge gray and black tiankeng, hundreds of monks gathered, half of them were Xuanwumen disciples, and the other half were casual monks or monks of small sects.

Everyone gathered together for the hundred good fruits, which are precious, and one hundred good fruits can be exchanged for many foundation building pills.

"Huh? There is actually a disciple from the outer courtyard with a true and empty body. It's strange, strange."

A group of people from the Xuanwu Sect suddenly saw a blue shadow flying down from the forest. The person who came was Ye Yun. When they saw Ye Yun's cultivation, all the disciples from the outer court and the inner court couldn't stop laughing, and they didn't pay attention to Ye Yun at all. inside.

"There are so many people..."

When I came to the lawn and looked around, I found that there were all kinds of monks everywhere, all of them were earth fairylands, and there were even sixth-level and even seventh-level figures of earth immortals.

"Are these tiankengs connected...?"

Standing next to the tiankeng, Ye Yun felt a cold wind blowing upstream from below, making one's hair stand on end. There was a strong monster aura in the cold wind, and there was also a strange aura, which was more terrifying than the monster aura, and made people tremble.

Sensing carefully, I found that the airflow comes from the bottom, and the bottom extends in all directions, a full hundred feet deep. It seems that there are many passages under the tiankeng, connecting different places.

"It has been heard for a long time that many monsters occupy the Xuanzhong Mountains, opened up the tiankeng, and formed an underground palace. Under the tiankeng, there are many treasures, almost guarded by monsters. It is rumored that there are even ancient evil spirits in the tiankeng." Shi was extremely cautious, and before he went down, he felt the deadly breath.

Evil spirits are rumored to be bred by the blood of ancient demons and remnants of demon spirits. There are very few such monsters, but each one is as ferocious as a giant beast. Moreover, evil spirits are born with a kind of suppression of true energy, which seems to be a kind of evil for human beings. It exists only for monks, and evil spirits are the most terrifying existence for monks.

"That breath, although rare, must be an evil spirit..."

Ye Yun's face was full of astonishment, if there really were evil spirits below, then this mission was not just a level three mission, evil spirits, even gods, would have headaches.

clap clap!

Suddenly, there was a slight scraping sound from the treetops in the distance, it was very slight, but Ye Yun could hear it clearly.

Ye Yun looked vigilantly, there was no movement in the dense forest, but after cultivating the Invincible Blood Body, Ye Yun could feel the blood energy, and the thicker the blood energy, the stronger the opponent was.

In the seemingly calm forest, Ye Yun felt several strands of blood energy flowing, just like a dark and chaotic world, the blood energy seemed to be flickering slightly.

"When I first came here, I was followed by someone. I don't know if it's from the Huang family or the Yang family..."

Standing still, no abnormality was noticed by putting Buddha, Ye Yun's spirit was slightly relaxed, and he said with a wry smile: "You just entered the Xuanwu Sect, and you have made enemies. In the future, I will be at will be really difficult."

The tree wants to be quiet, and the wind doesn't stop, this is Ye Yun's current situation.

Which of the Yang family and the Huang family is not a peerless family. If Ye Yun is really a member of the Jing family, he will naturally be protected by the Jing family, but he is not. Because of Jing Wuming's falling out with the Yang family and Huang family, they are all disciples of the Holy Court after all, and there will be no breakup if it is not important.

Although Ye Yun has the power to kill seven earth immortals at present, behind the Yang family and Huang family are giant families with outstanding disciples and even disciples of the Holy Court. Strength, only to suffer to death.

Ye Yun's only support is the Unbeaten Blood Body, Blood Spear, Black Demon Gourd, and Snake Spirit Flying Armor. Although they are all terrifying existences, but in front of the celestial giants, everything will be wiped out.

Therefore, everything is centered on strength, and strength represents everything.

"Now I have the Hanyan Cauldron, and the countless alchemy recipes left by Master Yunkong. Hmph, within a hundred years, I have the confidence to break through to the heavenly immortals. The power to escape."

With Ye Yun's current situation, it is equivalent to owning a golden mountain that even the gods envy, but he has no ability to mine it, but once it is mined, it will be earth-shattering and earth-shattering.

"Let me see, you are human or ghost!"

Ye Yun left the tiankeng in front of him as if nothing had happened, and did not attract the attention of the surrounding monks. After all, they came here wholeheartedly for the fruits of goodness, and all of them experienced hardships, so who would pay attention to others.

Soon, Ye Yun appeared in a stretch of wilderness, where there were more sinkholes, one after another.

"No way! It is rumored that Jing Wuming possesses the power to kill triple-layer powerhouses, but the front is a place known as the Hundred Devils Cave, and even the disciples of the inner court, even outstanding disciples dare not enter it at will."

At this time, more than a dozen monks with different costumes appeared in the dark, and they had been staring at Ye Yun from the dark.

"That's just right. Once this kid enters, we will join hands to kill him, so that we don't need to be discovered by others. After all, the Jing family is not easy to provoke."

This group of people discussed in low voices, and then said humanely: "If we kill Jing Wuming this time, we can go to the young master to take orders, and to be appreciated by the young master, we will naturally have the opportunity to be loved by the young master."


The rotten leaves flew, and Ye Yun immediately jumped into one of the tiankengs. Soon, powerful monks flew out of the dark one after another. core figures.

There are so many strong men chasing and killing a weak man who has just broken through to the Earth Immortal. If it spreads out, the world will probably be shocked and despised.

"Sitting in a well and looking at the sky... probably like this now..."

Under the tiankeng, in the abyss of hundreds of feet, there are ancient thorns, vines, weeds, and tree vines. Most of the hanging walls of the tiankeng are bare, but there are also places covered with moss, and there are huge spiders The web, the spiders are huge, each of them is as big as a head, and they are also very poisonous.

Standing in the abyss and looking up, the mouth of the tiankeng is only the size of a dustpan, which makes people dizzy and even has the illusion of looking at the starry sky.

"There are so many poisonous spiders down there. It really extends in all directions. The tiankengs are all connected, so there are a lot of monsters..." Ye Yun immediately released his thoughts and spread out to sense the surroundings.

In the dark abyss, spider webs overlapped one after another, as if they had deployed thousands of troops, waiting for the enemy to come to the door. The poisonous spiders were densely packed, and some poisonous spiders were even as huge as humans.

In addition to plants, the abyss also has stone forests formed by various falling rocks, but they have long been entangled by vines, like tombs, with a gloomy atmosphere, looking out, it is purgatory on earth.


Suddenly, taking advantage of Ye Yun's unawareness, three red poisonous spiders fell from three directions, holding a piece of silver spider silk in their mouths, waving their sharp claws and pounced on Ye Yun.

With a bang, when the three poisonous spiders approached Ye Yun, a majestic light film appeared, which instantly shattered the three poisonous spiders and turned them into balls of fleshy paste, making them extremely disgusting.

"These poisonous spiders can be regarded as the growth stage among the low-level monsters. They eat all over the meat fairy, but in front of the earth fairy, the low-level monsters have no challenge."

Ye Yun picked up three demon crystal cores from the meat paste, took a look at them, put them into the storage ring, and continued to travel through the underground world, while his sight became darker and darker, as if dark clouds were billowing to cover the sky.


When he walked out of a large area of ​​vines, suddenly sword lights came from all directions. The sword lights seemed to break through the space, extremely abrupt, and like a supreme assassination, one stab with a sword would definitely take the head.

Ye Yun frowned, facing the sudden attack of Jian Guang, he had no chance of surviving.


Sword lights bounced around Ye Yun, instantly cutting off the surrounding rocks, vines, and ancient trees one by one. Suddenly, the sword energy was overwhelming, flying vertically and horizontally, and the killing intent was suppressed like a flood.

Whoosh whoosh!

The dozen or so people fell to the ground one by one, surrounded by the rioting sword energy in the center, although they didn't dare to take a step forward, the rioting sword energy was a joint attack by everyone, it was extremely powerful, destroying everything, bad luck, and even got into it .

"He will surely die!"

"If we strike with all our strength, even outstanding disciples can't hold it back. Brothers, prepare to take his head, or a drop of blood, and go back to the young master."

The leader is an Earth Immortal sixth-level strongman, and he is at the peak of the sixth level. He is the strongest of several sixth-level strongmen among them. He waved his hand and said, no one dared to say anything.

"Brother Hong, I'm going to pick off his head myself!" A man with a curly beard and thick hair tied in a black tie strode out, slightly rude to the leader, and then ran towards the sword storm that was about to disappear.


The thick-haired man had just taken three steps, less than a foot away, suddenly a qi blade flew out from the front, the qi blade flew past gently like a wave, the thick-haired man didn't notice it, it went straight through his neck, and immediately separated his head.


The man surnamed Hong gasped with everyone, looked at the corpse solemnly, and then fell into the disappearing sword qi storm, a figure in golden armor walked towards them step by step .

"Impossible, we joined forces to strike, but we didn't kill you..."

The man surnamed Hong sighed in disbelief.

"The mob...just rely on you?"

The golden light dissipated, and Ye Yun, who was wearing a blue robe, appeared in front of everyone. He sneered calmly: "Master? I remember that there is no such person among my enemies. Who wants to kill me?"

"I want to know, if you go to hell, someone will tell you that if you go together, this person is more terrifying than the rumors. The flesh fairyland can leapfrog the level and kill the earth immortal. Now that he has cultivated the body of the real and the imaginary, his strength must have increased greatly. "The man surnamed Hong's gaze is like a sword, and the sharp edge explodes.


Thirteen or four people took big steps, stood in a row, and condensed the terrifying true energy. For a moment, the true energy was like a majestic flood, overwhelming the sky, and there were many magical powers in it, such as giant swords, swords, bows and arrows, sparks Meteorites, in short, have everything, just like the terrifying destructive force at the beginning of the world.

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