"Fortunately, before coming here, I gave Wanwan any magic weapon, including the Daluo Ring and the Sumeru Ring, that is, the Xiaoqian and Nine Dragon Rings. Otherwise, I will suffer a big loss this time. The power of the punishment realm is too terrifying. I am afraid it is the sword that suppresses this place. , and it’s not easy to escape!!!”

Among the thousands of rebels, Ye Yun, Su Mu and others lay on the ground in embarrassment, and as the mysterious light left, the magic weapons contained in these immortals, whether it was the magic weapon of life or the storage ring, all watched helplessly. Go, I can't catch it even if I want to, damn it, these are all the painstaking efforts collected over the years.

Ye Yun didn't have any magic weapons, so he didn't worry at all, but there was still a moment of fear in his eyes, and then those ferocious immortals rushed over, hitting anyone they saw, and beating them, if they resisted, they would either be seriously injured or be beheaded directly. Ye Yun was also cleaned up well.

As a result, this batch of thousands of rebels were honest and honest, falling into this realm of punishment, there were only two choices.

Dead or Alive!

If you want to survive and live, you have to be honest. Before, no matter if you are the king of heaven or the boss of the fairy world, you will become a grandson when you enter the realm of punishment.

Death, that's easy. In this realm of punishment, the law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Palace are originally murderous executioners. Since they are rebels, they can kill as many as they resist.

It is easy to die in the realm of punishment, but it is not easy to survive.

"You people, follow Grandpa!"

A few vicious immortals are all traitors who have taken refuge in the law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace. These people are instigated by the law enforcers and can do anything. After cleaning up the crowd, they killed Ye Yun, Su Mu and 20 other people they didn't know. , Circled one after another, like driving pigs, driving everyone to the gloomy and mysterious depths.

At the beginning of the open space, after walking for half an hour, huge prisons appeared in front of everyone. In each prison, hundreds of people were imprisoned. Many prisons were lined up side by side. There seemed to be more prisons at the end. They are densely packed with immortals.

"Hehe, your Boss Xiao is amazing. A few days ago, he just killed a group of people. This time, a new group of people has been recruited. I don't know how long this time it will last!"

Passing by a prison, I saw mortals crouching in front of the prison door, discussing with great interest, only ridiculed. In their eyes, these new rebels seemed to suffer unimaginable torture.

"Go in and meet the boss of our family!"

When they came to a nearby prison, the prison door was opened, and there were more than 50 rebels inside. When they came out, they drove Ye Yun and others in, fisting and kicking, and they were completely inappropriate.

"I didn't expect that the world of punishment is also like a prison in the secular world. There are snakes and dragons in a mess, and there are people who are bosses in it. It seems that these people are all prisoners who have taken refuge in the law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Palace, so they can cover the sky here!"

After entering the prison, Ye Yun became more and more in control of the surrounding environment.

"Boss, new cubs have been brought in, not too many, and the rest of the bosses have been snatched away..."

A few vicious immortals entered the depths of the prison, a dark place, and everyone was afraid of the black and bright eyes in the darkness.

Immediately, all the prisoners seemed to be honest and honest.

"I'm the boss here, everyone calls me Boss Xiao!"

A burly, eight-foot-tall man came out, and he was covered in scars all over his body, and there were nausea and rot in some places. As soon as he appeared, everyone was trembling and restless, their souls were gone, and their legs were trembling.

Boss Xiao is as imposing as a thunderbolt, and his gaze is only cold and murderous. Outsiders can tell that he is a devil-slaying, impermanent character.

"Here, there are always people who come in standing up and go out sideways. I hope that the newcomers will be obedient, otherwise I will let him die a miserable death. Here, the law enforcement is my boss, and I am your boss. , I won't say much else, someone will tell you all the rules of the world of punishment, come here, my body is a little itchy!"

Boss Xiao suddenly shrugged his shoulders, moved his body slightly, then tilted his neck, turned around and walked towards the center of the prison. With a sweep of his hands, a prisoner followed him reluctantly.

"You all stay honest!"

A lot of powerful prisoners drove most of them aside, and then brought Ye Yun and Su Mu, more than twenty new immortals, to the side, and an immortal told him: "In the realm of punishment, anyone except the law enforcement To provoke, that is, the boss of each prison keeps his word, and the realm of punishment is very large. There are outer prisons, inner prisons, central prisons, and finally the forbidden prison where the powerful emperor is imprisoned. The whole realm of punishment is these four In the area, of course, there are poison pools, stoves, death prisons, etc. for special punishment. Law enforcement officers deal with powerful people, as well as disobedient and troublesome prisoners. If you are not honest, if you are not obedient, you will be sent to the poison pool Enjoy it, life is better than death every day!"

"We are obedient, obedient!"

Everyone was so frightened that they trembled so much that they lost their heads without thinking.

"Every boss has his rules. The rules here are very simple. What the boss says is the rule. By the way, the boss once thought that he killed the boss before this prison, seized the position of the boss, and became the leader, so he was imprisoned." I was tortured in the poisonous pool for a whole hundred years, and I was poisoned by the evil and poisonous, and I felt uncomfortable all day long. As a member of this place, everyone here must follow the rules every day to give the boss drugs to relieve the boss’s pain. Don’t be unwilling, you newcomers Yes, if you don’t take the initiative to take drugs for the boss, you will die one by one tomorrow!”

After this group of people finished speaking, they didn't care about it. They entered the central area of ​​the prison. There were good beds in the center, where they could sit, rest, or meditate. Outside, there was nothing but a hard floor to rest on.

The Realm of Punishment does not have a special suppression energy formation. Here, although the aura is insufficient, the immortals can still absorb and meditate, and there is no problem in surviving.

Ye Yun and Su Mu stood up, and Ye Yun said via voice transmission: "Brother Su, you are against the heavenly court. I see that many rebels here have more or less become the dogs of law enforcement. Be careful!"

"This can't be avoided. It is rumored that anyone who is against the Heavenly Court will be tortured by the law enforcement officers. I, Su Mu, as a member of the Heavenly Against Heavenly Court, am ready to see Mr. Keeho at any time. Pain is nothing, but it is a pity that I am punished here It is impossible to kill the law enforcers, otherwise it would be a good deal to kill a few and then die!"

Su Mu knew that Ye Yun had good intentions, so he patted Ye Yun on the shoulder and comforted Ye Yun instead.

But his tragic fate came after he finished saying this!

"Hehe, members of the heaven-defying court, I heard that Qi Huo has fallen. You people against the heaven-defying court dare to pay homage to him. The boss does not want you to bring disaster to our prison. You follow me to see the law enforcement Or, don’t worry, as long as you can persevere, you will survive no matter if it’s a poison pool, a stove or other tortures!”

Several prisoners came and took Su Mu away. Even though Su Mu's cultivation was higher than them, Su Mu didn't resist and walked away calmly.


As soon as Su Mu left, Ye Yun had no acquaintances in the entire prison, no one to communicate with each other, only a humble life, desolation and trembling.

Ye Yun breathed a sigh of relief, came to the corner, and there were several people beside him, no one looked at Ye Yun, Ye Yun sat cross-legged on the hard ground, and felt that his will could not pass through, and also cut off any induction, and could not get in touch with the outside world. , is indeed a special material.

"There is no Xiaoqian, there is no God's ring, only a strong Dao heart, tenacious will, falling into a desperate situation, I want to start from here step by step, break free from the shackles of the Immortal King, step into the Immortal Emperor, and then walk out dignifiedly from here!"

The prison is quiet, but there are various movements from other prisons outside. Some people are screaming, some are in pain, and some are silently angry. Ye Yun calms down, there is no everything, the realm of punishment disappears, the body of self disappears, only consciousness and gold Dan exists, enters a state of no-self and nothing.

This is the way of no-nonsense people.

"The Realm of Punishment seems to be an invincible character, combining reality and reality, using special materials to build a prison, and laying out layers of formations outside, forming a realm of punishment that even the super emperor cannot escape!"

In nothingness, Ye Yun did not give up, but concentrated his thoughts, and began to integrate the divine way of the sky, stimulate the golden core of the sky, and feel the existence that outsiders cannot feel.

Cang Qiong Shen Dao integrates various qigong, majoring in natural one, coupled with the guidance of Wuwu Daoist, and the inheritance of life marks, so that the Cang Qiong Shen Dao began to become slightly clear from blurred.

In addition, Taiyi's chaotic true energy can absorb any energy. In this realm of punishment, any immortal who falls into it will be a dead end, but it cannot imprison Ye Yun.

Taiyi's chaotic true qi, the divine way of the sky, the way of nothingness, and god-level qigong are one of the reasons why Ye Yun took the risk and entered this realm of punishment at the price of sacrificing his life.

The Divine Way of the Sky is the pursuit of integration with nature, and the search for the origin of life and power in the universe. The special substance of the realm of punishment is nothing but the condensed force of nature. For Ye Yun, it is necessary to absorb the realm of punishment. Power is only a matter of time.

"The outer prison, the inner prison, the central prison, the forbidden prison... It seems that if I want to break away from the shackles of the Immortal King, I must enter the forbidden prison from the outer layer and pass the tests layer by layer in order to truly surpass myself and become the Immortal Emperor heart of!"

Ye Yun smiled mysteriously, he believed that the Tiangong Temple would suffer a big loss in his hands again.

"The Divine Dao of the Sky is in its infancy. Fortunately, it has been passed down by the Wuwu Daoist. I hope that the Realm of Punishment will fundamentally transform the Divine Dao of the Sky..."

In less than a long time, Ye Yun had gotten used to the energy breath of the Punishment Realm: "The power of the Punishment Realm is too terrifying, it's ridiculously strong, you have to keep getting stronger in order to discover the secret of the Punishment Realm, and that huge energy ball... But the punishment Sure enough, the Realm is in the dark, absorbing the energy of every immortal, even if they are not beheaded by the law enforcers, these people will die, and sooner or later they will die here!"

"We must seize the time, absorb energy, and absorb the suppression law that exists in the realm of punishment, so that we can compete with the law enforcers. Time is running out..."

Suddenly, Ye Yun frowned, and looked forward, deep in the center of the prison, and saw the mortal who had followed Boss Xiao in just now, staggering out, and everyone couldn't help but look over at the same time.

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