The sudden situation made it difficult for Ye Yun to have a chance to breathe!

The twenty or so rebels who woke up took turns taking drugs for Boss Xiao. Ye Yun, even if he was the last one, only had less than a month to turn around and fight against Boss Xiao in this short period of time. The difficulty can be imagined. And know.

Boss Xiao returned to the depths of the prison, and the prison was quiet again. The two immortals left numbly, dragging two corpses. The trembling newcomers understood why Boss Xiao wanted to kill someone.

"Brother Tian, ​​you need to be more mentally prepared. Boss Xiao went to the poisonous pool to be tortured. Almost all of his body is poisonous. He is tortured by the poison day and night. Everyone here takes turns taking drugs for him to relieve the pain. Because of this, in our Golden Core True Qi, there is also a highly poisonous power that is difficult to purify, even if it is not as painful as Boss Xiao, we will continue to practice forever!"

In the corner, Yuan Shan and Ye Yun looked at each other and leaned on the corner of the wall. As the prisoners quieted down, either going out, or honestly absorbing them in the prison, it felt like night was coming, and the noise gradually dissipated and returned to calm.

The two continued to chat for a while, and Ye Yun closed his eyes. This day was too shocking and unbelievable for him. From the public trial of Qihuo, the appearance of the sword, and his determination to enter this realm of punishment, a piece of Everything is like a dream, and it can't be calm until now.

Without the God Ring of Nine Dragons, time is like a carving knife, cutting away time cruelly, passing by every minute and every second!

The prison is silent, and every prisoner is sleeping or meditating.

"The Realm of Punishment, the Temple of Heaven..."

After a few hours of precipitation, Ye Yun is in a state of nothingness, the essence of the way of nothingness, Ye Yun feels the same, but the short-term nothingness is illusory and unreal, and continuously merges into the divine way of the sky, and gradually can be in nothingness , see the truth, feel the truth.

This state is like an immortal entering into meditation, forgetting himself, completely relaxing to comprehend Taoism, Ye Yun is in this situation now, and integrating the divine way of the sky, Ye Yun is in the state of meditation, as if he has an extra pair of eyes, truly Looking at the prison situation, the prison corridor, and the situation outside the corridor.

However, this kind of true acquisition of material power in nothingness did not last long, because Ye Yun's realm was too low, he could sense about two prisons, and the other prisons could no longer be sensed.

"There is a world of difference between the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor. Breaking through the Immortal Emperor is one of my goals for entering the realm of punishment this time. In less than a month, I must have the strength and confidence to control Boss Xiao... Otherwise, I will end up with these people Same, lose self-esteem, be trampled on!"

On the first day in the Realm of Punishment, Ye Yun settled down after going through all kinds of unforgettable experiences, and finally started to practice.

"The Realm of Punishment is indeed mysterious. The energy is very strange. Many places can't sense it, but I don't believe it. I can't sense a breath of the fairy world!"

In an instant, Taiyi's chaotic true energy was stimulated, and the mysterious energy world inside the golden elixir of the sky began to operate, and it began to flow coherently with the majestic Taiyi's chaotic true energy. Ye Yun comprehended the divine way of the sky, and merged into the way of nothingness. Now Taiyi Chaos true qi is a wonderful energy between nature and true qi.

If Ye Yun didn't stimulate Taiyi's chaotic true energy, outsiders would feel that there was no true energy in Ye Yun's body when they checked Ye Yun's energy, and the true energy aura was not strong. , the body forms a natural energy world.

Because of this, it is too natural, and it is natural to return to normal from domineering, so in this world of punishment, a large number of immortal emperors and law enforcement officers cannot see Ye Yun's real secret.

Ye Yun's physical condition is like practicing ordinary qigong, nothing special, and he has reached the incredible state of returning to the basics and integrating the virtual and the real.

Stimulating Taiyi's chaotic true energy, Ye Yun entered the wonderful state of reality and illusion of the sky divine way, the sky divine way is still in its infancy, Ye Yun can only roughly practice, Taiyi's chaotic true energy began to flow out of the body, and merged with the prison atmosphere.

"The aura of the realm of punishment is really mysterious. It has both the aura of the fairy world and countless strange auras. It seems to be the aura of law enforcers and countless rebels. These strange auras all show that the immortals imprisoned in the realm of punishment are not ordinary people. !"

Taiyi's chaotic qi merged with the energy of the realm of punishment, and immediately sensed countless strange zhenqi from the natural aura of the realm of punishment, almost all of which were the breath of the immortal emperor. That is to say, Ye Yun is now absorbing the power of the realm of punishment Cultivation, that is almost all the advanced energy of the Immortal Emperor level.

But there is one thing, can Ye Yun absorb the power of the Realm of Punishment smoothly?


Suddenly startled, Ye Yun immediately withdrew Taiyi's chaotic true energy, his face was pale, and he said in surprise: "I didn't expect that there are so many terrible wills that control the overall power of the realm of punishment. It's okay to absorb a little bit, but it takes a lot to absorb, almost Impossible, these terrifying existences will easily feel the energy fluctuations and lose their balance, I am afraid that these prisons will all be wiped out!!!”

The Realm of Punishment is indeed suppressed by countless strong men all the time. It is simply unrealistic for Ye Yun to absorb the power of the Realm of Punishment to practice.

This is tantamount to competing with tigers for food, taking food from the tiger's mouth!

"It seems... If I want to seize power, I have to find other ways... I can't force it!"

Ye Yun's head is getting dizzy now. When he comes to the Realm of Punishment, if he can't get energy, can his cultivation be improved?All the treasures such as the key hell seed, the flower of evil fruit, etc. are in Wanhai's hands. He is penniless now. To no avail, all magical means have become decorations.


Suddenly, the silent prison gradually became noisy.

"Brother Tian, ​​look, it just started today. A few newcomers will take the initiative to take drugs for Boss Xiao... We have to take the initiative to go to prison every day. This is the rule set by Boss Xiao. Usually it is only him and some confidantes, what? There is no need to do anything, let's go!" Yuan Shan stood up and loosened his shoulders.

"This night, I didn't gain anything at all..."

Ye Yun was extremely disappointed and stopped practicing. He practiced all night without gaining anything. He came with ambition without any comfort. Anyone would be lost. Ye Yun followed Yuan Shan out of the prison, and 34 people gathered with other prisoners. Together, we walked towards the prison.

There were still shivering and life-threatening screams in the prison. Many rebels who were tortured continued to be tortured by the justice army after one night.

"Where's Su Mu?"

Ye Yun and Yuan Shan were busy with their lives, honestly, when they passed the stove, Ye Yun obviously couldn't sense Su Mu's breath, and after only one day, Su Mu disappeared, it seems that he was imprisoned in a special prison.

After being busy for a while, suddenly a few righteous soldiers pointed at Ye Yun and Yuan Shan and shouted fiercely: "You, and you, go and drag those prisoners out of the poisonous pool, and when it's the turn of a new batch of felons to be punished, If you don’t clean up in time, watch out for grandpa to pick your skin off!”

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of people didn't dare to hesitate, and rushed to the poison pool!

"Miserable... these people are really miserable..."

When they came to the poison pool, they grabbed the chains of the true text and dragged out an immortal emperor. Everyone couldn't help but shudder. They didn't know how long they had been soaking in the poison pool. Almost all the bones were left. The primordial spirit is about to disappear, so it's not a problem for Ye Yun to kill as many immortal emperors as he wants.

"What is this?"

Ye Yun was holding on to the chain of the real text, and pulled out an immortal emperor whose flesh and blood were almost rotten. Suddenly, as the poisonous water from the poisonous pond dripped down, black bugs gushed out densely from the immortal emperor's body and entered the poisonous pond.

"Brother, be careful, this poisonous insect is very powerful. It was born from the brewing of this poisonous pool, and it is specially used to torture us. Once it touches it, it will be very poisonous!"

Yuan Shan was busy at the side, seeing that Ye Yun almost ran into the terrible poisonous insect, he immediately came up to warn him, and continued to work.


Ye Yun suddenly saw some hope, and his eyes remained motionless: "Originally, I wanted to use the golden armor indestructible puppet technique to plant puppet power in these immortal emperors, so that I could extract their power in the future, but these immortal emperors, energy and life The essence is almost swallowed by the poisonous insects and the poisonous pond, like a dead person, the energy is not enough for the Immortal King, it is useless at all..."

"But the poisonous insect..."

"Poisonous insects are existences that have absorbed the energy of countless immortal emperors. The essence of life must be terrifying. Okay, great, let's grab a bug and go back to study it..."

Immediately swept it in all directions, and decided that when the prisoner and the righteous army did not notice, Ye Yun immediately grabbed a poisonous insect, inhaled it, and then dragged the real text chain as if nothing had happened, and pulled the dying immortal emperor to leave the prison. Put it in the nearby prison, and then get busy again and again.

It was not until the whole morning that Ye Yun, Yuan Shan and others could come out of the prison.

"This poisonous insect still wants to cause damage in my body. Don't you know that the life essence and true energy in my body can suppress it and seal him..."

During the process of returning to the prison, Ye Yun was already silently studying the poisonous insects in his body.

"Boss, spare your life, boss, spare your life!!!"

As soon as they arrived outside the prison, dozens of people did not dare to move again, because in the corridor outside the prison, Boss Xiao was fighting with a strong man. Boss Xiao was covered in bloodstains, and he was grasping the strong man deeply with his five fingers. In the chest of the strong man, the pain was so painful.

"Your boss wants to take revenge, just be fair and honest, die!"

Boss Xiao shuddered deeply, the veins on his right arm protruded, and he suddenly pinched his five fingers, and with a click, the man's heart shattered, and a gust of true energy immediately poured into the strong man's body, and then destroyed his primordial spirit ocean.

Completely fallen!

"Brother Yuan, how do you usually deal with corpses?" Everyone was afraid of Boss Xiao, and was stunned by Boss Xiao's murder methods, but Ye Yun cared about issues that no one cared about.

Yuan Shan dragged Ye Yun into the prison, and honestly came to the corner: "They will all be dragged into the corpse pool for disposal. The corpse pool is an independent prison space outside the criminal prison!"

"It's a pity... the power of an immortal emperor!"

Seeing the naked immortal emperor fighting, Ye Yun didn't feel any emotion, but the corpse of the immortal emperor was the only resource that could bring Ye Yun energy. At this time, everyone lowered their heads and greeted Boss Xiao to come in. Ye Yun raised his eyebrows Yiheng: "Boss Xiao is really ruthless, killing people without blinking an eye..."

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