In the prison, all the prisoners still dare not approach the center, and they don't know what happened!

"You idiots, do what you have to do, come here..."

Boss Xiao appeared, while Ye Yun returned to the corner as if nothing had happened, but the prisoner saw Ye Yun's eyes changed obviously, and felt that Ye Yun had reached the sky in one step.


That group of subordinates rushed forward!

"Brother Tian, ​​what's the matter? I was really shocked just now. With Boss Xiao's temper, he actually let you go, didn't he kill you?!" After Ye Yun returned to the corner, Yuan Shan came out from the crowd, Came to him and squatted down, it seemed that he was really frightened just now.

The frightened appearance has not dissipated.

Ye Yun's heart burst into laughter. In the past [-] days, he accelerated the absorption of life force, the power of the Immortal Emperor, so that his strength reached the point where the first level of the Immortal King could not be contained.

"Boss Xiao did want to kill me, but when he was in the most pain, I was the one who injected his true energy to help suppress the poisonous gas. In addition, my true energy is a bit special, which is helpful to him. Everyone knows who he is. , if you don’t kill me now, what about after you use it?”

"It seems that brother is really lucky!"

"It's not luck, it's opportunity...Brother Yuan, Boss Xiao is using me now, and I'm his confidant. Life will be easier for you and me in the future!"

Ye Yun smiled without saying a word, and began to rest. Hearing these words, Yuan Shan knew that Ye Yun wanted to meditate and practice, so he didn't ask any more questions.

There is still silence in the prison!

In Ye Yun's body, he is crazily absorbing a force of poisonous gas. This poisonous gas is extracted from Boss Xiao's body. Now Ye Yun wants to use this weak poisonous gas to confuse the exterior and let the poisonous gas pervade On the surface of the skin, in this realm of punishment, every rebel is more or less poisoned.

If he is intact alone, it will naturally attract suspicion. In this world of punishment, Ye Yun must be careful at every step, and he must not be careless in the slightest.

"If I can control a large number of immortal emperors and extract energy, I don't have to worry about energy, and if all these immortal emperors can be rescued, I will have such a huge force under my command in the future... In the future, I will develop holy dragons in the Luochen Immortal Realm Chamber of Commerce, it will be smooth sailing."

"Puppet Poison Soul Curse..."

Ye Yun continued to refine the Puppet Poison Soul Curse, and he will use it more in the future. It is nothing to subdue Boss Xiao, and there will be immortal emperors with higher cultivation levels, and even super emperors. Not soft.

As the real old man behind the scenes, Ye Yun didn't need to act as a horse boy anymore, doing some trivial things. He was just a back and forth between the poison pool and the prison, and before he knew it, three months passed.

Three months, in this world of punishment, it is almost three years, 30 years, Ye Yun has refined countless poisonous insect puppets. The same height as Ye Yun's Life Essence and Blood.

Not only that, Ye Yun no longer needs to refine the dead body of a fairy and sneak around. Instead, he will accompany Boss Xiao on time every day and let the people below absorb the poisonous gas in his body. prisoner power.

Moreover, at the same time, he helped Boss Xiao solve the pain caused by the poisonous gas torture. This method was truly witnessed by Boss Xiao again and again. Before, he couldn't bear it at all, believing that he was controlled by the first-order fairy king. But now, I have to believe it.

In the Realm of Punishment, even super emperors are suppressed by the Realm of Punishment. Ye Yun, an ordinary and mysterious fairy king, can move ants and steal the achievements of the Temple of Heaven under the eyes of the Realm of Punishment. What an incredible thing.

For Ye Yun, these prisoners were already in pain when they took drugs for Boss Xiao. To Ye Yun, but at least, the body and mind will not be tortured by the poisonous gas.

Gradually, more than half a year passed!

Deep in the prison!

The two figures were discussing something in the depths, while the other younger brothers were waiting outside. Outside the corridor, there were also many rebels from another prison.

"How is it? Absorbing the poisonous gas power after I refined it, is your golden core stronger, and your strength can be recovered more easily?"

Ye Yun and Boss Xiao hid in the gloom, and strands of miraculous seeds were being handed over to Boss Xiao without anyone knowing it. These seeds were the crystallization of the energy absorbed and stolen from the prisoner for more than half a year.

"Hey, big brother, you are amazing, I am really convinced, otherwise, you can just be the boss!" Boss Xiao has been absolutely shocked by Ye Yun's supernatural powers.

He smiled greedily again: "Brother, can you give me some blood essence seeds, which are more precious treasures than energy seeds, and can make the vitality continue to grow."

"You can only integrate a little bit. If you have a huge change, wouldn't it be easy for the suppressors to sense it? You are the boss, you are a public figure, everyone is staring at you, especially the righteous army, you are not allowed to join them every day Don't worry? I will give you more benefits in the future and take you out of here!"

A few drops of blood essence seeds, under the protection of the seal, entered the palm of Boss Xiao.

Boss Xiao was overjoyed as if he had found a treasure. After getting along with Ye Yun for more than half a year, his state of life had undergone tremendous changes. He knew that Ye Yun could still make him stronger. Unfortunately, Ye Yun's analysis was very correct. If he changed too much Da, wouldn't you speed up to find death?

"Boss, Boss Yao is here..." a subordinate suddenly shouted from the outside.

"Hey, Boss Yao is looking for death, waiting for me to take over his prison, his people!" Boss Xiao left Ye Yun behind with a smile, and left the prison under the protection of a group of men.

Ye Yun also came to the side.

In the spacious corridor of the prison, several prison inmates gathered on both sides of the corridor. The two sides of the corridor blocked the two ends of the corridor. On the right is another prison boss. This boss is a 40-year-old fairy emperor with high cheekbones. , a group of youngsters behind him were pointing at Boss Xiao who had just appeared, shouting.

"The plan officially starts today..." Ye Yun waited quietly, and Yuan Shan came to Ye Yun's side at some point.

Yuan Shan shook his head and said, "Boss Xiao may be finished, but Boss Yao wanted to get rid of him many times. Boss Yao and many younger brothers were killed by Boss Xiao. The two of them are mortal enemies!"

"It's a good show!" Ye Yun said lightly.

"Haha, Boss Yao, last time you sent someone to assassinate me, but you failed and I killed you. Now I will stand in front of you, come on, today I want to convince you!"

Boss Xiao took the initiative to step forward alone.

"That's no nonsense, Boss Xiao, your prison and your troops are all mine!"

Boss Yao suddenly moved, revealing the same rotten body. It seemed that he was also a tortured existence.It's not an ordinary immortal emperor, an immortal emperor is an immortal emperor. This movement turned into lightning, condensed true energy, merged into the fist, released the fist, roared vertically and horizontally, and flashed.

"Excellent, Boss Yao, you and I have almost the same level of cultivation, and become the boss outside this periphery, haha!"

Boss Xiao's release of Thunderclap, if it was outside the Immortal Realm, would definitely shake the space, but in the Punishment Realm, it was just a loud voice.

Moreover, they seem to be oppressed by an invisible law, and they can't release their profound supernatural powers. They can only use their bodies, fists, and martial arts moves to fight in the corridor!

Instead of the shocking momentum of the Immortal Emperor fighting, it was ordinary monks fighting. The Immortal Emperor's supernatural powers had been completely contained by the suppressors of the Realm of Punishment.

The aisle and the prison are the sounds of the fists of two masters colliding.


The two hit the extremely hard wall of the prison almost at the same time, and a mouthful of blood came out at the same time, but Boss Xiao was much better, and his breath was very comfortable.

"I didn't expect you to be able to condense such a vast energy, but I didn't see it, but you are dead, and the sword energy is broken!"

Boss Yao suddenly waved his hand and grabbed it, and a three-foot-long sword energy appeared in his hand, a supernatural power condensed with true energy.

"Can you develop supernatural powers? Boss Yao, you are hiding something very deep, but you are too careless, can't I condense supernatural powers? Die!"

Supernatural powers are based on true qi, which is a form of true qi condensed through various mental methods and seals on top of the thick true qi. For example, Ye Family's Overlord Fist is the primary form of supernatural power.


Boss Yao stabbed decisively with sword energy!

"Heartbreaking Deep Space Fist!"

The sword energy has not yet arrived.

Boss Xiao suddenly took a step back, and swung his hands in the air, as if he could control the entire space as if he was outside. When Boss Yao pushed the sword energy to force him, he suddenly slashed out with both fists.


The sword energy was shattered, only to see a fist gushing out from the fist, invisible and without a trace, it landed on Yao Boss who was about to dodge, the whole person flew heavily, hit the wall with a bang, and couldn't move for a while , and Mr. Xiao would naturally not let this opportunity go, when Mr. Yao was unable to react, he smashed Mr. Yao's head with his palm.


The headless body collapsed like mud!

"Boss..." Boss Yao's many subordinates were almost trembling with fright, and they didn't even have the courage to care about Boss Yao's corpse.

"You boss, damn it, haha, your prison is ours, you all get out, you can only enter the prison unless you join us!"

Boss Xiao's subordinates rushed up one by one.

"Fight with me, I don't even know how to spell death!"

Cursing fiercely at the corpse, Boss Xiao triumphantly returned to the prison under the fear of everyone.

"How did you kill him?"

Ye Yun's voice came from the corner, through sound transmission, and he scolded unceremoniously.

"Brother, it's none of my business. This guy assassinated me many times. It's not my fate. He died in his hands long ago. There are many people like this in other prisons. Don't worry, brother. Starting tomorrow, I will be alone." Conquer a prison, and then use the Puppet Poison Soul Curse to control them!"

Boss Xiao's body turned cold, unexpectedly, Ye Yun was really angry, and honestly entered the depths of the prison, no one dared to approach him, and most of his subordinates went to incorporate another prison, and Boss Xiao's territory expanded.


Ye Yun was speechless!

However, the bosses in the outer prisons really don't need to care about it. The leaders in the inner prison and the central prison are the ones Ye Yun wants to control.

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