Your life is blooming!

Like the torrent of heaven and earth, a mighty explosion is erupting in the sea of ​​Ye Yun's soul!

In an instant, the supreme wisdom and courage of the super emperor was surging, and once again, he felt the infinite tolerance of the emperor Xumi Dongtian.

Jitian Duobao exhorted again like an elder, and condensed a soul restraint, and shuttled towards Ye Yun: "The wheel of punishment has a weapon spirit, and there are eighteen supreme organs, and there must be eighteen such as Those of us old people who are strong are guarding, I will tell you some things, as for you to fight against the wheel of punishment, it is too unrealistic, with your strength, you cannot enter the energy center of the wheel of punishment!"

"Thank you, Senior Jitian Duobao, Senior Qijue Immortal Venerable, Senior Universiade Lord, Senior Jinjun of Shangqing, Senior Wanxia Leizun, and I will bid you farewell!"

Absorbing the rich knowledge of magic weapons passed down by Emperor Jitian Duobao, and getting the help of five super figures, it means that the big plan has been completed in sevens and eighties. In the next road, it is impossible for the five powerful people to help Ye Yun again. He could only rely on Ye Yun himself to solve the difficulty.

Looking at the other super emperors in the forbidden prison, although they are not as tall as the five great immortal emperors, they are also famous figures in the fairy world.

This is a big treasure house, with resources that make the fairy world tremble.

Leaving the prison, Ye Yun has been in a state of excitement!

"The Realm of Punishment... I'm afraid senior Huashichi must know all the secrets, but senior has already said, don't tell me anything, he must hope that I can break the deadlock by myself..."

Walking in the aisle, Ye Yun thought of a person, a person who could know the world of punishment, the existence of the Temple of Heaven, and the entire fairy world, the owner of the pool of corpses.

The idea was quickly rejected. The owner of the corpse pond is a person from a long time ago. The other party has already done a great favor by helping to promote to the tenth rank of Immortal King and passing on two drops of divine blood, which is equivalent to giving Ye Yun an empowerment. When encountering difficulties, it is really unreasonable to go to him.

Ye Yun wouldn't be cheeky to seek help from giants. When he came to the Realm of Punishment and entered adversity, the main thing was to hone himself in adversity. This was the meaning of coming to the Realm of Punishment!

Without meaning, existence is nothingness!

Ye Yun went to the Poison Pool again to collect a large amount of life essence of the poisonous insect puppets. He is now a 'Master Mei', entering the Poison Pool and absorbing any energy. The life force needed is even more terrifying.

Fortunately, the power of the poison pool is brewing all the time, a large number of poisonous insects are breeding, and there are thousands of immortal emperors who have been tortured in the poison pool. These immortal emperors can only sacrifice, leaving the final value, the dignity of the immortal emperor, to the living People, let life continue.

Ye Yun is the boarder of life.

Soon, Ye Yun went to see Boss Xiao again to obtain more energy, so that the life blood ball and the immortal emperor's energy ball in his body could grow again. Now Ye Yun is not in the mood to steal energy.

Time can't be wasted any longer. The longer it is delayed, the easier it is for the plan to be passed on. Once the law enforcement officers of Tiangong know about it, the whole plan will be ruined.

Returning to Tiangong, Ye Yun began to enter the dojo for retreat, absorbing the internal energy of Mr. Mei's storage ring, various spiritual objects, and constantly consolidating his strength. The next step is to fight fierce battles everywhere, and his strength must be guaranteed.

About five years have passed!

"Master Yang is here!"

Ye Yun slowly opened his eyes, with a mysterious expression on his face, he immediately flew out of the dojo, came to the Tiangong space, and saw a law enforcement officer surnamed Yang flying in from the sky.

"Brother, it's not easy to handle, and the higher ups are not easy to manage. I just got you an agency housekeeper, do you want to do it?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Yang came to Ye Yun, with a bitter expression on his face.

"Brother has put in so much effort, how can the younger brother still not appreciate it?"

Regardless of the internal affairs, or acting as an internal affairs agent, as long as Ye Yun has the full strength of the internal affairs, he certainly knows that the law enforcement officer surnamed Yang is deliberately suppressing the matter, and the purpose is to extract more energy from him.

"This is the internal affairs token. From now on, you can go to some forbidden places outside the prison. There are many things to do. If you don't understand anything, you can come to me at any time. I like to solve people's problems the most!"

The law enforcer surnamed Yang was very friendly when he was talking and joking, but when he turned around to leave, he had a look of disdain, as if he was saying that Ye Yun was going to be an agent, and he flew away in an instant without urinating or taking pictures.

"Tiangong Temple...just wait!"

Ye Yun didn't bother to care about this kind of villain, and activated the internal affairs token in the blink of an eye, and most of the map of the entire world of punishment appeared in front of his eyes.

I don't know if I don't see it, it's incredible to see it.

Prisons are part of the Punishment Realm. In all directions of the prison, there are various spaces, densely packed, with heavenly palaces, more advanced law enforcers, and some weird independent prisons. Ye Yun is especially happy that, At a mysterious height above the map, there seems to be an even more mysterious space.

In short, the Realm of Punishment is impenetrable, very mysterious, full of space, not internal affairs, without a special token, there is no way to know these existences.

Tiangong law enforcement officers have different statuses due to their different realms. Ordinary law enforcement officers and high-level law enforcement officers are also very different, with different divisions of labor. Tiangong Temple is a very regular and systematic giant force.

"Starting today, I will use my identity as an internal affairs agent to search one by one in secret, and I will definitely find clues..."

Most of the maps of the Realm of Punishment are clearly outlined in front of them. With this map, it is only a matter of time to find out the secrets of the Realm of Punishment and the Wheel of Punishment. Of course, time is Ye Yun's most cherished treasure today.

Leaving this heavenly palace, after coming out, walk along the complex corridor of the central prison, one of the corridors seems to have no end at the end, take out a token to activate, a solid boundary wall appears in front of you, and a gate appears, when Ye Yun enters the gate, the breath is completely It is the energy of Tiangong Temple.

In other words, only the law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace can enter here. Even if the gate is opened, rebels without the same energy cannot enter.

"Many law enforcement officers..."

After the gate, there is a wide corridor, either straight or twisted, and law enforcers appear from time to time, entering and exiting different rooms.

Ye Yun came to one of the rooms and took a look. It was an independent space about the size of an ordinary fairy dojo, and there were one or two law enforcers, who were busy with something.

Then entering the deep corridor, Ye Yun saw some larger rooms, some law enforcement officers were cultivating poisonous insects, some were selecting criminal detention, and in some larger rooms, many law enforcement officers were selecting magic weapons. The magic weapon should all be absorbed from the body of the rebel.

Next, there are even more huge spaces, these spaces are terrible, there are some formations of the realm of punishment, many law enforcers are repairing the formations, controlling the formations, and some spaces are full of flames, which turned out to be some special The law enforcement officers are building various instruments of torture.

For a whole day, Ye Yun hadn't seen a third of the map, so he had to leave.

Next, Ye Yun had to be more cautious, because the more space he entered, the more powerful people he encountered, and some of them turned out to be super emperors. Not even a single strength, but a single hair is enough to kill Ye Yun.

If there are some special cultivators among these people, it is possible to discover the clues of Ye Yun.

It took a full month for Ye Yun to travel almost all the places on the map. Although he gained more control over the world of punishment, he did not find any major discoveries.

"This place is very strange. It can have a natural atmosphere. After some law enforcement officers come in and out, there will be a hint of fairyland atmosphere. What's the secret here?"

At this time, Ye Yun was walking in an aisle. There were not many rooms here, and there were very few law enforcement officers. Almost only one or two law enforcement officers came in and out a day, and what they were going to was the mysterious space at the end, which could also let many Law enforcers, where you can feel the breath of the fairy world.

Because the Realm of Punishment is a place of infinity, it cuts off any energy from the fairy world, but this space in front of you can actually release natural breath, so there must be someone or something that is communicating with the fairy world.

This is the strangest space that Ye Yun found after searching for more than a dozen forbidden places. The reason why he didn't discover it immediately is that this space is not considered a forbidden place, but a space that has no restrictions and any law enforcement officer can enter. , but it is very strange that the number of people who enter the space in one day is only five at most.

"Although the natural aura of the fairy world is not strong, this is puzzling..."

Ye Yun became cautious, approached the space step by step, and entered the gate, a normal Tiangong Temple energy radiated down. When Ye Yun entered this energy gate, he saw a large, very empty, deep gray and dark space in front of him.

"Dangdang! Dangdang!"

Under an ancient pagoda pavilion, a man in yellow is making a metal-like crashing sound.

Ye Yun took a closer look, the man in yellow was a 27-year-old, thin body, with a gray face, he was actually using a hand badge, and he was afraid of breaking some strange metal objects, and then he grabbed it with five fingers and patted it down with his palm. After a few more squeezes, something similar to the Heavenly Palace appeared.

The man in yellow has very thin hair. Although it is black, he looks like an old man. He seems to have lost a lot of hair. The man in yellow doesn't seem to notice Ye Yun's arrival, and he keeps messing with the palace materials.

"Are you here to get the Promise Heavenly Palace?"

The man in yellow spoke suddenly, his voice was natural and slightly hoarse.


Too many words will reveal, Ye Yun doesn't know who the other party is, he is not wearing the white robe of Tiangong, and he is wearing an ancient yellow clothes, this person must not be the law enforcer of Tiangong, but Ye Yun knows that he is Lord Mei, the upright law enforcer, so he decisively walked towards The man in yellow.

"That strange substance... Could it be the Promise Stone???"

Before getting close to the man in yellow, Ye Yun was suddenly attracted by the black stones placed on the floating platform, and the soul restriction left by Emperor Jitian Duobao immediately popped up in his mind, and there happened to be a kind of The mineral is exactly the same in appearance and breath as the black stone.

There is no energy breath at all!

The fairyland is so big, there is almost only one mineral, one substance with this kind of breath, that is the Promise Stone, a special substance created by heaven and earth.

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