The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 839 The Experience of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable

"Boss, this guy has no breath... the speed is too fast!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was astonished when he saw the meatball Wuwu tail swung, drew a natural arc, and then returned to Ye Yun's shoulder, completely unaffected by the power of the Nine Dragons Ring.

A tiny, strange life form surpassed the Immortal Emperor!

"This thing is a dangerous bomb. If it wasn't for it this time, I wouldn't be able to destroy the Realm of Punishment and escape from it. Chi Yun, tell me, have you got the Zhu Xian Battle Armor?"

Ye Yun wasn't surprised by Wuwu's ability, he had already seen meteorite eggs before, but now he changed the subject and looked at Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

"Of course I got it. I got the Jade Immortal Helmet in the Mortal Realm back then, and later in Aotian Immortal Realm, I sneaked into Yanjiao and slowly entered Yi Jiutian's side. From his hands, I snatched the Jade Immortal's combat boots and armor, and also took away Yi. Jiu Tian, ​​this person is really a character!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was evil, elated, and the more he talked, the more he spoke: "This person was an immortal emperor in his last life, and his methods are outrageous. Originally, the Zhuxian battle boots were owned by his master, but this person did not hesitate to destroy the deity!" , killed his master, snatched the boots, and destroyed the sect, and later reincarnated in the world of Chongxian, and got the main part of the armor!"

"Deceive the master and destroy the family?"

Sure enough, he is cruel and merciless. This kind of behavior is even more despicable than evil demons and heretics, but Yi Jiutian is also considered unlucky. Demon Lord Yun's opponent, Demon Lord Chiyun's identity is too mysterious.

If Ye Yun didn't have the Nine Dragon Ring, he wouldn't be able to suppress Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable back then.

"Get two pieces of battle armor, rely on nine days to develop supernatural powers, and know that the leader of the Tai family has a Jade Immortal helmet, so the Tai family is destroyed, and people are looking for Jade Immortal helmets in the fairy world and the mortal world. After that, you boss Clearly, after the Yanjiao was completely wiped out, and the Taiyi plane cleared away the threat, I sensed your existence. As a result, you were not in the Xin family, so I knew you must have gone to the Gaozhong Immortal Realm, so I began to practice the three pieces of Zhu Xian Armor!"

"The fourth piece of battle armor, Sword of Exorcising Immortals, is indeed in the hands of an immortal emperor in the fairy world. Unfortunately, he has been sealed long ago, and ordinary methods cannot sense the existence of the immortal emperor. Therefore, I simply fused the three pieces of battle armor. After complete fusion, Immediately activated the Zhuxian battle armor, and the immortal emperor of the Jiuzhong Immortal Realm sensed the breath of the battle armor, so he sent his disciples to come down to the lower realm. As a result, I set a trap and refined them all into Yuanshen puppets, and put the helmet on Leave it to them, secretly follow them to the Nine Layers Immortal Realm, and get close to the Immortal Emperor!"

"At first I thought it was a particularly powerful Immortal Emperor, hehe, but it turned out to be a fourth-tier Immortal Emperor master, a landowner of a big family. He has strong financial resources. After countless years of collection, he accidentally collected the Sword of Immortal Execution. Hehe, the final process is similar to that of the Mieyan Sect. I successfully killed this person, captured the Sword of Jade Immortals, and four pieces of armor. After I fully fused, I sensed the location of the dojo left by Emperor Jade Immortals. I wanted to find the boss. , and just happened to release the supernatural powers, and sensed the call of the primordial spirit amulet that you left in the Nine Layers Immortal Realm, Boss!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable spoke eloquently about these thousands of years of experience in one breath, and it seemed that the whole process was not a big deal in his eyes.

Ye Yun was stunned: "Didn't you get the Jade Dynasty Emperor's inheritance if you get the complete Jade Dynasty armor?"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable shook his head in disappointment: "At first I thought it was the same, but Emperor Zhuxian seemed to have known that he would fall and die at the hands of Tiangong Temple, so he had secretly hidden his natal dojo in the depths of the fairy world, and let the guards guard him. By!"

"There are guards to guard? Emperor Zhuxian is really not easy, the only one who can almost bring down the Temple of Heaven!"

"Boss, the Great Emperor Zhu Xian has passed through most of the divine calamity, and he is one step away from the existence of gods. His cultivation base is in the perfect realm of the gods, and it is only one step away from demigods to gods. Unfortunately, the energy of the lower realm is difficult to let go. Immortals become gods, and Emperor Zhuxian fell in vain!"

"The supernatural period is complete!! The four realms of the super emperor, the Jade Emperor has stood at the last level, and he didn't break through the level, and fell directly!"

Hearing this, Ye Yun sighed unceasingly. The Emperor Zhuxian is like the blue and white Longgu Emperor, and the master of the corpse pool is a true existence at the peak of the fairy world. Unfortunately, as far as Ye Yun knows now, except Wu Wudao who successfully ascended To become a god in the fairy world, even the blue and white Emperor Longgu didn't know whether he succeeded or not.

But the master of the corpse pool will never step into the realm of gods again.

Ye Yun suddenly patted his head, as if he remembered something important: "By the way, what a coincidence, this time in the world of punishment, I actually met Qijue Xianzun, one of the six great protectors under the command of Emperor Jade Immortal!"

"Seven Absolute Immortal Venerable? Is this guy still alive?"

Demon Venerable Chiyun seems to know the situation of the Zhuxian League very well, and Qijue Xianzun is also fascinated by it: "The six war gods under the command of Emperor Zhuxian back then were the greatest strength of Emperor Zhuxian against the Tiangong Temple, and all of them have reached the super emperor nirvana stage or supernatural powers. It is possible that this Qijue Immortal Venerable is not far behind Jade Emperor, boss, no, will Qijue Immortal Venerable prevent me from getting the inheritance of Jade Immortal?"

"This one……"

This is a big problem. The reason why Ye Yun suddenly thought of Immortal Qijue was that when he was in the realm of punishment, he felt that Immortal Qijue would be an obstacle for Demon Lord Chiyun to get the inheritance of Emperor Zhuxian. Yun Mozun will definitely not be able to inherit it.

"If he dares to intervene, he will definitely be destroyed in the future..." Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable only has Ye Yun in his eyes, and the others, even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, don't pay attention.

This is Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

Ye Yun thought about it, and connected the cause and effect. The Zhuxian Battle Armor seemed to be the connection line in the dark: "This time in the realm of punishment, I not only helped Qijue Immortal Venerable get out of the realm of punishment, but also Jitian. Emperor Duobao, Wanxia Leizun, Shangqing Jinjun and Universiade King, with their existence, they will naturally be grateful for my life-saving grace, and Qijue Immortal Venerable is the same as our position, they are all opposed to Tiangong Temple, Qijue The Immortal Venerable heard about you again from me. It seems that this time I must go to the Jade Emperor’s dojo with you. If the Qijue Xianzun is there, I can also talk to him, not only let him hand over the Jade Emperor’s dojo. Come out, let him summon the old department of the Zhuxian League to rebel against Tiangong Temple again. I believe he was suppressed by Tiangong Temple in the realm of punishment, tortured for endless years, and hated Tiangong Temple to death. We will take advantage of this and slowly Talk to him!"

"This kind of giant has survived for too long, so he needs to talk and talk well. If he doesn't listen, hmph, after being suppressed for so many years, his strength must not be as good as before. The most strength is in the Vientiane period and the broken period. There is no Nirvana period and the supernatural period. If he is ill, he will naturally take his life, and you can't take advantage of outsiders for nothing!"

"Of course!"

"Boss, now you have established a great network. Emperor Jitian Duobao, Wan Xia Lei Zun, Shangqing Jinjun, and Universiade King are all super giants in the fairy world. Emperor Jitian Duobao does not know how many immortals he has refined. Magic weapon, how many ancient treasures have been collected, Wanxia Lei Zun and Shangqing Jinjun are also the powerhouses of the ancient heavens, especially the Lord of the Universiade, it is incredible, his strength has reached the level of Emperor Zhuxian. Back then I When he was an Immortal Emperor, he established the Universiade Dynasty in the Unbounded Land, and I went there once, the scale...he is the No.1 who established an empire in the Unbounded Land and opened up the world!"

"The Lord of the Universiade? It just happened to be another coincidence. From the mouths of the powerful Lords of the Universiade, I actually heard the news of the desolate fairy Taishi. He is now a member of the Temple of Heaven, and the Lord of the Universiade It seems to be caught by him, I just want to know why you and Huangxian Taishi became enemies in the first place!" Ye Yun thought of many things again, and said them one by one.

"Desolate Immortal Taishi?"

Chiyun Demon Venerable sneered coldly, even though he is now the Immortal Emperor, and Huangxian Taishi already existed at the level of Zhuxian Emperor, but he was still unafraid, and still had an evil smile on his face: "After many years At that time, it was very far away from the period of Emperor Zhuxian, and it was about to enter the middle of the era. At that time, the Lord of the Universiade was still the overlord of the Unbounded Land. I was only the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor, a casual cultivator of the Demon Dao, and once entered the Unbounded Land... "

"Boundless land?"

Ye Yun didn't expect that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable would dare to enter the Unbounded Land when he was at the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor. Generally, he would only go to the Unbounded Land when he reached the high level of the Immortal Emperor.

"At that time, I was very clear about my identity as a three-eyed spirit general. I had the strength comparable to that of an ordinary super emperor. At that time, in the unbounded land, many artifacts and artifacts appeared. Once, I overheard, a The terrifying artifact landed in a certain time and space in the Unbounded Land, and I went there alone, where I met many masters, and only then did I know that the artifact is the gate of reincarnation!"

"How can ordinary immortals know the gate of reincarnation? Hehe, I am afraid that I am the only one in the entire fairy world who knows the importance of the gate of reincarnation. Unfortunately, there, I met Huangxian Taishi and competed with him for the gate of reincarnation. At that time He is already a peerless genius, and his cultivation level is one point higher than mine. I chased the gate of reincarnation with him all the way in the deep space of the fairy world, and it turned out that this desolate fairy Taishi practiced a reincarnation technique very early. The Gate of Reincarnation naturally sensed his breath of reincarnation, so...the first thing Huangxian Taishi got the Gate of Reincarnation was to kill me. Unfortunately, I am a real god. , and the inheritance of the gods, he can't kill me, unless he reaches the realm of the gods, he can kill me by urging the gate of reincarnation, and then he suppressed me in the mortal world. For many years, if I didn't meet the boss, I would At least you have to wait for a long time before you can struggle out!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable explained clearly why he and Huangxian Taishi became enemies and why they suppressed them in the distant fairyland period in the past.

"This person is a character. For so many years, he has not only broken through the super emperor, but his realm is also at the supernatural stage, and his strength is also at the level of Emperor Jade Immortals and the Lord of Universiade. In addition, there is also... the gate of reincarnation, a super artifact of the gods, The strength of this person has actually surpassed that of a super emperor, possessing the power of a god!"

After a moment of silence, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable smiled easily again, even though he knew the huge gap between Huangxian Taishi and him, he still did not fear the other party.

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