"Lord Qingwu died just like that...!"

There was nothing left in the chaotic void, Ye Yun disappeared without a trace, countless monsters collapsed completely, howling like weeping, while human monks showed their supernatural power, and they began to retreat without all the fruits of goodness.

"That fellow... the realm is so weak, but the strength is really strong. Among the new generation of the same sect, Qin Qing and Lord Bai Tian will not be as talented as him!"

On the one hand, Lin Fengyang confronted Mang Wusha, and on the other hand, he was secretly surprised by the scene where Ye Yun beheaded Qingwu.

This kind of genius, the existence of defying the sky, actually appeared in Xuanwumen. Lin Fengyang was of course shocked. He has seen almost everyone in Xuanwumen's new generation of geniuses. After all, he is also a Xuanwumen genius. He pays special attention to geniuses, but In his mind, there is no memory of Ye Yun at all.

It can only be explained that Ye Yun is a genius who has just risen, and he is better than the geniuses of Xuanwumen in the past.

"Mang Wusha, you go to hell with Qingwu!"

Suddenly, Lin Fengyang's overwhelming roar sounded from the underground mountain range, and then the world was suddenly turbulent, and the giant sword of destruction pierced through the demonic void...


After a long time, Ye Yun flew out of the tiankeng and found a dense forest to calm down.

"Qingwu...he's too careless, otherwise he wouldn't have died by my hands!"

A ray of bronze light flickered in the void, and then the Qingwu corpse slowly flew in. Ye Yun grabbed it with his hands, and the powerful qi controlled the corpse.

"Shedding monster, this is a great tonic... the essence of life in the body!" Pressing a finger on the dantian of the corpse, all of a sudden, overwhelming power shot out from the corpse, all of which were inhaled by Ye Yun.

Cultivators are the same as demons, they are created by heaven and earth, the spirit of all things, humans, monsters and monsters also practice to become immortals, although they have different ways, but the ultimate way is the same, the essence of life is the most precious treasure of spirits in heaven and earth , It is refined by communicating with the world and seizing the power of the world.

"Breaking through the Earth Immortal, cultivating the body of the real and the void, the Furnace of the Blood Mansion is more mysterious than before, the space is more than ten times larger, and the flames are a hundred times more powerful than before."

The moment Qingwu's powerful natal essence entered the body, and then poured into the Furnace of the Blood Palace, a monstrous flame burst out from the Furnace of the Blood Palace, absorbing and refining the natal essence, and combined with the Furnace's own power into one.

Suddenly, crystal light appeared on the furnace wall of the Furnace of the Blood Mansion, with countless dense bronze veins embedded in it, provoking the Buddha's Furnace of the Blood Mansion to be promoted to a real existence.

Moreover, in the melting pot of the Blood Mansion, there is a divine and bright aura, like a glazed crystal, and the Buddha does not belong to the mortal world, but a god from outside the sky.

At the same time, the true qi in the meridians, cells, and muscles of Ye Yun's whole body is shining with incomparable light. That true qi seems to contain light, the mystery of light, the unpredictable light, all integrated into one, forming a strange The infuriating light of the light, controlling this miraculous infuriating energy, gave Ye Yun a sense of coming from the holy heaven.

Wherever you go, drive away black light and create light, this is the holy light.

The powerful natal essence of Qingwu continued to flow continuously, and ancient traces gradually formed in the melting furnace of the blood house. These traces were continuously connected to form an ancient totem, which firmly protected the melting furnace of the blood house and became the strongest force.

Chi Chi!

On the ancient bronze furnace wall of the Xuefu Furnace, sparks gradually produced and rubbed against each other, forming dazzling stars.

"With my current true energy, I am comparable to a seventh-level or even eighth-level Earth Immortal powerhouse. However, I haven't practiced the foundation building method yet, and I can't condense into a cave... Without a cave, I naturally wouldn't be able to cultivate the life-exiting pill."

Ye Yun couldn't wait to go back to the Xuanwu Gate, get the foundation building method, and then succeed in building the foundation, step into the first level of the earth immortal, and condense out of the cave.

Dongtian contains the trajectories of the supreme stars and the mystery of nature. Based on the dantian, it forms a unique world of true energy. In terms of images, the cave is like a human heart or brain, while the physical body is the dantian. There is no brain or brain. The heart, how can a person survive.

Moreover, the cave is a channel to communicate with the heaven and the earth, and will form a life space. In the future, once you break through the heavenly immortals, life pills will be condensed in the life space of the cave.

The higher the cultivation base, the deeper the cave, and the more indestructible the life pill formed in the future.

The dantian is just the body, and the cave genius is the source of life, the monk's second life, with it, the monk can abandon the flesh body, transcend the shackles of the world, and the high-level earth immortal, who owns the cave sky, can use blood essence even if his hand is broken. Rebirth.

However, compared with the heavenly immortals, the earth immortals can only regenerate their physical body, rather than being reborn. After the heavenly immortals have cultivated the life pill, they can be reborn again with supreme cultivation.

"The true energy is almost full, this demon corpse can only be used for alchemy..."

A few days later, Qingwu's huge corpse shrank into a ball, dry, and Ye Yun took back the corpse, feeling extremely comfortable at this moment, like driftwood in the ocean, drifting with the sky and the current.

He was calm and relaxed, condescending, and a domineering aura of a saint shot out from his deep pupils.

"After killing Qingwu, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in this monster mountain..."

Ye Yun's eyes sank, and he suddenly called out the black evil spirit gourd, there were still many monsters still alive inside: "Let's see how many good fruits are inside here!"

Controlling the real fire of Heisha and chasing powerful monsters to flee everywhere, Ye Yun took the opportunity to open all the boxes, and Ye Yun was speechless after counting, there were nearly a thousand hundred good fruits.

"Tianhong Taoist asked me to get the hundred good fruits, so I informed him that he wanted to use me..."

Ye Yun thought for a while, then controlled the Heisha True Torch to kill all the monsters one by one, then put away the spirit gourd, and quickly flew towards the Xuanwu Gate.

"Brother Bai, I heard that there is a genius out of this close door, what is his name Jing Wuming..."

"I've heard people talk about this person. He used to be an unknown and weak person who had no status in the Jing family. Then he suddenly appeared. He must have had amazing adventures outside. If he meets this person, hmph, I will take his head , take his immortal luck and use it for me."

"In a short time, there will be a trial event held once every ten years. I heard that the top few can represent the sect to Beihai to participate in the Beihai Hundred Thousand Daomen Contest."

"This is indeed a big event. It is the first time for my Xuanwumen to go to Beihai to participate in a competition. If I can get a place in the competition, it will be my Xuanwumen name in Beihai."

"Brother Tianjun, you will definitely come out on top in this trial and suppress Qin Qing and others."

"That Qin Qing is really difficult to deal with, but this time he has obtained a lot of good fruits, and can refine several high-quality elixirs. When he breaks through the sixth level of the earth immortal, he can leapfrog and kill the eighth level powerhouse. What Qin Qing, Killing in the same way...but the most important thing now is to catch Meng Zhan, he dared to pull out his teeth and snatch the hundred good fruits from my hand, courting death!"

Among the lofty mountains, several Xuanwumen disciples were shuttling through the forest, as if they were searching for something. Most of these people were disciples from the outer and inner courts, and a few of them were outstanding disciples.

Whether it is a disciple from the outer court or an outstanding disciple, they all follow behind an inner court disciple.

This man was wearing a cloud-blue robe of a student from the inner courtyard, with a jade tree facing the wind, handsome and sharp-edged.

He is the leader of the new generation of geniuses in the Xuanwu Sect, Mr. Tiantian, the genius of the No. [-] family in the world, and the Bai family.

"Brother Tianjun, this Meng Zhan must be killed. He seems to possess ancient qigong. I heard that some time ago, he beheaded a few strong sixth-level Earth Immortals. He is now the third-level Earth Immortal..."

A young man worriedly said to Mr. Bai Tian.

"Meng Zhan's body is a bit special, and even Qin Qing is quite afraid, so, before he is full-fledged, kill him..." Lord Baitian yelled domineeringly like a supreme being.


"Mr. Tiantian, you have some tricks!"

In another primeval forest, a sturdy young man over two meters tall stumbled out of the forest. His face was pale, his skin was wheat-colored, his muscles were protruding, and he was full of explosive power. The red hair is curly, and the neck is also covered with dense and slightly curly fluff.

call out……

Just as the tall young man was about to pass through the mountain stream, suddenly, a burst of true energy flew out from mid-air, followed by a column of blood, and then a huge corpse of a monster flew out of the dense forest.

"This is a high-level shedding-level demon beast... It was pierced to death with true energy in the chest, so powerful..." The tall young man's face was full of shock, and suddenly he frowned and looked towards the void.


A figure flew out lightly and landed on the edge of the cliff, looking at the tall young man who was letting out a soft sigh, it was Ye Yun.

Ye Yun sized up the tall young man, but he didn't expect to meet a Xuanwu sect disciple here, so he saluted, "Senior brother, excuse me."


The tall young man responded indifferently, his eyes fell on the monster beast, suddenly his pupils flashed unbelievably, on the monster beast, there were streaks of powerful blood wing luster, which directly disrupted the monster beast's meridians, After cutting off the muscles and bones of his whole body, the tall young man looked at Ye Yun again, and couldn't help sighing secretly: "What a terrible true energy, if it hits me, it will end up like this monster. Killing monsters that are as strong as the seventh-layer earth immortals?"

"Passing by here, I just found a spiritual herb for refining. I didn't expect to meet such an interesting person. He is not simple..." Ye Yun looked at the other party, and he probably understood a little bit.

Ye Yun was going to leave the Xuanzhong Mountain Range, but when he passed by here, he accidentally discovered a rare spiritual grass, so he killed the guardian monster of the spiritual grass, who would want to meet the same sect again.

Swish swish!

"Haha, Meng Zhan, you have nowhere to escape this time!"

Suddenly, Jun Tian and others descended from all directions, and surrounded the tall young man tightly. The pedestrians were murderous, staring at the tall young man one by one.

"Meng Zhan... Could it be that he is a genius among the new generation of disciples of the Xuanwu Sect?"

Standing on the cliff, Ye Yun frowned, staring deeply at the tall Meng Zhan, feeling that there was a very tyrannical force in this person.

Meng Zhan was not afraid at all, and faced Mr. Bai with a cold smile: "Mr. Bai, it is not so easy to kill me. Moreover, you can't kill me at all. If you push me into a hurry, you will regret it."

"Haha, I haven't seen anyone in my daytime, not a stupid person like you, using such stupid words to make me let you go, idiot's dreaming." With a wave of his hand, Lord Baitian was full of arrogance and strength The momentum burst out, rolling the surrounding fallen leaves all over the sky.

"He is Lord Tiantian!"

At this moment, Ye Yun's body trembled slightly. Unexpectedly, after entering the Xuanwu Gate for a few months, he finally met someone from the Bai family. Moreover, he was also a genius of the Bai family, Lord Tian Tian who was as famous as Qin Qing.

"Boy, what are you looking at, an idiot who just broke through to the Earth Immortal!"

Among the disciples of the Bai family, one disciple yelled at Ye Yun, extremely arrogant.

"Jun Tian, ​​Meng Zhan... are all acquaintances..."

Just when the fighting spirit of the two sides was about to erupt, suddenly, several young heroes flew from the other side of the sky, all of whom were as famous as Mr. Bai Tian.

"Good luck to you!"

Jun Tian gritted his teeth and flew away. The moment he left, he wished he could eat Meng Zhan.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Zhan also disappeared, but in the end, his eyes met Ye Yun's head-on, and only then did the group of people who appeared just now leave together.

"What a genius... Soon, I will personally take off your genius hats!"

Ye Yun stood alone on the cliff, looking towards the void against the wind.

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