The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 86 Jing Yuan, You Are Not Worthy

"Jing Wuming is back, and it has been nearly two months since he entered Tianchen Peak!"

"This person broke through to the Earth Immortal so quickly, and we didn't hear that he disappeared after crossing the tribulation. Damn it!"

On Lore Peak, Yang Xingyuan was sitting on a big chair, and below were seven or eight disciples from the inner court of the Yang family, almost all of whom were members of the fifth or sixth level.

"This person is really abominable. His realm has improved so fast. Brother Xingyuan, I am afraid that with our strength, it will be difficult to kill this kid. Why don't you tell Brother Xingye..."

"Big brother Xingye is here, that kid must die."

Several people looked at each other, reached a consensus, and then stood up and said.

Yang Xingyuan was so angry that no one in the Xuanwu Sect knew that the Yang family even took down a disciple of the meat fairy from the Jing family, but instead became the genius of the other party. Moreover, Yang Xingyuan's status in the Yang family was not high. But fortunately, there is an elder brother who is an outstanding disciple, so he has a place in the lore peak.

If Ye Yun's problem cannot be solved, then how will Yang Xingyuan gain a foothold in Lore Peak in the future.


At this moment, an elegant silver figure appeared beside Yang Xingyuan like a ghost, and made a clanging iron sound, which was breathtaking.

Yang Xingyuan immediately stood up, sweating all over his face, and looked at the person respectfully: "Brother, you are back."

"If I don't come back again, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand on the Lore Peak!" The visitor was thin and dressed in a silver robe, which made people feel that he didn't belong to this world.

"Brother Xingye..."

In an instant, all the disciples of the Yang family knelt down towards that person, but he ignored them at all, and walked side by side with Yang Xingyuan to the room, disappearing without a trace.


Tianchen Peak, build a foundation.

"The law is the eye, the eye is empty, there is no form at all, and the form of the law reincarnates!"

Under the Yunlong Stone Pillar, Ye Yun sat cross-legged, suspended in the void, his body was absorbing a large amount of vitality from the outside world, at this moment in the dantian, the galaxy looked like a wisp of smoke, only the size of a palm.

"The melting pot of heaven and earth, you are the sky, the cave and the sky are one!"

A golden electric dragon flashed across Ye Yun's pupils, he flipped his hands over and grabbed it in the air, gusts of true energy roared around his body, especially in the dantian, the ocean of true energy slowly dragged up the star river in the sky, and at the same time , A hole appeared in the copper-yellow crystal furnace wall of the blood palace furnace, and the ocean of true energy dragged the Dongtian Galaxy into the blood palace furnace.


The Furnace of the Blood Palace trembled violently, and the true energy in it surged like a river, and the Dongtian Galaxy continued to absorb the power of the Furnace of the Blood Palace, making the Furnace of the Blood Palace struggle like a child in front of Dongtian.

"The cave formed by the Earth Immortal is just an ocean of true energy. It is easy to be destroyed by people when confronted with strong enemies. Now that the cave is hidden in the melting furnace of the blood palace, it has an extra layer of protection. The melting furnace of the blood palace mainly creates true energy. Qi, and the cave sky complement each other..."

During the foundation building in the past three months, Ye Yun continued to make the cave sky stronger and more pure in this short period of time. In the future, a strange space will be formed in the cave sky. The cave sky space is the most important essence of the earth immortal.


Yanshan, among the many peaks of Xuanwumen, a huge mountain range composed of more than a dozen peaks, collectively called Yanshan.

On the main peak of Yanshan Mountain, there is a celestial tablet. I don’t know who wrote the word “Yanshan” on the celestial tablet with terrifying power. It is vigorous and powerful, and every stroke contains infinite supernatural power. Trembling all over, there is a supreme mystery hidden in that stroke.

One of the mountain peaks, inside a palace.

"Congratulations, young master, for being promoted to the inner court!"

Dozens of people knelt in front of a young hero and cheered, but the young man didn't say a word, wearing a cloud blue robe representing the inner courtyard, his handsome face exuded a natural domineering aura, facing the kneeling man Among the disciples in the inner court in front of him, all of them have higher cultivation bases than him, but the young man is extremely mediocre, so he should be superior to the Buddha.

"Hong Yuanming, this time you failed and returned. I should have severely punished you, but since you have done a lot in the past, I will spare you once."

The young man looked to the side indifferently. In the lower hall, Hong Yuanming was kneeling on the ground with five flowers tied up.

"Young Master Benevolence!"

After hearing this, everyone knelt down and cheered again, complimenting the young man highly.

"Thank you, young master. From now on, my subordinates will spare no effort to support young master!" Hong Yuanming said gratefully, and knocked his head on the ground with a bang.

"Hmph, Yan Xiao, don't blame me. How do you treat me? I will use Ye Yun to let you die without a place to bury you..." After being untied, Hong Yuanming retreated into the crowd, behaved He bowed his head and remained silent. Among the crowd, he was not the highest realm, but his scheming was unmatched, like a wolf like a tiger.

"I didn't expect that Jing Wuming would turn around this day. Listen, this person must be eliminated. Whoever can get rid of him, I will personally obtain the supreme elixir for him. Under the guidance of my elder brother, he will surely be successful. "

Yan Xiao swept away his majesty, no one dared to look at each other, he smiled lightly, propped his chin with his hand, and said playfully: "Whoever has a good plan, I will reward him!"

"My lord, after three months, it will be the Centennial Trial Conference. You will also participate at that time, and we will go with you. Presumably, Jing Wuming is in full swing now, and he will not let go of this opportunity of trial. After all, only the disciples who participated in the trials can participate in the future sect competitions, get the rankings and go to Beihai to participate in the exchange meeting, after we enter the 'Heiwu Territory', we can kill Jing Wuming at will."

"Brother Zhang is right, young master, now that Jing Wuming has returned to Xuanwumen, I heard that Jing Tianxia has left the customs not long ago, maybe Jing Wuming has become his favorite assistant, and now he wants to kill Jing Wuming in the sect. It’s really not right, he Jing Tianxia is a disciple of the Holy Court after all, even if there is a master, he still has to discuss with him, offending the giants of the Holy Court is not a wise move.”

"The subordinates also agree that in the Heiwu area, countless disciples died in each trial. We want to rob and kill people in it. Who dares to stop, and the sect stipulates that the giants of the Holy Court cannot enter the Heiwu area. At that time, even Jing Tianxia will be powerless to save Jing Wuming!"

The three inner court disciples strode forward and bowed down to offer advice to Yan Xiao. They all had ulterior motives, which one was not an old fritter with a deep reputation in the city, and they took refuge in Yan Xiao, so naturally they wanted to please each other.

"There is no sky and no sun in the Heiwu area, but it is a place suitable for killing people. Yes, it is worth taking care of you!"

Yan Xiao's eyes were bright, she clapped her hands, and said with a smile: "It's only a few months before the hundred-year trial, you all go and get ready, follow me into the Heiwu area, achieve the highest results, and help me in this trial. Show off your might in the refining competition!"

"The subordinates will definitely assist the young master with all their strength!"

Everyone knelt down again and said in unison.

The palace is surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers. Yan Xiao walked side by side with a blue-robed woman beside the fish pond, teasing the fish in the pond. The blue-robed woman coiled her black hair with a white lotus flower. A frown and a smile make people drunk and fall into it.

"Jing Wuming is still alive... Brother Xiao, if the people of the Jing family know that I am planning to divorce the marriage, then the Jing family will never let my Li family go. This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen to him!" The woman Under the clean and beautiful face, there is actually a hidden murderous intent.

"Ling'er, don't worry, I will definitely let the Li family replace the Jing family. Jing Wuming will definitely die this time. This life is so hard that he survived. He also got an adventure and made a lot of noise at Xuanwumen." , but...the Jing family is nothing in front of my Yan family, as long as my elder brother stomps his feet, the Jing family will not dare to do anything wrong."

"This century-old trial, you will follow me into the Hei Wu area, and let you see for yourself how I play with him and kill him...!"

Yan Xiao shouted lightly, and walked towards the Baiting by the pool with Li Ling'er in her arms.


"In my cave, there are many elements, and even the breath of cold rain in the sky, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse!"

"In the past four months, I didn't expect to spend such a long time here in the blink of an eye. It's time to go out..."

After building the foundation, Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at his dantian. He felt that Dongtian was in the melting pot of the Blood Mansion. It was so mysterious that even Ye Yun could not know the real power of Dongtian for the time being.

Ye Yun stood up and injected a stream of true energy into the stone pillar.

Suddenly, a vortex tunnel appeared in the sky, covering Ye Yun in an instant, and then flew into the void, entering the mysterious space. In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun appeared under the ancient gate that was hundreds of feet high.

"There is another official monk in our sect, congratulations!"

The old man guarding the gate once again pressed his palm on the mysterious space behind him. Immediately, countless words poured into it. Ye Yun felt that there was a certain breath of himself connected to the Xuanwu Gate, but he couldn't feel it.

Then, the old man waved his hand again, sweeping across Ye Yun's mind, and in a short while, Ye Yun's memory about the foundation building method disappeared from the front.

"Xuanwu Gate, really want to erase all memories about the method of foundation establishment!" Ye Yun bowed slightly, bid farewell to the guards, and flew towards Tianxia Peak.

Tianxia Peak, the beautiful scenery among the ancient peaks is like a fairyland, magnificent.


Just as Ye Yun turned into a long rainbow and approached Tianxia Peak, suddenly, Yue Li flew out from a forest, as if he had been waiting for Ye Yun, and waved excitedly at Ye Yun: "Brother is here, he arrived earlier than you."

"Brother, you really broke through the Ninth Level of the Meat Immortal and promoted to the Tenth Level. Okay, go to Brother's Castle, and Brother will help you overcome the tribulation!" Ye Yunfei fell down, hugged Yue Li tightly, and then flew towards Tianxia Peak together at low altitude.

"I haven't seen you in half a year. My brother has really successfully promoted to Earth Immortal. Now my eldest brother dare not even think about how strong you are!"

At this moment, Yue Li could no longer feel Ye Yun's aura, and could not detect even a trace of true energy. He remembered that Ye Yun could kill the Earth Immortal when he was a Meat Immortal, and now he has become an Earth Immortal.

In less than a year, Yue Li witnessed Ye Yun's breakthrough step by step. It took only a few months for him to break through from the meat fairy to the earth fairy. Among the countless genius disciples, none of them achieved the title of genius without the help of the strong.

In Yue Li's heart, Ye Yun is definitely not an ordinary person, something shocking must happen to him.


Suddenly, when Ye Yun and the two flew over the familiar mountains, Ye Yun's eyes fell straight down like a nine-day waterfall, and he found that in front of a small red palace, there was a wave of familiar blood essence fluctuating, and there were several familiar breath.

"Something seems to have happened down there, brother, what's the matter? Do you know those people?" Yue Li looked intently and saw the fierce confrontation between the two parties on the mountainside in front of the palace, so he couldn't help asking.

"Of course they are acquaintances. One of them is Wu Ming's big brother, Jing Wuhui. This person treats Wu Ming with sincerity and kindness. Go down and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Yun turned into a rainbow and flew towards the palace.

"Jing Wuhui, some time ago, didn't you say that I won you by chance last time? Now that I am Jingyuan, I will give you a chance to fight again!"

A middle-aged man in a silver robe shouted at Jing Wuhui coldly and domineeringly. In front of this person, Jing Wuhui actually swallowed his anger and dared not move for a while, but the people behind Jing Wuhui, one by one Leave and seek refuge with the silver-robed middle-aged man.

Jing Wuhui shook his head helplessly, cupped his fists and said: "Jing Yuan, I never thought you would break through to the seventh level of the Earth Immortal within a year and become an outstanding disciple. I was at fault before, please let me go."

The silver robe 'Jing Yuan' looked disdainful, shook one hand, and said angrily: "Let you go? If I hadn't been promoted to an outstanding disciple, I'm afraid you would have challenged me. You used to be so arrogant. , but now... hmph, if you want me to let you do it, there are two conditions, first, follow me, and second, kneel down and admit your mistake."

"You..." Jing Wu gritted his teeth in remorse, and from the corner of his eye, he saw countless Jing family disciples laughing at him, watching his jokes, who would dare to treat him like this in the past.

Those who are not as strong as others will be trampled on by others at will.

"Jing Yuan, you are not worthy..."

Suddenly, Ye Yun landed next to Jing Wuhui, and gave Jing Yuan a faint answer, his face as calm as a lake.

"No life...!" Jing Wuhui looked at Ye Yun in shock, he didn't expect him to appear now, and talking to Jing Yuan like this, at this juncture, wouldn't it be ruined.

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