Swish, swish, swish~~huhuhu~!

Beginning to enter the space storm, Ye Yun and Chi Yun's ears were like countless sharp swords whistling and cutting sharply, making people terrified and their hair standing on end.

Wu Wuxu Yuan Kung showed the unique advantage of space. When he found a gap without space storm, he accompanied Xiaoqian to shuttle together, just like this again and again, constantly shuttled into the center of the space storm.

The central storm is even more overbearing, almost everywhere!

Seeing that the barrier energy layer of the Heavenly Punishment Realm is about to appear in front of the eyes, it is a pity that the last layer of space storm has no gaps at all, densely packed with space storms.

Had to forcibly attack and tear open a crack, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable knew that Ye Yun's strength was far inferior to him, so he immediately came to his side: "Boss, I will help you!"

"Okay, use the law of the sky to suck out a crack!"

Even if he reaches the level of the Immortal Emperor, in the face of high-level space storms in the fairy world, even ordinary super emperors will die, and the most feared thing is to be swept away by the space storm.Entering the universe outside the Immortal Realm, unless you are a super emperor in the supernatural period, you will be torn to pieces. Space storms are everyone's dread.

With a push of both hands, a star's light poured into the thick space storm ahead, Ye Yun began to sweat, and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable released a beam of magic light, which injected into Ye Yun's body!


The thick space storm stirred up, and was sucked by a star's suction force, first sucked suddenly, then swallowed, back and forth several times, gradually the storm was controlled by the suction force, Ye Yun slowly controlled the suction storm, with the help of red Yun Mozun's formidable power, as if Ye Yun had the strength of a super emperor.

"The law freezes!"

When the power was condensed to the strongest state, Ye Yun grabbed it suddenly, and the suction storm world in front of him suddenly stopped moving. Xiaoqian seized the opportunity and sucked Ye Yun and Chi Yun into the other side of the space storm along with the law of suction.

"What a solid barrier!"

After finally passing through the space storm, Ye Yun let out a breath of cold air when he saw the slowly rotating Heavenly Punishment Realm and the ancient barrier on the outer layer.


Wuwu Beast suddenly called twice.

Then, under Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's gaze and doubt, Wuwu Beast directly opened its mouth and began to absorb the energy of the enchantment. Wuwu Beast didn't have any energy in the first place, so when it touched the enchantment, it naturally didn't feel it. It was sucked out a big hole.

Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable broke out in a cold sweat. This Wuwu beast is really unbelievable, it is impossible to understand it with common sense, it can eat even the enchantment realm at will, and the two of them immediately flashed towards the mouth and entered the Heavenly Punishment Realm.

With a flick of its tail, Wuwu Beast went in, and the gap in the barrier naturally healed slowly, without any movement!

"The energy here is very powerful and very ancient. It is completely different from other places in the Immortal Realm, even much older than the Star Dou Immortal Realm. It seems... this Heavenly Punishment Realm was also formed due to the movement of the ancient era!"

Ye Yun and Chi Yun entered the energy-rich realm of Tianzhudi, looking at layers of floating continents, all kinds of strange substances, and mountain ranges, they couldn't help sighing, what a magical world, and different from Star Dou Immortal Realm, many continents, There are a lot of living plants on the mountains.

"Dig, dig for me, dig three feet into the forbidden land sealed by the emperor, and dig it out!"

When the two of them were amazed by the wonderful world of Tianzhu Dijie, suddenly, more than a dozen black-robed immortals flew from one side, and all of them were super emperors!

"There is indeed someone!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable immediately disappeared into the void at the same time as Ye Yun, hiding his aura.

I saw these dozens of people flying over from a distance, and then flying down to the countless continents below, and started searching for something, and a few immortals appeared from time to time.

The Heavenly Punishment Realm is not at all like the forbidden land as imagined!

"Boss, these people are either the remnants of the Zhuxian League, or the guardians of the Heavenly Zhuge Realm!"

After a group of people disappeared, Ye Yun and Chi Yun flew out immediately, and leaped several times in a row, before appearing in the depths of a continent with primitive aura everywhere.

"It's probably not the guardians, but the remnants of the Zhuxian League. Judging by their actions, they should be looking for the dojo left by Emperor Zhuxian, and they all want the power of Emperor Zhuxian!"

Ye Yun's analysis is more accurate!

"The world of Heaven and Earth is neither big nor small. It is indeed not easy to find Zhu Xian Dao Temple among so many continents and mountain ranges. Moreover, the Da Emperor Dao Hall cannot be dug casually. These people really Stupid pig, it's a pity that I can't sense the emperor's dojo after entering the Heavenly Punishment Realm, it seems that other conditions are required!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable had already begun to release the breath of Jade Immortal's battle armor, searching and sensing again and again, and there was no news for a whole month.

He was fused with the Jade Emperor Battle Armor, the only weapon of the Jade Emperor, but unfortunately he didn't sense the Jade Emperor's dojo, which only shows that there are still many conditions missing.

"Chi Yun, take a good rest for a while. I think that Emperor Jade Dynasty must leave relevant information for his inheritors. Otherwise, the fairy world will not keep rumoring that if you get the battle armor of Jade Dynasty, you can get the inheritance of Emperor Jade Dynasty!"

Ye Yun still calmed down a lot, probably because the bystanders are clear and the authorities are confused.

Sure enough, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable nodded, flew a hundred meters away, then sat down cross-legged, and began to sit quietly, absorbing the energy of this forgotten ancient world.

Ye Yun also began to sit cross-legged.

"I want to sense the aura of the entire Heavenly Punishment Realm, to see how many immortals there are, and if there is any familiar aura...especially Immortal Venerable Qijue, the God Wheel of Hunxu Jingshi!"

Absorbing the power of heaven and earth, Ye Yun began to activate the chakra of chaotic world purification, constantly condensing, and the thoughts of the whole person continuously penetrated and merged into the breath of heaven and earth.

So it goes by day by day!

After becoming an Immortal Emperor, Ye Yun felt that his supernatural powers had also undergone tremendous changes. After about a month, Ye Yun stopped condensing the chakra of the chakra, and then opened his eyes with a mysterious expression on his face: "It's not surprising that the Qijue Immortal Venerable is indeed here. He is the confidant of Emperor Zhu Xian, so he naturally knows the existence of the Heaven and Earth Realm, but unfortunately his breath is very empty, it is impossible to fully sense his existence, and he will not let people know his existence!"

"There are nearly a thousand immortals, and more than half of them are super emperors. Those super emperors are very powerful, and they all exist in the Vientiane stage, the Shattered stage, and the Nirvana stage... The seven survivors of the Immortal Alliance are indeed not the only ones!"

Ye Yun immediately figured out the general situation of the entire Heavenly Punishment Realm. It is different to be promoted to the Immortal Emperor, and he can feel it so clearly when he casts the chakra of chaotic world purification.

There is nothing to hide in front of the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification!

"It seems... I set a fire on the Punishment Realm, and this fire completely changed the Immortal Realm, with undercurrents surging..."

There is such a big movement in the world of Tianzhu, Ye Yun is sure that it is caused by the changes between the seven immortals and the realm of punishment, otherwise, if there have been a large number of immortals appearing in the world of Tianzhu for such a long period of time, it would have been ruled by the gods of Tiangong long ago. The strong man from the temple captured it, and now he is looking for the treasure of Emperor Zhuxian, which has a lot to do with Qijue Xianzun.

Then, the Jade Emperor's treasure, with Qijue Xianzun and so many old members of the Zhuxian League joining, things are not good. These (people) are blatantly looking for treasures, destroying the ecology, and digging around to touch them. Looking for treasure, if this is what the Qijue ancestors meant, it will be a big trouble.

"Boss, I finally have a clue. We need to find the three guardians, and it is the same as the rumors in the fairy world. Only those who have obtained the Zhuxian armor can get the inheritance. Of course, if someone also knows the existence of the three guardians, once they get three copies Seals can also open treasures!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord turned into a black cloud and came in a flash, his face was ecstatic, it seemed that he had found a clue, and as expected, he said the importance of finding the key point of inheritance.

That is the three seals guarded by the three guardians!

Ye Yun stood up, and Ye Yun Chiyun left the mountain, and began to search for breath in the huge deep forest. Along the way, Ye Yun asked again: "I believe that the Jade Emperor will not give the inheritance to others casually. Only when the seals are gathered at the same time can they be opened?"

"That's not necessary. The key is to find the three guardians in order to know where the treasure is. In this realm of heaven and earth, it is not easy to find the three guardians. Why don't we look for it first, and then mix with the group of people from the Zhuxian League Among them, maybe they already know the location of the treasure, but they didn't get the armor and three marks!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable analyzed for a moment and said.

"Okay then, let's find it ourselves first!!!"

Ye Yun very much agrees with Chi Yun's methods. Opportunities are not just sitting there, but you need to find them yourself, maybe you will gain something!

So, the two started from the floating continent where they were, and searched piece by piece, releasing powerful sensing power, each showing their magical powers, sensing different energies, and looking for the treasure of Emperor Zhuxian.

Searching for one continent after another, one mountain after another, yielded nothing, but they almost encountered the old tribe of the Zhuxian League, and they were also looking for it.


A few months later, at the height of the middle level of the Heavenly Punishment Realm, in a large continent, in a valley, layers of flames burst forth suddenly!

"Really hot?"

This energy of different natural flames immediately attracted Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable who were hundreds of miles away. The breath of real fire is very special. Once it burns, it will change the energy fluctuations of the entire space. As long as the cultivation base is advanced, Sensitive power is extraordinary, can detect where the real fire is.

Ye Yun and Chi Yun flitted out from left to right, staring at the real fire, confused, real fire seldom formed naturally, it must be man-made, the two decided to lurk there and take a look.

The valley is surrounded by mountains, and the flames of real fire burst out. Under the flames, it turned out to be a big cage, where dozens of immortals were imprisoned. Very abnormal, each one was sealed by special chains.

And in front, there are a hundred or so people who are releasing real fire, continuously burning and torturing an immortal. This immortal is struggling in pain, but he doesn't scream!

"Did you see it?"

This group of people was aggressive and roared at dozens of people in the cage.

"Damn you, broke into the forbidden area and betrayed the master!"

The immortal who was tortured by the real fire was an old man with a thin and withered face. He endured the pain and stared at the group of people, wishing to tear them apart.

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