"Ye Yun...he is..."

All the disciples of the Ye family present, who are not of the same generation as Ye Yuan, are all people who have been in the Xuanwu Sect for decades, or even hundreds of years, but they are all tenth level meat immortals, and none of them has become an earth immortal. In the Xuanwu Sect, They have practiced for decades, and as handymen, they have become slaves of others.

Especially under the strong suppression of Qin and Yan, the disciples of the Ye family lived like pigs and dogs in Xuanwumen, miserable like beggars. Ever since they heard that a genius came out of the younger generation, they actually suppressed the arrogance of Qin and Yan. Qing is still a genius, and now he finally sees it, who is not shocked, and proud of it, as if he saw a ray of hope in the darkness.

"Brother Yu, you have suffered. From now on, I will use my identity as Jing Wuming to protect the Ye family and let the Ye family regain its former status in Xuanwumen." as before.

Other members of the Ye family also gathered around.


"What? An Earth Immortal first class ant dared to kill a member of my Yan family. This time, even the Jing family has to ask for a word, and this man named Jing Wuming must be taught a lesson!"

On a mountain a few miles away from Tianmu Peak, Qin Ao, several disciples of the Qin family, and several ancestors of the Yan family, all of them are the ancestors of the Qin and Yan families. The real strong, the Qin and Yan families are Relying on these people, they can be lawless in the secular world.

"Our Qin family and Yan family have already merged into one family..." An old man in his sixties from the Yan family slapped his big hand, and a crack appeared on the ground, full of murderous intent.

"Qin Yi Patriarch Xianlin..."

Suddenly, a few disciples of the Qin family came to the hall, panting and full of excitement. They immediately stood in two rows, and a disciple from the inner court who was running in blue, strided into the hall.

Qin Yi, about forty or so, with a big face with Chinese characters, a goatee, silver eyebrows and long hair, eyes like eagles, swept away in an instant, and everyone in the hall felt a chill in their hearts, and they couldn't breathe.

"Old Ancestor, didn't you go to practice with Miss?"

Qin Ao hurriedly came to Qin Yi's side and greeted him with cupped hands. He asked Qin Yi to sit on the main stage above. He and the members of the Yan family stood up and stood below. Everyone was respectful and did not dare to neglect.

A family, even a second-rate family, if it can have an Earth Immortal, it will be able to call the wind and rain in one side. If it can have disciples from the inner court, who are Earth Immortals at the fourth level, it will become a first-rate big family, and even the Bai family will be honored as guests .

Qin Yi is the highest disciple of the Qin family, the only one in Xuanwu Sect who has become a disciple of the inner court, and it is only within a few years.

All the changes, the reason for the emergence of a large number of strong earth immortals in the Qin family, is because Qin Qing entered the Xuanwu Sect, and because of her appearance, the Qin family underwent a huge change, surpassing the Yan family in one fell swoop, and a large number of earth immortals appeared Heavy, triple powerhouses, and even quadruple inner court disciples were born.

The Yan family is also a big family, so how can they allow the Qin family to ride on their heads? This is the reason. In just a few years, the Qin family has produced a large number of strong people. The Yan family understands that all this is due to Qin Qing, without her, There is no Qin family now.

"Being favored and promoted by the lady, this time my cultivation base has greatly increased, and I have been promoted to be a disciple of the inner court!"

In the eyes of everyone, Qin Yi is no longer the [-]-year-old patriarch they are familiar with. In a short period of time, he has changed his appearance, rejuvenated his youth, and his cultivation base has greatly increased, and he was promoted to a disciple of the inner court.

Qin Yi loosened his eyebrows coldly and proudly, slowly stroked his goatee, and glanced at him: "I know, you all want to know that Miss's current cultivation level...!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone held their breath and waited to listen.

The Qin and Yan families are now grasshoppers tied to the same rope, sharing weal and woe, and their reliance is Qin Qing. Naturally, the stronger Qin Qing is, the more stable their position will be.

"Miss has successfully broken through the third level of the Earth Immortal, and is about to break through the fourth level of the Earth Immortal. According to what I have seen these days, Miss is invincible in the world. She can be said to be No. 1 in the Heavenly Immortal Realm." Qin Yi said slowly, as if The muffled thunder pierced through the void, shaking everyone's hairs on end.

"Heavenly Wonderland No. 1!"

Qin Ao and the members of the Yan family were stunned on the spot, mixed with shock, astonishment, excitement, and tears. Their emotions were complicated and emotional, and a sense of arrogance rose in everyone's eyes.

"Miss also has many elders to help out. Now Xuanwu Sect, except for the disciples of the Holy Court, who dares to shout and presumptuously in front of the lady. The lady is preparing to participate in the Beihai Exchange Conference. She will not participate in this century-old trial, and explain it. This time I am the representative of Qin and Yan's team leaders. As for the points of credit, the lady has already said hello. Everyone from our Qin and Yan families can enter the Heiwu area, and whoever dares to offend us, even the Bai family , and have nothing to say."

Qin Yi looked arrogant, snapped his fingers and smiled, and continued: "In the Heiwu area, there are countless magic weapons, seeds of true energy, and even true energy from beyond the sky. All kinds of spiritual treasures of heaven and earth are everywhere. The mission of our two families is not To win the experience result, but to use the opportunity to self-cultivate and improve the cultivation base."

"Finally, I can hope to break through the third level~~"

An ancestor of the Yan family sighed in tears.

Not only him, but everyone present was unhappy. They all knew that letting them enter the Heiwu area to practice this time was to simply let them enter to obtain magic weapons and improve their cultivation base. It was completely an opportunity to practice.

Moreover, this is absolutely unprecedented in the history of Xuanwumen.

Qin Yi continued: "Now Miss intends to train Miss Qin Ming and Miss Lin Lang. They are practicing with Miss, and they have all broken through to the Earth Immortal. With Miss sitting in charge, they will all become outstanding disciples in the inner court after a few years!"

"It's been less than a year since they entered the Xuanwu Sect, and they actually broke through to the Earth Immortal from the seventh level of the Meat Immortal. My God, it's been a few months... Breaking through several realms in succession, it's unbelievable!"

Everyone was excited, their blood was surging, and they all opened their eyes enviously. They were really envious. If they were favored by Qin Qing, then they would be the same. After a few years, they would all become high-level disciples of the Xuanwu Sect.

"To win the Yan family's heart completely, and other families, we must give them a taste of sweetness..." Qin Yi said darkly in his heart, just now deliberately talking about Qin Ming is actually a provocative method, and it is also a psychological tactic. The purpose is to let more people follow the Qin family.

"Now Miss, there are a large number of followers, and most of them are outstanding disciples. They are taken care of by Miss. Whoever does not get benefits, you are the same, and other clansmen, as long as you follow Miss wholeheartedly, not today, but tomorrow. I will be helped by the lady, and in the future, our lady will be No.1 in Xuanwumen."

Qin Yi stood up, his robe rattled, his voice was like a torrent, and Changhong was shaken with air.

"We serve Miss wholeheartedly!" Everyone present immediately swore to the sky and swore allegiance to Qin Qing.

"Very well, your task in the future is to gather people around, no matter who they are, and Miss Loyalty, they will get great benefits, by the way, you seem to have something to do just now?"

Qin Yi sat down and looked at Qin Ao. Although both of them were of the same generation, but now that Qin Yi was promoted to inner court disciple, Qin Ao became a junior in front of him.

Qin Ao took a step forward, and said with a heavy expression, "Old Ancestor, just now, a disciple of the Jing family dared to seize Tianmu Peak, killed Yanhu, and threatened that Tianmu Peak would be his domain from now on!"

"A disciple of the Jing family?"

Suddenly heard, Qin Yi's gaze was like a sword, sharp, but he hid it immediately, and asked unhurriedly: "The Jing family is indeed a giant, but our lady is not afraid, they have three disciples of the Holy Court, and our lady , but behind him is an elder who has a higher status than the disciples of the Holy Court, what is the origin of this person?"

"This man's name is Jing Wuming, he is only the first level of the earthly immortal, but he is very strong. As soon as he made a move, he killed Yanhu. In front of him, Yanhu was as weak as an ant!" Thinking of the hysterical expression in front of Ye Yun It felt like Qin Ao was shocked and hated, wishing to peel Ye Yun and cramp.

Qin Yi's whole body trembled, raised his eyebrows, raised his eyes, waved his big hand, and the air condensed, as if the entire space was under his control: "Jing Wuming...Jing Wuming!"

"Old Ancestor, do you know this person?"

All the people present were puzzled, what if a weak Earth Immortal, even if he was a member of the Jing family, with such a low realm, it was worthy of Qin Yi's fury.

Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, his brows were condensed with anger: "You don't often walk around inside the Xuanwu Gate, hum, that Jing Wuming is known as a genius like Miss, not long ago, he was a first-level Earth Immortal , defeated his fellow clansman, Jing Yuan, that Jing Yuan, but a high and outstanding disciple, Earth Immortal Qichong."

"First level of Earth Immortal, defeat seventh level...?"

In an instant, everyone was shocked again. Everyone felt that the sky was about to collapse. There were old people present, old people who had lived hundreds of people. , Meng Zhan, Jing Wuming, each of them has such talent and strength.

Could it be that the world has changed, and practice has become as normal and simple as eating.

In their world view, practice is like walking, one step at a time. Moreover, you can't see the end, you can't see the front, you can't see through the fog. Heaven and earth, and these old people, they stand in the world without face.

"Jing Wuming, he actually came to our place, but I have never heard of any intersection between him and the Ye family. It seems unintentional to intervene in this matter. Qin Ao, follow me to meet this Jing Wuming, Tan Tan His mouth!"

"Yes!" Qin Yi didn't dare to disobey, but he was afraid of Ye Yun in his heart. If that kind of person wants to kill someone, if he can stop him, even the Qin Yi in front of him is worthy of death in front of Ye Yun.

With a whoosh, the two disappeared in front of everyone.

"That Jing Wuming is actually that kind of person. Even the ancestors would not dare to offend..." After Qin Yi and Qin Ao disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sat down to discuss with each other.

"From today onwards, I will protect Tianmu Peak as Jing Wuming, so that seniors can practice with peace of mind. I have given a large number of elixir and magic weapons to Brother Yu, and he will distribute everything!"

Tianmu Peak, the hall of the pavilion, Ye Yun sat on top, and below were a dozen or so members of the Ye family, they were respectful and did not dare to neglect anything.

"In the past few days, I will help everyone overcome the tribulation and successfully step into the realm of true and virtual, and then you will go to Tianchen Peak to build a foundation. Once the foundation is successfully built, everyone here will be an earth immortal. You are superior to others." Ye Yun explained the matter clearly without a trace of confusion.

"Jing Wuming, I am Qin Yi from the Qin family, I hope to meet you, I am waiting outside!"

Suddenly, Qin Yi's polite and respectful voice came from the sky.

"Sure enough, they are still here. You stay here. If they are here to cause trouble, I don't mind if they come to kill one or another!"

Ye Yun stood up, the cold air was overwhelming, it turned into a wisp of breeze, and flew out of the hall in an instant.

On the left side of the empty forest sea, Qin Yi and Qin Ao stood in the middle of the forest sea. As the forest sea swayed, the two of them looked dignified. When they saw Ye Yun coming, they both saluted each other. Qin Yi said: "Brother Jing, I just heard that you are here Tianxiafeng showed great power, defeated Jing Yuan, and uttered a bad word for your elder brother Jing Wuhui, he didn't expect to come to this wasteland in a short time, it's a long way to welcome him!"

"I don't want to talk to you guys. From now on, Tianmu Peak will be my dojo. Every person and thing in it belongs to me. If the Qin family wants to go back to Tianmu Peak, let Qin Qing come! Get lost!" Ye Yun said aloofly , in the face of the Earth Immortal Four Layer, blowing one breath can kill him.

Qin Yi shivered, his heart itching with hatred, but on the surface he acted as if nothing had happened, politely saluted, and turned around and flew away with Qin Ao.

"The Qin family used to be arrogant and domineering. From now on, I will kill your arrogance!" Ye Yun didn't expect the other party to give in so quickly. However, the Qin family is not a persimmon. Yun was not afraid at all, he still wanted to see Qin Qingtian's true face.

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