The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 93 Exotic Treasures in the World


The aura was instantly shattered, and the strange power was shattered instantly, forming a vortex of destruction, which suddenly exploded, shaking the surrounding ten-foot space, as if it was about to shatter like a mirror.

At the seventh level of the Earth Immortal, he realized part of the laws of heaven and earth, and the elements of heaven and earth exist in the space. It is difficult for a monk in the Earth Immortal Realm to control a large number of elements in the space. However, the attack launched by this old man can actually affect the space. It can be seen that his blow, How powerful it is.


The Spear of Blood Underworld pierced the sky with long whistles, deep and low sounds, pierced the sky, the void oscillated, pierced the void and destroyed it, and pierced out with a single shot, shaking the heavens and the earth, bursting with blood.

The entire void was condensed with a long blood rain. These blood rains merged Buddha and true energy into one, and they wanted to swallow the blood gun, but the blood gun suddenly burst out with holy starlight, smashing everything.

Ye Yun withdrew the blood spear, and grabbed the head of the old man in his hand, and the old man's body crashed to the ground, his dantian was so powerful that there was no master to control it, and it disappeared into nothingness.

"Earth Immortal Seventh Level... This person's cultivation base is really strong, dare to compare with Eighth Level, but in front of the Blood Spear, even if you are a tenth level giant, you have to bow your head and suffer death!"

Grabbing hard, the head was turned into powder, twisted into powder by true energy, disregarding the corpses and ruins all over the ground, Ye Yun turned around and flew down the hut, with a flick of his finger, the steel shattered, Ye Yun passed through the hut like a frightened bird, pulling Taking Yin Fu's hand, she flew excitedly to the dusk sky.

"what happened?"

In the mysterious place of Tiandu City, many strong men felt the earth-shattering battle just now. These hermits flew out one after another, stared at the palace, and then flew away.

"Oh my god... something big is going to happen!"

Around the palace, a large number of monks flew from nowhere, surrounded the ruined palace, each one was stunned, the majestic palace was razed to the ground.


In the sky, fly to the twilight void of Raksha City.

"Yun'er, are you not injured? Show your mother!"

Ye Yun exerted his strength and dragged his mother Yin Fu to fly towards Rakshasa City. Yin Fu seemed to have not recovered from the trembling scene just now, and flew all the way to ask Ye Yun how he was.

"Mother, the baby is fine, Wushan is ahead, and dad is right there!"

The two figures passed through layers of forests, crossed one after another mountain peaks, and immediately arrived at Wushan Mountain. A sentry below had already discovered the arrival of the two of them.


Ye Yuan, Ye Wentian and the others stood on the ground, eagerly looking forward to the void. When they saw Ye Yun, Ye Yuan immediately felt at ease, but the moment he saw Yin Fu, Ye Yuan couldn't control his emotions and trembled uncontrollably. .


Yin Fu flew towards Ye Yuan from mid-air like a butterfly, and the two embraced at the same time, holding each other together with expressions on their faces. At this moment, all the members of the Ye family watched this affectionate scene.

Years of parting, turned into tears and speechless, without rushing emotions, it is so natural.

"Xiao Yun, what happened to Bai Xiong?"

The Great Elder asked everyone in the Ye family to avoid and continue to work. He pulled Ye Yun to the side, first checked whether Ye Yun was injured, and then asked in relief.

"Great Elder, I'm going to retreat for a few days, tell my parents for me!"

After Ye Wentian reminded, Ye Yun remembered Bai Xiong who was imprisoned in the black evil spirit gourd, and there were countless monks. After reminding him, Ye Yun instantly appeared in a hidden cave in the mountain stream.

"Oh? There are seven or eight people who died, and they were burned by the real fire of Heisha, leaving no bones left. The rest of these people are still desperately escaping. Hmph, let's all die!"

Sacrifice the black evil spirit gourd, and at the same time suck out the Raksha ghost life pill from the storage ring, while absorbing the life pill to replenish the true energy in the body, while checking the black evil spirit gourd.

When the consciousness enters the space of the spirit gourd, there is a smell of burning. In the dark void, there are countless dead souls crying, Jie Jie devil crying, and in the void, there are many magic weapons floating, all of which were burned by the real fire of Heisha. The number of magic weapons repaired by the dead monks was only a dozen or so, and the quality of the rest of the magic weapons was too poor to withstand the real fire of Heisha, and they were reduced to ashes along with their masters.

And the rest of the dozen or so magic weapons are all of high quality, but they are all low-level holy weapons with weak mana, but the material is good, so they were not swallowed by the real fire of Heisha. There is nothing left, only the magic weapon container is left, and the power has been digested by the real fire of Heisha.

"Still struggling!"

Controlling the power of the spirit gourd, Ye Yun blinked and appeared on the other side of the void, and suddenly saw Bai Xiong fighting against the real fire of Heisha, but it was already a pointless struggle.

"How could it be possible, the real fire of Heisha? In a small continent like the Purple Jade Continent, why would there be a real fire of Heisha from the Lanfeng Sect of the North Sea?"

During the fight, Bai Xiong stared at the real fire of Heisha with great fear, and Fangfo knew the real fire of Heisha very well, so he released a power that did not belong to him to compete with the real fire of Heisha, and the real fire of Heisha unexpectedly broke through Without this mysterious power.

"The power is so powerful, and it's very weird. This Bai Xiong is really not simple. He is completely different from before... Could it be that he also had adventures in these few months!"

Feeling the strange power emanating from Bai Xiong's body, Ye Yun was full of doubts, and he had a feeling that if he let Bai Xiong go this time and let him conquer this power, there would be endless troubles.

Immediately, Ye Yun released terrifying true energy and fed it to the spirit gourd. Sure enough, the spirit gourd that had gained power suddenly lowered a more powerful black evil fire, surrounded Bai Xiong, and burned it surgingly.

"Ah, hateful boy, I didn't expect this old man to end up in this field and be bullied by an earth fairy boy. Damn it, boy, your enemy Bai Xiong, not long ago, this old man took away his body and successfully seized his body. I'm dead, if I can let the old man go, then the old man will give you the treasure that everyone in China wants, how about it?"

Knowing that he was about to die, Bai Xiong seemed unwilling to do so, he sacrificed that mysterious power to keep his last body, and at the same time solemnly spoke to Ye Yun.

"I don't care who you are, even if you used to be a strong man in the fairyland, but now, it's your destiny to become a plaything in my hand, don't struggle, but I want to hear you continue!" Ye Yun floated Void, it seems that the entire space is integrated with him, the space is him, and he is the master.

"Please make this old man feel better!" Bai Xiong couldn't stand the real anger of Heisha, he lowered his head and begged, with a pitiful appearance, like a stray dog ​​that no one took care of, begging for mercy at Ye Yun.

Ye Yun also wanted to listen, and he was very interested in this mysterious figure who took Bai Xiong's body. To put it simply, he was interested in his mysterious power. Once he won it, Ye Yun would gain more. As a life-saving method, he grabbed it with his big hand, and the real fire of Heisha weakened a lot.

Bai Xiong shuddered all over, his whole body relaxed a lot, his eyes were dark, and he put on an imposing manner: "My name is Luo Sanxian, he comes from Shenzhou, tens of thousands of years ago, he fought for a peerless treasure, and ended up in the flesh Falling, luckily sent the primordial spirit in time, broke the law of space, and luckily came to the northern continent."

"Primordial Spirit Duoshe? It seems that your previous cultivation level was at least above the eighth level of the Celestial Immortal!" When Ye Yun heard this, he probably knew the strength of Luo Sanxian.

"Boy, you have vision, and you are also an extraordinary person. It seems that meeting you is not my fairy fate, but yours. I don't know, but you have heard of the 'Great Thousand Gods Picture'!" Luo After the three immortals finished speaking, the whole person turned into an ancient beast, looking at Ye Yun.

"The Great Thousand God Map? Are you kidding? No one knows the Great Thousand God Map, but it only exists in mythology. How can such a fairy thing really exist?"

Although Ye Yun was calm on the surface, he was shocked and turbulent in his heart, because he also knew the picture of the great thousand gods that Luo Sanxian said, and he had read it in the ancient book of Xuanwumen Wusheng Pagoda.

Since ancient times, no one knows whether it is the gods who created all things, or the immortals who created the world. From ancient times to the present, various myths have been circulated. Among them, there is a legend about the picture of the Great Thousand Gods.

Before the world was opened, the universe was in chaos, but an immortal who came from nowhere held a divine map, separated the chaotic stars, divided the chaos into layers of space, and recorded them all on the divine map , Later, the immortal disappeared, leaving behind this picture of the Great Thousand Gods.

It is rumored that countless spaces are recorded in this divine map, which is exactly one coordinate, and the immortal marked the planets that exist in each space plane one by one, and even left the magic weapon of life in countless plane planets Among them, and he also killed and sealed countless demons in the divine map.

Legend has it that whoever gets the Great Thousand God Map can freely travel between planes, and whoever can become the master of the God Map can control giant beasts and demons that are more terrifying than immortals, and there are countless treasures.

Since ancient times, no one has been able to prove the existence of the Great Thousand Gods Map, at least in the lower plane of Shenzhou, no one even believes that the Great Thousand Gods Map really exists.

The Daqian God Picture is only a kind of myth and legend, which was recorded in the ancient books by Da Neng, the ancestor of Shenzhou, and was recorded by later generations, but so far, the Great Thousand God Picture is just a legend.

Therefore, when Luo Sanxian mentioned the Daqian Shentu, Ye Yun's heart could no longer be calm, and his blood was surging. If the legend really existed, then he undoubtedly discovered the New World.

"However, you can't believe everything this person says, and you may or may not believe it..."

After the analysis, Ye Yun probably had an idea in his mind.

"The map of the Great Thousand Gods really existed. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, in the space where the planes of China were located, there was a cosmic storm that destroyed several planes. The plane is even more advanced, but in the storm, everything is destroyed, and in the storm, there is actually a extinction light from the high-level space. A piece of Turing, and then from the high-level storm, countless immortals followed. They are real immortals. Almost every immortal can destroy a plane, a planet. In order to compete for the divine figure Turing, a crowd of immortals occurred No one knows the details, but none of the immortals got the Great Thousand God Map Turing!"

Luo Sanxian spoke eloquently, breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "That fairy battle was witnessed by many powerful people from different planes. Tens of thousands of years ago, a human immortal patriarch failed to cross the catastrophe, and unexpectedly flew out of his body the Great Thousand God Turing, causing countless human immortal giants in China to rob him, and there were even more powerful experts, but the Great Thousand God Turing It seems to be conscious, it chose me as a host, and I became the first person to have Turing in thousands of years, the reason why I was able to deal with Heisha True Fire just now is the power of Turing!"

"Great Thousand Gods Map, Turing?"

At this time, Ye Yun really believed what Luo Sanxian said. He had seen the myth of the Great War of Immortals tens of thousands of years ago. He thought it was a myth and legend, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"Now in this world, I am the only one who can control the Great Thousand God Map Turing. Once I merge, I will become the second person to control the God Map after the Great Immortal Chaos. At that time, I can go to any level of plane, But now I don’t have this or that ability. To tell you the truth, I hope you can cooperate with me. In this world, I am the only one who can get Turing’s attention. If you kill me, Turing will fly away. Humans can get it, and you don't even want to control Turing, even the immortals couldn't control it back then!"

It seemed that Ye Yun had moved his mind, Luo Sanxian's mouth was like a river, and he used all kinds of schemes one by one, just to persuade Ye Yun softly and hard.

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