"Don't kill me, I'm a windrunner!!!"

The five fingers with Taiyi's chaotic true energy and huge primordial spirit power were clasped on the Tianling Gai of Immortal Emperor Suofeng. The whole person was pinched by Ye Yun like a chicken, and Immortal Suofeng desperately tried to survive.

A special physique, a miraculous life form in the world.

Immortal Emperor Suofeng struggled heart-rendingly and shouted: "I am Windrunner, Ye Yun, you and I are from the same sect, don't kill me, I am willing to be your slave for the rest of my life!"

"Your physique, I am bound to get it, as for you...you can disappear forever!"

The five fingers exerted strength suddenly, and the golden light fell into Immortal Emperor Suofeng's mind. When he shook his hands, he seemed to lose his strength, swaying back and forth powerlessly in mid-air.

Whoosh whoosh~!

A series of authentic seals entangled the body of Immortal Emperor Suofeng. As for the primordial spirit, Ye Yun had planted a mysterious imprint on it. Immediately, Immortal Suofeng moved, and just knelt down in front of Ye Yun like a walking corpse: " Owner!"

"What secrets does Nangong Yun have?"

To completely control Immortal Emperor Suofeng, Ye Yun is going to attack Nangong Yun. An existence as powerful as Mo Lao You Ji, maybe even stronger than Mo Lao You Ji. To confront such a character, one must grasp his abilities clearly. details.

Immortal Emperor Suofeng replied numbly: "Nangong Yun is a god cultivator. At the fifth level of Immortal Emperor, he obtained a set of god-level qigong in the Unbounded Land, plus a natal magic weapon. His strength is within the broken period. , almost invincible!"

"Natal magic weapon? This person has successfully refined the natal magic weapon?"

After hearing this, Ye Yun's body shook, he had personally experienced the power of the talisman.

At the beginning, Zhenjun Qiankun's natal magic weapon was suppressed in the realm of punishment, and was used by Tiangong Temple to control the power of Wuji. After Zhenjun Qiankun got it, his strength increased greatly. Carry out a big chase in deep space evenly, across the deep space.

If it weren't for Wuwu Beast, it might be difficult to parry.

Another example is Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud's third sky eye, which might also be a talisman of natal life. When it is activated, it can actually compete with True Lord Qiankun, which is unbelievable.

The cultivators who possess the natal magic weapon are all geniuses, because the natal magic weapon can only be obtained by chance and coincidence, and refining it into a natal magic weapon requires various conditions.

At the beginning of the Starfall Realm, Ye Yun helped Guangwang Xianjun to refine the Starfall Realm into a magic weapon. This is a kind of chance, and factors are needed. Only then can Guangwang Xianjun practice the original power of starfall.

The emperor of Xingdu never expected that in the quadruple immortal world, he is a giant of the immortal emperor, and relying on the starfall, he is an invincible existence. Whoever meets Ye Yun breaks the rules, so, instead, by chance , to achieve the great luck of Guangwang Xianjun, and in the future, it is possible to refine the original starfall into a natal magic weapon.

Everything shows that the magic weapon of life cannot be refined by everyone.

However, Nangong Yun was able to successfully refine the talisman, and it was still an extraordinary fairy weapon. With the cultivation of a god cultivator, his strength had reached the peak of the broken stage, there was no doubt about it.

"Is there a flaw?" Ye Yun asked after thinking about it.

Immortal Emperor Suofeng said: "Nangong Yun's natal magic weapon is a ninth-grade immortal artifact named 'Jiuhua Juyun Banner'. If this natal magic weapon can be controlled, Nangong Yun's supernatural powers will not be able to be displayed!"

"To say it is to say nothing..."

Control the talisman?How can it be so simple, it is better to suppress it directly, Ye Yun pondered carefully again, it seems that the old method is the most practical.

"let's go!"

Ye Yun urged Xiaoqian, and the defense of the law world instantly wrapped Immortal Emperor Suofeng, and they flew into the enchantment of the fairy world together.

Tula Mountains, Canglan Island!

All around the main palace, there was complete silence!

"You, you actually reached the peak of Vientiane!!!"

Around the magic palace on the right side of the main palace, a large number of corpses are floating, and at the entrance of the magic palace, 25 giants disguised as the old disciples of Youjimo, and have captured hundreds of people. As for Tu Shenqi, they are using seals to suppress Fei Yujiao , and several other witches, all of whom are core figures around Taizu Fucang.

Originally, Fei Yujiao gave Fu Cang Taizu a decree, to cut off the right arm and right arm of Youjimo, and cut off the back trick of Youjimo who ambushed in Youjimotian.

In the end, instead, he was taken over by Tu Shenqi!

The few witches, led by Fei Yujiao, are now being suppressed by Tu Shenqi, so they have to believe that all this is true.

"Hey, if I didn't hide my strength, wouldn't it be true that I was murdered by you bastards, and your primordial spirit has been imprisoned by me. If you dare to contact Taizu Fucang, you will be out of your wits in an instant. Yujiao, my Strength, you have also seen it, I advise you, don't struggle, surrender to me!"

Tu Shenqi is very sympathetic and cherishes jade, but his real intention is for the future. Once Ye Yun leaves, he needs a lot of super emperors to sit by his side. Fei Yujiao and these witches are all super emperors. Heavenly Demon God Valley Continent is naturally the king among kings.

With the foundation, he can become the real devil lord of the Tula Mountains after Ye Yun left.

"A fool's dream!"

Those witches all disdain, Tu Shenqi is too weak, he can surpass them, but can he surpass Taizu Fucang and Nangong Yuntou?

Once they took refuge in Tushenqi, Taizu Fucang would never let them go.

At this time, Fei Yujiao spoke, and persuaded coldly: "Senior brother Tu, I advise you to give up decisively. To be honest, Senior Nangong and Master have secretly decided long ago to destroy Elder Youjimo. What do you think? With Mo Lao alone, can he be their opponent? If you let us go now and turn to the light, you will not die!"

"Haha, you are so naive!" Tu Shenqi shook his head and sighed softly.

Fei Yujiao didn't need to understand Tu Shenqi's intentions, she still said according to her own ideas: "Also...you are too indifferent to Senior Brother Suofeng, his strength is very powerful, even I am no match for him, your senior senior brother is not as strong as You will definitely be beheaded by him, in this way, the master will know everything outside, and you will still die!"

"You are talking about Immortal Emperor Suofeng?"

At this time, a breath of nothingness suddenly appeared on the side of the magic palace.


People look over.

I saw Immortal Emperor Suofeng numbly following Ye Yun out of the void. Of course, Ye Yun had recovered his appearance as a senior brother at this time. When Fei Yujiao and other witches saw Immortal Emperor Suofeng, their eyes flickered with strong hope.

It's a pity that Immortal Emperor Suofeng ignored him at all, and followed Ye Yun, flying down the magic palace like a servant, and reunited with Tu Shenqi.

"Brother? Could it be!!"

All the abnormal behaviors of Immortal Emperor Suofeng were like two different people. This group of witches were all dumbfounded, as if they knew what happened.

"This is Immortal Emperor Suofeng? I knew it, you killed him for nothing!"

Tu Shenqi glanced coldly at Immortal Emperor Suofeng, and then congratulated Ye Yun, which meant that Ye Yun had completed the task.

Ye Yun said: "I've been paying attention to the situation inside. It's time to take all these people down. Only this Fei Yujiao is needed, and the rest are useless!"

"Okay, take people down and seal them up!"

With a wave of Tu Shenqi's hand, disciples from You Ji Mo Lao rushed up from the side, leaving only Fei Yujiao, and the rest of the masters went down one by one.

At this time, there were only four people left in the Demon Palace.


Fei Yujiao suddenly screamed, and she lost consciousness, becoming the same existence as Immortal Emperor Suofeng.

"That's the way to be honest!" Ye Yun put down his hand slowly, he had already sealed Feiyujiao Yuanshen, and she became just a tool in his hands.

"Now I can ask You Ji Mo Lao to deliberately refine the divine blood. These two people are the key to success, just like using the elder brother to attack You Ji Mo Lao back then. Of course, this time it is just in case, I will use The power of the divine blood allows Nangong Yun and Taizu Fucang to eat it, but they can't digest it, so I spit out as much as I eat!"

After taking control of Fei Yujiao, Ye Yun already had a detailed plan, and now there is only one last move to go. Generally speaking, even if he fails, he and Tu Shenqi can leave safely.

But if he decides to do it, Ye Yun will not allow failure.

At this moment, in the Lord Demon Palace!


The main hall is empty, and Youji Molao, Taizu Fucang, and Nangong Yun form a triangle. In the sky above, in a huge dharma realm, that piece of divine blood floating in the void has been continuously fused by the three forces, and it will return from time to time. There are three breaths of essence and blood, which are in contact with the blood of the gods.

The past few years!

The divine blood is still not refined, but neither Nangong Yun nor Taizu Fucang showed much impatience. On the contrary, the more difficult it is to refine the divine blood, the purer the divinity. Once fused, they can have the breath of divine blood in their bodies , Surpassing all Super Emperors.

Become a true demigod!


Suddenly, the divine blood, which had been standing still, seemed to be continuously refined by three powerful forces, and finally compromised, as if the boiling water was gurgling with a trace of air.


As the blood of the gods changed, the three of them opened their eyes almost at the same time, and the elder You Jimo was the first to strike, waving his hands directly to release the terrifying demonic energy, and grabbed the blood of the gods.

"Damn old devil, I knew you would backtrack!"

Taizu Fucang and Nangong Yun had arranged everything in secret long ago. Following You Ji Mo Lao's move to snatch the divine blood, the two of them flew towards the divine blood at the same time, condensed a majestic devil energy, and turned into a big hand, which was almost the same as You Ji Mo Lao. At the same time grab the blood around.


At this time, the three of them almost relied on their strongest skills to directly absorb the blood of the gods.

A drop of divine blood drove the three demon lords crazy.

The divine blood gradually peeled off three strands of divine blood, which poured into the hands of the three demon masters. The hands possessed terrifying suction power, greedily relying on their strong cultivation to snatch the divine blood.

"Swipe, swoosh, swoosh!"

In this way, the blood threads of the three gods were slowly sucked into the body by the three demon masters, and after less than ten breaths, a drop of divine blood was absorbed by Nangong Yun and Taizu Fucang, while Youji Molao obviously Being at a disadvantage, even if he took the first shot, he would get less than one-tenth of the divine blood.


The divine blood disappeared, and the barrier formed by the three of them was shattered in an instant, and a big explosion occurred, overturning the three of them!

"Old devil, since you came, I will activate the big formation, just take a look!"

In an instant, Taizu Fucang flew high, and the entire magic palace disappeared into nothingness. Yujiao suppressed it, and the four of them also watched the sudden change of the world in astonishment.

"As expected of a giant in the Broken Period, every palace is originally a formation eye, and a master is a master. I didn't even see it!"

After the sudden change, the world became icy cold, a bottomless barrier wrapped the entire sky, there were only seven people, and there was no longer any material existence.

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