Xuanwu Gate, Haotian Peak, Haotian Palace.

The huge square is empty and there are few people there. Occasionally, people pass through it. Perhaps because of the great event of the century-old trial, the entire Haotian Peak is very quiet.


A circle of dust waves swept away in all directions like a halo, Ye Yun landed in the center, his blue robes fluttered, glanced at Haotian Palace, and then strode up.

"Oh, is there anyone else coming?"

In the Haotian Palace, a dozen or so principals chatted happily, and suddenly heard the sound of footsteps in the main hall, and they all looked over curiously.

"Third-level task, Baishanguo, I don't know how to calculate the credit?" Ye Yun came to the counter without being wordy, and said his intentions directly.

"Jing Wuming?"

An old man took the token, and suddenly a lot of information appeared in his mind. He frowned and looked at Ye Yun. Others also looked at Ye Yun with different eyes.

The old man did the math, turned around for a while, and looked at Ye Yun calmly: "Five Baishan Spiritual Fruits count as a merit point, hand in four, keep one for yourself, it is a mission reward, how many Baishan Spirit Fruits do you have?" Spirit fruit?"

"To participate in the Heiwu Territory Trial, you need ten credits, that's forty spiritual fruits, and I have hundreds of them here..." Ye Yun pinched his fingers and figured it out, so he took out five spiritual fruits from the storage ring. The ten hundred good fruits were handed over to the old man.


Seeing so many Hundred Virtue Fruits, the old man was stunned for a moment, and the others were also speechless, as if they didn't expect that with Ye Yun's level of cultivation, he could get so many Hundred Virtue Fruits.

Everyone present naturally knew that Jing Wuming, and the third-level task, Baishan Lingguo, very few people completed the task this time, only a few outstanding disciples gained a lot, while inner court disciples and outer court disciples had less than ten pieces. But Ye Yun took out so much at once, which shows how supernatural his methods are.

"You can keep these ten hundred good fruits for yourself, and the credit points will be credited to you!" The old man put away the hundred good fruits, and grabbed them angrily behind him, and Ye Yun's messages appeared on them one by one.

Ye Yun confirmed it was correct, turned around and left silently.

"This Jing Wuming is even more outstanding than the legends. Have you seen that the true energy in him is extremely strong, and I am afraid that he is one of the few disciples of the new generation!"

"A while ago, I have received news that the disciples of the three great holy courts of the Jing family have secretly made Jing Wuming the core of this trial. It seems that Jing Wuming is making a big splash in this trial competition!"

After Ye Yun left, various discussions came from the empty hall.



"Fortunately, you came back in time. The day after tomorrow is the opening day of the trial, and the ancestor will show up tomorrow!"

As soon as he returned to the palace, Jing Wuhui pulled Ye Yun to ask questions, he was very worried, and even reprimanded him, but luckily he was a brother, Ye Yun was not angry.

Ye Yun didn't say a word, and went back to his room to practice behind closed doors. While he was practicing behind closed doors, disciples from the other two peaks of the Jing family gathered towards Tianxia Peak one after another.

The number of people was nearly a thousand, ranging from meat immortals to outstanding disciples. Jing Wuhui, as the leader of this team, showed up in advance and arranged everything, waiting for Jing Tianxia to show up tomorrow, ready to go.

A day flies by.

On this day, early in the morning, all members of the Jing family gathered in the largest square of Tianxia Peak, and there was a lot of voices. They all looked towards the east, as if they were waiting for someone to come.

Sure enough, Jing Tianxia, ​​one of the three disciples of the Jing family's three holy courts, appeared, and publicly confirmed that Jing Wuhui was the leader, allowing Jing Wuhui, a disciple of the inner court, to steal the limelight. Among them, many disciples complained bitterly. This time the team leader turned out to be a disciple from the inner court, not an outstanding disciple.

Jing Tianxia only said a few words, full of majesty, no one would not listen, after a short while, he disappeared out of thin air, and Jing Wuhui began to explain trivial matters.

"Hmph, Jing Wuhui, what qualifications does he have to be the team leader?"

"That's right, if a mere inner courtyard disciple is the team leader, if other families see it, wouldn't he laugh his ass off, brothers, don't you think so?"

Suddenly, the crowd in the square was commotion, and many disciples started talking loudly and chattering endlessly, and standing behind them were several outstanding disciples.

It turned out that they were under the favor of the outstanding disciples, specifically to make Jing Wuhui look bad.

These outstanding disciples are usually arrogant, defiant, arrogant, and often go out to practice or perform tasks. This time they come back to compete for the leader of the trial. As a leader, there are many benefits, and they have the right to collect treasures from anyone. Almost everyone's credit points must be handed over to the team leader for review.

As a team leader, you can naturally reap a lot of benefits. In the past century of trials, many team leaders have become upstarts. This time, the outstanding disciples have lost their shares, so they will naturally not give up easily.

Another point is that in Xuanwumen, the status is based on strength, even if Jing Tianxia recognizes that Jing Wuhui is the leader, other people can speak freely and even take over the leader.

"Jing Wuhui, I came back this time to lead the team. This century-old trial competition is a rare and great benefit for the Jing family. With your cultivation level, isn't it going to hold everyone back and hinder the progress of the team? Everyone benefits?"

An outstanding disciple came to the center openly. He was wearing a silver robe, and his cultivation base had broken through to the eighth level of the earth immortal. He raised his hands and feet, and there was an aura of destruction. It seemed that everything would be shattered in front of him.

Jing Wuhui frowned, as if he had already seen the intention of the other party: "Officer Jing, the leader of the team this time was ordered by the ancestor. No matter how incompetent I am, Jing Wuhui, I know that I will follow orders. If you have anything to say, go to the ancestor. theory."

"Old Ancestor? Don't use the Ancestor to overwhelm me. If you can resist a move in front of me, then I will admit that you are the team leader. If it is not good enough, you will come down automatically. Don't be ashamed of me on the top and kill me. I have lost all face!" The outstanding disciple Jing Guan shouted angrily, domineering every step of the way.

"You are challenging the ancestor!" Jing Wuhui was not afraid at all.

"Coward, with such integrity, you still dare to be the team leader. Come down, I'm you, I've already found a crack in the ground to sneak in, it's embarrassing, shit!"

Several inner court disciples also seemed to be provoked by others, and came out, shouting loudly.

"Make trouble for me, the bigger the trouble, the better!" In the dark, Jing Yuan unexpectedly appeared, and he was also very close to Jing Guan. It turns out that Jing Guan is really Jing Yuan's elder brother.

Last time, Jing Yuan suffered a secret loss from Ye Yun's hands, and he held a grudge in his heart. This time, he notified Jing Guan to come back because he wanted revenge. He wanted to peel Ye Yun and cramp.

"Look, this is the trial token, it has now been fused with my blood essence, and has been recognized by the ancestors, Officer Jing, come up if you have the ability, I will not hesitate to call the ancestors to come!"

At this time, facing the accusations of thousands of people, Jing Wuhui calmly took out an extraordinary token from the storage ring, and with one action in public, everyone fell silent.

"Trial Token!" Jing Guan frowned, gritted his teeth, glanced at Jing Wuhui a few times, then turned and left, and the others also dispersed.

"As expected, Jing Yuan must have been invited by Jing Yuan to make me ugly. No, I want to remind Wu Ming that this Jing official has always been very selfish. He may participate in this trial for Wu Ming's sake. Destiny comes!"

Jing Wuhui's eyes tightened, and after arranging the crowd, he immediately flew towards the main hall with worry in his eyes.

Black Demon Peak, a forbidden area of ​​Xuanwu Gate, except for the Holy Academy and Xiaoxuanjie, no disciples are allowed to enter the Black Demon Peak for a hundred years, because this is the transmission point leading to the Heiwu Territory.

In the early morning of the next day, almost all the disciples of the Xuanwu Sect gathered towards the Black Devil Peak. There were about two-thirds of the disciples, about a hundred thousand disciples, and only half of them were qualified to participate in the century-old trial, and the remaining half , They all come to cheer for their families or friends, and very few of them come to watch the fun.

The Centennial Trial Contest is one of the biggest events of the Xuanwu Sect. Every Centennial Trial Contest is a place where geniuses are achieved and genius disciples become famous.

"Get lost, this is my Zhang family's territory!"

Among the crowd, hundreds of people came suddenly, and the leaders were all outstanding disciples. Among them was a big man with a black beard.

"It's Zhang Kongdao..."

"He is Zhang Kongdao, the genius of the Zhang family, who killed the eighth-fold Earth Immortal with the fifth-fold Earth Immortal... This kind of genius is truly terrifying!"

The crowd all around gasped in amazement, and they couldn't help stepping out of the way, but the strong man Zhang Kongdao, aloof, didn't pay attention to these people at all, he was very domineering.

"Zhang Kongdao, what a big shelf, I haven't seen you for a few days, my temper is good!"

Suddenly, a hundred or so people came from the other side, all of them were outstanding disciples, and there were very few disciples in the inner courtyard. Among them, the leader was a figure of the tenth level of the earth immortal, but these tenth level experts have not spoken. The reason why they participated in the century-old trial was to protect their clansmen. After all, they had already participated in the century-old trial before, and each century-old trial was an opportunity for a new generation of geniuses to emerge.

The speaker was one of the tall, thin young men in his early twenties. He was wearing a blue robe, and he was the third level of the Earth Immortal. A disciple from the outer court dared to speak loudly to Zhang Kongdao, a disciple from the inner court. It seemed that he was not afraid at all. Zhang Kong said.

And behind him was Huang Qi. A few months ago, at Haotian Peak, Huang Qi was defeated by Ye Yun in public. He followed the strong man obediently, like a follower.

"Huang Ming...!"

Zhang Kongdao was not as arrogant as before, but he was still domineering. Just as he wanted to step forward, he was forcibly suppressed by the strong man accompanying him.

"See, that's Huang Ming, the real new generation genius of the Huang family!"

"It is rumored that he killed the old man of the seventh-level Earth Immortal with the third-level Earth Immortal, and some people say that even the strong eighth-level Earth Immortal can't do anything to him!"

The crowd erupted in an even louder exclamation than before.

"This Zhang Kong said with a bullish temper. I didn't expect to be able to hold it back. This kid is really difficult. I'm not sure I can defeat him, but he can't do anything to me. When I break through the fourth level of the earth immortal, it will be his. Time to die!"

Huang Ming cast a gloomy glance at Zhang Kongdao, not taking it seriously.

"Look, there are a few geniuses again..."

"There are countless geniuses this time, and it seems that all the geniuses gathered together, more than the previous hundred-year trial geniuses."

"Look, that's Jing Wuming. Did you see that? He's only at the first level of Earth Immortal, but I heard that he can defeat someone like Huang Qi in the Meat Fairyland. He just defeated someone at the seventh level of Earth Immortal not long ago!"

At this time, the Jing family, led by Jin Wuhui, came to the crowd, and there was a burst of exclamation, which was several times louder than any genius name.

"Jing Wuming...too sharp!"

In the crowd, many hermits and geniuses were staring at Ye Yun, sharpening their knives one by one, as if they wanted to compete with Ye Yun for the title of genius.

"Huang Qi, is that Jing Wuming, right? Don't worry, I will kill him this time. His greatest ability is only to beat the seventh level by leapfrogging, but I can defeat a large group of Earth Immortal Eighth Level powerhouses!"

In the camp of the Huang family, Huang Qi pointed at Jing Wuming and said something to Huang Ming. After hearing this, Huang Ming smiled disdainfully, snorted a few times, and even the air became cold.

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