The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 98 The Evil Servant Puppet

"You have done a good job, continue to follow Jing Wuming, and wait until he enters a place where there is no one in the Heiwu Territory, and then do it."

In the ravine where Ye Yun was just now, Yan Xiao and a graceful woman in blue robe landed lightly, followed by hundreds of Yan family disciples, all of them were inner court disciples and outstanding disciples. An outstanding disciple, he is a genius known throughout the Xuanwu Sect, who is not a pervert like Lin Fengyang.

To dispatch such a large scale, just for a disciple from the outer courtyard whose cultivation base is only the first level of Earth Immortal?

No, Jing Wuming was indeed an ant in the past, but now Jing Wuming is a fish leaping over the dragon's gate and transforming into a heavenly dragon. He must be eliminated, especially Yan Xiao's rival in love. Behind Yan Xiao is the extremely powerful Yan Wubing Support, with this mountain, even an outstanding disciple must be respectful in front of Yan Xiao.

These outstanding disciples have more or less heard the rumors of Jing Wuming. For this kind of genius, after many years, they will definitely threaten the status of these strong men. It is better to kill this threat earlier, so as to save worry and effort.

"I just want to kill Jing Wuming alone, but I don't want to be discovered and become an enemy of the entire Jing family. Hmph, Jing dare to try alone, God really wants to kill you!"

Yan Xiao told the people below her plan verbatim, and asked some of the spies to continue to follow her. After arranging everything, with a confident face, he led the ice beauty Li Linger and set off towards the dark sky.

At this time, there are ruins on the other side.

Huang Ming was leading Huang Qi, and there were another thirty people searching at full speed. Among these people, two were real masters, outstanding disciples, and they came to escort Huang Ming.

"Jing Wuming is clearly coming this way alone... People from the Yang family are also looking for him. I must find Jing Wuming in front of the Yang family!" Huang Qifei was at the front, but he was also flying The ground is the closest, and among all the people, only he has the lowest cultivation.

"This person dares to offend our Huang family, he will definitely die!"

Huang Ming followed, but in his heart, he wanted to kill Jing Wuming even more than Huang Qi. This was not hatred, but jealousy, and he wanted to win Jing Wuming's power.

Also as a genius, there are countless eyes on him. Huang Ming is not an ordinary person. He feels that Jing Wuming is very dangerous, which makes him very afraid. For this kind of genius, if he is not killed before his wings are full, when he When he grows up, it will completely become the focus of the world's attention, and it will be even more difficult to kill him.

It's not just Huang Ming who thinks this way. In fact, the countless family geniuses who participated in the trial this time have all planned this way. No matter which genius they meet, if they kill one and lose one, then no matter in Xuanwumen or in the competition held in the near future , Without a strong enemy, they will naturally come out on top, proud of themselves.

In each hundred-year trial, in fact, in this black area, the killing of each other has never stopped, and it has become more and more intense. Many people even came here under the blessing of the strong and ordered to kill each other.

"Jing Wuming..." Huang Qi speeded up.


Ye Yun flew for about three days and three nights in the vast field of ruins, and finally approached the central area of ​​Hei Wu area. In order not to let the people of the Yan family follow him, Ye Yun deliberately left many remnants along the way. The breath of true energy is to lure the enemy to go deep.

"The aura of evil has become stronger, and we will continue to do our best every step of the way!" Ye Yun released his spiritual thoughts, and he couldn't feel any blood energy, that is, there was no aura of life around him, and no one was alive in this area.

There are no living things in such a large area, which can only explain the same thing, this is a dark world.

Jie Jie!

Sure enough, when Ye Yun entered a certain distance again, there were bursts of deep ghostly sounds from the ground, and then there were strange crackling sounds from the ground, and black shadows flew out from the ground. It's all over the sky, densely packed.

"This is... the evil servant puppet!"

Looking at the black shadows that appeared one by one, there were big and small ones, as huge as a mountain, and the small ones were only as big as a palm, and there were also human-shaped black shadows among them.

Seeing so many evil things flying out of the ground, Ye Yun gasped and was stunned.

Most of these evil creatures are gray-black, or deep black, or blood-black. There is no trace of life, and some are only hungry. They have various shapes, most of them are ancient giant beasts, humans, and small monsters , These are powerful monsters that can be seen in ancient books.

They are evil servants and puppets.

The Hei Wu area was originally a part of the plane. Many years ago, it was cut off by the power of immortals and demons, and fell into this time and space. There are all kinds of life in the continent, including human beings. Demonic energy devours human nature, loses consciousness, and becomes a puppet controlled by evil spirits.

Of course, most of these evil servants and puppets are demons, humans, and monsters after death. After they die, the devilish energy still erodes their bodies. Controlled evil servant puppet.

And the evil servant puppets also have powerful existences, the longer they exist, the greater their power, the more lives they devour, the more powerful their demon nature.

In the ancient books of Xuanwumen, there is a very clear introduction to the Heiwu area. It records almost every kind of evil servant puppets one by one. There are century puppets, thousand year puppets, and ten thousand year puppets. He is a disciple of the Xuanwu sect, transformed by a disciple who has been killed every hundred years. The millennium puppet is extremely powerful, his body can be said to be invulnerable, and his magic power is tyrannical.

As for the ten thousand year puppets, they are existences that are difficult even for the gods, and each one has the magic power to pick up the stars and absorb the moon.

In the Heiwu area, although the evil servant puppets are terrifying, there are also things that are more terrifying than the evil servant puppets, and that is the evil spirits. They are in the center of the Heiwu area. Humans who are adventurous.

In the Heiwu area, the Xuanwu Sect does not hold the right to enter alone. Many powerful celestial beings will also use the Tiangang righteousness left by the Xuanwu Sect in the Heiwu area to enter the Heiwu area to seize treasures.

But many strong people have become hosts of evil spirits.

It is rumored that the Heiwu Territory devours the Tiangang righteousness of the Shenzhou plane day after day, and transforms it into monstrous magic power, which continuously makes the Hei Wu Territory grow, and the Hei Wu Territory is growing and expanding year by year. It seems that the evil spirits want to make the Hei Wu Territory The region becomes the same size as the Shenzhou plane, and then directly devours and demonizes the Shenzhou plane, creating a truly legendary hell.

Hell, the real dark world, is a dark world that every evil spirit wants to enter. Unfortunately, hell is at the lower end of the heaven and earth, and it is so powerful that weak creatures cannot enter it.

Where there is hell, there is naturally heaven.

Originally, whether it is the plane of China or hell, it was originally a huge universe of planes. The gods of creation in ancient times divided the plane with divine power, and the hell where demons live is at the bottom of the plane. The middle level of the world, and heaven, is at the top of the plane world, where is the heaven, the domain of the gods, high above.

The goal of evil spirits is to annex a large number of plane worlds, and then devour living beings. No matter monsters or humans or immortals, once they are devoured, they will capture the host, and they can go to hell and cultivate to the supreme demon state.

Evil spirits were originally born from the residual demon nature of demons that fell from ancient times. At the beginning, they did not have a host, but devoured corpses or living bodies to become real evil spirits. magic space.

"Don't be careless, even if these hundred-year-old puppets of evil servants are scratched by it, they will be absorbed by the devil's energy, and finally demonized into a part of the evil servant!"

Facing the army of thousands of evil servants, Ye Yun was ready to kill them.

The results of each century-old trial are based on the number of evil servants killed. The more evil servants killed, the higher the score. If you can kill the thousand-year-old puppet, you will be rewarded by the sect.

"Jie Jie!"

A few evil human servants rushed towards Ye Yun, like mummy, walking erratically, and also like ghosts, just looking at them makes people horrified, and in the magic pupils, there is a strong devil energy that binds people's body and mind, swallowing will, if The mind couldn't support it, and the will was demonized for a moment, and then the demonic energy entered the body.

"Hundred years of evil servants, there are strong and weak, let me see how difficult you are to deal with!"

Ye Yun waved his hand, a smear of blood-red true energy, shining with luster and starlight, was extremely dazzling in the air, and immediately shocked, the sword energy shot towards the three human-shaped evil servants like sharp arrows.

"This blow has one-third of my strength!" Ye Yun backed up a few feet after striking a blow, and then watched as the true energy slashed at the evil servant.

Chi Chi... With a clatter, the evil servant's skin was broken like rags, and was blown away by the true energy, and the true energy left half a foot deep scars on the evil servant's body. The three evil servants fell to the ground, unable to bear it. Ye Yun struck, but they struggled a few times, bleeding black blood, but the demon energy was not as strong as before.

"It's really strong, my blow, even if it's the sixth level of the Earth Immortal, it's hard to take it!" Ye Yun had the bottom in a moment, the century-old evil servant was in front of Ye Yun, and he could kill him with one move.

Although the century-old evil servant is insignificant in front of Ye Yun, but to the ordinary disciples of the Xuanwu Sect, he is the enemy of life. Among them, among a thousand people, it is rare to have such a tyrannical existence as Ye Yun, even the disciples of the inner court, It is not easy to kill a century-old evil servant, unless it is an outstanding disciple, and if an outstanding disciple meets a thousand-year evil servant, the consequences...

"Mopo, bring it to me!"

The three evil servants swayed and rushed towards Ye Yun, grabbed them with their big hands, squeezed their five fingers, and after three puffs, the three hundred-year-old servants were shattered into pieces, and black beads the size of eyeballs flew out from their heads, and were caught by Ye Yun. Hold it in the palm of your hand, and suddenly, a chilling devilish energy emanates from it.

The black bead, named Mopo, is the pillar of the evil servant's power. It is transformed by the gradual growth of the evil servant's puppet. It contains supreme magic power. It is the treasure of evil spirits' cultivation.

The Mo Po is also a representative of the test results. The more Mo Po, the better the score. After the Xuanwu Sect obtained the Mo Po, they used the Mo Po to seal the Hei Wu area.

For the Xuanwu Sect, the hundred-year trial is an opportunity to weaken the Heiwu Territory, and it is also an excellent opportunity for each disciple to grow and break through. However, many disciples have always fallen during this process.

"This Mopo feels similar to the life pill cultivated by heavenly immortals. Humans cultivate life pills, demons cultivate demon pills, and demons cultivate demon souls, and in the end they all turn into golden pills. Although demons start to cultivate in different ways, in the final analysis, they all practice the same path!"

At this moment, Ye Yun seemed to have grasped something, and gained some insight in the dark.

"Kill him!"

Suddenly, in the middle of the army of evil servants, a ten-foot-tall black behemoth, with bones like black blood, is not only big, but also has a monstrous demonic energy.

"The Millennium Evil Servant... really appeared, but I'm not waiting for you. Since you haven't appeared yet, I'll kill the Evil Servant first and get the Demon Soul!"

Ye Yun sensed that the people from the Yan family hadn't caught up with him for several miles behind him. After calculating the time, Ye Yun simply killed the evil servant puppet first.

"Xuan Gang Sword Qi!"

The terrifying sword energy condensed in Ye Yun's aura, and the aura radiated out, forming a distance of one foot. The evil servants were blocked by one foot away, unable to break through Ye Yun's strong aura. At this time, Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed it. , A stream of sword energy suddenly exploded in all directions.


The sword qi hit each of the evil servants, whether it was a giant beast or a humanoid servant, they were all torn apart by the sword energy, and the other evil servants trembled as soon as they touched Ye Yun's true energy.

Ye Yun's true qi originally contained auspicious light vitality, which was pure and holy power from the heavens. For demonic qi, there was a sense of oppression and weariness, so once the evil servant touched the true qi, it would be corroded by the holy power.

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