Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 085 Flies, Flies Again

The cultural plaza in front of the Democracy Building of Central South University is already crowded with people, because this morning is the military training mobilization meeting for new semester freshmen!

As one of the four universities in China, Central South University is undoubtedly very rich in resources, and of course the source of learning is also quite rich!Although she is only targeting outstanding students from all over the country, the entire China is so vast, and naturally there are countless outstanding students. 【 】

Now the only ones standing on the cultural square are freshman freshmen, combined in a mighty manner, it is not inferior to the equipment of a division during the Anti-Japanese War.

Under the leadership of Miss Qiu Xinyiqiu, Chu Feiyang found his class position. After all, he was taller, and he didn't bother to show off that kind of limelight, so he stood at the end of the class. noodle.

Then it doesn't look like a student at all, watching the busy people around, or what is being arranged on it, or what the people around are talking about.But it's nothing more than those topics-men are naturally communicating with women, and women are nothing more than communicating with men and the latest fashion.

It wasn't until 09:30 in the morning that the military training mobilization meeting of Central South University officially kicked off. Looking at the school leaders and the troops in charge of the military training who were completely unknown on the rostrum except for Chen Zhengnan, Chu Feiyang turned aside. With two eyes, he almost closed his eyes and entered a state of doze.

After all, are there any big beauties worthy of Chu Feiyang's eyes on it? It's nothing more than talking big and good, and two ears are enough.

The autumn wind is cool, and the sweet osmanthus is fragrant. At 9:7 on the morning of September 09, the military training mobilization meeting for freshmen of Central South University was held on time in the Cultural Square.The national flag was raised slowly, accompanied by the melodious melody of the national anthem, and all the freshmen saluted with attention.

Chu Feiyang closed his eyes and heard the words on the rostrum clearly. After the flag-raising ceremony, Liu Zhixue, the teaching director of the Faculty of Arts, introduced the leaders who participated in the mobilization meeting: Lieutenant Colonel Geng Hongliang and Captain Jun Wuhui of the Central South Military Region Comrade Chen Zhengnan, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Central South University; Comrade Feng Juanyun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Liberal Arts; Comrade Liu Yi, Minister of the Department, mobilized for the training.

Then Minister Liu Yi made a speech: Today, we are grandly holding a military training mobilization meeting for freshmen of Central South University.Here, on behalf of the school student military training leading group, I would like to express my cordial condolences to all the students participating in the training, and a warm welcome to all the instructors! (applause)

The commanders and fighters from Unit 920827 of the Central South Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army are undertaking this military training task.This unit has been known as the ace army and has repeatedly made military exploits in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people and to defend the country. ... Then there was another long discussion, Chu Feiyang directly closed his ears.

Then he said a few things that he hoped to pay attention to and some goals, and it was almost over, and then he handed over the microphone to the previous director Liu Zhixue.Then it was handed over to Chen Zhengnan to speak for a few minutes, and then the microphone was handed over to Lieutenant Colonel Geng Hongliang from the Central South Military Region.

However, contrary to all new business expectations, Geng Hongliang did not point the microphone directly at his mouth, but politely put the microphone back on the table.

With a sweep of his tiger eyes, his Chinese face was full of seriousness and rigor, and he glanced at the 1 freshmen on the cultural square. He obediently returned to his student appearance.

This is quite a normal situation. Although Central South University is one of the four universities in China, it can also be regarded as an aristocratic institution in China, because the rich second generation and the second generation of officials occupy almost [-]% of the entire Central South University. one!But don't underestimate the fifty-one. If you gather them together, people can directly smash you to death with money and power! (Of course, this is a nonsense episode)

Chu Feiyang's closed eyes also seemed to feel the brilliance in these eyes, but after the gaze swept past, Chu Feiyang still returned to his original state. Although he was very imposing, he also explained this Geng Hongliang's skill and aura from the side. Very good, but in front of Chu Feiyang, he was even inferior to Liu Tianyu of the Elite Special Forces.

I'm afraid he is at the same level as Xie Feng at most. After looking around with sharp eyes, Geng Hongliang secretly nodded and shook his head before he let go of his voice and said, but it was unexpected by many people. The principal did not pick up the microphone, but spoke directly like this, but almost no one present could not hear what Geng Hongliang said:

"History has repeatedly warned us: "A country cannot stand without defense", and if it falls behind, it will be beaten. Without a strong national defense, there will be no prosperity of the country and no living and working in peace and contentment for the people. Starting today, 1 students participating in the training will be in the On the military training field, we are full of passion and sweat, and accept the baptism of a reserve soldier. Military training is learning, tempering, and even a test. I hope that everyone will take this as an opportunity to show the vitality of contemporary college students with full enthusiasm and tenacious perseverance. Vitality, and an uplifting spirit, add exciting and exciting chapters to your college life and the entire life course!

I, Geng Hongliang, sincerely hope that this military training will be a complete success!I hope that everyone will strictly abide by discipline, obey orders, obey commands, recognize the significance of this military training, and carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship or tiredness. Finally, we will end our speech with a couplet to encourage each other.

"Bachelor, master, doctor, be a good fighter first."

"Step forward, step forward, run, take every step of life well."

Making love…

The students below all gave a burst of fierce applause. Some of them may have been inspired by Geng Hongliang's words, but many of them expressed their admiration for Geng Hongliang's voice!This voice is similar to the legendary lion's roar!Of course, part of it is because this is a form, a form that has to be done... The rest is a follow-up...

Afterwards, Yu Yonglin, the representative of the military training students, gave a speech. Basically, they were clichés, words of encouragement to the freshmen, and expectations for college life and military training. The mobilization of the speech finally came to an end.

In the end, Liu Yi, the head of the school's Armed Forces Department, talked about the specific arrangements for the military training academy and the time to start the military training in the afternoon. After that, it finally came to the end amidst a burst of firecrackers.

Most of the students dragged their exhausted bodies and took weak steps, walking towards the cafeteria, towards the dormitory, towards the teaching building, towards the school gate... Chu Feiyang couldn't help but feel a little helpless on his face. Geng Hongliang and Jun Wuhui on the rostrum also seemed disappointed—as expected, the current students are really too pampered!

But who can blame this?

"Handsome Chu, where should we go for dinner?" Just when the people in the square were almost gone, Qiu Xinyi took Yun Ziling's little hand and ran towards Chu Feiyang. Although the students around were a little envious of Chu Feiyang , but what they most want to do now is to go back to replenish energy and physical strength-this is standing for two and a half hours!

Wanting to gossip or something is really powerless now.

"Where do you want to go to eat? Outside the school or in the school cafeteria? Or at home?" Chu Feiyang also asked with a smile, and he really admired Qiu Xinyi, a beautiful girl. She really can afford it and let it go. !

"First of all, I can't drink porridge when I go home. I can't stand it. I didn't drink much in the morning." Yun Ziling interrupted suddenly, which made Chu Feiyang burst into laughter, while Qiu Xin Yi was embarrassed and embarrassed.After all, what happened in the morning was caused by her.

"Sister Ziling, don't you want to be as knowledgeable as your sister Xinyi? You even embarrass me with my embarrassing things..." Qiu Xinyi said in disbelief, but when she turned to Yun Ziling, her eyes widened. As soon as the ground was lit, it seemed that the situation of Bing Ning's girl over there was not good!

"Handsome Chu, the fly that entangled your Bingning last time is buzzing around your Bingning again, shouldn't you go and act as a flower protector?! Otherwise, maybe your Bingning will suffer." Qiu Xinyi pointed to Xiao Ziqi who was entangled with Ye Bingning last time, and now she is talking nonsense in front of Ye Bingning again...

"Hehe..." Chu Feiyang smiled, but he didn't go over immediately, but instead looked at Qiu Xinyi in front of him, especially the two turbulent waves on his chest, almost ready to come out!I don't know how this girl looks like, or is she dressed like this on purpose? !

"Chu Feiyang, believe it or not, I will give you a few more shit bowls when I go back?! I remember that there are still several bottles of orange juice in the refrigerator!" Qiu Xinyi saw Chu Feiyang's greedy gaze, and that The pair of sly and lustful eyes hidden under the glasses suddenly became angry, "I can tell you, during the few days when you were away, sister Ziling and I often saw the one over there. Flies are following your Bingning, if you don't go there, I'm afraid your Bingning will fall into someone else's arms, you must know that Xiao Ziqi's family background is relatively big in Zhongnan City !"

"Big...It's really big!...Um, well, I'll go over and chase the flies right away..." Chu Feiyang saw Qiu Xinyi's eyes that wanted to kill someone, and immediately turned into an upright flower protector and walked towards Ye Bingning, then However, the innermost part still muttered to himself: "Tsk careful to take care of your body and keep your emotions balanced. If this is too exciting, maybe two big white rabbits will pop out... Big, It's really big! If you don't look at it seriously, you won't know it. You will be shocked when you see it. It's almost as good as that girl Ouyang Feiwu! Tsk tsk..."

Of course, it was just the wretched look at that moment, because at the next moment Chu Feiyang walked towards Ye Bingning with a very gloomy face, and of course his eyes were fixed on Xiao Ziqi who had a flattering smile on his face...

Today handsome guy Chu is going to slap the fly bird~~~ How dare you harass my cook, nanny and little sister...

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