Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 217 A Collection of Wisdom and Beauty

" seems like this is only the first time we've spoken?" Although Chu Feiyang was suffering, the expression on his face was quite flat. Although he looked at Huangfu Shuyun's cold eyes, there was nothing There is no feeling of being at a disadvantage. 【 】

Of course, Chu Feiyang also knew that Huangfu Shuyun's coldness was not ordinary. Apart from the coincidence meeting that day, there was also the news from Zhuge Lingyun.Today is her special day, doesn't it mean that every woman has such a few days every month!

"Could it be that you can't go on a date for the first time?" Huangfu Shuyun said lightly, but the tone in the words was so neither salty nor dull, it kind of made Chu Feiyang feel that if Huangfu Shuyun said something to him again It was a feeling that made Huangfu Shuyun extremely tormented!

There really is such a woman in this world!I have probably lived for more than 20 years, and I actually hate men so much.Of course, there may be exceptions for some people who are older or have a more respected status, such as the white old man.

However, when he saw the strange man following Huangfu Shuyun, Chu Feiyang understood what was going on in his heart. It turned out that he wanted to use himself as a shield again, and it was really with this woman beside him. Exactly the same!

But why do you have to find yourself?It seems that there is also Zhuge Lingyun who is known as the diamond king and the fifth staying there, and both of them can be regarded as elite geniuses in the Chinese business world. If this is a date, it can only be said to be It was a match made in heaven.

But he happened to find him, is this a coincidence?Or was it premeditated? !Chu Feiyang propped his nose up habitually, but smiled wryly. It seemed that his glasses hadn't been matched since the time when Ziling was in danger!

"Eh... Well, naturally, I can't help but give face when a beautiful woman invites you." Chu Feiyang said lightly, "But in my opinion, there is really nothing to talk about between me and Miss Huangfu, and this old man also knows I, Chu Feiyang, am a person who likes to find a bed once night falls, and now it is so late, I still have to find a bed!"

"Then I don't know how tomorrow will be? Tomorrow is the daytime. Handsome Chu should have time, right? Going out for a meal won't make you lose face?" Huangfu Shuyun frowned and said lightly, but in his heart It is neither salty nor light.


"He wants to go shopping with me tomorrow, so he doesn't have time." When Chu Feiyang was still trying to find an excuse, Duanmuqin on the side suddenly interrupted Chu Feiyang's words, and continued, in the eyes of Duanmuqin, Huangfu Shu Yunna is an extremely shrewd person. If the man he likes is asked out by a woman like her, it's okay!

"Is it like this? Handsome Chu?" Huangfu Shuyun suddenly smiled, just like just now, giving people a fresh and natural feeling like a spring breeze melting snowflakes, especially Chu Feiyang's eyes lit up, and he burst into tears. Startled!

"Oh...uh, that's indeed the case. I have already promised Sister Qin to go shopping with her during the day tomorrow... Hiss!" Chu Feiyang's heart was really bitter at this time, and the beauty beside him seemed to be a scourge. There is absolutely no ambiguity in the movement of hands, basically the same as that carved out of the same mold as Ouyang Feiwu who left.

"Did you hear the daughter of Huangfu's family? My family Feiyang said that he will go shopping with me tomorrow, and now he has to go back to find a bed to sleep, so I won't accompany you!" Duanmuqin said very bluntly. They know each other, but they don't have much contact with each other, especially now that some aspects of Duanmuqin are almost involved, and Duanmuqin can't tolerate the slightest hesitation, "Anyway, there are four or five good-looking guys here. Since your Huangfu daughter If you are interested, I think it is more cost-effective to find them!"

Poison!Cold wars between women are really everywhere, and when they are spoken, they are ruthless words!

"Feiyang, accompany Sister Qin to go back to rest!" Duanmuqin stood up as if holding Chu Feiyang's arm, but her right hand stayed on Chu Feiyang's waist, as if holding Chu Feiyang hostage.

"Could it be that Handsome Chu isn't interested in Cairo Sandra at all?" Huangfu Shuyun almost wanted to run away when he heard Duanxyqin's words, but rationality overwhelmed sensibility after all, and he quickly recovered his expression, not to mention his own purpose It has already been achieved, but Huangfu Shuyun did have a little bit of curiosity about Chu Feiyang at this time, but there was still a kind of disdain and disgust that was hard to conceal.

This girl has definitely been hurt before, and she was hurt severely by other men!This is the conclusion Chu Feiyang came to before leaving.

"Uh...Cairo Sandra? Is it famous? Is it a man or a woman? If it's a man, then you don't need to talk about it. I, Chu Feiyang, am very normal and don't have that kind of hobby; It can be considered, but does it have to be a beauty or a dinosaur?"

"Am I not a beauty?" When Huangfu Shuyun said these words, even she couldn't imagine that there was a bit of coquettish resentment. Although she quickly recovered her original expression, but After all, two men and a woman noticed.

One man is Chu Feiyang, one woman is naturally Duanmuqin, and the other man is Li Xiangdong who came in after Huangfu Shuyun!At this moment, seeing the scene of the beauty acting coquettishly and complaining, he couldn't help being stunned, and even swore in his heart that he would definitely push this girl down in this life!

But in an instant, Li Xiangdong also looked at Chu Feiyang, who was indeed handsome and scumbag, with hatred, but there was a cold chill and a kind of resentment called jealousy in his eyes, which made Chu Feiyang feel completely helpless. !

No wonder, Chu Feiyang roughly understood the thoughts and intentions of the beautiful and intelligent Huangfu Shuyun in front of him.

The most obvious of these is the misfortune that caused Li Xiangdong to face him, Chu Feiyang. No matter who suffers in the end, it has nothing to do with her, Huangfu Shuyun, and this is also a good time to test his Chu Feiyang's ability and ability. ...or to put it another way...this is completely a bureau designed to investigate him, Chu Feiyang!

But if it wasn't for Huangfu Shuyun's thoughts and interests, Li Xiangdong didn't have to be so excited at this time, especially the anger in those eyes seemed to be about to erupt.

"Miss Huangfu is naturally very beautiful, and she can almost share the same beauty with my wife." Chu Feiyang said with a faint smile, "But we really don't have time. If Miss Huangfu has the opportunity to visit our Zhongnan City in the future, I would like to do it." Once the host invites you to a meal."

Chu Feiyang expressed the meaning clearly, but the Duanmuqin on the side suddenly had a feeling of blushing and heartbeat, which was unexpected by Chu Feiyang, because the wife Chu Feiyang was talking about was indeed not the one beside him. Duanmuqin, but Yun Ziling at home!

Comparing Yun Ziling with Huangfu Shuyun, the two are indeed evenly divided, and as for the differences, each has its own merits.What's more, Chu Feiyang doesn't like that kind of cold ice, maybe these are all influenced by the two previous women, or maybe they are still under the influence.

"Then since Handsome Chu has said so, I will naturally take it as you who invited me to Zhongnan City. If I come to the door at that time, please don't let me be rejected." Huangfu Shuyun said lightly. It's really late, so I won't bother you guys, let's talk more when we have time."

From the beginning to the end, Zhuge Lingyun didn't interject a word, and he didn't even turn his head to look at Huangfu Shuyun at all, but kept looking out of the window with all his attention, not because he was looking at something else, but because he was closing his eyes repose.

As the military adviser of the Lightning Mercenary Corps, and as the most central intelligence team leader in the Lightning Mercenary Corps, Zhuge Lingyun's ability is naturally quite impressive, as the saying goes, there must be a demon in every event!Now that Huangfu Shuyun suddenly came to the door, and he was looking for his boss, even if there was really nothing in it, he still had to be careful.

Lightning can live without him, Zhuge Lingyun, but he absolutely cannot live without him, Chu Feiyang, and Dark Ye Shura!

The only explanation is that Huangfu's family or at this time Huangfu Shuyun is investigating his boss, but he doesn't know why, no matter what the other party's intentions are, he, Zhuge Lingyun, will never let them succeed!

"So, the old man will leave now. If there is a chance, I will meet Chu Xiaoyou. The wine here tastes good!" Bai Feng laughed loudly, and also left the box with the two men. As for Li Xiangdong, As soon as Huangfu Shuyun left, he followed suit, but before leaving, he gave Chu Feiyang a hard look.

"Sure enough, she is a smart woman!" Chu Feiyang murmured in his heart, and he couldn't help feeling a little lost. Such self-confidence and chic seemed to be nothing compared to her!

"Huangfu Shuyun is beautiful, isn't he? Also very smart, isn't she? Isn't she the legendary woman who combines wisdom and beauty?" But at this moment, Chu Feiyang suddenly heard A female voice asked three questions, just as Chu Feiyang was thinking about the scene when Huangfu Shuyun left, naturally he couldn't help but nodded three times.

When Chu Feiyang came to his senses, he found that Duanmuqin beside him was looking at him with a sad and angry face, and even used the incomparable insidious kung fu of Jiuyin White Bone Claw in his hand, and even had There is a faint sparkle in those eyes...

...after a long time...

"My sister is beautiful, isn't she?"


"Accompany sister to go back to rest, right?"


"Accompany my sister to go shopping tomorrow, right?"

"Uh... oh... umm..."



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