Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 238 Arriving in Zhongnan City

The Porsche under the control of Chu Feiyang drove towards the expressway as quickly as an arrow off the string, and Duanxueqin, who had just arrived in the luxury suite, saw Chu Feiyang get into the car just by the window that scene. 【 】

An ominous thought suddenly appeared in his heart, and regardless of the smell of alcohol or other smells on his body, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Chu Feiyang's number.

"Feiyang, where are you going? Why don't you drive slowly?" Of course, when Duanxueqin made a phone call, Chu Feiyang had already driven a Porsche out of Duanxueqin's field of vision, so this was the reason for the extra sentence.

"Sister Qin, something happened at home, I have to go back as soon as possible. I will drive the car back first. I will send someone to pick up Sister Qin tomorrow. That's it. I have to go back before ten o'clock. Don't talk to Sister Qin anymore." Seeing that it was Duanmuqin's phone call, Chu Feiyang hurriedly said a few words, and then hung up the phone directly.

"Hurry back before ten o'clock, this place is far away from Zhongnan City... Hey, hey, you bastard!" Hearing the beeping sound of hanging up on the other end of the phone, worry flashed across Duanxiqin's face, and she couldn't help thinking Following Chu Feiyang's leaving Porsche, he flew out. "Stinky boy, be careful on the road, don't cause any accidents!"

As for what Chu Feiyang said later, saying that someone would pick her up tomorrow, it was directly ignored, and she was also thinking about the fact that she would have to go back to the train tomorrow.It's just that this night is doomed to sleepless.

Chu Feiyang in the Porsche has completely regarded the road from Changnan City to Zhongnan City as a racing car at this time. How far is the specific distance from Changnan City to Zhongnan City? of.

He also drove a Porsche from Zhongnan City to Changnan City five days ago, but it took a full six hours.And the speed is not very slow, on the contrary, it is relatively fast, after all, it is on the highway.

Now the time is close to eight o'clock, but he has promised that Chen Lijun will rush back before ten o'clock. This has to be said to be a challenge and even a considerable difficulty!Because even if it is racing, there has never been such a long drag racing track.

But it was not long before Chu Feiyang's blue Porsche had to drive through the urban area of ​​Changnan City before he could embark on the expressway to Zhongnan City. Due to the continuous increase in speed, in the urban area Chu Feiyang drove through It has become a blue phantom, and Chu Feiyang has no scruples about the traffic lights in the middle.

The speed of the car has almost reached the highest speed that the Porsche can give. There are at least nine traffic lights between Jinghui International Parking Lot and the expressway. However, under Chu Feiyang’s high speed, all the traffic lights turned into green lights. , and even caused traffic chaos for a time, but fortunately, because Chu Feiyang's speed was too fast, it just caused traffic chaos.

But even so, the Porsche that Chu Feiyang is driving now has entered the field of vision of the Changnan City Public Security Bureau and the traffic department. Through the monitoring of various intersections, they have determined the direction of Chu Feiyang, and Chu Feiyang car models.

Of course, they also searched for the owner of the car at the same time, but they couldn't help being a little surprised when they found out that the owner of this Porsche was Duan Muqin, the owner of the Junruyi Luxury Club in Zhongnan City.

However, as the traffic and public security department of the provincial capital city, while planning to intercept the Porsche on the one hand, they are also contacting Duanxueqin on the other side. However, Duanxueqin is taking a bath at this time, so how can they be contacted? !

As a result, Chu Feiyang, who never cared about the law and was challenging the authority of the public security and transportation departments, became a car thief, and an arrogant car thief!

Although no major traffic accidents were caused, they couldn't tolerate it. This was ignoring or even contempt and provocation to them!Naturally, the police forces of the Changnan City Public Security Bureau and the traffic department were constantly mobilized, preparing to set up roadblocks where Chu Feiyang's Porsche would pass by, but they were surprised to find that whenever they wanted to set up roadblocks When I got up, the local traffic department, which was not prepared, was notified-the car had already driven to the next intersection!

Because the dispatched police force and the strength of the traffic department were too large, many news media also heard the news in an instant, and even the relevant TV stations had already carried out so-called follow-up reports.Of course, apart from seeing the police force and the traffic police, the two blue Porsches they could see speeding away were just phantoms on the various monitors!

That's true, even if the monitors prepared at every roadblock and intersection are just a phantom, even if there are some places where the street lights are relatively bright, when you can vaguely see the Porsche car, it's just seeing that relaxed and floating car. The passed license plate number and... the guy above the driving seat with oversized sunglasses... I don't even know if it's a guy or a girl!

"He's going to get on the highway!" Within 5 minutes, the traffic department and public security department of Changnan City instantly discovered the direction and target of the car, and they immediately felt that the previous settings should not be a problem.

You must know that there is a special interception point on the high speed, but it is more troublesome to connect, but now that they have launched an operation, naturally they will not give up like this.This is not just about the so-called lost car owners or safety issues, they just thought of one thing - honor!Their honor cannot just be lost like this!

But at this moment, Chu Feiyang, who was sitting in the car, was quite depressed. Although the radio in the car and the sirens from behind occasionally sounded smaller and smaller, it did not mean that Chu Feiyang was not happy. clear.

This feeling of being chased by others is really cool, but now Chu Feiyang really doesn't think about it at all, he hates trouble!So when he set foot on the highway, he had already used the speed of Porsche to the maximum limit, even... It can almost be said that it has exceeded the limit of Porsche that people know.

After Duanmuqin took a shower, when she turned on the TV and saw the news reports one after another, she couldn't laugh or cry, but at that time, she was cheering for Chu Feiyang in her heart, and even secretly regretted why she didn't sit in the car. She really likes the feeling of racing!

But in an instant, Duanmuqin thought of the possible huge impact of Chu Feiyang's crazy racing, as well as the various reports, and the police's pursuit, and was shocked—she knew Chu Feiyang's ability , but she doesn't know it all!All she could imagine now was stopping things from going ahead, whether it was a traffic police chase or news media coverage.

Duanmuqin's side has already made a call, and Chu Feiyang from Porsche has also made a call. He knows that if he doesn't make a call, he might become a star tomorrow!

"Hello...Brother Yun, I'm Chu Feiyang." Chu Feiyang dialed the number. It was the number of Yun Zhongxing that Ouyang Yukun gave him before. The person in charge of Xijiang Province naturally had to have abilities beyond his expectations.Maybe someone in the public security department or the transportation department belongs to them!

"Well... yes, yes... hehe... thank you, Brother Yun, next time I have time, I will definitely treat Brother Yun to have a few drinks, and I will not bother Brother Yun for now, I do have some Urgent matter, um..." Chu Feiyang also let out a sigh of relief after finishing the phone call.

At this time, Yun Zhongxing on the other side of the phone was unexpectedly eating in the box of the Lishui Hotel they had just left. Sitting opposite Yun Zhongxing was the main person in charge of the transportation department and public security department of Xijiang Province. Of course, there are other department-level cadres.

"Come out with your Porsche and wait for me at the gate of the Sunshine Community near the northern suburbs in the center of the city. Around 09:30!" Chu Feiyang directly called the drunkard over there.

"Uh... Boss, what's the matter?" The drunkard was drinking in the Brilliant Bar. Of course, the one sitting on the side was Leihuo, the original boss of the Giant Tiger Gang, and the seven wolves on the other side. Of course, Lu Xiaoyao was indispensable. Of course, there are Lu Xiaofeng and Lu Xiaoqing beside him.

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do?! Just prepare for me to drive!" Chu Feiyang said lightly, "Go to Changnan City tomorrow to pick up someone."

" can I, boss, you have spoken, do I dare not agree to me?! Hey...don't worry, boss, I will definitely arrive on time at 09:30!" His mouth was quickly covered by Lu Xiaofeng, who was sharp-eyed.

"Hoo hoo... Boss is finally back, and I can finally relax!" Hearing Chu Feiyang hang up the phone, the drunkard said comfortably, but he saw Lei Huo and Lu Xiaoyao opposite him with surprised faces , and didn't say much, "Come on, drink and drink... After a week, I'm going to kill those bastards of the Flying Eagle Gang! Grandma is a bear, let them know that the tiger beards of the Giant Tiger Gang who know the drunkard uncle and Brother Lei It is not so easy to touch!"

"I like to hear that, fuck him!" Thunder Tiger on the opposite side also said heartily, "He dared to blatantly smash our Giant Tiger Gang's place, even if Chen Feiying really has wings, we have to have a roast Orleans Wings are not allowed! Hahaha...Come on, do it!"

Of course, Chu Feiyang didn't know about these people, and of course he didn't know that the drunkards had become friends with Leihuo and Lu Xiaoyao in just a few days.

Time passed quickly, not to mention Chu Feiyang who was still driving the car at a high speed, so the time naturally passed quickly. Of course, it has to be mentioned that when Chu Feiyang just stepped on the high speed, not only the media also The smoke disappeared quickly, and even the police forces who set up the so-called roadblocks in front were quickly withdrawn.

The unimpeded blue Porsche continued to drive towards Zhongnan City without any scruples, and Chu Feiyang didn't step on the brakes from the beginning to the end!

At 10:[-] minutes, Chu Feiyang's blue Porsche figure had already arrived in front of the Sunshine Community, where the drunkard was leaning against the door of his Porsche and holding a bottle of wine. Chu Feiyang smiled lightly, and the drunkard was drunkard!

"Leave your car here. Just drive this blue Porsche to the parking lot of Jinghui International Hotel in Changnan City." Chu Feiyang got out of the car and got into the drunkard's car.

"Karma... and then? Why do I come back, boss?" The drunkard couldn't help being startled when he heard Chu Feiyang's words.

"Eh... go to sleep in the hotel, then get up and take the owner of the Porsche and the Porsche back to Zhongnan City, understand?" Chu Feiyang said, seeing the drunkard nod before continuing, "She doesn't know a lot about me, don't talk about it To put it bluntly, no one thinks you're a drunkard!"

"Understood, boss!" The drunkard finally understood that this time it was not just a simple coolie, but a delayed coolie!


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