Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 290 Go catch the rape!

Yun Ziling didn't actually tell Qiu Xinyi what she was going to do, she just sent a message to Qiu Xinyi's mobile phone with her mobile phone. 【 】

"Sister Ziling, what do you think of me wearing this dress? Does it look like a lotus?!" Qiu Xinyi walked out of the fitting room very happily, and even turned around specially, but Qiu Xinyi But it was discovered that Yun Ziling who was sitting on the chair over there had disappeared, but the bag was still there.

"Waiter, where is the lady who sat here before? Did you see where she went? By the way, there are three other ladies who came with us. Where did they go?" Qiu Xinyi Suddenly, the waiter who was coming over to praise Qiu Xinyi said.

"After the lady sitting here just received a call, she put these things here and went out with a panicked look." The waiter said very politely. You must know that the clothes on Qiu Xinyi are only commissioned. That is thousands! "The other three ladies, two of them also went into the fitting room to try on clothes, and the other one was waiting at the door of the fitting room over there!" Ye Bingning.

"Bing Ning, did you see where Miss Zi Ling went?" Qiu Xinyi also saw Ye Bing Ning sitting in the corner over there, so she immediately walked over and asked.

"Ah?!...Huh? What?" Ye Bingning seemed to be suddenly dragged back to her mind by Qiu Xinyi, and she looked at Qiu Xinyi with a dazed look. She really didn't hear what Qiu Xinyi said just now What are the words.

"Oh... Sister Zi Ling just received a call, and then she left here in a panic. I don't know where she went!" Qiu Xinyi looked anxious at this time, and it happened that at this time, she was in the fitting room Situ Jing and Su Qingyin, who were changing clothes, also came out. Seeing Qiu Xinyi's anxious expression, they immediately knew from Qiu Xinyi's mouth that Yun Ziling was missing!

"Well, Xinyi, don't worry, you can call Ziling first. I...I'll call the big bastard Chu, you big bastard!" Situ Jing originally wanted to call the police, but suddenly Chu Feiyang's smirk appeared inside.

"Hmm...I'll call Sister Ziling right away!" Qiu Xinyi was also impatient and forgot to call Yun Ziling first. When she saw the phone, she immediately saw the message from Yun Ziling, "Sister Ziling I sent a message, let me see what I said first."

"Xinyi, you guys go shopping first, Feiyang is injured a bit, I'll go and take a look at him first. See you at home!"

"Bastard Chu was injured. No wonder he didn't come back after going out last night!" Situ Jing said with a little thought. Hearing the news of Chu Feiyang's injury, Ye Bingning and Su Qingyin over there were both The obvious look tightened.

"Let's hurry back too, maybe we can help! Seeing how flustered Miss Ziling is, that handsome guy Chu may be seriously injured!" Qiu Xinyi also looked a little flustered, although she usually Chu Feiyang bickered, but at this moment she was very worried about Chu Feiyang's situation.

"Well, Zi Ling is usually very calm in doing things, but today she is so anxious, so it seems that Feiyang may really be more serious." Su Qingyin also chimed in and said nothing to the waiter here. For changing clothes and the like, Qiu Xinyi took out all the bank cards that Chu Feiyang gave them and swiped them all, and conveniently brought one each for Ye Bingning and Yun Ziling who had tried the same before.

Qiu Xinyi had been calling Yun Ziling all the time when she came down from the fifth floor of the wealthy family, and Ye Bingning was also calling Chu Feiyang, but there was no answer. !

In the luxury suite of the Noble Hotel, the male and female protagonists who are being worried by the women in the rich and prosperous family are already passionately kissing each other at this time, and Yun Ziling's two high-heeled shoes have also been thrown flying on the sofa in the living room , Chu Feiyang's upper body was completely naked.

As for Chu Feiyang's lower body, although it was still aching, he was beautiful, not to mention that Yun Ziling also helped Chu Feiyang with simple healing before, and now he is ready to go!Later, they directly entered the inside of me. As for the ringing of the mobile phones of the two people in the living room, the ringing of their mobile phones resounded all over the world. At this time, only each other was left in their eyes.

Looking at Yun Ziling who was already like a naked lamb on the luxurious big bed without a trace of fat, Chu Feiyang couldn't help swallowing, and then quickly disarmed himself, and climbed onto the luxurious big bed...

Outside the parking lot of Shengshi Haomen, Qiu Xinyi and Ye Bingning also got into the Lamborghini, and Situ Jing and Su Qingyin got into the Mazda driven by Situ Jing behind. How many calls did Zi Ling make, but none of them answered, and she was even more distraught!

If Qiu Xinyi hadn't been practicing driving hard during this period, Ye Bingning would not have dared to sit down, but thinking of Yun Ziling and Chu Feiyang who might be injured in an accident at home, even Ye Bingning would not hesitate to be a tank!

Shengshi Haomen is located in the city center, and Haomen Hotel is located near the upper right corner of Shengshi Haomen. It is also the only way for Qiu Xinyi and the others to go home. Xinyi is controlling the steering wheel with one hand, while her right hand is messing with her hair, going out of the window from time to time.

"Huh? Isn't that the Ferrari of the handsome guy Chu's friend?! Why is it parked here?!" Originally, there are not many Ferraris in Zhongnan City, let alone parked in front of the big hotel, and the license plate is still the same Show off!

Of course, this was just Qiu Xinyi's guess, but they didn't expect that the men and women they were worried about were doing something that both men and women liked to do to a certain point in the luxury hotel.

Of course, Qiu Xinyi, who was upset, couldn't help but glance at the name of the hotel, and it was also called a wealthy family, but this style is indeed rich enough!

"Handsome Chu, Sister Ziling...Handsome Chu, Sister Ziling...Where are you?!..." Before putting the sports car into the garage and driving to the path at the entrance of the six villas, the impatient Qiu Xinyi already ran out of the car to open the door of the villa, and then shouted loudly inside.

"Brother Chu...Sister Ziling...Are you at home?" Ye Bingning at the back also looked nervous and worried, and Su Qingyin and Situ Jing also hurried over, but they happened to see the dejected face coming from upstairs. Qiu Xinyi walking up and down.

"Aren't Feiyang and the others at home?" Su Qingyin also asked worriedly, "Could they be somewhere else? After all, if Feiyang is really injured, maybe they are not at home but where he was injured!"

When Su Qingyin said these words, he was actually looking forward to the opposite hope in his heart, because he knew that if Chu Feiyang and Yun Ziling were really healing outside and hadn't even come back, then it is very likely that Chu Feiyang was badly wounded.

"I...I'll call Sister Ziling again, Bing Ning, call too, you call the handsome guy Chu..." Qiu Xinyi was already speaking in a hurry, her eyes were gradually turning red, and she took out the While on the phone, Qiu Xinyi suddenly thought of the Ferrari sports car she saw when she walked out of the wealthy family!

"Wait, I... I'll make a call... I'll make that chic call!" Qiu Xinyi said with anticipation and nervousness.

"Hello?" Xiao Sa over there had just finished the first stage of training and was resting. Of course, in the middle of their basement, the drunkard was competing with Yanzi at this time!

"Is it Xiao Sa? I'm Qiu Xinyi from the villa of handsome guy Chu. Let me ask you, who is driving that Ferrari over there?" Qiu Xinyi asked nervously.

"Huh? Ferrari?...Wait a minute, let me ask you, they are all here!" Xiao Sa said immediately, and this conversation came from Qiu Xinyi's phone:

"Hey, Daofeng, where's your Ferrari? The girl in the boss villa seems to be driving it!"

"Ferrari? Didn't the boss just take the car keys from Xiaofeng and drive out this morning?" Dao Feng also said in surprise, "Hasn't the boss gone back yet?"

"Looking at the trend of the boss in the morning, it seems very abnormal. If the boss insisted on driving by himself, I would still drive him. I don't know if he has something to do, but he was so angry in the morning... Oh, we who are suffering!" Then Xiaofeng beside him also complained.

"Well, Miss Qiu, right? The Ferrari was driven by our boss, but we don't know where it went. You should call Boss Chu directly... Hehe..." Xiao Sa also said calmly, "Boss is In that way, anyone's call may be rejected, but the call from a beautiful woman will never be rejected... Hehe..."

Qiu Xinyi heard the conversation on the other end of the phone completely, although she didn't know the relationship between those people and Chu Feiyang, why Chu Feiyang was called the boss, the only thing she cared about now was that Chu Feiyang drove the Ferrari!

So, that means that Chu Feiyang and Yun Ziling should be in the Noble Hotel at this time, and the word "open room" immediately appeared in Qiu Xinyi's mind, thinking of her young, beautiful, lovely, generous, gentle, considerate and understanding Yun Zi Sister Ling stayed in the same room with Chu Feiyang, a big bastard like Chu, and Qiu Xinyi suddenly felt a very uncomfortable feeling in her mind!

It seemed that he was resenting Chu Feiyang, and at the same time he seemed to be jealous of Yun Ziling. As for the news that Chu Feiyang might be injured, he completely ignored it.

"Let's go!" After Qiu Xinyi made the phone call, the tears that were still rolling in her eyes miraculously disappeared, replaced by a domineering look of a queen!

"Where are you going?" Situ Jing was the most sober and calm one here, and she couldn't help asking in surprise when she saw Qiu Xinyi, who had a sudden change in mood, pop out such a sentence inexplicably.

"Go catch the rape!" After Qiu Xinyi said this, she hurriedly walked outside the villa.


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