Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 484

"Trash. They're all trash! Idiots, are they all hers? I don't mean to raise you idiots?! You can't even protect the young master's safety, and you even let someone kidnap you in front of your face?! You are her bunch of wastes, a bunch of idiots!"

In the general manager's office of the Donghai Tianyu Group headquarters, a middle-aged man snapped angrily, and beside him stood a seductive middle-aged woman whose chest was constantly heaving.

They just got angry when they received a call from Lu Xiaoqing from the Juhu Gang in Zhongnan City, Xijiang Province, because they were none other than Nangong Shuo's father Nangong Tianqing and mother Xiao Xuan who had provoked Chu Feiyang and was entertained away by drunkards and others. .

Standing in front of them at this moment were the five burly men who accompanied Nangong Shuo, but they were arrogant before, but now they looked humble.

"Boss, they...they have more than 100 people, we...we are not opponents!" said the one headed by five burly men with a flushed face.


"Trash, all of them are trash! There are so many of them, don't you know how to find someone?! Do you know that Shuo'er is my only son, the only son! I don't care about you!" Nangong Tianqing seemed to be still angry, and even kicked the big man to the side wall, which showed that Nangong Tianqing was not an ordinary character.

"They let you come back and talk back. If you have any demands, just say it!" Although Xiao Xuan who was behind was also very worried, she knew better that no matter what, she had to fight to save her son first.

"They said they want the boss to bring 1000 million yuan to redeem Young Master Nangong, and...the time limit is three days, if the time exceeds one hour, they...they will add an additional [-] million yuan every hour!"


"Why don't they go grab it?!" Nangong Tianqing's eyes widened when he heard the conditions of the drunkard and the others. Although his family has a lot of money, they can't burn it like this!

"They...they said...they said it's more convenient and more than what you can grab!" A burly man said weakly, "They also said, boss, you can't call the police, if...if you call the police, Even if they are desperately... risking the lives and destruction of the entire Juhu Gang, they...they will let you, the boss, see their methods, and say... if the boss and the boss don’t want to If you spend every day in a nightmare, you have to bring money to redeem him within three days! And the sooner the better, otherwise, they can't guarantee how long Master Nangong can last!"

Hearing the words of the burly man, Nangong Tianqing and Xiao Xuan were a little dazed. This almost blocked their way forward and back. The only way is to take money to redeem him.You must know that the words just now are all threats. They have thought about calling the police. After all, their Nangong family has a relatively large influence in China. If the police intervene, I believe their son will be rescued soon. ,but...

But what if the Giant Tiger Gang hadn't been completely wiped out because of this?What will the remaining members of the Giant Tiger Gang do?Let them live in nightmares every day?This is not unrealistic words!

Since the Giant Tiger Gang is a gang organization in Zhongnan City, and can be said to be the well-deserved leader of the underground forces in the entire Zhongnan City, it is naturally advertised as black, and their Nangong family is just doing business, even though their business It is very big, but they are still in business after all, and they are white!

White can kill all black, but it may not be able to kill all, but black... because they are black, they can not care about the laws and rules of this world at all, they only want to achieve their goals!

What's more, Nangong Tianqing is not an ordinary person in the first place, and his iron sand palm has also been cultivated to a certain level. As for the bodyguards he sent to his son in an instant, it shows that the other party's skills are not good enough. weak!

Especially Feng Lie!Feng Lie's skills are not inferior to his Nangong Tianqing, but he was overthrown by others as quickly as he did, and later he took the initiative to leave Nangong Shuo. Although Nangong Tianqing knew the reason for this, Feng Lie would be relaxed It is somewhat intriguing to be defeated.

If Feng Lie is the other party's person or has already been bought, even facing Feng Lie's revenge, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult. Of course, it is not difficult to see from this that some rich people really have her in mind. So much suspicion!

"Tianqing, do you want to tell Big Brother about this?" Xiao Xuan also seemed to feel that something was wrong, so she pulled Nangong Tianqing's sleeve and said.

"So what if you say it? It's useless! Hurry up and raise money for me. I will go to Zhongnan City in person tomorrow, and I will talk about getting Shuo'er out now!" Nangong Tianqing said with a gloomy face, "And , don’t let that bastard Nangong Tianyu know about this, or be careful and I’ll be rude to you! Don’t think that I don’t know what’s going on between you two! If it weren’t for Shuoer, he would still be my son of Nangong Tianqing, don’t think that you Can still live to this day!"

Nangong Tianqing suddenly turned around and stared at Xiao Xuan. His wife had an affair with his elder brother, but as a younger brother, he couldn't make it clear. No anger!

Ever since Nangong Tianqing knew that his woman had been raped by his own brother, Nangong Tianqing's psychology became distorted. He had thought about killing this couple, but now was not the time, and he Not sure at all!

So he thought of another way, that is to hook up his own brother's woman in the same way, gallop wantonly on his brother's woman's belly, let his brother's woman crawl under his crotch and scream for joy, this is his revenge!

But Nangong Tianqing is quite sensitive, especially when his wife Xiao Xuan mentions that person's name, he will become quite irritable. This is not the first time!

Xiao Xuan was completely stunned when she heard her husband talking to her like this, and her face and eyes were so angry, even revealing murderous intentions everywhere!But she didn't say anything.Because... Nangong Tianyu did defile her body back then, although she was raped and drugged, but... dirty is dirty!

"Don't challenge my patience, I will make you two dogs suffer retribution!" Seeing her own woman, Xiao Xuan, who has always been proud, was crying, but Nangong Tianqing's eyes were not the slightest bit My heartache is just anger and disdain.

"What do you know? You don't know anything! You don't know anything! You don't know" Hearing his man say such words that hurt himself and this family, even Xiao Xuan's patience is indeed quite good, and her self-cultivation is also quite good, but who knows the pain in her heart? !If it wasn't for him, if it wasn't for their son, would she have become like this?Would she be so willing to be his brother's plaything?And who knows the pain and hatred in her heart!

"I don't know, I know you are a slut, a stinky bastard, a stinky woman who has no shame and no ethics! And that man, that hypocrite, that bastard bastard! After I recover, I will definitely I want him to repay twice what I, Nangong Tianqing, lost in this life! I want to make his life worse than death!" Nangong Tianqing's expression became very excited, and his eyes flickered with a crazy blood red.

"Go, if you have the guts, go and kill him, go and kill him! You are a coward, a coward!" Xiao Xuan also cried and said loudly, while those burly men stood there blankly It's still the same respectful attitude as before, but not many people know what they think in their hearts!


Nangong Tianqing gave Xiao Xuan a slap without hesitation, then Xiao Xuan covered her gradually red and swollen face and looked coldly and vaguely at the man she once loved so much, and finally shook her head and took the door directly Run out of the manager's room.

"Everyone stand up for me, all of them are her trash!" Nangong Tianqing's anger had not completely dissipated, and she suddenly realized that there were still five of her subordinates in the office. A murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and then he walked up to the burly man who was kicked away by him and kicked him awake and said. "Repeat the situation at that time to Lao Tzu again!"

Although this is Xiao Xuan's office, most of the things in this office belong to Nangong Tianqing, especially the safe placed next to the desk.

Nangong Tianqing didn't continue to listen to the five burly men. He just walked to the safe quietly, took out the key, took out the pistol inside the safe, and the pistol next to the pistol. A silencer!

These five burly men are of course Nangong Tianqing's sincere subordinates, but what they heard just now is actually the deepest secret and the most hated anger in Nangong Tianqing's heart. How could he let the world Anyone else know about it? !

As for Xiao Xuan, Nangong Tianqing knew that the woman would not take the initiative to tell the man, because that woman still had that son in her heart. Although Nangong Tianqing might not have him, she did have that son. If Xiao Xuan would If these things are brought out, then not only he, Nangong Tianqing, but also Nangong Shuo will suffer!

"Boss, if you are going to Zhongnan City tomorrow, you must bring the bodyguards of your family with you to protect your safety."

"How many bullets do you think will be in the pistol in my hand, or will there be bullets in it?" Nangong Tianqing pointed the gun in his hand at a burly man with a sullen smile and said, "Boss... .Boss...I...I..."

"I know what you want to say, don't you just want to say that although you have seen and heard some things, but you can't say that you didn't see or hear, you don't know at all! Am I right?"

"Yes, boss...we...we will not tell what happened today, definitely not." A burly man said quietly, "ah,,, no, no, we ...We don't know anything and we don't know anything...!"


"Do you think the mouth of the living is stricter, or the mouth of the dead is stricter?" Nangong Tianqing fired a shot, a bodyguard fell to the ground in response, and then Nangong Tianqing blew on the silencer.

"Ah... Boss, please forgive me, boss, please forgive me... We really don't know anything, we haven't seen anything... Boss... Uh..."

"What's the use of me keeping you trash? It's just a waste of my money!" He took off the silencer, looked at the five corpses on the ground and said indifferently, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone call.

"Let Hei San bring a few guys to clean the office, and get ready to go to Zhongnan City with me tomorrow!" Nangong Tianyu said lightly, without the sense of fear after the murder, so calm.

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