Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 647 Trap?

Three black Mercedes-Benz were running recklessly, and the distance between the last one and the two front ones was getting closer and closer.

Of course, now he is no longer in the urban area, but has entered the suburbs. Chu Feiyang, who is sitting on the co-pilot seat, is looking at the fast and slow Mercedes-Benz in front of him calmly.

However, the expression of the thousand-faced wolf sitting on the driving seat felt a little weird. As a former king of the underground racing world, the thousand-faced wolf naturally had the confidence to easily catch up with the thousand-faced Mercedes-Benz.

But now it is obviously not a question of self-confidence, but more like the other party is deliberately tempting himself at this time, and at the same time afraid that he will not be able to keep up or not keep up.

This kind of feeling made Qianmianlang Lord very strange, but at the same time, he had a dangerous intuition from the bottom of his heart, and Chu Feiyang beside him must have already discovered this situation, but since Chu Feiyang didn't speak, he Qianmianlang Mr. Mianlang is naturally still chasing after him madly.

The three Mercedes-Benz cars are still driving in an orderly manner, and the road is getting narrower and narrower, almost often encountering road sections that cannot accommodate two cars driving side by side, and the other side obviously has its own plans, and they are always on the road. At the critical moment, he did not let the thousand-faced wolf overtake the car, but still let the thousand-faced wolf hang behind him like a tail.

"It's weird!" Although the men in black sitting at the back didn't have the sharp eyesight of Chu Feiyang and Lord Qianmianlang, and they weren't sitting in the front, they also understood the weirdness inside at this moment.


"You don't need to talk about it, just keep driving!" Chu Feiyang still looked like a dry well, and then continued after a pause, "Don't overtake the car in front, just stay behind like this, I want to see if they are doing it on purpose. Where do you want to take us!"

"Yes!" Now that Chu Feiyang had already spoken, the Thousand Faced Wolf Lord would naturally have no objections. The left and right are just falling into the trap set up by the other party. Would he really be afraid?

Is it a trap?A stern and weird smile appeared on the corner of Chu Feiyang's mouth, so what if it was a trap?Since you dare to offend my Ni Lin, Chu Feiyang, you need to be prepared to accept the harshest punishment!

"Master, master...that guy is calling again...master, master...that guy is calling again!" When Chu Feiyang returned to Yanjing, his mobile phone had naturally returned with him. of.

"Hello?" It turned out to be a call from Shadow Thorn No. [-], which made Chu Feiyang feel a little puzzled. You must know that Shadow Thorn No. [-] would never call him if there was no serious matter. Where?" The tone of Shadow Thorn No. [-] did not make Chu Feiyang feel the slightest discomfort or ominous feeling.

"I'm in the suburbs now, what's the matter with Uncle No. [-]?" Of course, Chu Feiyang was still a little puzzled. He had always thought that No. [-] Shadow Thorn would closely follow him and protect him secretly. Now I don't even know where I am.

In fact, the reason why Chu Feiyang dared to pursue him so openly was because he regarded the Shadow Thorn as an attacking force that he could control at any time, so he didn't care about the enemy's so-called traps or crises at all.

Even in the previous battle in the magnificent front square, Chu Feiyang always thought that the Shadow Thorn No. [-] was hidden in the dark beside him, but what about now?It was obvious that Shadow Thorn No. [-] was not by his side, and he didn't even know his current exact location.

"Master, can you come back now? I'm afraid it's deceitful to go there!" Shadow Thorn No. [-]'s heart suddenly sank when he heard Chu Feiyang's words. The worried and nervous look that had never appeared before, and even the tone at this time was a little sensual and nervous.

"I'm afraid it's too late now!" Chu Feiyang was about to respond to Shadow Thorn No. [-], but he happened to see that there were several more cars behind the Mercedes-Benz he was sitting in, and it was obvious that he had been forcing himself to go there. They were walking in front, and these cars did not follow up from behind like ordinary vehicles, but were obviously waiting for their own vehicles to pass by on the side of the road, and then deliberately ran out to attack the vehicles in front of them.

"What's going on?" Although Chu Feiyang had never spoken directly to Shadowthorn One, he could guess that Shadowthorn One must be speaking with a frown.

"It got into the bag prepared by others, now we have to see whose method is more ruthless!" Chu Feiyang said with a calm expression and tone, but of course he felt a helpless wry smile in his heart : Unexpectedly, the real target of these guys is not Ye Zhiya, nor anyone else, but completely aimed at themselves! "Uncle No. [-], why are you in the meeting now?" Chu Feiyang was indeed a little puzzled. He remembered that when he came out from the Tianxiahui, he already knew that Shadow Thorn No. [-] had already left first, so why did he return to the Tianxiahui now? What's inside?

If he didn't intend to chase after them, wouldn't all their arrangements be empty talk?However, Chu Feiyang, who had just thought of this point, quickly denied his own idea. Since they had already thought of this point, they naturally thought of this point. Sometimes there are other conspiracies!

"I also just came back. In fact, when I was at Jinbihuanghuang, I was ready to make a move, but I didn't know where a powerful guy appeared and entangled me. However, I couldn't do it all at once. To get rid of that guy, I can't think of it..." Shadow Thorn No. [-] obviously regretted and blamed himself, "But when you plan to chase those guys later, my lord, the guy who fought with me just fought with me again After the meeting, I just escaped and left, I was anxious to follow the young master and let him escape for a while, only after the fact did I realize that it might be a conspiracy against you, young master!"

"You keep fighting with Uncle No. [-]? Could it be that there is such a powerful master in this Chinese land?" Chu Feiyang couldn't help being a little surprised. He might not know what level the strength of Shadow Thorn No. [-] has reached. But he has never seen anything more powerful than Shadow Thorn No. [-] in China. Even his own master may only be able to compete with Shadow Thorn No. [-] evenly.

"There are people beyond human beings, and there is a sky beyond the sky. The land of China was originally the place where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon heroes came out in large numbers. Naturally, there is no need to say more about this. What I am most worried about now is that this powerful guy is now rushing towards the son." Shadow Thorn One No. [-] frowned and said, "Young master, listen to No. [-]'s words, if you meet someone with really strong skills, I hope you can endure the momentary anger!"

"Is it really so serious? Who could it be? Even Uncle No. [-] has to be treated so seriously?!" Chu Feiyang was full of doubts, and he said with an interface: "I can save you !"

"Young Master, where are you guys now? I'll come over right away with No. [-]!" The tone of Shadow Thorn No. [-] is no longer the calm and indifferent before, and it's not the slight nervousness behind, but completely changed. Get nervous, in Shadow Thorn's mind, Chu Feiyang is the most important. If Chu Feiyang is really in danger or something unexpected happens, the existence of Shadow Thorn is almost useless!


If Chu Feiyang really died, revenge would be a matter of course, but what's the use of revenge?Chu Feiyang will no longer wake up, and the shadow thorns will lose their pride and significance as shadow thorns.

"Qianmian, where are we now?"

"Uh...Master, you also know that this is the first time for me to come to Yanjing City. I was only focused on catching up just now, so why would I notice where this place is?" Lord Thousand Faced Wolf said helplessly, "Then just now From which direction did we come out from the hotel, and what places did we pass through? You should have some impressions, right?"

"I know that we just drove towards the east along the corner on the left side of the hotel. The signs we passed along the way generally include a Ping An Gas Station, Ping An Guangtian Co., Ltd., Ping An Coal Factory, and Dongjiao Heping The branch road in Anxian County, where we are now entering, is heading towards the eastern suburbs!" One of the two men in black sitting on the back seat recalled earnestly.

"Young master, you must be careful, I will let the black panther bring me and No. [-] over immediately!" Shadowthorn No. [-] on the other end of the phone naturally heard what the man in black said, although he didn't know the man in black who was speaking Who is it, but since it is with Chu Feiyang, it must not be the enemy. Also ask the three of you to take good care of my young master, in the future I will definitely be grateful!"

After the Shadow Thorn No. [-] finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and then he must have contacted the Black Panther to ask him to confirm the location here and prepare to come to help.

"Master, what should we do now?" Although Qian Mian and the others didn't deliberately listen to the voice on the phone, they already knew it.

"Prepare to pull over and stop!" Chu Feiyang said, "Since the cars behind are still driving and the cars in front are continuing to guide, it means that although we got into their sacks, we should still be in the system now." The rope pocket is here!"

Since knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, walking towards the mountains with tigers can naturally be called a brave person, but in Chu Feiyang's heart, it is even clearer. The premise of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and walking towards the mountains with tigers is to know the size and size of the tigers. That's okay, if you don't know the details of the tiger in the mountain and rush in, I'm afraid that even the bones will be swallowed in the end!

This is no longer a brave man, but a fool!A true brave is based on knowing the opponent and being able to kill him!

To be a warrior, one cannot casually do things that might become a martyr. Chu Feiyang knew this point ten years ago when he came out to play.

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