Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 656 Dying?

When Chu Feiyang woke up again, he suddenly felt a splitting headache. If Chu Feiyang's physical and psychological qualities were not so strong, he might be howling at this time.

what happened?Shouldn't he be attacked by two highly skilled black-clothed masters near the Capital Airport?Not only that, shouldn't the soldiers in charge of the guards who were innocently involved in this matter be fighting fiercely with those opponents who assassinated them?How could he faint inexplicably and appear in such an inexplicable place inexplicably?


My head hurts!

Shaking his head vigorously a few times, enduring the unbearable pain for ordinary people, Chu Feiyang felt as if he was playing a DVD in reverse in his mind.

In less than ten seconds after the two bombs exploded, twelve men in black neatly surrounded Chu Feiyang and Zhong Dayong and others behind Chu Feiyang. Six of them held a submachine gun in their left hand and a grenade in their right, staring at Zhong Dayong and others behind Chu Feiyang.As for the other six people, they stared fixedly at Chu Feiyang who just got up from the ground and patted the dust off his clothes.

Chu Feiyang didn't recognize any of these twelve people!But there is no doubt that these twelve people are very strong ancient martial arts masters. Although any one or even any two of them are not Chu Feiyang's opponents, the number of the opponents has a clear advantage.

What made Chu Feiyang even more astonished was not the hostility and murderous intent they erupted towards him at this time, but... Among the twelve men in black, none of the six men in black with weapons was Chinese people.


Before Zhong Dayong had time to ask these people and send out an alarm at the same time, his throat and forehead were directly taken by two flying knives galloping from a distance, and at this moment, Chu Feiyang was slightly dazed!

Immediately afterwards, two blond and blue-eyed men in black with very similar looks about 50 years old appeared on the left and right of Chu Feiyang, and they were skillfully playing with two small flying knives in their hands.


With the cold order, the twelve men in black quickly surrounded and killed the guards like ghost wolves in the middle of the night.

Although these guards could be said to be the elite among the soldiers, they were powerless to fight back against the killing moves of the twelve men in black.

Life is so fragile at this moment!

Chu Feiyang didn't move his body at all, but looked at the two men in black who appeared later who had confronted Chu Feiyang head-on at some point in his eyes.At that time, Chu Feiyang even saw the date of his own death in his heart, not to mention the two men in black in front of him who were not inferior to him in skill, the twelve men in black in front of him alone were by no means Chu Feiyang. Alone can fight the enemy ah!

Predict the enemy's opportunity first?Hehe...Chu Feiyang used to think that he really had such ability, but now it seems that he seems to have made a wedding dress for someone else, and this 'other person' happens to be his lurking in an unknown corner Behind the scenes!

Regardless of the fact that most of the people around were holding advanced thermal weapons, but in the 2 minutes since these men in black appeared, Chu Feiyang hadn't heard a single gunshot.Chu Feiyang knew very well that if there were gunshots, maybe they would have a better chance, but if there were no could only be a dismal ending.

"Dark Night Shura...It is true that he lives up to the name of Shura, but he still has the demeanor to run forward with Mount Tai on his deathbed!" The man in black on the left spoke fluent English, which seemed to be sarcasm Said like.

"Hmph, it's just trying to calm down! The dark night Shura who frightened the world is nothing more than that!" the blonde on the right said in a fluent Chinese language.

"If his Shura is a slang, why does the boss send you and me to solve the matter here? Could it be that you think that the two of us and these twelve soy saucers are only qualified to solve this slang Your generation?" The man in black who speaks English obviously understands Huaxia, but he can't speak it or doesn't bother to speak it.

"Huh!" The man in black on the right snorted noncommittally. Of course he didn't think so, but he just wanted to show off his quick words, "Dark Night Shura, the world's number one mercenary group, Lightning Mercenary Group The leader of the group, the new godfather of killers in the world of killers, and the only son of Chu Aoyu of the Chu family who was known as the evildoer of China back then. Tsk tsk...there are so many names, but I don't know if these names...are they really worthy of their names?"

The twelve men in black have all resolved the battle, and all the soldiers in charge of the guards here have all died within 3 minutes. surrounded.

"Sura, can't you see that I, an old man, really want to have a fight with you here! How about it? Have you decided to fight back?" The man in black on the left sneered and fucked speaking in English language.

Chu Feiyang's eyes were as calm and indifferent as ever, and he slowly looked towards the fourteen men in black who surrounded him heavily, and finally, his eyes stopped at the dead guards behind him.

I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me!

He, Chu Feiyang, is a killer and a well-deserved emperor in the mercenary world, but he also has his own principles and bottom line in life.

Facing the provocation of the man in black, Chu Feiyang still turned a deaf ear to it.He knew that even if he could subdue the man in black and even seriously injure him, it would still be difficult to change the established fact that he was in danger and the almost doomed ending.

Unless, there is a miracle!

"Why?" Chu Feiyang said calmly, although he didn't look at the two men in black who were obviously the ones talking, but they knew that the question was for them.

"The weak eat the strong!" The man in black on the left sneered and said in a low voice, "What? The majestic assassin, godfather, mercenary king, An Ye Shura, doesn't even have the guts to fight a duel with an unknown pawn like me? "

The disdain and contempt in the tone are resounding!

"What a predator of the jungle! Since you know that you are just an unknown pawn, and I, Chu Feiyang, am the famous Dark Night Asura, if I were to fight with you here, what would the bystanders think? If I win You, everyone thinks that I am normal and may even say that I, Chu Feiyang, won't be martial; Will you make a move?"


Still having an arrogant personality, maybe this is also the arrogance deep in Chu Feiyang's heart!

"***! You have such a sharp mouth. Even if you have a lot of tongue today, you won't be able to escape our grasp! Since you dare not accept the challenge, then let me see if you can fight back!" The man in black Emotional and angry, and immediately attacked Chu Feiyang.

Among the twelve men in black who besieged Chu Feiyang, the six Chinese men without weapons were ready to rush up, while the remaining six guys with weapons were all in unison. The guy aimed at Chu Feiyang in the center, as long as the man in black here gave an order, they would pull the trigger without hesitation!

"Let's put it down, don't you know the boss's habits? What he needs is a live prey!" said the man in black who hadn't done anything coldly.



Chu Feiyang's expression tightened suddenly, and because of the words of the unmoved man in black, his eyes burst out with murderous intent and murderous intent!

Although I have always treated my opponent and myself as prey, the difference is that it is unknown who is the real prey who is defeated in the end, but no one has said these words clearly.

"What a strong killing intent! Dark Ye Shura, it really is not a languish name, at least this body's evil spirit is enough to be called this name!" The unmoved man in black looked at the one who had already confronted Chu Feiyang. Although the companion is also very imposing, but it is obvious that he is walking towards the defeat step by step, and a sneer can't help but appear on the corner of his mouth, "Old man, wait for me to come and help you!"

This time, he was using Chinese language!

Facing these two opponents who didn't know the details, Chu Feiyang thought to himself that it would be no problem to fight one against the other, but if he had to fight against two by himself, he might be able to win a little bit, but he was afraid that he would still be the one who fell in the end !

What makes Chu Feiyang even more aggrieved is that he will not be able to know that the black hand behind the scenes who secretly manipulates everything against him will not know until he is dying?

Do not!



The figures of the three retreated one after another after a quick close fight. The man in black retreated five steps, but Chu Feiyang retreated eight steps in a row!A trace of blood overflowed from the corners of the mouths of the two men in black, but Chu Feiyang was unscathed.

The outcome is naturally unknown!It’s just that Chu Feiyang is very clear that he will definitely lose if he meets these two guys. At this time, Chu Feiyang didn’t laugh at the idea of ​​these two guys still looking to fight against the shadow spurs, some of them were just inexplicable bitterness.

The first thing that comes to mind is naturally the confidante around him since he entered the world, Sister Killer, Sister Ying, Zi Ling, Xinyi, Bing Ning, Sister Xuelan, Sister Qin, Feiwu... Could this really be true? Is it his own burial place?

Who is it?This may be the question that Chu Feiyang most wants to ask and know the answer at this time, but he knows that even if he asks it, these two men in black will never open their mouths!

Another 5 minutes, when Chu Feiyang and the two men in black separated for the third time, the corners of Chu Feiyang's mouth had already overflowed with a smear of bright red, and his left arm... moved with the wind, impressively... then it's broken...

During the fourth re-confrontation, Chu Feiyang didn't know which man in black he had wrenched off both arms, and he didn't know which one he punched until he spurted blood. His only impression...was It was the crescent moon in the night sky that I flew upside down and saw.

Really, dying? ...Although it is not the first time that he has approached the God of Death so closely, but this time, Chu Feiyang is the one who is most reluctant to give up. is because the last thing in his mind...she... She...and her and her...

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