Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 726

"You are Chu Feiyang?" When Chu Feiyang and Shuangmei appeared, both sides gave up tacitly. Among the three hidden by the other party, a blond middle-aged man walked to a place about ten meters away from Chu Feiyang. Fang asked coldly.

Chu Feiyang did not shake him at all, but his eyes were extremely sharp looking at the two guys who just threw the bomb. It was the guys on the left and right sides behind the blond man in black, because in their hands There was a smell of gunpowder that Chu Feiyang hated.

"Our Boss Mings is asking you something, are you deaf or dumb?" The middle-aged man in black on the left side of the blond hair and blue eyes saw Chu Feiyang's cold eyes stay on him, feeling Very uncomfortable.

"Dare to speak disrespectfully to our young master, you are courting death!" Naturally, Shadow Thorn No. [-] and Shadow Thorn No. [-] had already moved to Chu Feiyang's back and left and right. At this time, they heard that the guy on the other side insulted Chu Feiyang like this, and they immediately burst into anger .

But just when the Shadow Thorn No. [-] was about to make a move, it found that Chu Feiyang, who was still in front of him, had suddenly disappeared. When the next moment, when the Shadow Thorn No. Chu Feiyang had already reached the middle-aged man who was speaking, and had already grabbed the man's neck. As long as Chu Feiyang exerted a little force, Shadow Thorn No. [-] could be sure that that guy would die immediately!

"Stop, let go of Silk, or I, Baghdad, will tear you apart!" The guy on the right was shocked when he saw that Chu Feiyang had restrained his companion so quickly.


The most direct answer to that Baghdad was a crisp sound of bones, and then the guy called Silk was thrown out by Chu Feiyang with one hand, and he lay down on the ground with a bang, without a sound .

Killing the enemy with one move, so fast and so strange!

Not only the people on the Shadow Thorn's side froze instantly, but those on Richard's side also froze instantly!You must know that although they have seen Silk's skill with their own eyes, it is not inferior to Shadow Thorn No. [-], but what about now?

But it was just because of a bad word that he ruined his life!

"I'm going to kill you!" I'm afraid that the only powerful person in Chu Feiyang who has not come to his senses at this time is the Baghdad who claimed to avenge Silk, but when he shouted these words, Mings was He had already stopped in front of Baghdad and did not allow Baghdad to attack at all, but Mings stared at Chu Feiyang with a strange and wary look in his eyes.He seemed to be able to feel that the guy in front of him, who looked several years younger than Mr. Richard, was more powerful than Mr. Richard!

"You can't protect him!" Chu Feiyang glanced at Mingsi coldly, then disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived behind Baghdad, and his outstretched palm was directly facing Baghdad's. Head shot down.

"With me here, you can't kill him!" After all, Mings is the strongest among them, but the moment he saw Chu Feiyang disappear, he really felt a sense of collapse, but immediately after he It seemed as if he had sensed that Chu Feiyang's figure had appeared behind him, and he also realized that he quickly turned around and hit Chu Feiyang's palm with an iron fist, trying to squeeze Chu Feiyang's palm away, while his other One hand is pulling Baghdad to try to pull Baghdad to the other side.

"No one can stop you, the next one is you!" Chu Feiyang said coldly, no one can stop Chu Feiyang's attack now!As for wanting to pull Baghdad away from Chu Feiyang's side, it is wishful thinking!



Chu Feiyang's palm did not directly slap on the top of Baghdad's head, but directly on top of Mingsi's iron fist, and Mingsi's iron fist was directly and heavily hit on the top of Baghdad's head by Chu Feiyang, deeply concave go down!I only heard Baghdad's muffled sound, and he fell limp before he even had time to react!

"You devil, I'm going to kill you!" Mings never thought that Chu Feiyang would kill Baghdad with his iron fist, and there was no room for it. What's even more frightening is that Chu Feiyang killed the two of them with skill. The entire process of the extremely strong two people turned out to be nothing more than a few blinks of an eye.


The second time Mingsi's other iron fist collided with Chu Feiyang's palm formed by Chu Feiyang's other hand, as the third master of Richard Rothschild's subordinates, he was directly blown away, even more so. He sprayed out a mouthful of blood arrows, then collapsed to the ground and twitched for a few times, and then quickly became silent.

"Uncle No. [-], Uncle No. [-], Uncle No. [-], Uncle No. [-], and Uncle No. [-], I will leave this place to you for the time being, and I will go to Uncle No. [-] first!" After Chu Feiyang finished speaking, it was Quickly returned to his previous position, and then hugged Jiang Junyue from left to right to drink. Jiang Qingya ran directly towards the castle of Huadie's headquarters.

It was only now that the opponents in front of Prince Castle seemed to have come to their senses. Everyone couldn't hide the surprised look on their faces, especially the few people in the Shadow Thorn. They never thought that only But after such a short time, their young master's strength has actually reached such a perverted and monstrous level, even the elder brother Chu Aoyu did not reach such perverted and monstrous strength!

"Do it!" Of course, the surprise was the surprise. After noticing that the top three masters of the opponent had died, the Shadow Thorn No. [-] also directly issued the order to attack. Tonight in front of Prince Castle, it is doomed Let the blood flow like a river!

The base camp of the Huadie organization, that is, the castle where Huadie and Xuanyuan Wentian were located, was almost full of swords, lights, swords and shadows.The most dead were the guards and killers of the Butterfly Organization, followed by another group of guys in blue clothes, followed by a group of guys in white clothes!

From a distance, Chu Feiyang had already seen Shadow Thorn No. [-], Shadow Thorn No. [-], Shadow Thorn No. [-], and Shadow Thorn No. [-] fighting with their opponents, and beside them were Xuanyuan Wentian, Lu Xiaoqing, Lu Xiaofeng, Lu Xiaochong also has the second senior brother Lu Xiaoye who has just walked out of the Death Valley, and Nanjiro, Daofeng, and Czech from Lightning!

They were fighting against nine guys in white clothes and ten guys in blue clothes. Although Chu Feiyang was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, he clearly had the upper hand in terms of momentum and skill.

But Chu Feiyang soon discovered that the current situation was only temporary, because when Chu Feiyang swept his consciousness out, he discovered that there were still four other people lurking around the most concentrated battle place. There are two masters, two of them are wearing white clothes and one is wearing blue clothes. Presumably they are the high-level leaders of the Angel Society and the Killer Alliance!As for the other black-clothed guy, Chu Feiyang, he has also discovered that he is one of the two masters hidden by Richard's side!

"Go to hell!" A familiar voice came to Chu Feiyang's ear, it was Ais's voice, only to see that Aisi had already held a broken sword in her hand and directly pierced a white-clothed angel master, and then directly pierced through it A window flew out.

Chu Feiyang stared and noticed that the place where Aisi came out was exactly where his women were. Of course, there were Shadowthorn No. [-], Huadie and Aisinuosi sisters and Yin Feng beside them. He stayed there with the guards of Longzihao for protection, but the next moment Chu Feiyang discovered that the Angel Society and the Killer Alliance had obviously noticed that place, and many people were already attacking in that direction.

"Feiyang, let's go help master, master seems to be injured!" Jiang Junyue had already seen that Xuanyuan Wentian had been injured by the opponent's attack, so she couldn't help being very anxious at this moment.

"It doesn't seem like it's already injured!" Jiang Qingya doesn't care much about the battle situation over there, maybe only Chu Feiyang cares about her now, "Feiyang, should we go down? I just want to try my skills How about it!"

Chu Feiyang knew that there should be no problem with Uncle No. [-] and his women, but he was afraid that there would be a crisis on the old man's side, so he nodded.

Seeing Chu Feiyang nodding, Jiang Junyue left Chu Feiyang's embrace and ran straight towards Xuanyuan Wentian's direction, the death dagger that symbolized Death Valley's identity was already in her hand!


Just when Chu Feiyang was about to go to help Xuanyuan Wentian, he suddenly heard a soft moan of pain, and he glanced at it and found that Aisi, who had just jumped from the window, was surrounded by heavy siege , and the cry of pain just now was caused by Aisi's back being scratched by a sharp weapon!

"Sister Ya, you go and help Sister Yue first, I'll bring Aisi up first!" Chu Feiyang's eyes flashed a murderous intent, there is no moon, there is wind, moon and black wind are high, it is a good time to kill!

"Be careful!" Jiang Qingya saw the flash of pity and sternness in Chu Feiyang's eyes, and then she also paid attention to the injured blonde beauty below, and then rushed towards Jiang Junyue. In terms of strength, Jiang Qingya's current strength can be said to be the strongest among all the people here except Chu Feiyang!

Seeing that several weapons were about to descend on her body at the same time, a look of sadness flashed in Aisi's eyes, and the figure of that naughty brother-in-law quickly appeared in her mind, wondering if he would remember herself, no Do you know if he will think of himself after he dies?I have been rescued by him three times before. There is an old saying in China that there are no more than three things. I am afraid that I, Ai Si, will never be able to escape the clutches of this **** fate again this time, right?

It's just that the broken body that Aisi was waiting for didn't come as expected, and her body was once again embraced into a hug that made her feel infinitely warm. Only that man can make herself feel so warm and peaceful...

"Brother-in-law? Is it you?... How stupid of me, I was still thinking about you when I was about to die. I must be dreaming... But, it is really true that Aisi can die in your arms, brother-in-law." I'm so happy... Even if it's a dream... Aisi is also very happy..." Opening her eyes, she saw Chu Feiyang whose face was ashen but with a flash of pity in his eyes, Aisi really thought she was dreaming , why so timely?

"Silly girl, brother-in-law is here...with brother-in-law around, I won't let you die!" Perhaps Chu Feiyang had never spoken to Aisi so tenderly before, but suddenly Chu Feiyang felt that even the tone of his words was very uncomfortable. nature. "If you don't believe me, take a look, those guys who wanted to attack you have all been killed by brother-in-law now!"

Aisi followed Chu Feiyang's gaze and looked down, and actually found that the men in blue and white who had besieged her before were all lying in a pool of blood, and what was clearly visible was the necks of each of them. All have a maple leaf mark!

"Brother-in-law is here, Aisi... is not afraid of anything... Aisi... really wants to be like my sister..." Aisi's eyes were a little blurred, and then she turned her head to look at Chu Feiyang's eyes , Immediately afterwards, she passed out directly... At this time, Chu Feiyang had already brought Aisi to the room through the window from which she jumped out before.




"Mr. Chu..."


"Elder, check Aisi's body immediately, don't let her have an accident, you know?!" Chu Feiyang ignored everyone's greetings, but directly hugged Aisi to find Elder who came with him. ordered.

"Ace..." North's voice...

"I will!" Elder's voice was firm and respectful.

"Uncle No. [-], Mr. Yin, you go and help the old man Xuanyuan to defend against the enemy first. The other party has experts to help him secretly. I'm worried that the old man and the others will be attacked!" Chu Feiyang ordered after putting Aisi on the bed, and his Before the words were finished, Hua Die couldn't wait to jump out of the window that Aisi had jumped out of before.

"Yes, son!"

"Yes, Mr. Chu!"

Then the two figures also quickly disappeared in the direction where the butterfly disappeared.

"Feiyang, are you okay?" Seeing that Chu Feiyang was covered in blood, Ye Bingning couldn't help but threw herself into Chu Feiyang's arms and said, and all the girls also showed concern.

"I'm fine, you all stay here first, Zi Ling and Nuo Si take care of everyone first, I need to give Ai Si a needle first!" Chu Feiyang comforted Ye Bingning and the girls and said, "Elder, love Has Si's bleeding stopped?"

"Well... it's stopped, it's just..."

"No, but you are standing by now, I will give Aisi the needle first. With me, Chu Feiyang, I will never let any of my women have an accident!" Chu Feiyang said softly, as if addressing Aisi Talking, but it is also a promise to every woman here.

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