Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 789 Not just kidding

"I said Mrs. Mei Jie, should we fulfill our bet now?" Chu Feiyang said lightly.

"Tell me about your conditions." Mrs. Mei Jie still had a smile on her face, which made Anna standing beside her very puzzled. How could her own mother laugh at this time!

"Conditions..." Chu Feiyang suddenly looked seriously at Mrs. Mei Jie, slowly looking from the forehead to Qiongbi, then to the lips, then to the neck, then to the chest... Finally, it stayed on the chest.

"Chu, don't push yourself!" Seeing Chu Feiyang's evil eyes, Anna naturally thought that Chu Feiyang wanted to do something to Anna's mother.

"Tch...why are you in such a hurry, I don't know why!" Chu Feiyang sneered, "I said Mrs. Mei Jie, should you give me the thing on your chest?"

"This is your condition?" Mrs. Meijie's expression still did not change at all, but the smile on her face became more charming. Seeing Chu Feiyang nodding, Mrs. Meijie said, "Unless you guessed the color correctly." , I just took it out for you!"

"Huh?!" Chu Feiyang was very helpless. I dare to say that Mrs. Mei Jie was also making fun of herself, and she was still making such a joke, but if Mrs. Mei Jie didn't say that, Chu Feiyang really didn't notice it. Mrs. Mei Jie's chest protruded so huge that Chu Feiyang immediately felt a sense of depression, but fortunately...Although Chu Feiyang, who is not used to seeing it, was a little distracted, he might not be able to resist such an attraction Li, "Hahaha... Mrs. Meijie really likes to joke, what I, Chu, want is just the ivory gun between your chests, and it has nothing to do with anything else!"

Chu Feiyang said with a haha, as soon as he said this, Xia Li Weier, who was standing beside him, began to hold his sleeves tightly and slowly relaxed, but suddenly remembered what Chu Feiyang said. .. Mrs. Major had a gun there, which made her very worried again.

"This ivory gun was given to me by someone who was extremely important to me, and after that, I almost regarded this ivory gun as my second life, just like my chastity !" Mrs. Mei Jie was slightly taken aback, because she didn't expect Chu Feiyang to be able to see through the fact that there was a gun hidden in her bra, but then she became very calm, "I said Shura, you have to be clear... .If you take this ivory gun away, it will be equivalent to breaking my chastity! Are you sure you want it?"

"It seems like I should say something about my honor at this time, right?" Chu Feiyang said with a faint smile, naturally he didn't trust Mrs. Mei Jie's excuse.

"Two bets, you want the head of my two most powerful generals and my chastity, I said Shura... Do you think anyone will accept the result of such a bet?" Mrs. Major said to When Chu Feiyang smiled faintly, the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

"Gentlemen, ladies... Entertainment City Casino has some personal issues that need to be resolved. We will not continue today. Please leave the casino for now!" Seeing the comprehension in Meijie's eyes, Anna also had a flash in her eyes Thick murderous intent, and then jumped onto the gaming table and said loudly, "Every guest who comes to my entertainment city casino tonight, before you leave the casino, our casino will give you 1000 euros as a compensation, and welcome Thank you for your cooperation in coming to our entertainment city casino again in the future!"

As soon as Anna said this, there were still some gamblers who wanted to refute or didn't want to leave. When they wanted to talk, they were either held back by their companions or were caught by the next battle. I was shocked, because as soon as Anna finished speaking, strong men in all blue costumes appeared at the door next to the wall of the casino lobby, everyone was so expressionless and cold.

"Everyone, please leave!" Prussia also quickly realized, acting as the first speaker after Anna spoke.As soon as Prussie said this, the strong men in blue clothes also asked the gamblers around the gaming table to clear to the casino door.

"Bah... bang!" With the cooperation of two strong men in blue clothes, the gate of the casino was quickly pulled down from the inside to the outside and closed tightly. Of course, Prussia did not He continued to stay inside, but was sent outside by Anna to distribute money. In the entire casino, except for Chu Feiyang, Heimei, and Xiali Weier who didn't leave for some reason, almost all of them were members of the Killer Alliance. !

But Chu Feiyang didn't care about it at all, he still drank the tea in his teacup very naturally, and the smile on his face didn't weaken in the slightest.Heimei was still standing coolly on Chu Feiyang's side, but when Xia Li Weier was chasing people over there, she was very nervous and quite nervous, and even her heartbeat didn't know how to speed up. To some extent, she also thought about leaving, thinking that she didn't need to be involved in such a turmoil, but she didn't know why she stayed behind by mistake, and... at the moment when the casino door was closing, Charlie Weir Suddenly there was a feeling that the dust had settled in my heart!

"Look at Madam's arrogance, it seems that she wants to renege on her debt!" Chu Feiyang smiled slightly, "Old Hei, what is this situation called?"

"You're just looking for your own death!" Hei Mei said coldly, if it wasn't for Chu Feiyang's silence, Hei Mei would have already made a move. What a disgrace to black eyebrows!

"No, no, to be precise, there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you just barge in!" Heimei's voice had just finished, when another voice came from the elevator door that Anna and the others had appeared before. Appeared, it was the white eyebrow who had disappeared before the game started, saw many people in blue clothes and then said, "Huh? I said that I was still downstairs and saw you all of a sudden, why did you suddenly disappear... dare you They all ran up to the top, making it hard for me to find the old man!"

"Who is he?" Mrs. Major didn't continue to laugh at this time, because she felt a very strong aura on Baimei's body. Even Mrs. Major had to avoid this aura, but this Bai Mei did come out from the second basement floor, but Meijie was sure that Bai Mei was definitely not a member of their killer alliance!Before waiting for Anna to answer, Mrs. Mei Jie said to Bai Mei, "My friend, although I, Mei Jie, don't know what you are talking about today, but no matter what the reason... why don't you ask this friend to leave for the time being?" ?Of course...if this friend intends to watch from the sidelines, that's fine!"

"Mother...he...he's from that side with the surname Chu!" Anna was also very depressed when she heard Meijie's words. Of course, what was even more depressed was how did this Baimei get into the second basement floor? , and what did he do in it!

"What?" Mrs. Mei Jie couldn't sit still now. A black eyebrow made Mei Jie feel very depressed. If a strong man like Bai Mei was added, I am afraid that their killer alliance would win the final victory today. I'm afraid the price is definitely not cheap!

"Hehe...Bai Lao, what have you gained from wandering around for so long?" Chu Feiyang didn't care at all, he almost gathered his powerful aura, as for the black eyebrows and white eyebrows Chu Feiyang asked They had to release their aura of seven successes, which also created an illusion for the opponent's master that was not very fake, but in fact it was even more fake.

"Returning to your son, I really didn't find anything special... In addition to some relatively secret data and information, there is also an extra-large safe. It took me a full 2 ​​minutes to get that The safe was opened... except for the money, there are some guns and ammunition inside, nothing specific and useful!" Bai Mei said boldly, but in fact, he really didn't lie a single word when Bai Mei said these words, "However, son, you also I know that I, Baimei, never return empty-handed, so... I played with the computer for a while, and for the time being, I almost hacked their intelligence data, and by the way, I found five very The exquisite lipstick gun can barely be regarded as a spoil of war!"

After Bai Mei finished speaking, he took out five lipstick guns from his pocket and threw them to Chu Feiyang. At this time, Anna and Mrs. Meijie looked at each other, and in their mutual eyes, they both expressed that they believed that Bai Mei had indeed done so. Open the safe below, because all five lipstick guns are stored in the safe!

"Sura, what exactly do you want?" After all these things, Mrs. Mei Jie's face has become very ugly at this time.

"Hehe... Mrs. Mei Jie, shouldn't I, Chu Feiyang, say this sentence? Ma'am, you only closed the gate of this casino, and released so many dogs ready to bite people... Tsk tsk. .." Chu Feiyang didn't care at all, but Chu Feiyang had changed a lot of thoughts in his heart. At the beginning, Chu Feiyang had the idea of ​​completely solving the Killer Alliance, but later he didn't have such a plan. ..Ghost knows if Mrs. Mei Jie and that cheap senior brother really have such a double leg, and...Chu Feiyang looked at Anna...seems to have a feeling that this Anna might be What about the seeds that Brother Cheap left behind in a foreign country!

"Young master, the current situation... Is it the total annihilation? Or is it the total annihilation? Or is it the total annihilation?" At this moment, the white eyebrows suddenly flashed past Mrs. Meijie, Anna and the others, and the next moment it was Appearing directly beside Chu Feiyang, he asked evilly.

"Shura, could it be that your two subordinates are all responsible for your great reputation? If you really have the ability, how about a competition with this lady?" At this time, Mrs. Meijie seemed to be really serious. Aware of the current disadvantageous situation of the Killer Alliance, but how could she just give up resistance like this?

Wait...resist?Mrs. Meijie smiled wryly in her heart... In her own territory, there are dozens of masters of the Assassin Alliance on her side, while there are only three or four people on the opposite side, only three people to be precise, but when she is facing them now, she unexpectedly Unconsciously used the word resistance? !

"Hehe... I, Chu Feiyang, have no intention of fighting Madam Mei Jie!" Chu Feiyang said lightly, "It's still the same sentence, as long as Madam Mei Jie hand over these two dogs to me By the way, if I take out Madam's ivory gun, I, Chu Feiyang, will naturally leave immediately, not to mention what happened just now!"

"Mother, what are you talking about with him? Let the brothers take out the guns, I don't believe that no matter how good their kung fu is, they can still escape our bullets!" Anna was full of anger, and took out a pistol from her waist first. Pointing at Chu Feiyang, with Anna taking the lead, those big men in blue and the six men in black who followed Anna before all took out guns of various colors from their pockets and pointed at Chu Feiyang and the others.

"Mrs. Meijie, to be honest, the current situation is not what I, Chu Feiyang, want to see..." Chu Feiyang frowned slightly, and his tone became cold all of a sudden, "The thing I hate the most It’s someone pointing a gun at me, Chu Feiyang! If I followed my past temper, I would have eliminated them without any rhetoric, but today, for your Madam Meijie’s sake...I, Chu Feiyang, Seriously ask Mrs. Major...are you really planning to do this?"

"Do you think you are the Spider-Man Iron Man in the American blockbuster or the Superman wearing underwear? Even if you are them, today we have so many guns can beat you into a hornet's nest!" Both Mrs. Jie and Anna couldn't help shivering at the same time!

"Hehe...really?" The corner of Chu Feiyang's mouth rose slightly, and a wicked and bloodthirsty smile quickly appeared on the corner of Chu Feiyang's mouth, and then a copy of his hand frightened the dazed Xiali Weier beside her. He hugged him by the waist, and then his figure shuttled back and forth in the lobby of the casino. When Chu Feiyang started, the black eyebrows and the white eyebrows also turned into a black shadow and a white shadow.Of course, no one was watching their shadows, and it seemed like there were always two gusts of wind, because all the lights in the casino hall had been extinguished at some point!

"Ah... ah... ouch... Kaka... Kacha... Hiss..." Because of the black light, none of the Assassin League members dared to shoot, because they were afraid of hitting their own people, but... .Even if they don't shoot, waiting for them is to be abused!


In about 1 minute, the lights in the lobby of the real casino turned on again, but... when they saw the mess in the casino and the panicked appearances of the gunmen on their side, the faces of Mrs. Major and Anna Unbelievable written all over it!


"Playing with the old man with guns? Let's talk about it when you reach the level of wearing your underwear backwards!" Bai Mei threw the more than 20 guns he seized in his hand on the gaming table, his face full of disdain!It's just that in the eyes of everyone, it looks like a devil.

"If it wasn't for the son not to let my brother kill...hehe..." Heimei also said coldly, and threw all the more than 20 guns he had seized in front of the gaming table with a bang, although his words behind him did not say anything. He continued to speak, but Soyo and Anna already understood the meaning of his words.

"I'm willing to bet, ma'am...Are you still planning to renege on your debt?" Chu Feiyang slowly walked out from a corner at this time. At this time, Anna and others discovered that the place where Chu Feiyang appeared was the electric gate of the casino.

"It's our women's prerogative to cheat, don't you even know this?" Mrs. Major's eyes flashed a look of shock, but then she pretended not to care, "What's more... God We are brothers of our alliance, if they are killed because of me, Mei Jie, how will the brothers of the alliance think of me? How will they think of me, Naer?!"

"Well... I understand, this is the so-called you have your position and I have mine, right?" Chu Feiyang said to himself, "But this matter has to be understood. Oh, it's really difficult... Hey... I said that the sky is missing, that is, you... I said that your brothers are almost a hundred years old, right? Shouldn't you take advantage of this opportunity? How about repaying your Mrs. Meijie well? She has made so much effort for you! Do you really want to see your Rao Shizi alliance completely destroyed because of the two of you? How? It makes sense to say it, right? How about I give each of you a knife and let you wipe your necks directly?"

"My son is my son, even the way I came up with is so unique, why can't my Baimei brain come up with it! Hehe..." Baimei sang and said, "Ai ai ai... Oh my god don't really want to let your

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