Huadu Bodyguard

Chapter 881 Kunlun

Kunlun Mountain, also known as Kunlun Xu, China's No. [-] Divine Mountain, the Mountain of Myriad Ancestors, Kunlun Hill or Yushan.Because of its towering and tall Kunlun Mountains, it became a natural barrier between ancient China and the west. It was considered by the ancient Chinese people to be the edge of the world. In addition, the Kunlun Mountains are covered with snow all the year round, so the ancient China symbolizes the west in white.

It is said that Kunlun Mountain is 110 four steps two feet six inches high.Under it, there is weak water that cannot float feathers, and on the periphery there is a flaming volcano that grows a sacred tree that continues to burn.The top of Kunlun Mountain is the capital of the Yellow Emperor, and there are enlightened beasts guarding the gate.According to ancient mythology, there lived a fairy "Queen Mother of the West" in Kunlun Mountains, with a human head and a leopard body, served by two blue birds.It is the orthodox god of Taoism, who is in charge of male and female cultivators and guides with the East Prince.The large mountain system in central Asia is also the backbone of the mountain system in western China.It starts from the east of the Pamirs in the west, traverses the middle of Xinjiang and Tibet, and extends to the territory of Haiqing Province. Narrow in the east and wide in the east has a total area of ​​more than 2500 square kilometers.

Kunlun Mountain has a prominent position as "the ancestor of ten thousand mountains" in the cultural history of the Chinese nation. The ancients called Kunlun Mountain the "ancestor of dragon veins" in China.Many myths and legends handed down from ancient China are related to Kunlun Mountain, which is considered to be the birthplace of the Chinese nation.However, Kunlun Mountain is not the "Kunlun Mountain" mentioned in many myths, but the Kunlun Mountains.The Kunlun Mountain in mythology is the "Kunlun Fairy Mountain" that exists in reality.

The Kunlun Mountains, or the Kunlun Mountains, can be divided into three sections. The first is the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway passing through Saitula in the upper reaches of the Karakash River and Mazha in the upper reaches of the Yarkand River, forming the water divide between the west and middle sections of the Kunlun Mountains. That is, the west section.The main mountain passes in the western section include Uzbeli Mountain Pass, Mingtiegai Mountain Pass, Khunqirab Daban and Kangxiwa, etc., which are the main traffic routes leading to Afghanistan and Pakistan.There are 7000 peaks above 3 meters above sea level in West Kunlun Mountains, and 6000 peaks above 7 meters above sea level, with an average elevation of 5500 to 6000 meters.

The main river originating in the western section is the Yarkant River, which is mainly fed by melted ice and snow, and converges in the northern part of the basin.But in the forest near the Yarkand River, the main river in the west, there is such a valley, its name is Longtan!It's just that outside Longtan Valley, there is a fog all year round. No matter those so-called explorers, adventurers, or masters among warriors, they can only stay away except getting lost!

In the eyes of those who know this fog, this fog also has a name called Jail Fog Array, which means that as long as you really walk into this fog, you can only end up in jail.But where did the name of Longtan come from?In fact, it was just a huge stone tablet that a very brave ancient warrior explorer saw when he entered the center of the mist by chance, and he took a photo of it, but no one saw it again afterwards.

And under the stone tablet with the two big characters "Longtan" written on it, there is a line of small characters like this - those who are not in Longtan will die if they enter the lake!

The nine Daban Mountains located on the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway and the Cheerchen River have a slightly arc-shaped main vein to the south; the Keliya Pass and the Karamilan Pass are the passages connecting Xinjiang, Xinjiang and West Tibet in this section, and this section is Kunlun. middle range of mountains.

The last is the eastern section of Kunlun, which spreads out in a slightly fan-shaped manner to the east and is divided into three branches: the northern branch of Qimantag Mountain, the south of which is separated by the Ayakekumu Basin, and the east extension is Tangsongwula Mountain and Burhan Buda Mountains; the middle branch of Arg Mountain, extending to the east is Bokarektag, Tanggeula Mountain and Buqing Mountain, which is connected to Animaqing Mountain in terrain; the southern branch is the main mountain range that constitutes the Qingnan Plateau, extending to the east connected with.The Kunlun Mountain Pass is the only way to pass through the Tibet-Qingdao Highway.

There are 6000 peaks above 4 meters above sea level in East Kunlun Mountains, and 5000 peaks above 8 meters above sea level, with an average elevation of 4500 to 5000 meters, and the snow cover is distributed on the peaks above 5800 meters.The height of the snow line along the passes of Kunlun Mountains is 5200 meters on the north slope and 5400 meters on the south slope.The main rivers are the Cheerchen River flowing into the Tarim Basin; the Naren Gol River, Utumeiren River, and Qaidam River flowing into the Qaidam Basin.

On the other hand, the northern slope of the East Kunlun Mountains is a desertified grassland. Below an altitude of 3600 meters, it is a dry and denuded bedrock mountain. There are few plants growing. Desert; transition from 3600 to 3800 meters to subalpine grassland of Stipa aurantiae; the lower part of the mountain from 3800 to 4500 meters is a grassland alpine meadow dominated by Kobresia minor, and the upper part is cushion-like vegetation; above 4500 to 5000 meters, it transitions to sparse The alpine vegetation and the freezing weathering belt; the alpine ice and snow belt above 5500 meters.However, there is such a mysterious valley in this ice and snow area at an altitude of more than 5000 meters, and its name is Tiger Cave Valley!

Of course, the discoverers once praised the other world in the mysterious and beautiful cave as a cave beyond the ice!It's just that the praiser back then was silent after being reported once. Since then, many explorers and adventurers, as well as ancient warriors of any level and strength, have gone to the tiger's den to explore, but Their ending was even crueler than those who were looking for Longtan Valley!

Those who went to explore the mystery of the Tiger Cave Valley became idiots who were able to return, and all of these idiots were warriors who boasted of their strength; and most of them never returned, such as those ordinary adventurers. home and adventurer.As for the approximate location of Tiger Cave Valley, according to the records of the first explorer, it seems to be in a seemingly ordinary cave sunken in a large area of ​​ice and snow, but there are four entrances in that cave .It is called: the door of life, the door of death, the door of no living and the no door of death.But the explorer back then just happened to walk into the door of life and found it by luck.

As for the legends of Longtan Valley and Tiger Cave Valley, it is actually not that simple. I don’t know how long ago, there were actually these two sects in the Jianghu world of China. It’s just that their mystery and weirdness are little known, but they don’t make any moves. If that's the case, it's bound to be a blockbuster!Of course, their terrifying and vicious methods were also taboos in the world at that time, so many sects except the elders among them were even more unwilling to tell their disciples too much about these things. Famous and powerful names are gradually forgotten in the eyes, hearts and memories of people in the Jianghu, or even forgotten!

But it is undeniable that Longtan and Tiger's Cave still exist, and the fighters inside are as terrifying and terrifying as ever!In the eyes of many local residents, whether it is the Longtan area in the west section of Kunlun or the Tiger Cave area in the east section of Kunlun has become their restricted area, many friends who come here will be warned by tour guides or local residents not to enter this area. Two areas, otherwise the consequences would be very serious, but on the fifth day of the New Year, that is, the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, a group of "uninvited guests" ushered in near Longtan in the western section of Kunlun, and they looked They looked like they were obviously planning to enter the Longtan Valley!

Of course, this group of so-called uninvited guests was none other than a group of 16 people headed by Chu Feiyang, namely Jiang Qingya and Yan Linger, Shadow Thorn No. [-] and Shadow Thorn No. [-], and the eleven members of Cobra!

"I said, Mr. Chu, we've been wandering around the Kunlun Mountains for almost half a day. You should tell us what we're looking for here now, right? If we continue walking, we'll probably end up in this forest I spent the night in there!" Chu Feiyang did not explain the purpose of coming to Kunlun Mountain to Cobra, and at this time it was inevitable that Long Yin would have something to say.

"The prison fog formation is the place we need to find now, and the Longtan Valley inside the fog formation is our destination!" Chu Feiyang said lightly.

"Longtan Valley?!" Long Chou couldn't help being a little surprised, "Mr. Chu is talking about the legendary Longtan Valley that prohibits outsiders from entering Longtan Valley?!" The other members of Cobra couldn't help but looked at Chu Feiyang in shock, as if they wanted to get out of Chu Feiyang. Feiyang got a negative answer, and although Longzi frowned slightly, his expression was still very calm.

"There seems to be only one dragon pond and one tiger den in Kunlun Mountains. I think it should be the Dragon Lake Valley you mentioned!" Chu Feiyang said lightly, "But it should not be as serious as you said!"

"The former Holy Master of Longtan Valley was my son's senior brother, and the current Holy Master is my son's senior nephew. Hearing this, do you have any questions?" Shadow Thorn No. [-] was dissatisfied when he saw Long Chou's expression Said that these are naturally already known in Langdon.

"Mr. Chu is not from the Chu family...why do you want to be with this Longtan...?" Longzi was a little puzzled. As the boss of the cobra, he certainly had heard of the rumored Longtan and Tiger's Den, and compared to ordinary people, he was more concerned. know more.

"It's just that I have a relationship with the former Holy Lord of Longtan!" Chu Feiyang didn't want to say too much, but it was enough to say, "Let's go, according to what my senior brother said, there are several other seniors' marks. I think we are far away from each other." The prison fog array is not very far away!"

Prison fog array.

In fact, this so-called Jail Fog Formation is just a formation as the name suggests, but this formation is quite special. If you can't find the opponent correctly, you will be trapped in this fog formation for at least three days and five nights. Don't go out, but once you find the eye, you can easily find the entrance of Longtan Valley. Of course, even if you go to the entrance of Longtan Valley, it is not so easy to enter Longtan Valley, at least you need to go through the guards at the entrance of Longtan Valley Cross-examination and consideration can pass!

"Hehe... I never imagined that those hawks and dogs of the Rothschild family are so sharp-nosed, they chased here from the island country, and they really enjoyed it!" Just before the fog formation, Chu Feiyang raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly. He said, "Let me tell you, are we here to relax and wait for work, or do we ignore them?"

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