Jagged city

Chapter 106

Jagged City - Chapter [-] Deceiving Too Much

Lieutenant General Li gave Lin Tao a seven-day marriage, and Lin Tao gave Zhao Dingtian half a month of marriage leave. 【】Guan Lanlan was so happy that her brother-in-law kept screaming.

On the first day of the holiday, that is, three days before the wedding, two young couples, Lin Tao and Zhao Dingtian, took wedding photos for half a day in the morning, and then hired professionals to decorate the new house in the afternoon.

The next morning, Lin Tao's grandparents, grandparents, and uncle's family of four rushed over. In the afternoon, Guan Lanlan's couple flew over from Shanghai.The next day, Xiao Xiao's parents, parents' brothers and sisters, children, parents' parents - relatives and friends gathered from all directions. Lin Tao's house was not small, but it couldn't hold the crowds. Finally, they took buses to Xishan Mingyue Lake Hotel.Lin Tao's two teachers, brother Zhao Banxian, were picked up by Lin Tao himself by plane to show his respect and filial piety.If it weren't for Lin Tao's ability, these two old monks wouldn't be able to board the plane, why?No ID, no boarding.

Lin Tao sent people directly to Mingyue Lake Hotel, and now all the relatives and friends who came in advance are in Mingyue Lake.Lin Tao is also very busy.Greetings to grandma and grandpa first, the two old people pulled Lin Tao to say goodbye, and finally said, "It's a pity that my short-lived girl, who didn't see the beauty of her son, is really unlucky!" In one sentence, everyone was confused. Cried.

After a while, the old lady stopped crying, and then began to scold her youngest daughter, who is Lin Tao's aunt, "you are not sensible, old Lin's family does not have a woman to manage the house, and the wedding is such a big event, you don't want to say it two days earlier." In the past day, I helped Zhang Luo Zhang Luo, but only cared about making money—”

"Why are you relying on me? If you hadn't said you had a back pain two days ago, I would have come here earlier." Aunt Lin Tao argued that it was not easy to take care of two elderly people in their 70s.Lin Tao wiped away his tears and said with a smile: "I have a lot of people. I have employees from the company and my subordinates to help. It's nothing to do with me. You and grandpa can stay here for a while longer. Go to see grandma and grandpa"

"It's important to do big things, your grandma and I are tough!" the old man looked at the presidential suite with his hands behind his back.Xin said, this is the house where the president lives, it is really luxurious, and I also took advantage of my grandson to become the president.

"Xiao Ting's father, now Xiao Tao has arranged for his cousin's job. The largest Yamen in the Public Security Bureau has a bright future, so you don't have to worry about Xiao Ting. Just enough money to spend, and less trouble with the restaurant." Dim sum, you will get sick when you get old." The old lady continued nagging.

"En, Mom, I know." Lin Tao's uncle is a laid-off worker, and he works in the same factory as Lin Tao's aunt, and Lin Tao's aunt takes over the job of her grandfather.The two were laid off together, started a business together, and opened the restaurant to make ends meet. The restaurant has expanded a lot in the past few days, and it can earn 50 million yuan a year. It is also a relatively wealthy family in the city. Uncle Lin Tao is also a boss. Yes, but I still get up early to buy groceries and move up and down.She is usually reticent, but when Aunt Lin Tao quarreled, the old lady would scold her daughter.

As soon as Aunt Lin Tao heard what the old lady said, she immediately muttered: "My brother-in-law is so rich, and he is not still running a company. Of course, the more money the better. Mom, do you know, this is the presidential suite, and the owner gets 1 a day. Yuan."

"What? It costs 1 yuan for one day's stay. It's so expensive, so let's stop living here and go back to Xiaotao's house." The old lady said with a change of color, immediately amused everyone.

"You old fool, this is your grandson's hotel, and you won't be charged." The old man shouted with his eyes wide open. The old man was somewhat deaf and spoke loudly.

"You are so confused. You think I don't know. I want the people who live in the hotel to live. Isn't it a loss for us to live in? That's 1 yuan." Feelings, this old lady is not confused at all, shrewd Now, everyone will be happier once we finish talking.

"The hotel hasn't been renovated yet, so it can't open. Grandma, you can rest assured. I'll give you and grandpa a massage." This person is over [-], and his energy and blood are declining. .Lin Tao is usually busy, so it is rare for him to show filial piety, which can be regarded as filial piety for his dead mother.

The old lady was lying on the bed, enjoying Lin Tao's massage, grinning.

"You are a beautiful old lady, the master will give you a massage, and the governor doesn't give you that kind of treatment." The old man sat beside him and pouted his beard.

"Even if he becomes the president of the country, that is also my grandson." The old lady retorted.Aunt Lin Tao was giggling happily.

"Is it comfortable?" The old man asked again, seeing the old lady's expression of enjoyment, he was a little anxious.

"It's comfortable. The waistline is warm. Wherever Xiaotao's hand goes, it's comfortable. Oh, I've never been so comfortable in my life—" the old lady fell asleep while talking.Lin Tao is not only a massage, but also relaxes the old lady's tendons and activates blood circulation.Slowly turn the old lady over and cover her with a blanket.

"Grandpa, it's your turn. Make sure you fall asleep comfortably."

The old man also quickly fell asleep during Lin Tao's massage. Lin Tao used the innate zhenqi to cross the meridians for the two old men, and the effect was comparable to taking tonics for several years.

Aunt Lin Tao also twisted her shoulders, as if she wanted Lin Tao to massage her. Lin Tao smiled and said, "Auntie, Uncle, I will come here to give you a massage at night. There are a lot of guests here now. I am going to see Xiao Xiao's parents, and Xiao Xiao's godfather and godmother."

"Go and do your work, Xiaoxiao, her father is a senior cadre, so you can't be negligent."

"Well, dinner, at five o'clock, the waiter will bring it directly to the room. You don't need to go out to eat." Before leaving, Lin Tao did not forget to tell, this is family affection.

Sitting opposite her husband, Aunt Lin Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "This Lin Zhiyuan is really capable of tossing around. He built a big hotel, and it cost tens of millions, right?"

"Tens of millions, such a big hotel costs more than [-] million. Didn't you see that there are still unfinished projects behind? How much will it cost to build two more buildings?" Although Uncle Lin Tao is honest, he is very shrewd and careful in his work.

"That's right, it's all the ability of the Lin family's father and son. By the way, why didn't that damn girl come? Cousin's marriage is such an important event, so what are you afraid of taking two days off? I'll call Xiaoting." Aunt Lin Tao pressed Li Ting number.It took a while before Li Ting answered the phone.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

Li Ting's voice came from the other end of the phone, as well as noisy talking, as if she was drinking, Aunt Lin Tao frowned.

"Why don't you come, girl, what are you doing?"

"Our director is entertaining guests—Jinglong Hotel is on the same main road as Mingyue Lake Hotel. I'll go there after eating—" Li Ting burped.

"What, you drink too? Did your director let you drink with him? Did you know that your cousin got married, you little heartless—"

"Mom—our leader asked me to go, what can I do—" Li Ting said aggrievedly.

"Your director is older, or your cousin is older, get out of here!" Aunt Lin Tao stood up and cursed.

"Got it—" Li Ting hiccupped and hung up the phone.

Aunt Lin Tao was worried about her daughter drinking with others. What if she drank too much, she hurried to find Lin Tao and asked Lin Tao to find someone to pick up Li Ting.

Aunt Lin Tao went out of the room and went to look for Lin Tao. She saw Xiao Guan, Lin Tao's guard, and asked quickly, "Xiao Guan, where is Lin Tao? His cousin drank too much. I want him to pick up Li Ting."

Little Concern said, if we regard our leader as me, then the big leader will be there whenever he is called.Xiao Guan smiled and said, "Minister Guan from the Ministry of Public Security is here, and the chief is talking with him. I'll pick it up. Where is Li Ting?"

"What Jinglong Hotel, Li Ting said that it is on the same road as this hotel, Xiaoguan, do you know?" Aunt Lin Tao said in her heart, your ministers have all congratulated your cousin in advance, what kind of shit director are you, a girl, really Silly!Even though Aunt Lin Tao didn't go to college, she has far more social experience than Li Ting.

"I know, I have Li Ting's number in my cell phone, I will call her later when I go out, don't worry." Xiao Guan said politely, Xiao Guan often drove Xiao Xiao and Li Ting shopping, and Li Ting very familiar.

"Excuse me, Xiaoguan, this girl is short-tempered!" Aunt Lin Tao shook her head and returned to the room.

Jinglong Hotel, in the private room of Chrysanthemum Hall.

"Xiao Li, come here to toast the Director of the Horse Bureau." Director Zhang of Li Ting's department shouted with a fat face.

"I'll come right away, I'll wash my face." Li Ting stood at the door, covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom.

"Hey, it's not enough to drink without going out of school, and you can't let the leaders have fun." Director Zhang said to Director Ma.

"She's pretty. She's a recruited college student? What's your background?" Director Ma thought about how to take down this beautiful female college student.

"Li Ting is one of the 01 students specially recruited last year, and he is still under investigation." Director Zhang was just transferred from the grassroots, and he has only been here for two months, so he is not familiar with Li Ting's situation.There are seven people in their department, four women and three men, and Li Ting only shows up occasionally.Director Zhang met Li Ting three times and had a conversation once. Today, in the name of work, he went to the district to find Director Ma for a drink and brought Li Ting with him.It was the first time that Li Ting went to inspect the work with the leader. She was very happy and followed Director Zhang very cautiously.From twelve noon to 30:[-].At the beginning, Li Ting drank a drink, but after Director Ma poured the wine, he only poured a shallow cup, which was thick-skinned.

You don't drink anymore, as long as you don't have allergies, there is no problem with this little wine. In the expectation of the two leaders, Li Ting drank the wine. She drank a glass of Coke, but now she doesn't feel any better after drinking this little wine.Director Ma even praised that this is a good comrade.Even lesbians have to drink some alcohol for work needs. Director Ma quoted a lot of classics and said a lot, making people think that lesbians can also drink, and it is necessary, and the capacity for alcohol should be exercised slowly.Director Zhang inserted a few words of flattery from time to time.

This is a trick, you don’t care if you pour some for one time, and you don’t care if the leader asks you to pay back.Novices who don't know how to drink when they work in government units are often drunk when they go out to eat for the first time.Not only is it impossible to guard against, but it is also impossible to refuse.

Director Ma asked about Li Ting's background, but Director Zhang didn't know. He talked to his subordinates and asked about Li Ting's situation, but his subordinates only knew that it was one of the specially recruited students arranged by the Human Resources Department.Li Ting is usually very low-key, so Director Zhang also thinks that Li Ting's family affairs are average, and she was selected because of her good studies and high political quality.

Li Ting vomited in the bathroom, rinsed with cold water for a long time, gulped and drank several mouthfuls of tap water, and then woke up.Xin said, "My cousin asked me to go to Xishan Mingyue Lake Hotel today to accompany my grandma and grandpa. I can't drink any more. I have to go first."

Originally, during Li Ting's school days, except for the special subjects or training arranged by the ministry, there was no such kind of work inspection, but Director Zhang was a little swayed, and felt that it was annoying to be accompanied by beautiful women, which made Li Ting Ting followed the next area.Li Ting was new here and worked with the leader. She thought it was the leader's appreciation, so she didn't think much about it.Now that her mother was calling, Li Ting remembered that her grandma and grandpa were both here, so she had to go back quickly.Thought is very simple.

Li Ting went back to the private room, put on a police cap, and said to Director Zhang: "Director, Director Ma, my grandparents came to Beijing before noon, and I went to see them. Take your time." Li Ting I'm leaving now.

"Wait, Li." Director Zhang shouted.

Seeing Director Zhang's unkind expression, Li Ting asked suspiciously, "Director, what's the matter?"

Director Zhang was furious, thinking that he had lost face in front of Director Ma, and that this college student didn't know what to do.

"What's the matter? What's your work attitude? We're here to inspect the work. How can you leave without the consent of the leader? Can you see your parents after work? How can you delay your normal work because of personal matters." Director Zhang said seriously.

"I'm sorry, Director, I thought the work was over, and now I'm just eating, I want to go back early—"

"With your work attitude, I'm sure you'll fail the inspection. You're not a formal staff member yet. After graduation, do you still want to work in the ministry—"

"Look at you, Lao Zhang, what are you doing so arrogantly? College students don't have much work experience yet, so you don't think too much about it. Come here, Xiao Li, and offer a toast to Director Zhang to make amends." Director Ma sang a red face, eased the relationship, and asked Li Ting to accompany the drink Acknowledge your mistake.

Li Ting was reprimanded by the leader for the first time, her eyes were slightly red, and she said nonuo: "I'm sorry, Director Zhang, I was wrong, but I really can't drink anymore. I feel dizzy, can I stop drinking?"

"It's like this for the first time drinking. Come and sit down, drink less, and you'll be fine. Director Zhang is also concerned about your future, and you can develop as soon as possible." Director Ma pretended to be kind and took Li Ting's hand Sit down and pour Li Ting half a glass of white wine.Then he patted Li Ting's hand and continued:

"It's such a rare opportunity to enter the Ministry of Public Security. The children of ordinary Beijing cadres can't get in even if they squeeze their heads, let alone foreign students like you. You can't easily miss this opportunity. In the future, Director Zhang will take care of you. I'm sure I'll pass the inspection smoothly. Come and drink it—" The old horse took Li Ting's hand seductively, grabbed the glass and poured Li Ting with wine.Seeing Li Ting's charming appearance with pear blossoms and rain, the old horse was distracted, wishing to hug her in his arms and kiss her a few times.

Li Ting leaned back slightly, avoiding Director Ma's big face approaching, the stench in his mouth made Li Ting frown even more, and the pungent smell of wine made Li Ting feel nauseous, Li Ting pushed the wine glass: "I I really can’t drink anymore, Director Ma—”

Li Ting pushed again, and the old horse was looking at Li Ting's small mouth and white neck. He didn't grab the wine glass, but Li Ting pushed it away. He took off Mr. Ma's trousers.

"I'm sorry—" Li Ting looked at Director Ma's dark face and said anxiously.

"Shame on you, get out—you don't have to go to the department anymore." Director Zhang also drank a little too much. Seeing that Li Ting was too shameless, he raised his glass angrily, and Li Ting was splashed all over his face.

Li Ting looked horrified, and then cried out, and ran out with her head down, just in time to bump into the waiter who was coming to deliver the soup.The sound of the broken porcelain basin and the screams of the waiter intertwined. Li Ting also fell to the ground, and the soup spilled over her body. Fortunately, the police uniform was relatively thick, so it didn't burn her.But the waiter was miserable, his hands were red from the soup.

Director Zhang was dumbfounded, and he was so angry that he patted the table and cursed: "Get out, get out!"

Li Ting stood up crying, said sorry, and walked out, dizzy, wronged, and stumbled. The waiter saw the pretty policewoman in such a state, and looked at it curiously.

Li Ting has never been in the world, and she has always been a delicate girl. How could she have experienced this, and she was a little bit drunk, so she leaned against the wall and squatted on the ground crying. The guests who entered and exited the elevator on the opposite side also wondered why the female policeman was crying. No one dared to come and ask.Li Ting's phone kept ringing in the work bag, but naturally she couldn't hear it in the private room.

Xiaoguan became a little anxious on the road, and no one answered his three phone calls. The speed of the car reached 120 mph, and he rushed to the Jinglong Hotel. Where to eat and drink.It is [-] kilometers away from Mingyue Lake Hotel.Xiaoguan was driving a car with a military photo attached, and the road police didn't dare to chase after seeing the speeding.This is also the privilege of the military license.

The elevator on the third floor of Jinglong Hotel opened, and four soldiers walked out, all young officers.

"Political commissar first!" Gao Feng said politely.

"Don't do this, you boy!" The officer who was called the political commissar pushed Gao Feng, who led the way with a smile on his head.

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