Jagged city

Chapter 109

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter [-] Assault on a Rainy Night

On the third day after the terrorist attack, the National Security Bureau arrested the leader of the attack, Ai Li, in Xinjiang, and learned that the real cause of the attack was the rescue of the hostages by Mexico. ╚ ^ ╝The younger brother of the three leaders of the drug cartel that Lin Tao killed at the beginning was not only engaged in drug trafficking, but also an arms dealer. His name was Rogers.This Rutgers has been very close to the Afghan terrorist organization in recent years, and a large amount of arms flowed into Afghanistan through him.After hearing the news of his brother's death, Rutgers bribed the Mexican SWAT team and found out that Lin Tao was his murderer.There was no chance to attack Lin Tao in the United States, so he sent people to follow him to China and hired local private detectives to monitor Lin Tao's family.After confirming the news of Lin Tao's marriage, he began to plan revenge.

Rutgers bought Ai Li, and Ai Li organized people to dress up as ordinary people and kept observing the Mingyue Lake Hotel.The Mingyue Lake Hotel was heavily guarded, and it was not opened yet, so strangers couldn’t get close to it. Finally, they came up with an idea—to attack the Mingyue Lake Hotel with a hidden rocket launcher in a container truck.Under the guise of East Turkistan, it actually received a sponsorship of 500 million US dollars from Rutgers.

The terrorist attack failed, and Ai Li thought that all the men who participated in the attack were dead, so he did not abscond abroad, but spent his days and nights in an Urumqi casino and gambled heavily.After being visited by national security personnel, he was secretly arrested and taken to the base of the Xinjiang Military Region for a surprise interrogation.This guy is not a complete terrorist who is not afraid of death, but he is greedy for money and enjoyment. After some tricks, he confessed thoroughly. Guoan not only learned the truth of the matter, but also learned about a secret training in East Turkistan from him. The base is a village in Afghanistan, only [-] kilometers away from the Sino-Afghanistan border.

After Mr. Shang heard the news, he discussed with several of his generals and decided to destroy this stronghold.Two days later, Wang Han and Lin Tao participated in another secret meeting.Lin Tao became the person in charge of the beheading operation.

On April [-]st, when Lin Tao came to the border, there were two teams ready to go. These two teams were sss teams called Fallen Leaves and Black Fox, each with five members.Lin Tao sneaked into the territory of Ah with these ten people at [-] o'clock in the evening, and ran towards the Dongtu stronghold along the secret route that had been investigated in advance.In order to meet ten people including Ling Tao and one person, two helicopters were on standby at the military base.Military radars always monitor the air within [-] kilometers of the border to prevent accidents.

At 09:30, Lin Tao and his party of 11 arrived in a forest one kilometer southeast of the village where the stronghold is located.Except for Lin Tao, the other ten people were exhausted and out of breath. Although it was the sss team, it was unbearable to run [-] kilometers with a [-]-kilogram load.Lin Tao opened the map, and it was a high-definition aerial photo. The layout and streets of the entire village could be seen clearly. He turned on the infrared telescope and began to look at the map.

Lin Tao pointed to the map and said, "I'll take a close look at the situation later, and act at my command at any time. There may be landmines and secret sentries outside this village. I will choose a safe route."

After resting for 10 minutes, Lin Tao took out a miniature landmine detector, similar to an old-fashioned mobile phone, which can detect landmines with a radius of two meters and a depth of four feet.If found, there will be a small red light constantly blinking.Lin Tao walked out of the woods on his back. The trigger of the landmine usually requires a weight of more than [-] kilograms to trigger it, and it will explode as soon as he leaves his foot.Lin Tao gasped and walked quickly. Lin Tao was all in black, like a shadow under the dark sky. The choice of April [-]st was based on the weather conditions. There would be heavy rain in the middle of the night, and this kind of weather was most suitable for dark nights. Sneak attack.

The weight of Lin Tao falling on the ground will not exceed two kilograms. On the surface, it seems that this is very incredible and violates the laws of physics.In fact, it is not the case. When Lin Tao's Neijia Qigong has reached the innate state, he will use the tension of the air to disperse his weight, just like walking over something while holding on to something.

"The head ran too fast, I guess I stepped on a landmine as soon as the first episode was shown."

"Hey, this effect is what I want. It won't explode if you step on it, so you can quickly detect this safe passage." The team members visually estimated the route Lin Tao walked, and found a good location so that they would not exceed the distance when following behind. safe range.

"Buzzing——" the red light flickered, and the detector made a very faint buzzing sound, almost like a mosquito.Lin Tao took out a small bottle and sprinkled a small circle of powder.A small circle appears on the ground and you need to wear infrared night vision goggles to see a very faint red halo.Players following up behind will insert hard object markers.Prevents rain from washing away phosphor markers.Lin Tao arrived safely near the first household on the edge of the village.Then he ran back and forth, looking for a safe place to lurk, and called the team members to come over.A total of four team members came over, two were left halfway, and the other two lurked outside the walls of the residents.

There are three houses inside the wall, one of which is lit. Lin Taofei walked into the yard silently with his body on the wall and listened. There was no one else except a middle-aged man watching DVD in the living room. This middle-aged uncle , was enjoying Japanese porn, holding a wine glass in his right hand, masturbating with his left hand, and on the table next to him was an ak47.I don't know if this guy is a Taliban or an East Turk.Lin Tao walked to the door, let out the thin steel wire wrapped around his wrist, lifted the latch, and slowly opened the door.Not only did the person not notice it at all, but he also let out a low hum, probably finding a point of excitement.Lin Tao walked to the back of the sofa like a cat, this guy's arms were shaking rapidly, and the male and female pig feet in the porn were about to reach the bed.At this moment, Lin Tao clicked on the dumb and numb points of the middle-aged uncle, and watched with a little fear that the task in the film had reached the point, while the tent on his lower body was still arched high.Lin Tao felt a little funny.But now is not the time to have fun, Lin Tao quickly issued an order.Four more people came out of the woods, ran over quickly, and entered the enclosure.One climbed over the other wall and lurked on the west side of the house.The other three entered the room.The windows are covered by curtains, so there is no need to worry about people in the village seeing them from a distance.

One of the three special team members who came in was able to speak Albanian language and Xinjiang language. Lin Tao first gave this man a muscle-stretching hand, gagged his mouth, made him tremble with pain and sweated profusely, and touched his numb acupoints. No, I covered my mouth and pressed the Ya acupoint, but I could only make a very low, dull, painful whining sound.Beads of sweat trickled down his face, watching the four masked men in front of him plunge into infinite pain and fear. Three minutes later, Lin Tao reset the muscles and bones, unlocked the acupoints, and asked the team members to interrogate him.

"Is this the East Turkistan base or the Taliban base?"

"I—" Just after hesitating, he tapped the Ya acupoint again, and stretched his muscles and bones again.In this way, while interrogating, while resorting to methods.In 10 minutes, I recruited everything I knew.And on the photo in Lin Tao's hand, there are ten houses hiding East Turkistan elements, and three Taliban elements, one of which is their headquarters, one is a large dormitory, the number two in East Turkistan and an arms dealer tonight Live in the headquarters compound.Lin Tao did not expect there to be two big fish.We have to consider capturing the No. [-] leader and the arms dealer alive.

Although the uncle didn't know the name of the arms dealer, Lin Tao figured out that it should be Rogers, the younger brother of the three leaders of the drug cartel that Aili confessed to.The attack on Lin Tao's wedding failed last time, and maybe some action is needed.The Dongtu personnel lived quite scattered, and the four families around the headquarters compound were all Dongtu elements, and there were secret whistles on the roof.About one kilometer away from this house, there is an East Turkistan resident on the way that needs to be dealt with first, and then the team members can be arranged there.

With a wave of Lin Tao's hand, the team members withdrew from the room, and the last team member who came out broke the man's neck.This kind of special secret operation rarely survives, especially the dead are hostile personnel, not ordinary people, and the cold-blooded neighborhood is fully reflected at this moment.One of the team climbed onto the roof and set up the sniper rifle.The other five people followed Lin Tao to the second East Turkistan household.Lin Tao sneaked into the bedroom. It was a young couple with a two or three-year-old child.Feeling a bit unbearable, he sighed and clicked the couple's acupoints.After making the man dizzy first, he asked the woman for a confession, which was the same as what the first captive said.Wake up this young father again, this guy is obviously more loyal to the organization, his eyes emit a vicious light, he will yell loudly as soon as he unlocks his acupoints, his mouth is covered by the team members in time, when Lin Tao turned his face away, The team member twisted her neck, and the woman was beaten unconscious and spared her life.If she hadn't had a child, she wouldn't have let her go. This is Lin Tao's compassion, because Xiao Xiao is going to give birth soon.Let Lin Tao kill this East Turkistan wife obviously cannot be cruel.When Lin Tao went out of the house and continued to lurk towards the stronghold compound, the two team members looked at each other and decided to kill him.Because this woman also has calluses from guns on her hands.The team members may think that Lin Tao couldn't bear to knock the woman unconscious, or maybe they thought it was because Lin Tao didn't want to kill himself and let them do it.In short, the little girl who fell asleep sweetly became an orphan overnight.This is a silent prelude to war, regardless of whether the couple killed or not, they became victims of East Turkistan.On our side, these special forces are heroes, and on the East Turkistan side, these people are executioners.Different standpoints of justice have different moral standards.Unable to rate.

At this time, the two team members in the woods also entered the village, and the supporting team members led them to the family of three.One of the team members was carrying a device that blocked the phone signal, waiting for Lin Tao to take orders at any time.

The stronghold headquarters compound is a house with an attic, and there is a secret whistle on the roof. The opposite is also a compound, which is a two-story building, and fifty people live in it. It is similar to a military dormitory. There are two guards at the gate of the compound.On the street in front of the compound, there are three or four places with electric lights on the walls. Although it is a bit dim, people who pass by within a hundred meters on both sides of the street can see it.This situation is very unfavorable for sneak attacks.Lin Tao directly touched the back of the dormitory.Jumping over the fence, he quickly ran over and turned into a black shadow sticking to the shadow on one side of the house.

At this time, there was a flash of lightning in the sky, followed by rumbling thunder, and the big raindrops crackled on the glass, falling densely, and the accumulated water on the roof instantly formed a drainage pipe on the roof It dripped down and made a rattling sound.Lin Tao looked at his watch and it was already eleven o'clock at night.It is an absolutely arduous task to solve everyone quietly without making any noise. The time is a little tight, and Lin Tao did not dare to let the team members in. Although he is a member of the sss team, this task of subverting the terrorist base is still the first At one time, there were nearly a hundred terrorists, and they were very scattered. If there was a gunshot, a gun battle would start. Ten people against a hundred people. Although they are all sharpshooters, they have no advantage. Team members may die in the chaos. , This is not what Lin Tao wants to see, so Lin Tao entered the dormitory of the training base alone, preparing to kill the secret whistle first, and then press the plastic bomb.Timed detonation.Try to eliminate the enemy's vital forces.Under the cover of the sound of rain, Lin Tao went up to the second floor, pried open the window, and climbed in.

A lightning bolt illuminated the corridor on the second floor. The guy who pushed the door and came out of the toilet looked out of the window in horror. It happened that Lin Tao jumped into the corridor. There was nothing worse than this. Maybe this guy was timid and thought he saw a ghost , Lin Tao saw the terrified eyes of this person, and just when this guy was about to open his mouth, a cold light shot into this person's forehead along with lightning. From a distance of ten meters, Lin Tao arrived in two steps, and supported the man who was dying, and a guy with frightened face.Drag it into the toilet and stuff it in a bathroom.There are eight rooms on the second floor. Lin Tao quickly walked to the end of the corridor. After hearing the audiometry, there were six rooms with people sleeping, six people in each room.There were still people living downstairs, and it was really not suitable to go in and kill people one by one in this situation. Lin Tao took out plastic bombs and stuck them on the doors respectively.Then Lin Tao went to the attic, where the secret whistle was eating instant noodles, Siri Hulu was eating deliciously, and the sniper rifle was on it.On the wall next to it is a duty list. The night shift with good feelings is from [-]:[-] p.m.Standing behind this person, Lin Tao thought that dying suddenly while eating might be one of the happiest ways to die.Just as this person swallowed a mouthful of noodles and put the small basin on the table, a steel wire popped out of Lin Tao's sleeve and pierced into this person's brain. He tilted his neck and stopped breathing.

Lin Tao condescendingly saw the secret whistle of the opposite compound from the shooting port, and could see the top of the opponent's head.The two guards at the door were also within shooting range.

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