Jagged city

Chapter 118 Who Hit Who Didn't Understand

Iron-Blooded City - Chapter 110 Who Hit Who Didn't Understand

When Lin Tao returned to the municipal government, the secretary of the municipal party committee was walking back and forth in the mayor's office. ╞ Chinese? ╡

"Old Xu, what do you think Lin Tao came from? He killed Liao Wendong, a famous entrepreneur in our city, and wounded the chief of the public security bureau in the street. Now all of them have been taken away by the army. Is this plausible? It's even more domineering than bandits— —The political commissar of the army horse did not give an explanation, I have to report it to my superiors.”

When Secretary Gao said this, Lin Tao was knocking on Mayor Xu's door.

"Deputy Mayor Lin, Secretary Gao and Mayor Xu are waiting for you inside." The mayor's secretary let Lin Tao in.Lin Tao saw that the two top leaders of Xiliang City were here. It seemed that they knew what happened in Guozi Hutong.

"Secretary Gao, Mayor Xu, you are looking for me!" Lin Tao asked calmly.

"Yeah, Mayor Lin, tell me what happened in Guozi Hutong. My phone is about to explode. No, Secretary Gao is also having a headache."

Lin Tao saw that Secretary Gao sat down with a dark face and began to drink tea, and suddenly said sharply: "It's outrageous!"

Secretary Gao trembled, almost threw the water glass on the ground, and said to himself, what's wrong with you when you are young.

"Today I went to visit the needy households in the electronics factory. I saw the scene of three gangsters forcing their husbands into prostitution, beating women and children in the street. This scene was really heartbreaking. I really don't know what the Xiliang City Public Security Bureau is doing."

Lin Tao was angry and lit a cigarette. Seeing that Mayor Xu's cigarette was about to go out, he changed it for Mayor Xu. Secretary Gao didn't smoke and waved to Lin Tao.

Lin Tao continued: "A gangster knocked down the vice chairman of the trade union of the electronics factory. I went to argue and rushed at me again. Secretary Xiaofang blocked the criminal dealer. That guy showed his knife. If he wanted to stab Xiaofang, I gave him a knife." I also subdued the other two gangsters who were attacking with knives, and Xiao Fang called the police, thinking that the matter could come to an end—"

"What happened again?" Secretary Gao asked.Mayor Xu laughed in his heart. Director Zhong is your brother-in-law, who doesn't know, maybe Deputy Mayor Lin doesn't know.It's his bad luck. He had heard that the director had an affair with the underworld. Now he hit the gunpoint. When he met Xiao Lin, the Zhong family might be finished. If your buttocks are not clean, Secretary Gao, you will have to sit with him.This mayor Xu is also a cadre transferred from the army. He was a regimental leader more than ten years ago. It is not easy to be the mayor now. When it was said that Lin Tao had served as the chief instructor of the garrison area, Lao Xu was very excited. Everyone in the army admired a truly powerful and ruthless character. The position is not very high, and everyone has to show some face.In particular, Lin Tao was awarded the rank of major general a few months ago. How could such a promising senior officer transfer to the local government? Mayor Xu guessed that there was a big issue here.

Secretary Gao naturally didn't know the meaning of Lao Xu's smile, but just wanted to understand what happened as soon as possible, because when he called the army, the army leader ambiguously made him very annoyed.

"Later, Director Zhong came and wanted to take me away for interrogation, and then something Dong Ge came, and Director Zhong went to curry favor as if he saw his father. That Brother Dong said he wanted to kill me, but was stopped by Director Zhong The alley was controlled by dozens of gangsters. My driver was anxious and rushed in. The gangsters started to move their knives. I asked Chief Zhong to fire a warning shot. As a result, Dong Ge took out his gun and fired a few shots, ordering Chief Zhong escorted me away, and then the two policemen were going to attack me—"

"Pa——" Mayor Xu threw the teacup on the ground at once, and the loud noise spread throughout the corridor.

"Is this shit still plausible? It's the wrong way. Everyone should be pulled out and shot, especially that Chief Zhong."

Old Xu's actions made Secretary Gao stand up in fright, and looked at the excited Old Xu in bewilderment.

Lin Tao smiled: "Mayor Xu, I followed your instructions. I cut first and then played. I beat that brother Dong first, and Director Zhong and the police wanted to shoot at me, so I crippled Director Zhong's hand." , Then the troops came and took them all away, that’s what happened.”

"Okay, good fight, such scum should have dictatorship over them long ago—by the way, follow my instructions, when will I instruct you." The old man asked puzzled.

"Didn't you just say that they should all be shot? I understand that."

"You, you—how can I have that right!" Old Xu was annoyed.Secretary Gao became even more annoyed when he saw the two singing in unison, and couldn't help saying: "What right does the army have to detain the Xiliang City Public Security Bureau Chief? Shooting and killing people in the street is simply a bandit.”

Lin Tao sneered, "You said that."

"What did I say?"

"Then I have reason to think that you are the umbrella behind Brother Dong and Director Zhong of the underworld gang." Lin Tao said seriously.Secretary Gao was also dizzy with anger. He was pointed at the nose by a young man under 30 years old, and hit him with fire. He also forgot their identities, and raised his hand to Lin Tao as his mouth.

"Pa——" There was a crisp sound, and Lin Tao covered his face and glared at Secretary Gao, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Your dignified secretary of the municipal party committee is actually openly protecting the underworld and beating up the deputy mayor." The corners of Lin Tao's mouth also started to bleed. In fact, Lin Tao wasn't beaten at all, but Secretary Gao got a real slap, but Lin Tao saw that the corners of Secretary Gao's mouth were bleeding , bit his cheek, squeezed out some blood, and then accused Secretary Gao with a look of righteous indignation.At this time, many people came to the mayor's office, first the mayor's secretary, then the secretary general, and several deputy mayors, because the mayor Xu's mug throwing just now was too loud.

Everyone saw such a scene. Mayor Xu was angrily supporting the table, and there was broken glass on the ground. Lin Tao covered his face and angrily accused Secretary Gao, with blood still dripping from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were straightened, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. He didn't know if he was beaten or bitten angrily.

Lin Tao reached out too fast just now, and Secretary Gao made the first move. Mayor Xu didn't see Lin Tao reach out at all, thinking that the noise was caused by Secretary Gao's mouth on Lin Tao.

"Comrade Gao Bogu, as a secretary of the municipal party committee, it is shameful for you to beat people with your own hands. I want to ask the organization to punish you and convene the standing committee immediately."

"You——you—" Secretary Gao turned blue, and the secretary-general yelled that he was not good. Secretary Gao had a heart attack. After a while, Secretary Gao slowed down and was taken away by the ambulance. Mayor Xu and Lin Tao also followed. Mayor Xu instructed the dean to take good care of Secretary Gao.

On the way back, Mayor Xu invited Lin Tao to be the same car, and smiled wryly at Lin Tao: "Deputy Mayor Lin, you are too impulsive. I am an old man who is going home for the elderly. I am not afraid of anything, but you still have great benefits." What a bright future—" Mayor Xu told Lin Tao some secrets.Lin Tao was also taken aback.It turned out that not only Director Zhong was Secretary Gao's brother-in-law, but also a retired national leader in the capital was Secretary Gao's father-in-law.

Before reaching the gate of the city hall, Mayor Xu received a call. The gate of the city hall was blocked by 300 people, and a long banner was hung up under the banner of murder for life. There were old, weak, sick and disabled in the demonstrators. The police can only maintain order passively.

"Something went wrong. That Liao Wendong's subordinates instigated people to besiege the city government. This matter is a bit tricky."

"Mayor Xu, I think this is a good time to crack down on the underworld organization known as the Small Knife Society," Lin Tao laughed.

"You mean to draw the bottom line, yes, that's a good idea, let's go directly to the Municipal Public Security Bureau." Mayor Xu was very happy, as if he participated in the self-defense counterattack back then, his blood began to boil.

In the file room of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, there are still a lot of information about the Small Knife Club. Although Director Zhong was dragged into the water, there are still comrades from the Public Security Bureau secretly investigating Liao Wendong, and they know everything about Liao Wendong's property.This person is Captain Chen of the criminal police team, because his brother-in-law died of taking drugs in Liao Wendong's karaoke hall the year before last, but in the end it was found to be unsubstantiated. Evidence, now the opportunity has come. When Mayor Xu and Deputy Mayor Lin announced the investigation of the Small Knife Society, Captain Chen was extremely excited, and handed the data collected in the past three years to the two mayors. Mayor Xu was full of anger. Trembling, the old man said angrily: "I didn't expect there to be such a crazy person in Xiliang, we must not let a bad person go."

In the information collected by Captain Chen, there are more than 20 homicide cases related to the knife society, loan sharks, forced prostitution, and drug trafficking are even more common.

Secretary Shen of the Politics and Law Committee said: "This matter must be reported to the provincial department. Only by characterizing the small knife society as a gangster can we intensify the crackdown, because according to the data, this small knife society is spread all over the northwest. Our move may have stabbed a hornet's nest. We must Only by taking action across the province can we achieve better results."

"Secretary Shen is right, then we will take a two-pronged approach to win the support of the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the provincial public security department, and we can't relax here," said Mayor Xu.Lin Tao groaned in his heart. Only after reading Captain Chen’s information just now did he realize that he had really stabbed a hornet’s nest, because Xiliang City is only a branch of the Small Knife Society, but one-third of the business shops in the market are controlled by him, and those karaoke halls, dance halls and bathing pools are even more They dominate and have a complete underground force. The younger brother alone has five or six hundred numbers, and that's not counting those who follow and eat and mix.

Liao Wendong once said that he could call 2000 people with a single phone call. That’s not true. It’s just that the boss of Xiliang City went crazy. When he met Lin Tao who was eating raw rice, he shot him. Liao Wendong died. I couldn't believe that Lin Tao would shoot, he was extremely aggrieved and unwilling to die.

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