Jagged city

Chapter 127 Ruthless

Jagged City - Chapter 120 Seven Ruthless

Lin Tao walked back along the shore, another icy killing intent came over him, and Lin Tao subconsciously jumped off the slope of the dam. ╚ ?^╝

"Bang!" A bullet shot into the river, and Lin Tao had already seen the guy with the black gun behind a poplar tree 30 meters away, holding a briefcase in his left hand as cover, and wearing sunglasses.Seeing Lin Tao dodging inconceivably, he was very surprised, then threw away the briefcase and shot directly.


This shot hit the empty space again, Lin Tao was five feet away from the bullet, it was impossible, how could he outpace the bullet, this unbelievers fired two more shots.The bullet still hit the empty space.Lin Tao turned into an afterimage in an S-shape, and the killer ran over.Although it was already dark, Lin Tao could clearly see the astonished face, the black muzzle of the gun, and the constantly moving fingers. Come on, when the bullet flew out, Lin Tao had already deviated from the shooting route. From the killer's point of view, why couldn't he hit anyone after he fired the gun?The shock at the beginning had turned into panic, and he turned and ran. The killer ran five steps and turned around abruptly. He had practiced this movement for two years, and he tried it repeatedly when he was being hunted down.The one who can definitely hit the pursuer in an instant.But when he turned around, leaned back, and pointed the gun in the direction of Lin Tao's pursuit, he didn't see anyone at all.

'Damn it! 'This is the killer's sudden thought. The killer leans his head back and his waist up, and he is about to perform a backflip. This is a continuous movement of turning around and shooting. After the backflip, he can land steadily. Dead opponents can still run.

However, how could he see a person standing beside him with his head tilted back? It was indeed a ghost.This is what the killer thinks.

"Brother, don't dodge your waist, why are the black lights doing somersaults?" Lin Tao said with a mouthful of white teeth, the killer flew backwards in the air, and then fell directly to the ground.

"Just three meters away from me, no matter if you are a man or a ghost, you will never be able to hide." The moment the killer lay on the ground, he seemed to raise his hand and shoot, but his arm seemed to be unconscious and didn't move?Sure enough, hell, this **** is a ghost!Why can't I move.The killer couldn't move his limbs, body, and head. Lin Tao's smile was so terrifying in the killer's eyes.

"Are you a human, or a ghost?" the killer asked in horror.

"Tell me the ins and outs of the matter, otherwise this pain will last all night." Lin Tao floated to his side in the killer's eyes, but he opened his mouth but couldn't speak. Lin Tao's hand seemed to slide over the killer's arm, and the killer suddenly felt his arm The muscles on his body hurt as if torn, and the nerves seemed to be pierced by several needle points. The killer's face was deformed by the pain, and he could not cry out, his body was in constant convulsions, and the high-frequency small amplitude was slight. Shaking, but not moving.Every second of this pain is as long as a century, and the century has no end.

"It feels good!" Lin Tao tapped the acupoints to make his arm lose sensation, and at the same time unlocked the dumb acupoints.

"Ah!" The killer just wanted to let out a long cry to express his feeling of severe pain, but unexpectedly, the voice stopped abruptly, and the severe pain in his arm came again.Splitting tendons and bones is definitely the torture of torture. This technique, untying the bone ring and staggering the fascia, skin and flesh, makes people feel unbearably painful, and the pain is continuous.Lin Tao relieved the killer's pain again, and if it took a long time, he would pass out from the pain.

"I only give you one chance to speak up and tell the whole story. Breaking rules will keep you hurting." Lin Tao opened the Ya point, and the killer groaned, looking extremely painful, but he lost feeling in his arm and the pain disappeared. .But he didn't want to suffer this inhuman pain again.

"Let me tell you all. I used to belong to the Xiliang Small Knife Club. Dong Ge's subordinates are known as the best swordsmen and guns. The one with the knife was brought down by you. It was Dong Ge's wife Huang Limei who contacted me last week. I spent 200 million Buy your life. Only the two of us found a chance today." The killer said vigorously.

"Where is Huang Limei?"

"I really don't know. The woman Dongge disappeared on the day she died. I haven't seen her before. They are always on the phone, one new number at a time. She called me directly. The bank card is in my pocket, and the password It's 787877, and there are 500 million in total, Mayor Lin, please spare me." Killers are also afraid of death, and when they kill others, they are happy, and others are also afraid of killing him.The killer thought to himself, what the hell, why is the mayor so powerful, if his mother knew this, I wouldn't dare to come if I was killed.

Lin Tao figured that another person would come to give money, which was unavoidable, so he secretly sealed more than a dozen acupoints of this person with air needles, and then reset them with his arm.You transfer money to this account tomorrow morning, and Lin Tao writes down an account number on the killer's mobile phone. This account is used for transferring overseas funds through the ID card of the second uncle Jin Xin. Unexpectedly, it will be used again today.Go back to the river at seven o'clock tomorrow night and sit here for half an hour, and then run south along the embankment. If you don't do what I say, you won't survive tomorrow night at eight o'clock, remember.After Lin Tao finished speaking, he disappeared into the night. The killer stared blankly at Xiliang River, and couldn't help crying bitterly.Damn, scarier than ghosts, what kind of mayor is this!

The killer went in to transfer the money as soon as the bank opened the next day, and he was absolutely obedient. Last night, Lin Tao stretched out his hand unpredictablely, which made the killer suspect that Lin Tao could do sorcerer's tricks.If you say you can't move, you can't move. Lin Tao always uses Qi acupuncture on acupuncture points, which is invisible, which makes the killer feel extremely fearful.The killer was restless all day. He sat on the spot where Lin Tao put him down on time at seven o'clock in the evening, and spent half an hour watching his watch. fine.The killer couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said in his heart, it wasn't the mayor who fooled me, I was so dizzy!The killer suddenly became dizzy and fell off the embankment and rolled into the river.The next day, a floating corpse appeared in the lower reaches of the Xiliang River. The old man who was fishing found it. He was almost frightened to death.In the end, it was determined that the unnamed migrant worker was a migrant worker, and nothing happened.

Lin Tao clicked on the killer's secret hole and made the guy run wildly. He fainted due to a secret injury. In fact, he was already brain dead when he fell into the river. Lin Tao never thought of leaving a way for this man to survive.Is it possible to let the killer go and let him continue to kill in the future? Lin Tao is absolutely merciless when dealing with this kind of bad guy who has had a murder case.The man who used the knife in the hospital woke up at noon the next day and kicked his legs at night.The national security personnel breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they recorded a statement, first reported it to their superiors, and then reported it to Lin Tao. The statement given to the person who fell into the river was basically the same.Lin Tao felt a little regretful that he didn't get the killer's money out, and it was probably indispensable.With this 500 million, it is enough to set up a small-scale orphanage in Xiliang.

Whenever there is a shortage of money, someone will send money. Lin Tao can't help secretly proud when holding an office meeting.

Mayor Xu thought that Lin Tao was in the process of solving the problem of the electronics factory, so he smiled at Lin Tao and said:

"Mayor Lin, the vice president of Huaxiang Group is here to inspect the electronics factory. If you are free tomorrow at noon, you can show up at the reception banquet. I'm going to the province for a meeting."

"Okay, I will try my best to win him over and let the Huaxiang refrigerator branch factory settle in Xiliang."

The other deputy mayors did not dare to underestimate Lin Tao any more. It is obvious to all that Lin Tao can sort out the situation of such a big mess in the electronics factory and buy it out smoothly.Facts speak louder than words.

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