Jagged city

Chapter 129 The Violence in Mutton Alley

Jagged City - Chapter 120 The Violent Incident in Mutton Alley

The Xiliang Mutton Alley is no more than a kilometer long and no more than six meters wide, but it is the busiest snack street in Xiliang. Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and various religions and elites rush into the Mutton Hutong in the midday sun. Lin Tao and Xiao Qin have not yet Entering the alley, you can smell the rich meat aroma, which can not help but whet your appetite. 1卍1 Lin Tao only drank a bowl of porridge in the morning, and he was a little hungry at the moment, and swallowed his saliva smelling the fragrance.He said to Xiao Qin:

"Sure enough, it's a good place to go, but the streets are narrow." Lin Tao looked at the Mutton Alley, not to mention driving in, it's hard to push a bicycle now.

"Well, the snacks here have been passed down for more than 100 years. It is said that at the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was a snack street. Now there are small restaurants on both sides of the street, all of which are rebuilt from the original houses. There are also street stalls outside. Unique feature. Selling snacks at the door of other people’s restaurants is considered Xiliang’s unique feature.” Xiao Qin explained to Lin Tao.

Lin Tao nodded and followed Xiao Qin into the mutton alley. The mutton alley is characterized by the smell of meat and the crowds. The master chef is wearing a white towel with a wool belly on his head and sleeves, and is stirring the steaming cauldron with an iron spoon. Then pour the soup and water into a large bowl with broken buns, sprinkle some chives or something, and the eager people next to them took the big bowls one by one, and there were two sitting small Bench, the other five or six were squatting at the base of the wall holding a big bowl of Xili Hulu and started to eat.This mutton steamed bun is a special snack. Lin Tao ate it in the government cafeteria when he came to Xiliang. Although it is famous, it doesn't suit Lin Tao's taste.It was still the roasted golden leg of lamb, the lamb stewed in a big pot that attracted Lin Tao.There were too many people outside. Lin Tao and Xiao Qin searched three small restaurants before finding an empty table, and it was in a small courtyard. There were no vacant seats in the room, and some people were still waiting for their number!

The two ordered two bowls of stewed pork, one grilled lamb chops, and two grilled steamed buns. Lin Tao seldom drank alcohol and had to go to Xiguan County to inspect a dairy farm in the afternoon, so he didn't want any drinks.The two were also hungry and the food was delicious.Two students walked into the small courtyard, seeing that there were still two seats at Lin Tao's table, they walked over timidly, wanting to ask but didn't dare to.

Lin Tao said first, "Come on, there are vacant seats, sit here."

"Thank you!" The two students were about to sit here, and another person came in from the small courtyard, each with raised eyebrows.

"Have you finished eating? Give me a place for you guys." While talking, he pulled people away. The people who were eating saw that these people were not serious, so they left their seats one after another. Lin Tao could see clearly that each of the eight people had to occupy one place. A table, this is to make trouble.The buttocks of the two students had just touched the chairs, and when they saw the color change of these people, they must have known these people.He lowered his voice and said, "Let's go!"

The two students left in a hurry. Although the nine of them were all dressed in sleek and slippery clothes, they looked like gangsters. One of them walked up to Lin Tao, took a look, and didn't directly make a fuss, because Lin Tao and Xiao Qin They were all wearing brand-name suits, and both of them were in their thirties, but they were very imposing when they sat there.The gangster also had a wink, and directly avoided Lin Tao's table, and ran to the next table for two people. The gangster just put his hand on the table, and the four people at the table took out their meal money and put it on the table, and left voluntarily.

"Boss Ma, business is booming!" A 26-year-old man in a leather jacket strode into the door of the small restaurant, followed by four people.Sitting in the small courtyard, Lin Tao and Xiao Qin could clearly see the situation in the restaurant. A young master chef came out from inside, holding a long iron spoon in his hand, dripping soup continuously. The chef looked at the five people angrily, and then looked at the small courtyard in front of the door. He saw that there were only two guests at Lin Tao's table left in the courtyard, and the other 20 or so people were cleared away. There were two people who were smoking in Lin Tao's table, as if they wanted to drive Lin Tao away with sharp eyes.

"Zhao Wu, what do you mean, what do you want to do by driving away all my guests?" the young chef said angrily.

"Boss Ma, you have to give your brothers a bowl of soup even if you eat meat, isn't it? It's not easy for the brothers to keep one side safe. It's time for this month's share to be handed over, right?" .

"You are not a business, and you are not a national tax, why should I give you money—"

"San'er, give them the money." A woman in her 50s pulled the chef and said, with a look of horror on her face, she seemed to be the chef's mother.

"Look, my aunt is so reasonable. In the whole mutton alley, Boss Ma doesn't open his face. Everyone else is watching. Today, my brother personally visited, so Boss Ma has to show some face. 'Ah!" Zhao Wu sneered for a while.

"Hahaha——" Chef Ma San laughed angrily.Zhao Wu and the others looked at the chef with fierce faces.Ma San laughed, and continued:

"Zhao Wu! I haven't been at home for eight years, but you are showing off your power in the Mutton Alley. I don't know if you took money from here before. I heard from my mother that you have taken away a total of 10 in recent years. Yuan, I was just about to ask you for it, but you scared me away during the anti-crime campaign earlier, since you are here today, I should return the money."

The veins popped up on Zhao Wu's forehead, his face turned blue, and he sneered, "Ma San, I thought you had been a soldier for eight years, you were promising, and you were an officer outside, but I didn't expect you to be a pauper after taking off your green skin , since returning to Xiliang to inherit the business from the father, we must abide by the rules of Xiliang."

"You fucking say one more thing—" Ma San blood poured into his pupils, and was about to charge forward, but was stopped by his mother and wife, who pulled their arms and hugged their waists.Lin Tao could hear clearly from the outside. It seemed that Zhao Wu was a soldier who had just recovered.

"Three, three—you can't cause trouble!" Ma San's mother was about to cry in fright, worried that her son would be hurt by impulsiveness. It seemed that Zhao Wu had been rampant in the village for a long time, and he was very powerful.

Zhao Wu was scolded by Ma San, his face turned black, and the four boys behind wanted to reach out to hit someone, but Zhao Wu stopped him.Zhao Wu said with a smile: "Boss Ma has a really bad temper. I think you will be covered by dark clouds, and there will be bloody disasters within three days. If you want your family to be safe, you'd better go bankrupt and avoid disaster."

"Zhao Wu, who the hell are you threatening? Liao Wendong has been kicked out. You are a little dog, and you can still dance for a few days. Don't think that your brother is the director of the police station and can cover you, the underworld. Believe it or not, I will sue you." Municipal government, let both of you go in." Ma San's mouth was also unforgiving, and Zhao Wu's old story was exposed in a few words.

"You - good, good, you have kindness!" Zhao Wu's face became a little distorted. Unexpectedly, Zhao Wu was head-on and swearing. When seeing him in small businesses in the past few years, which one is not respectful? It was the first time for someone to point their noses and scold. He originally wanted to do something behind his back, but he was so angry that he couldn't help it.The rattling sound of bone joints.Seeing that the old man was not good enough, the four behind him rushed over and shook their fists at Ma San.

With an iron spoon in his hand, Ma San had a fiery temper that didn't hurt him, so he swung it immediately.

"Crack!" The iron spoon hit a gangster's head directly.The gangster screamed and hit the table next to him.The second gangster kicked Ma San in the stomach, and Ma San kicked backwards. Ma San's mother was brought to the ground, and his daughter-in-law backed away in panic.Another gangster kicked Ma San in the chest. Ma San couldn't help but backed up, knocked down a table, leaned back, and pressed one hand on the bar without falling.

Ma San roared angrily, and swung the iron spoon away. The two gangsters who came forward were hit on the arms respectively.Ma San didn't rush up, but stood in front of him with an iron spoon, knowing that he might be stabbed if he rushed up.He didn't move and someone moved. The uninjured gangster picked up a stool and threw it at Ma San.Although the iron spoon was long, it couldn't stop the hardwood stool. The stool hit Ma San's arm, and Ma San grunted.When the three of them went up, they kicked Ma San to the ground.

"Don't move the knife." Zhao Wu shouted from behind.The three gangsters held the dagger and didn't stab it down, but the leather shoes kept kicking Ma San's body.

"Stop beating—stop beating—" cried the mare.

In the small courtyard, Lin Tao took out his mobile phone and started making calls.

"You idiot, don't call!" Two gangsters rushed over ferociously and wanted to grab the phone.Xiao Qin grabbed the gangster's arm, threw the gangster to the ground with a flick of his arm, raised his foot and kicked the other gangster flying.

"Mobee, you dare to do it!" The other two gangsters also rushed over.

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